# Filters
Values such as those obtained from variables can be post-processed
using **filters**.
Filters are applied to values using the pipe symbol (`|`) and may
have optional extra arguments in parentheses.
Note that the pipe symbol must not be surrounded by spaces;
otherwise, it will be interpreted as the `BitOr` operator.
Filters can be chained, in which case the output from one filter
is passed to the next.
{{ "HELLO"|lower }}
Askama has a collection of built-in filters, documented below, but can also include custom filters.
Additionally, the `json` and `yaml` filters are included in the built-in filters,
but are disabled by default. Enable them with Cargo features (see below for more information).
**Table of contents**
* **[Built-in filters][#built-in-filters]:**
* **[Optional / feature gated filters][#optional-filters]:**
* **[Custom filters][#custom-filters]**
## Built-In Filters
[#built-in-filters]: #built-in-filters
### abs
[#abs]: #abs
Returns the absolute value.
{{ -2|abs }}
### as_ref
[#as_ref]: #as_ref
Creates a reference to the given argument.
{{ "a"|as_ref }}
{{ self.x|as_ref }}
will become:
### capitalize
[#capitalize]: #capitalize
Capitalize a value. The first character will be uppercase, all others lowercase:
{{ "hello"|capitalize }}
### center
[#center]: #center
Centers the value in a field of a given width:
-{{ "a"|center(5) }}-
- a -
### escape | e
[#escape]: #escape--e
Escapes HTML characters in strings:
{{ "Escape <>&"|e }}
Escape <>&
Optionally, it is possible to specify and override which escaper is used.
Consider a template where the escaper is configured as [`escape = "none"`].
However, somewhere escaping using the HTML escaper is desired.
Then it is possible to override and use the HTML escaper like this:
{{ "Don't Escape <>&"|escape }}
{{ "Don't Escape <>&"|e }}
{{ "Escape <>&"|escape("html") }}
{{ "Escape <>&"|e("html") }}
Don't Escape <>&
Don't Escape <>&
Escape <>&
Escape <>&
[`escape = "none"`]: creating_templates.html#the-template-attribute
### filesizeformat
[#filesizeformat]: #filesizeformat
Returns adequate string representation (in KB, ..) of number of bytes:
{{ 1000|filesizeformat }}
1 KB
### format
[#format]: #format
Formats arguments according to the specified format.
The first argument to this filter must be a string literal (as in normal Rust).
All arguments are passed through to the `format!()` macro by the Askama code generator.
{{ "{:?}"|format(var) }}
### indent
[#indent]: #indent
Indent newlines with width spaces.
{{ "hello\nfoo\nbar"|indent(4) }}
### join
[#join]: #join
Joins iterable into a string separated by provided argument.
array = &["foo", "bar", "bazz"]
{{ array|join(", ") }}
foo, bar, bazz
### linebreaks
[#linebreaks]: #linebreaks
Replaces line breaks in plain text with appropriate HTML.
A single newline becomes an HTML line break `<br>` and a new line followed by a blank line becomes a paragraph break `<p>`.
{{ "hello\nworld\n\nfrom\naskama"|linebreaks }}
<p>hello<br />world</p><p>from<br />askama</p>
### linebreaksbr
[#linebreaksbr]: #linebreaksbr
Converts all newlines in a piece of plain text to HTML line breaks.
{{ "hello\nworld\n\nfrom\naskama"|linebreaks }}
hello<br />world<br /><br />from<br />askama
### paragraphbreaks
[#paragraphbreaks]: #paragraphbreaks
A new line followed by a blank line becomes `<p>`, but, unlike `linebreaks`, single new lines are ignored and no `<br/>` tags are generated.
Consecutive double line breaks will be reduced down to a single paragraph break.
This is useful in contexts where changing single line breaks to line break tags would interfere with other HTML elements, such as lists and nested `<div>` tags.
{{ "hello\nworld\n\nfrom\n\n\n\naskama"|paragraphbreaks }}
### lower | lowercase
[#lower]: #lower--lowercase
Converts to lowercase.
{{ "HELLO"|lower }}
### safe
[#safe]: #safe
Marks a string (or other Display type) as safe. By default all strings are escaped according to the format.
{{ "<p>I'm Safe</p>"|safe }}
<p>I'm Safe</p>
### trim
[#trim]: #trim
Strip leading and trailing whitespace.
{{ " hello "|trim }}
### truncate
[#truncate]: #truncate
Limit string length, appends '...' if truncated.
{{ "hello"|truncate(2) }}
### upper | uppercase
[#upper]: #upper--uppercase
Converts to uppercase.
{{ "hello"|upper }}
### wordcount
[#wordcount]: #wordcount
Count the words in that string.
{{ "askama is sort of cool"|wordcount }}
## Optional / feature gated filters
[#optional-filters]: #optional--feature-gated-filters
The following filters can be enabled by requesting the respective feature in the Cargo.toml
[dependencies section](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/specifying-dependencies.html), e.g.
askama = { version = "0.11.2", features = "serde-json" }
### `json` | `tojson`
[#json]: #json--tojson
Enabling the `serde-json` feature will enable the use of the `json` filter.
This will output formatted JSON for any value that implements the required
[`Serialize`](https://docs.rs/serde/1.*/serde/trait.Serialize.html) trait.
The generated string does not contain ampersands `&`, chevrons `< >`, or apostrophes `'`.
To use it in a `<script>` you can combine it with the safe filter.
In HTML attributes, you can either use it in quotation marks `"{{data|json}}"` as is,
or in apostrophes with the (optional) safe filter `'{{data|json|safe}}'`.
In HTML texts the output of e.g. `<pre>{{data|json|safe}}</pre>` is safe, too.
Good: <li data-extra="{{data|json}}">…</li>
Good: <li data-extra='{{data|json|safe}}'>…</li>
Good: <pre>{{data|json|safe}}</pre>
Good: <script>var data = {{data|json|safe}};</script>
Bad: <li data-extra="{{data|json|safe}}">…</li>
Bad: <script>var data = {{data|json}};</script>
Bad: <script>var data = "{{data|json|safe}}";</script>
Ugly: <script>var data = "{{data|json}}";</script>
Ugly: <script>var data = '{{data|json|safe}}';</script>
### `markdown`
[#markdown]: #markdown
Enabling the `markdown` feature will enable the use of the `markdown` filter.
This will render a value using a [GitHub flavored CommonMark](https://docs.rs/comrak/0.14.*/comrak/) syntax.
By default the extensions “autolink”, “strikethrough”, “tagfilter”, and “table” are enabled.
Any raw HTML gets escaped.
{{ "**<i>Hello</i>, world!**"|markdown }}
<p><strong><i>Hello</i>, world!</strong></p>
You can change the default settings by supplying [custom options][ComrakRenderOptions], e.g. to enable unsafe raw HTML.
You can find a usage example in our [unit tests][markdown-tests].
[ComrakRenderOptions]: https://docs.rs/comrak/0.12.*/comrak/struct.ComrakRenderOptions.html
[markdown-tests]: https://github.com/djc/askama/blob/5748c357d435b24848d1571df010d777859fede9/testing/tests/markdown.rs#L36-L75
### `yaml`
[#yaml]: #yaml
Enabling the `serde-yaml` feature will enable the use of the `yaml` filter.
This will output formatted YAML for any value that implements the required
[`Serialize`](https://docs.rs/serde/1.*/serde/trait.Serialize.html) trait.
{{ foo|yaml }}
## Custom Filters
[#custom-filters]: #custom-filters
To define your own filters, simply have a module named `filters` in scope of the context deriving a `Template` impl
and define the filters as functions within this module.
The functions must have at least one argument and the return type must be `::askama::Result<T>`.
Although there are no restrictions on `T` for a single filter,
the final result of a chain of filters must implement `Display`.
The arguments to the filters are passed as follows.
The first argument corresponds to the expression they are applied to.
Subsequent arguments, if any, must be given directly when calling the filter.
The first argument may or may not be a reference, depending on the context in which the filter is called.
To abstract over ownership, consider defining your argument as a trait bound.
For example, the `trim` built-in filter accepts any value implementing `Display`.
Its signature is similar to `fn trim(s: impl std::fmt::Display) -> ::askama::Result<String>`.
Note that built-in filters have preference over custom filters, so, in case of name collision, the built-in filter is applied.
### Examples
Implementing a filter that replaces all instances of `"oo"` for `"aa"`.
use askama::Template;
#[template(source = "{{ s|myfilter }}", ext = "txt")]
struct MyFilterTemplate<'a> {
s: &'a str,
// Any filter defined in the module `filters` is accessible in your template.
mod filters {
// This filter does not have extra arguments
pub fn myfilter<T: std::fmt::Display>(s: T) -> ::askama::Result<String> {
let s = s.to_string();
Ok(s.replace("oo", "aa"))
fn main() {
let t = MyFilterTemplate { s: "foo" };
assert_eq!(t.render().unwrap(), "faa");
Implementing a filter that replaces all instances of `"oo"` for `n` times `"a"`.
use askama::Template;
#[template(source = "{{ s|myfilter(4) }}", ext = "txt")]
struct MyFilterTemplate<'a> {
s: &'a str,
// Any filter defined in the module `filters` is accessible in your template.
mod filters {
// This filter requires a `usize` input when called in templates
pub fn myfilter<T: std::fmt::Display>(s: T, n: usize) -> ::askama::Result<String> {
let s = s.to_string();
let mut replace = String::with_capacity(n);
replace.extend((0..n).map(|_| "a"));
Ok(s.replace("oo", &replace))
fn main() {
let t = MyFilterTemplate { s: "foo" };
assert_eq!(t.render().unwrap(), "faaaa");