path: root/rust/src
diff options
authorLibravatar IcECreAm777 <31211782+IcECreAm777@users.noreply.github.com>2022-07-16 21:12:23 +0200
committerLibravatar IcECreAm777 <31211782+IcECreAm777@users.noreply.github.com>2022-07-16 21:12:23 +0200
commit9a750a6688ad923d990d11dc464f783210b50678 (patch)
tree90d7658c5e6173946bfb89c46d2cd43fd3f9bf90 /rust/src
parent9c061b9997d0add3298b1230426dd7332b91420f (diff)
parentf561a1f69d5fda68e0a23ab04f448e9364b2968c (diff)
Merge branch 'BuffSystem' into GoalPost
Diffstat (limited to 'rust/src')
7 files changed, 451 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/rust/src/basic_die.rs b/rust/src/basic_die.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbcccc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/src/basic_die.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+use std::borrow::Borrow;
+use gdnative::api::*;
+use gdnative::prelude::*;
+use crate::buff_trait::Buff;
+use crate::buff_ball::BuffBall;
+use crate::buff_bounce::BuffBounce;
+use crate::buff_phase::BuffPhase;
+use crate::buff_extra::BuffExtra;
+/// the input state for the player
+enum InputState {
+ Default,
+ Shooting,
+ Moving
+type SpatialRef = Option<Ref<Spatial>>;
+/// the basic die used by the player
+pub struct BasicDie {
+ #[property(path="camera/camera_clamp")]
+ camera_clamp: Vector2,
+ #[property(path="shooting/max_force")]
+ max_force: f32,
+ #[property(path="shooting/up_angle")]
+ up_angle: f32,
+ #[property(path="shooting/stopping_velocity")]
+ stopping_velocity: f32,
+ #[property(path="shooting/stopping_min_milliseconds")]
+ stopping_min_ms: i64,
+ #[property(path="input/camera_mouse_sensitivity")]
+ mouse_sensitivity: Vector2,
+ #[property(path="input/shoot_sensitivity")]
+ shoot_sensitivity: f32,
+ #[property(path="input/current_buff_index")]
+ current_buff_index: i32,
+ all_buffs: [Option<Box<dyn Buff>>; 5],
+ input_state: InputState,
+ current_force: f32,
+ last_shot_time: i64,
+ action_shooting: String,
+ node_die: SpatialRef,
+ node_camera_root: SpatialRef,
+ node_camera_arm_horizontal: SpatialRef,
+ node_camera_arm_vertical: SpatialRef,
+ node_camera: SpatialRef,
+impl BasicDie {
+ // Register the builder for methods, properties and/or signals.
+ fn register_builder(_builder: &ClassBuilder<Self>) {
+ godot_print!("BasicDie builder is registered!");
+ }
+ fn new(_owner: &Spatial) -> Self {
+ BasicDie {
+ camera_clamp: Vector2 { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 },
+ max_force: 0.0,
+ up_angle: 5.0,
+ stopping_velocity: 0.0,
+ stopping_min_ms: 1000,
+ mouse_sensitivity: Vector2 { x: 1.0, y: 1.0 },
+ shoot_sensitivity: 1.0,
+ current_buff_index: 0,
+ all_buffs: [None, None, None, None, None],
+ input_state: InputState::Default,
+ current_force: 0.0,
+ last_shot_time: 0,
+ action_shooting: String::from("mouse_btn_left"),
+ node_die: None,
+ node_camera_root: None,
+ node_camera_arm_horizontal: None,
+ node_camera_arm_vertical: None,
+ node_camera: None,
+ }
+ }
+ #[export]
+ unsafe fn _ready(&mut self, owner: &Spatial) {
+ Input::godot_singleton().set_mouse_mode(Input::MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED);
+ owner.set_physics_process(true);
+ self.last_shot_time = OS::godot_singleton().get_ticks_msec();
+ let search_node = | parent: &SpatialRef, name: String | {
+ let parent_node = match parent {
+ Some(node) => node.assume_safe().as_ref(),
+ None => owner
+ };
+ match parent_node.get_node(NodePath::from_str(&name)) {
+ None => { godot_warn!("Could not find {}.", name); None },
+ Some(node) => {
+ let save_node = node.assume_safe();
+ match save_node.cast::<Spatial>() {
+ None => { godot_warn!("{} was not of type 'Spatial'.", name); None },
+ Some(casted) => Some(casted.claim())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // look for the camera and arm nodes
+ self.node_camera_root = search_node(&None, String::from("Camera"));
+ self.node_camera_arm_horizontal = search_node(&self.node_camera_root, String::from("CameraArmHorizontal"));
+ self.node_camera_arm_vertical = search_node(&self.node_camera_arm_horizontal, String::from("CameraArmVertical"));
+ self.node_camera = search_node(&self.node_camera_arm_vertical, String::from("Camera"));
+ godot_print!("{:?}", self.node_camera_root);
+ godot_print!("{:?}", self.node_camera_arm_horizontal);
+ godot_print!("{:?}", self.node_camera_arm_vertical);
+ godot_print!("{:?}", self.node_camera);
+ self.node_die = search_node(&None, String::from("W8"));
+ let die = match self.node_die {
+ None => { godot_warn!("No W8 assigned."); return; },
+ Some(node) =>
+ match node.assume_safe().cast::<RigidBody>() {
+ None => { godot_warn!("W8 is not a RigidBody."); return; },
+ Some(rb) => rb.claim()
+ }
+ };
+ self.all_buffs = [
+ None,
+ Some(Box::new(BuffBall ::new(Box::new(die)))),
+ Some(Box::new(BuffBounce::new(Box::new(die)))),
+ Some(Box::new(BuffPhase ::new(Box::new(die)))),
+ Some(Box::new(BuffExtra ::new())),
+ ];
+ godot_print!("Current Buff: {}", self.current_buff_index);
+ godot_print!("Player is ready");
+ }
+ #[export]
+ unsafe fn _physics_process(&mut self, _owner: &Spatial, _delta: f64) {
+ let die = match self.node_die {
+ None => { godot_warn!("No W8 assigned."); return; },
+ Some(node) => match node.assume_safe().cast::<RigidBody>() {
+ None => { godot_warn!("W8 is not a RigidBody."); return; },
+ Some(rb) => rb
+ }
+ };
+ // let the cam follow the die
+ match self.node_camera_root {
+ None => { godot_warn!("No W8 assigned."); },
+ Some(cam) => {
+ cam.assume_safe().set_translation(die.translation());
+ }
+ }
+ let delta_ms = OS::godot_singleton().get_ticks_msec() - self.last_shot_time;
+ // deactivate the Ball Buff after 5 seconds
+ if matches!(self.input_state, InputState::Moving)
+ && delta_ms > 5000
+ && self.current_buff_index == 1 {
+ match self.all_buffs[1] {
+ Some(ref mut buff) => buff.revert_buff(),
+ None => {}
+ }
+ }
+ // detect if the die stops moving
+ if matches!(self.input_state, InputState::Moving)
+ && (delta_ms > self.stopping_min_ms) {
+ // check if the velocity is less than the threshold and change input state in that case
+ let current_vel = die.linear_velocity().length();
+ if current_vel <= self.stopping_velocity {
+ self.input_state = InputState::Default;
+ godot_print!("Die stopped moving at velocity {} after {} ms", current_vel, delta_ms);
+ //deactivate the old buff
+ godot_print!("Current Buff: {}", self.current_buff_index);
+ match self.all_buffs[self.current_buff_index as usize] {
+ Some(ref mut buff) => buff.revert_buff(),
+ None => {}
+ }
+ //TODO: find out which side is up and update the current buff index accordingly
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ #[export]
+ unsafe fn _input(&mut self, _owner: &Spatial, event: Ref<InputEvent>) {
+ self.general_input(event.borrow());
+ match self.input_state {
+ InputState::Default => self.default_input(event),
+ InputState::Shooting => self.shooting_input(event),
+ InputState::Moving => self.moving_input(event),
+ }
+ }
+ /// this input method will always be called, regardless of the input state
+ unsafe fn general_input(&mut self, event: &Ref<InputEvent>) {
+ let save_event = event.assume_safe();
+ // rotate camera horizontally
+ let mouse_event = save_event.cast::<InputEventMouseMotion>(); // get the input as mouse input
+ match mouse_event {
+ Some(motion_event) => {
+ let x_mov = motion_event.relative().x * self.mouse_sensitivity.x;
+ self.rotate_cam_horizontal(x_mov);
+ },
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ let key_event = save_event.cast::<InputEventKey>();
+ match key_event {
+ Some(key_event) => {
+ if key_event.scancode() == GlobalConstants::KEY_ESCAPE {
+ Input::godot_singleton().set_mouse_mode(Input::MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE);
+ }
+ },
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ /// this input method will be called when looking around, before taking a shot
+ unsafe fn default_input(&mut self, event: Ref<InputEvent>) {
+ let save_event = event.assume_safe();
+ // left mouse button was pressed => switch to shooting mode
+ if save_event.is_action_pressed(GodotString::from_str(&self.action_shooting), false, false) {
+ godot_print!("mouse_button, switching to shooting mode");
+ self.input_state = InputState::Shooting;
+ return;
+ }
+ // rotate camera vertically
+ let mouse_event = save_event.cast::<InputEventMouseMotion>(); // get the input as mouse input
+ match mouse_event {
+ Some(motion_event) => {
+ let y_mov = -motion_event.relative().y * self.mouse_sensitivity.y;
+ self.rotate_cam_vertical(y_mov);
+ },
+ _ => {}
+ };
+ }
+ /// this input method will be called when player is currently taking a shot
+ unsafe fn shooting_input(&mut self, event: Ref<InputEvent>) {
+ let save_event = event.assume_safe();
+ // mouse released, shoot
+ if save_event.is_action_released(GodotString::from_str(&self.action_shooting), false) {
+ self.input_state = InputState::Moving;
+ self.shoot();
+ self.current_force = 0.0;
+ return;
+ }
+ // charge shot with vertical mouse movement
+ let mouse_event = save_event.cast::<InputEventMouseMotion>(); // get the input as mouse input
+ match mouse_event {
+ Some(motion_event) => {
+ let y_mov = motion_event.relative().y * self.shoot_sensitivity;
+ self.current_force = match self.current_force + y_mov {
+ x if x < 0.0 => 0.0,
+ x if x > self.max_force => self.max_force,
+ x => x
+ };
+ godot_print!("current force: {}", self.current_force);
+ },
+ _ => {}
+ };
+ }
+ /// this input method will be called when player is moving
+ unsafe fn moving_input(&mut self, event: Ref<InputEvent>) {
+ let save_event = event.assume_safe();
+ // rotate camera vertically
+ let mouse_event = save_event.cast::<InputEventMouseMotion>(); // get the input as mouse input
+ match mouse_event {
+ Some(motion_event) => {
+ let y_mov = motion_event.relative().y * self.mouse_sensitivity.y;
+ self.rotate_cam_vertical(y_mov);
+ },
+ _ => {}
+ };
+ }
+ unsafe fn rotate_cam_horizontal(&mut self, input: f32) {
+ // make sure the arm exists
+ match self.node_camera_arm_horizontal {
+ Some(arm) => {
+ // rotate the horizontal camera arm
+ let save_arm = arm.assume_safe();
+ save_arm.rotate_object_local(Vector3 {x: 0.0, y: 1.0, z: 0.0}, input as f64)
+ },
+ _ => godot_warn!("No horizontal camera arm assigned.")
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn rotate_cam_vertical(&mut self, input: f32) {
+ // make sure the camera arm actually exists
+ match self.node_camera_arm_vertical {
+ Some(arm) => {
+ // check for the current rotation
+ let save_arm = arm.assume_safe();
+ let current_rot = save_arm.rotation();
+ // clamp the rotation
+ if current_rot.x + input > self.camera_clamp.x || current_rot.x + input <= self.camera_clamp.y {
+ return;
+ }
+ // actually rotate if possible
+ let save_arm = arm.assume_safe();
+ save_arm.rotate_object_local(Vector3 {x: 1.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, input as f64)
+ },
+ _ => godot_warn!("No vertical camera arm assigned")
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn shoot(&mut self) {
+ // make sure the camera actually exists
+ let impulse_dir = match self.node_camera {
+ None => { godot_warn!("No camera assigned!"); return; },
+ Some(cam) => {
+ // get the forward vector of the camera setting the up angle to the defined value in the editor
+ let mut forward_vector = -cam.assume_safe().global_transform().basis.c().normalized();
+ forward_vector.y = self.up_angle;
+ // calculate the impulse force
+ forward_vector.normalized() * self.current_force
+ }
+ };
+ // get the die
+ let die = match self.node_die {
+ None => { godot_warn!("No W8 assigned."); return; },
+ Some(node) =>
+ match node.assume_safe().cast::<RigidBody>() {
+ None => { godot_warn!("W8 is not a RigidBody."); return; },
+ Some(rb) => rb
+ }
+ };
+ // apply the current buff
+ godot_print!("Current Buff: {}", self.current_buff_index);
+ match self.all_buffs[self.current_buff_index as usize] {
+ Some(ref mut buff) => buff.execute_buff(),
+ None => {}
+ }
+ // actually add the force
+ die.apply_impulse(die.transform().origin, impulse_dir);
+ self.last_shot_time = OS::godot_singleton().get_ticks_msec();
+ }
diff --git a/rust/src/buff_ball.rs b/rust/src/buff_ball.rs
index 4b89dbb..219e675 100644
--- a/rust/src/buff_ball.rs
+++ b/rust/src/buff_ball.rs
@@ -2,71 +2,66 @@ use gdnative::api::*;
use gdnative::prelude::*;
use crate::buff_trait::Buff;
-struct BuffBall {
+pub struct BuffBall {
name: String,
description: String,
- die_body: Option<Ref<RigidBody>>,
- sphere_body: Option<Ref<RigidBody>>
+ collision_die: Ref<CollisionShape>,
+ collision_sphere: Ref<CollisionShape>,
+ mesh_die: Ref<MeshInstance>,
+ mesh_sphere: Ref<MeshInstance>,
impl BuffBall {
- fn new(die_body: Option<Ref<RigidBody>>, sphere_body: Option<Ref<RigidBody>>) -> Self {
+ pub fn new(die_body: Box<Ref<RigidBody>>) -> Self {
+ // find a collision shape
+ fn search<T: SubClass<Node>> (die_body: &Box<Ref<RigidBody>>, name: String) -> Option<Ref<T>> {
+ unsafe{
+ match die_body.assume_safe().get_node(&name) {
+ None => {
+ godot_warn!("Could not find {}", name);
+ None
+ }
+ Some(node) => {
+ match node.assume_safe().cast::<T>() {
+ None => {
+ godot_warn!("{} is not a {}", name, std::any::type_name::<T>());
+ None
+ },
+ Some(cs) => Some(cs.claim())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
BuffBall {
name: String::from("Ball"),
description: String::from("Roll the dice"),
- die_body,
- sphere_body
+ collision_die: search::<CollisionShape>(&die_body, String::from("CollisionShapeDie" )).unwrap(),
+ collision_sphere: search::<CollisionShape>(&die_body, String::from("CollisionShapeSphere")).unwrap(),
+ mesh_die: search::<MeshInstance>(&die_body, String::from("MeshDie" )).unwrap(),
+ mesh_sphere: search::<MeshInstance>(&die_body, String::from("MeshSphere")).unwrap(),
impl Buff for BuffBall {
unsafe fn execute_buff(&mut self) {
- // make sure the sphere rigid body exists
- match &self.sphere_body {
- Some(sphere) => {
- // make sure the dice rigid body exists
- match &self.die_body {
- Some(die) => {
- // get the safe references from the ref<>
- let save_sphere = sphere.assume_safe();
- let save_die = die.assume_safe();
- // set the properties of the rigid bodies
- save_die.set_process(false);
- save_sphere.set_process(true);
- save_sphere.show();
- },
- None => godot_warn!("Die body not assigned")
- }
- },
- None => godot_warn!("Sphere body not assigned")
- }
+ self.collision_die.assume_safe().set_disabled(true);
+ self.collision_sphere.assume_safe().set_disabled(false);
+ self.mesh_die.assume_safe().set_visible(false);
+ self.mesh_sphere.assume_safe().set_visible(true);
+ godot_print!("Ball activated");
unsafe fn revert_buff(&mut self) {
- // make sure the sphere rigid body exists
- match &self.sphere_body {
- Some(sphere) => {
- // make sure the dice rigid body exists
- match &self.die_body {
- Some(die) => {
- // get the safe references from the ref<>
- let save_sphere = sphere.assume_safe();
- let save_die = die.assume_safe();
- // set the properties of the rigid bodies
- save_die.set_process(true);
- save_sphere.set_process(false);
- save_sphere.hide();
- },
- None => godot_warn!("Die body not assigned")
- }
- },
- None => godot_warn!("Sphere body not assigned")
- }
+ self.collision_die.assume_safe().set_disabled(false);
+ self.collision_sphere.assume_safe().set_disabled(true);
+ self.mesh_sphere.assume_safe().set_visible(false);
+ self.mesh_die.assume_safe().set_visible(true);
+ godot_print!("Ball deactivated");
fn get_name(self) -> GodotString {
diff --git a/rust/src/buff_bounce.rs b/rust/src/buff_bounce.rs
index 179642d..cb9ded8 100644
--- a/rust/src/buff_bounce.rs
+++ b/rust/src/buff_bounce.rs
@@ -2,22 +2,21 @@ use gdnative::api::*;
use gdnative::prelude::*;
use crate::buff_trait::Buff;
-struct BuffBounce {
+pub struct BuffBounce {
name: String,
description: String,
- rigid_body: Option<Ref<RigidBody>>,
+ rigid_body: Box<Ref<RigidBody>>,
target_bounciness: f64,
previous_bounciness: f64
impl BuffBounce {
- fn new(rigid_body: Option<Ref<RigidBody>>) -> Self {
+ pub fn new(rigid_body: Box<Ref<RigidBody>>) -> Self {
BuffBounce {
name: String::from("Bounce"),
description: String::from("Let's the die bounce more than usual."),
target_bounciness: 1.0,
previous_bounciness: 0.0
@@ -25,43 +24,30 @@ impl BuffBounce {
impl Buff for BuffBounce {
- unsafe fn execute_buff(&mut self) {
- // make sure the rigid body exists
- match &self.rigid_body {
- Some(body) => {
- let safe_body = body.assume_safe();
- // get the physics material
- match safe_body.physics_material_override() {
- Some(mat) => {
- let save_mat = mat.assume_safe();
- self.previous_bounciness = save_mat.bounce();
- save_mat.set_bounce(self.target_bounciness);
- },
- None => godot_warn!("Physics material was not found")
- }
+ unsafe fn execute_buff(&mut self) {
+ // get the physics material
+ match self.rigid_body.assume_safe().physics_material_override() {
+ Some(mat) => {
+ let save_mat = mat.assume_safe();
+ self.previous_bounciness = save_mat.bounce();
+ save_mat.set_bounce(self.target_bounciness);
- None => godot_warn!("No rigid body initialized to apply properties to")
+ None => godot_warn!("Physics material was not found")
+ godot_print!("Bounce activated");
unsafe fn revert_buff(&mut self) {
- // make sure the rigid body exists
- match &self.rigid_body {
- Some(body) => {
- let safe_body = body.assume_safe();
- // get the physics material
- match safe_body.physics_material_override() {
- Some(mat) => {
- let save_mat = mat.assume_safe();
- save_mat.set_bounce(self.previous_bounciness);
- },
- None => godot_warn!("Physics material was not found")
- }
+ // get the physics material
+ match self.rigid_body.assume_safe().physics_material_override() {
+ Some(mat) => {
+ let save_mat = mat.assume_safe();
+ save_mat.set_bounce(self.previous_bounciness);
- None => godot_warn!("No rigid body initialized to apply properties to")
+ None => godot_warn!("Physics material was not found")
+ godot_print!("Bounce deactivated");
fn get_name(self) -> GodotString {
diff --git a/rust/src/buff_extra.rs b/rust/src/buff_extra.rs
index 473cdde..a7b7902 100644
--- a/rust/src/buff_extra.rs
+++ b/rust/src/buff_extra.rs
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ use gdnative::api::*;
use gdnative::prelude::*;
use crate::buff_trait::Buff;
-struct BuffExtra {
+pub struct BuffExtra {
name: String,
description: String,
impl BuffExtra {
- fn new() -> Self {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
BuffExtra {
name: String::from("Extra Stroke"),
description: String::from("One additional stroke that doesn't count"),
diff --git a/rust/src/buff_phase.rs b/rust/src/buff_phase.rs
index e64508e..f69fecc 100644
--- a/rust/src/buff_phase.rs
+++ b/rust/src/buff_phase.rs
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ use gdnative::api::*;
use gdnative::prelude::*;
use crate::buff_trait::Buff;
-struct BuffPhase {
+pub struct BuffPhase {
name: String,
description: String,
- rigid_body: Option<Ref<RigidBody>>,
+ rigid_body: Box<Ref<RigidBody>>,
wall_layer_bit: i64,
impl BuffPhase {
- fn new(rigid_body: Option<Ref<RigidBody>>) -> Self {
+ pub fn new(rigid_body: Box<Ref<RigidBody>>) -> Self {
// calculate the bit for the mask to enable/ disable collision detection
let mask_layer = 2;
let mask_bit = 2_i64.pow(mask_layer - 1);
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ impl BuffPhase {
name: String::from("Phase"),
description: String::from("Phases through thin fences"),
wall_layer_bit: mask_bit,
@@ -28,26 +27,12 @@ impl BuffPhase {
impl Buff for BuffPhase {
unsafe fn execute_buff(&mut self) {
- match &self.rigid_body {
- Some(body) => {
- // actually disable the collision to the fences
- let save_body = body.assume_safe();
- save_body.set_collision_mask_bit(self.wall_layer_bit, false);
- },
- None => godot_warn!("Rigid body not found")
- }
+ // actually disable the collision to the fences
+ self.rigid_body.assume_safe().set_collision_mask_bit(self.wall_layer_bit, false);
unsafe fn revert_buff(& mut self) {
- // make sure the rigid body exists
- match &self.rigid_body {
- Some(body) => {
- // actually enable the collision again
- let save_body = body.assume_safe();
- save_body.set_collision_mask_bit(self.wall_layer_bit, false);
- },
- None => godot_warn!("Rigid body not found")
- }
+ self.rigid_body.assume_safe().set_collision_mask_bit(self.wall_layer_bit, false);
fn get_name(self) -> GodotString {
diff --git a/rust/src/game.rs b/rust/src/game.rs
index 7004f96..61b23ed 100644
--- a/rust/src/game.rs
+++ b/rust/src/game.rs
@@ -40,6 +40,5 @@ impl Game {
// This function will be called in every frame
- unsafe fn _process(&self, _owner: &Spatial, delta: f64) {
- }
+ unsafe fn _process(&self, _owner: &Spatial, _delta: f64) { }
diff --git a/rust/src/lib.rs b/rust/src/lib.rs
index 401b668..1be319a 100644
--- a/rust/src/lib.rs
+++ b/rust/src/lib.rs
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ mod buff_trait;
mod buff_ball;
mod buff_extra;
pub mod goal_trigger;
+mod test;
+mod basic_die;
use gdnative::prelude::{godot_init, InitHandle};
@@ -14,6 +16,8 @@ fn init(handle: InitHandle) {
+ handle.add_class::<test::SpinningCubeReverse>();
+ handle.add_class::<basic_die::BasicDie>();
// macros that create the entry-points of the dynamic library.