# Filters
Values such as those obtained from variables can be post-processed
using **filters**.
Filters are applied to values using the pipe symbol (`|`) and may
have optional extra arguments in parentheses.
Note that the pipe symbol must not be surrounded by spaces;
otherwise, it will be interpreted as the `BitOr` operator.
Filters can be chained, in which case the output from one filter
is passed to the next.
{{ "HELLO"|lower }}
Askama has a collection of built-in filters, documented below, but can also include custom filters.
Additionally, the `json` and `yaml` filters are included in the built-in filters,
but are disabled by default. Enable them with Cargo features (see below for more information).
**Table of contents**
* **[Built-in filters][#built-in-filters]:**
* **[Optional / feature gated filters][#optional-filters]:**
* **[Custom filters][#custom-filters]**
## Built-In Filters
[#built-in-filters]: #built-in-filters
### abs
[#abs]: #abs
Returns the absolute value.
{{ -2|abs }}
### as_ref
[#as_ref]: #as_ref
Creates a reference to the given argument.
{{ "a"|as_ref }}
{{ self.x|as_ref }}
will become:
### capitalize
[#capitalize]: #capitalize
Capitalize a value. The first character will be uppercase, all others lowercase:
{{ "hello"|capitalize }}
### center
[#center]: #center
Centers the value in a field of a given width:
-{{ "a"|center(5) }}-
- a -
### escape | e
[#escape]: #escape--e
Escapes HTML characters in strings:
{{ "Escape <>&"|e }}
Escape <>&
Optionally, it is possible to specify and override which escaper is used.
Consider a template where the escaper is configured as [`escape = "none"`].
However, somewhere escaping using the HTML escaper is desired.
Then it is possible to override and use the HTML escaper like this:
{{ "Don't Escape <>&"|escape }}
{{ "Don't Escape <>&"|e }}
{{ "Escape <>&"|escape("html") }}
{{ "Escape <>&"|e("html") }}
Don't Escape <>&
Don't Escape <>&
Escape <>&
Escape <>&
[`escape = "none"`]: creating_templates.html#the-template-attribute
### filesizeformat
[#filesizeformat]: #filesizeformat
Returns adequate string representation (in KB, ..) of number of bytes:
{{ 1000|filesizeformat }}
1 KB
### format
[#format]: #format
Formats arguments according to the specified format.
The first argument to this filter must be a string literal (as in normal Rust).
All arguments are passed through to the `format!()` macro by the Askama code generator.
{{ "{:?}"|format(var) }}
### indent
[#indent]: #indent
Indent newlines with width spaces.
{{ "hello\nfoo\nbar"|indent(4) }}
### join
[#join]: #join
Joins iterable into a string separated by provided argument.
array = &["foo", "bar", "bazz"]
{{ array|join(", ") }}
foo, bar, bazz
### linebreaks
[#linebreaks]: #linebreaks
Replaces line breaks in plain text with appropriate HTML.
A single newline becomes an HTML line break `
` and a new line followed by a blank line becomes a paragraph break `
`. ``` {{ "hello\nworld\n\nfrom\naskama"|linebreaks }} ``` Output: ```
`, but, unlike `linebreaks`, single new lines are ignored and no `
` tags are generated.
Consecutive double line breaks will be reduced down to a single paragraph break.
This is useful in contexts where changing single line breaks to line break tags would interfere with other HTML elements, such as lists and nested `
``` ### lower | lowercase [#lower]: #lower--lowercase Converts to lowercase. ``` {{ "HELLO"|lower }} ``` Output: ``` hello ``` ### safe [#safe]: #safe Marks a string (or other Display type) as safe. By default all strings are escaped according to the format. ``` {{ "I'm Safe
"|safe }} ``` Output: ```I'm Safe
``` ### trim [#trim]: #trim Strip leading and trailing whitespace. ``` {{ " hello "|trim }} ``` Output: ``` hello ``` ### truncate [#truncate]: #truncate Limit string length, appends '...' if truncated. ``` {{ "hello"|truncate(2) }} ``` Output: ``` he... ``` ### upper | uppercase [#upper]: #upper--uppercase Converts to uppercase. ``` {{ "hello"|upper }} ``` Output: ``` HELLO ``` ### wordcount [#wordcount]: #wordcount Count the words in that string. ``` {{ "askama is sort of cool"|wordcount }} ``` Output: ``` 5 ``` ## Optional / feature gated filters [#optional-filters]: #optional--feature-gated-filters The following filters can be enabled by requesting the respective feature in the Cargo.toml [dependencies section](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/specifying-dependencies.html), e.g. ``` [dependencies] askama = { version = "0.11.2", features = "serde-json" } ``` ### `json` | `tojson` [#json]: #json--tojson Enabling the `serde-json` feature will enable the use of the `json` filter. This will output formatted JSON for any value that implements the required [`Serialize`](https://docs.rs/serde/1.*/serde/trait.Serialize.html) trait. The generated string does not contain ampersands `&`, chevrons `< >`, or apostrophes `'`. To use it in a ` Bad:<i>Hello</i>, world!
``` You can change the default settings by supplying [custom options][ComrakRenderOptions], e.g. to enable unsafe raw HTML. You can find a usage example in our [unit tests][markdown-tests]. [ComrakRenderOptions]: https://docs.rs/comrak/0.12.*/comrak/struct.ComrakRenderOptions.html [markdown-tests]: https://github.com/djc/askama/blob/5748c357d435b24848d1571df010d777859fede9/testing/tests/markdown.rs#L36-L75 ### `yaml` [#yaml]: #yaml Enabling the `serde-yaml` feature will enable the use of the `yaml` filter. This will output formatted YAML for any value that implements the required [`Serialize`](https://docs.rs/serde/1.*/serde/trait.Serialize.html) trait. ```jinja {{ foo|yaml }} ``` ## Custom Filters [#custom-filters]: #custom-filters To define your own filters, simply have a module named `filters` in scope of the context deriving a `Template` impl and define the filters as functions within this module. The functions must have at least one argument and the return type must be `::askama::Result