path: root/tests/test_utils
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test_utils')
4 files changed, 1194 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_utils/jsx_rewrite.rs b/tests/test_utils/jsx_rewrite.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbce344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_utils/jsx_rewrite.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,1181 @@
+extern crate swc_common;
+extern crate swc_ecma_ast;
+use crate::test_utils::to_swc::Program;
+use swc_ecma_visit::{noop_visit_mut_type, VisitMut, VisitMutWith};
+use unicode_id::UnicodeID;
+/// Configuration.
+#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
+pub struct Options {
+ /// Place to import a provider from.
+ ///
+ /// See [MDX provider](https://mdxjs.com/docs/using-mdx/#mdx-provider)
+ /// on the MDX website for more info.
+ pub provider_import_source: Option<String>,
+ /// Whether to add extra information to error messages in generated code.
+ /// This is not yet supported.
+ pub development: bool,
+/// Rewrite JSX in an MDX file so that components can be passed in and provided.
+pub fn jsx_rewrite(mut program: Program, options: &Options) -> Program {
+ let mut state = State {
+ scopes: vec![],
+ provider: options.provider_import_source.is_some(),
+ create_provider_import: false,
+ create_error_helper: false,
+ };
+ state.enter(Some(Info::default()));
+ program.module.visit_mut_with(&mut state);
+ // If a provider is used (and can be used), import it.
+ if let Some(source) = &options.provider_import_source {
+ if state.create_provider_import {
+ program
+ .module
+ .body
+ .insert(0, create_import_provider(source))
+ }
+ }
+ // If potentially missing components are used, add the helper used for
+ // errors.
+ if state.create_error_helper {
+ program.module.body.push(create_error_helper());
+ }
+ program
+/// Collection of different SWC functions.
+enum Func<'a> {
+ /// Function declaration.
+ Decl(&'a mut swc_ecma_ast::FnDecl),
+ /// Function expression.
+ Expr(&'a mut swc_ecma_ast::FnExpr),
+ /// Arrow function.
+ Arrow(&'a mut swc_ecma_ast::ArrowExpr),
+/// Info for a function scope.
+#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
+struct Info {
+ /// Function name.
+ name: Option<String>,
+ /// Used objects (`a` in `<a.b />`).
+ objects: Vec<String>,
+ /// Used components (`<A />`).
+ components: Vec<String>,
+ /// Used literals (`<a />`).
+ tags: Vec<String>,
+ /// List of JSX identifiers of literal tags that are not valid JS
+ /// identifiers in the shape of `Vec<(invalid, valid)>`.
+ ///
+ /// Example:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// vec![("a-b".into(), "_component0".into())]
+ /// ```
+ aliases: Vec<(String, String)>,
+ /// Non-literal references in the shape of `Vec<(name, is_component)>`.
+ ///
+ /// Example:
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// vec![("a".into(), false), ("a.b".into(), true)]
+ /// ```
+ // To do: add positional info later.
+ references: Vec<(String, bool)>,
+/// Scope (block or function/global).
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+struct Scope {
+ /// If this is a function (or global) scope, we track info.
+ info: Option<Info>,
+ /// Things that are defined in this scope.
+ defined: Vec<String>,
+/// Context.
+#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
+struct State {
+ /// List of current scopes.
+ scopes: Vec<Scope>,
+ /// Whether the user uses a provider.
+ provider: bool,
+ /// Whether a provider is referenced.
+ create_provider_import: bool,
+ /// Whether a missing component helper is referenced.
+ ///
+ /// When things are referenced that might not be defined, we reference a
+ /// helper function to throw when they are missing.
+ create_error_helper: bool,
+impl State {
+ /// Open a new scope.
+ fn enter(&mut self, info: Option<Info>) {
+ self.scopes.push(Scope {
+ info,
+ defined: vec![],
+ });
+ }
+ /// Close the current scope.
+ fn exit(&mut self) -> Scope {
+ self.scopes.pop().expect("expected scope")
+ }
+ /// Close a function.
+ fn exit_func(&mut self, func: Func) {
+ let mut scope = self.exit();
+ let mut defaults = vec![];
+ let mut info = scope.info.take().unwrap();
+ let mut index = 0;
+ // Create defaults for tags.
+ //
+ // ```jsx
+ // {h1: 'h1'}
+ // ```
+ while index < info.tags.len() {
+ let name = &info.tags[index];
+ defaults.push(swc_ecma_ast::PropOrSpread::Prop(Box::new(
+ swc_ecma_ast::Prop::KeyValue(swc_ecma_ast::KeyValueProp {
+ key: if is_identifier_name(name) {
+ swc_ecma_ast::PropName::Ident(create_ident(name))
+ } else {
+ swc_ecma_ast::PropName::Str(swc_ecma_ast::Str {
+ value: name.clone().into(),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ raw: None,
+ })
+ },
+ value: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Lit(swc_ecma_ast::Lit::Str(
+ swc_ecma_ast::Str {
+ value: name.clone().into(),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ raw: None,
+ },
+ ))),
+ }),
+ )));
+ index += 1;
+ }
+ let mut actual = info.components.split_off(0);
+ let mut index = 0;
+ // In some cases, a component is used directly (`<X>`) but it’s also
+ // used as an object (`<X.Y>`).
+ while index < info.objects.len() {
+ if !actual.contains(&info.objects[index]) {
+ actual.push(info.objects[index].clone());
+ }
+ index += 1;
+ }
+ let mut statements = vec![];
+ if !defaults.is_empty() || !actual.is_empty() || !info.aliases.is_empty() {
+ let mut parameters = vec![];
+ // Use a provider, if configured.
+ //
+ // ```jsx
+ // _provideComponents()
+ // ```
+ if self.provider {
+ self.create_provider_import = true;
+ parameters.push(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Call(swc_ecma_ast::CallExpr {
+ callee: swc_ecma_ast::Callee::Expr(Box::new(create_ident_expression(
+ "_provideComponents",
+ ))),
+ args: vec![],
+ type_args: None,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }));
+ }
+ // Accept `components` as a prop if this is the `MDXContent` or
+ // `_createMdxContent` function.
+ //
+ // ```jsx
+ // props.components
+ // ```
+ if is_props_receiving_fn(&info.name) {
+ parameters.push(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Member(swc_ecma_ast::MemberExpr {
+ obj: Box::new(create_ident_expression("props")),
+ prop: swc_ecma_ast::MemberProp::Ident(create_ident("components")),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }));
+ }
+ // Inject an object at the start, when:
+ // - there are defaults,
+ // - there are two sources
+ //
+ // ```jsx
+ // (_provideComponents(), props.components)
+ // ()
+ // ```
+ //
+ // To:
+ //
+ // ```jsx
+ // ({}, _provideComponents(), props.components)
+ // ({h1: 'h1'})
+ // ```
+ if !defaults.is_empty() || parameters.len() > 1 {
+ parameters.insert(
+ 0,
+ swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Object(swc_ecma_ast::ObjectLit {
+ props: defaults,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }),
+ );
+ }
+ // Merge things and prevent errors.
+ //
+ // ```jsx
+ // {}, _provideComponents(), props.components
+ // props.components
+ // _provideComponents()
+ // ```
+ //
+ // To:
+ //
+ // ```jsx
+ // Object.assign({}, _provideComponents(), props.components)
+ // props.components || {}
+ // _provideComponents()
+ // ```
+ let mut components_init = if parameters.len() > 1 {
+ let mut args = vec![];
+ parameters.reverse();
+ while let Some(param) = parameters.pop() {
+ args.push(swc_ecma_ast::ExprOrSpread {
+ spread: None,
+ expr: Box::new(param),
+ });
+ }
+ swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Call(swc_ecma_ast::CallExpr {
+ callee: swc_ecma_ast::Callee::Expr(Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Member(
+ swc_ecma_ast::MemberExpr {
+ obj: Box::new(create_ident_expression("Object")),
+ prop: swc_ecma_ast::MemberProp::Ident(create_ident("assign")),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ ))),
+ args,
+ type_args: None,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })
+ } else {
+ // Always one.
+ let param = parameters.pop().unwrap();
+ if let swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Member(_) = param {
+ create_binary_expression(
+ vec![
+ param,
+ swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Object(swc_ecma_ast::ObjectLit {
+ props: vec![],
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }),
+ ],
+ swc_ecma_ast::BinaryOp::LogicalOr,
+ )
+ } else {
+ param
+ }
+ };
+ // Add components to scope.
+ //
+ // For `['MyComponent', 'MDXLayout']` this generates:
+ //
+ // ```js
+ // const {MyComponent, wrapper: MDXLayout} = _components
+ // ```
+ //
+ // Note that MDXLayout is special as it’s taken from
+ // `_components.wrapper`.
+ let components_pattern = if actual.is_empty() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ let mut props = vec![];
+ actual.reverse();
+ while let Some(key) = actual.pop() {
+ // `wrapper: MDXLayout`
+ if key == "MDXLayout" {
+ props.push(swc_ecma_ast::ObjectPatProp::KeyValue(
+ swc_ecma_ast::KeyValuePatProp {
+ key: swc_ecma_ast::PropName::Ident(create_ident("wrapper")),
+ value: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Pat::Ident(
+ swc_ecma_ast::BindingIdent {
+ id: create_ident(&key),
+ type_ann: None,
+ },
+ )),
+ },
+ ))
+ }
+ // `MyComponent`
+ else {
+ props.push(swc_ecma_ast::ObjectPatProp::Assign(
+ swc_ecma_ast::AssignPatProp {
+ key: create_ident(&key),
+ value: None,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ Some(swc_ecma_ast::ObjectPat {
+ props,
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ type_ann: None,
+ })
+ };
+ let mut declarators = vec![];
+ // If there are tags, they take them from `_components`, so we need
+ // to make it defined.
+ if !info.tags.is_empty() {
+ declarators.push(swc_ecma_ast::VarDeclarator {
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ name: swc_ecma_ast::Pat::Ident(swc_ecma_ast::BindingIdent {
+ id: create_ident("_components"),
+ type_ann: None,
+ }),
+ init: Some(Box::new(components_init)),
+ definite: false,
+ });
+ components_init = create_ident_expression("_components");
+ }
+ // For JSX IDs that can’t be represented as JavaScript IDs (as in,
+ // those with dashes, such as `custom-element`), we generated a
+ // separate variable that is a valid JS ID (such as `_component0`),
+ // and here we take it from components:
+ // ```js
+ // const _component0 = _components['custom-element']
+ // ```
+ if !info.aliases.is_empty() {
+ info.aliases.reverse();
+ while let Some((id, name)) = info.aliases.pop() {
+ declarators.push(swc_ecma_ast::VarDeclarator {
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ name: swc_ecma_ast::Pat::Ident(swc_ecma_ast::BindingIdent {
+ id: create_ident(&name),
+ type_ann: None,
+ }),
+ init: Some(Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Member(
+ swc_ecma_ast::MemberExpr {
+ obj: Box::new(create_ident_expression("_components")),
+ prop: swc_ecma_ast::MemberProp::Computed(
+ swc_ecma_ast::ComputedPropName {
+ expr: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Lit(
+ swc_ecma_ast::Lit::Str(swc_ecma_ast::Str {
+ value: id.into(),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ raw: None,
+ }),
+ )),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ ),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ ))),
+ definite: false,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(pat) = components_pattern {
+ declarators.push(swc_ecma_ast::VarDeclarator {
+ name: swc_ecma_ast::Pat::Object(pat),
+ init: Some(Box::new(components_init)),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ definite: false,
+ });
+ }
+ // Add the variable declaration.
+ statements.push(swc_ecma_ast::Stmt::Decl(swc_ecma_ast::Decl::Var(Box::new(
+ swc_ecma_ast::VarDecl {
+ kind: swc_ecma_ast::VarDeclKind::Const,
+ decls: declarators,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ declare: false,
+ },
+ ))));
+ }
+ // Add checks at runtime to verify that object/components are passed.
+ //
+ // ```js
+ // if (!a) _missingMdxReference("a", false);
+ // if (!a.b) _missingMdxReference("a.b", true);
+ // ```
+ for (id, component) in info.references {
+ self.create_error_helper = true;
+ statements.push(swc_ecma_ast::Stmt::If(swc_ecma_ast::IfStmt {
+ test: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Unary(swc_ecma_ast::UnaryExpr {
+ op: swc_ecma_ast::UnaryOp::Bang,
+ arg: Box::new(create_member_expression(&id)),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })),
+ cons: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Stmt::Expr(swc_ecma_ast::ExprStmt {
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ expr: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Call(swc_ecma_ast::CallExpr {
+ callee: swc_ecma_ast::Callee::Expr(Box::new(create_ident_expression(
+ "_missingMdxReference",
+ ))),
+ args: vec![
+ swc_ecma_ast::ExprOrSpread {
+ spread: None,
+ expr: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Lit(swc_ecma_ast::Lit::Str(
+ swc_ecma_ast::Str {
+ value: id.into(),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ raw: None,
+ },
+ ))),
+ },
+ swc_ecma_ast::ExprOrSpread {
+ spread: None,
+ expr: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Lit(swc_ecma_ast::Lit::Bool(
+ swc_ecma_ast::Bool {
+ value: component,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ ))),
+ },
+ ],
+ type_args: None,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })),
+ })),
+ alt: None,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }));
+ }
+ // Add statements to functions.
+ if !statements.is_empty() {
+ let mut body: &mut swc_ecma_ast::BlockStmt = match func {
+ Func::Expr(expr) => {
+ if expr.function.body.is_none() {
+ expr.function.body = Some(swc_ecma_ast::BlockStmt {
+ stmts: vec![],
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ });
+ }
+ expr.function.body.as_mut().unwrap()
+ }
+ Func::Decl(decl) => {
+ if decl.function.body.is_none() {
+ decl.function.body = Some(swc_ecma_ast::BlockStmt {
+ stmts: vec![],
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ });
+ }
+ decl.function.body.as_mut().unwrap()
+ }
+ Func::Arrow(arr) => {
+ if let swc_ecma_ast::BlockStmtOrExpr::Expr(expr) = &mut arr.body {
+ arr.body =
+ swc_ecma_ast::BlockStmtOrExpr::BlockStmt(swc_ecma_ast::BlockStmt {
+ stmts: vec![swc_ecma_ast::Stmt::Return(swc_ecma_ast::ReturnStmt {
+ // To do: figure out non-clone.
+ arg: Some(expr.clone()),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })],
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ });
+ }
+ arr.body.as_mut_block_stmt().unwrap()
+ }
+ };
+ statements.append(&mut body.stmts.split_off(0));
+ body.stmts = statements;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get the current function scope.
+ fn current_fn_scope_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Scope {
+ let mut index = self.scopes.len();
+ while index > 0 {
+ index -= 1;
+ if self.scopes[index].info.is_some() {
+ return &mut self.scopes[index];
+ }
+ }
+ unreachable!("expected scope")
+ }
+ /// Get the current scope.
+ fn current_scope_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Scope {
+ self.scopes.last_mut().expect("expected scope")
+ }
+ /// Get the top-level scope’s info.
+ fn current_top_level_info(&self) -> Option<&Info> {
+ if let Some(scope) = self.scopes.get(1) {
+ scope.info.as_ref()
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get the top-level scope’s info, mutably.
+ fn current_top_level_info_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Info> {
+ if let Some(scope) = self.scopes.get_mut(1) {
+ scope.info.as_mut()
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Check if `id` is in scope.
+ fn in_scope(&self, id: &String) -> bool {
+ let mut index = self.scopes.len();
+ while index > 0 {
+ index -= 1;
+ if self.scopes[index].defined.contains(id) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ false
+ }
+ /// Add an identifier to a scope.
+ fn add_id(&mut self, id: String, block: bool) {
+ let scope = if block {
+ self.current_scope_mut()
+ } else {
+ self.current_fn_scope_mut()
+ };
+ scope.defined.push(id);
+ }
+ // Add a pattern to a scope.
+ fn add_pat(&mut self, pat: &swc_ecma_ast::Pat, block: bool) {
+ match pat {
+ // `x`
+ swc_ecma_ast::Pat::Ident(d) => self.add_id(d.id.sym.to_string(), block),
+ // `...x`
+ swc_ecma_ast::Pat::Array(d) => {
+ let mut index = 0;
+ while index < d.elems.len() {
+ if let Some(d) = &d.elems[index] {
+ self.add_pat(d, block);
+ }
+ index += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // `...x`
+ swc_ecma_ast::Pat::Rest(d) => self.add_pat(&d.arg, block),
+ // `{x=y}`
+ swc_ecma_ast::Pat::Assign(d) => self.add_pat(&d.left, block),
+ swc_ecma_ast::Pat::Object(d) => {
+ let mut index = 0;
+ while index < d.props.len() {
+ match &d.props[index] {
+ // `{...x}`
+ swc_ecma_ast::ObjectPatProp::Rest(d) => {
+ self.add_pat(&d.arg, block);
+ }
+ // `{key: value}`
+ swc_ecma_ast::ObjectPatProp::KeyValue(d) => {
+ self.add_pat(&d.value, block);
+ }
+ // `{key}` or `{key = value}`
+ swc_ecma_ast::ObjectPatProp::Assign(d) => {
+ self.add_id(d.key.to_string(), block);
+ }
+ }
+ index += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ignore `Invalid` / `Expr`.
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+impl VisitMut for State {
+ noop_visit_mut_type!();
+ /// Rewrite JSX identifiers.
+ fn visit_mut_jsx_element(&mut self, node: &mut swc_ecma_ast::JSXElement) {
+ // If there is a top-level, non-global, scope which is a function.
+ if let Some(info) = self.current_top_level_info() {
+ // Rewrite only if we can rewrite.
+ if is_props_receiving_fn(&info.name) || self.provider {
+ match &node.opening.name {
+ // `<x.y>`, `<Foo.Bar>`, `<x.y.z>`.
+ swc_ecma_ast::JSXElementName::JSXMemberExpr(d) => {
+ let mut ids = vec![];
+ let mut mem = d;
+ loop {
+ ids.push(mem.prop.sym.to_string());
+ match &mem.obj {
+ swc_ecma_ast::JSXObject::Ident(d) => {
+ ids.push(d.sym.to_string());
+ break;
+ }
+ swc_ecma_ast::JSXObject::JSXMemberExpr(d) => {
+ mem = d;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ids.reverse();
+ let primary_id = ids.first().unwrap().clone();
+ let in_scope = self.in_scope(&primary_id);
+ if !in_scope {
+ let info_mut = self.current_top_level_info_mut().unwrap();
+ // To do: add positional info.
+ let mut index = 1;
+ while index <= ids.len() {
+ let full_id = ids[0..index].join(".");
+ let component = index == ids.len();
+ if let Some(reference) =
+ info_mut.references.iter_mut().find(|d| d.0 == full_id)
+ {
+ if component {
+ reference.1 = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ info_mut.references.push((full_id, component))
+ }
+ index += 1;
+ }
+ if !info_mut.objects.contains(&primary_id) {
+ info_mut.objects.push(primary_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // `<foo>`, `<Foo>`, `<$>`, `<_bar>`, `<a_b>`.
+ swc_ecma_ast::JSXElementName::Ident(d) => {
+ // If the name is a valid ES identifier, and it doesn’t
+ // start with a lowercase letter, it’s a component.
+ // For example, `$foo`, `_bar`, `Baz` are all component
+ // names.
+ // But `foo` and `b-ar` are tag names.
+ let id = d.sym.to_string();
+ if is_literal_name(&id) {
+ // To do: ignore explicit JSX?
+ let mut invalid = None;
+ let name = if is_identifier_name(&id) {
+ swc_ecma_ast::JSXElementName::JSXMemberExpr(
+ swc_ecma_ast::JSXMemberExpr {
+ obj: swc_ecma_ast::JSXObject::Ident(create_ident(
+ "_components",
+ )),
+ prop: create_ident(&id),
+ },
+ )
+ } else {
+ let name = if let Some(invalid_ref) =
+ info.aliases.iter().find(|d| d.0 == id)
+ {
+ invalid_ref.1.clone()
+ } else {
+ let name = format!("_component{}", info.aliases.len());
+ invalid = Some((id.clone(), name.clone()));
+ name
+ };
+ swc_ecma_ast::JSXElementName::Ident(create_ident(&name))
+ };
+ let info_mut = self.current_top_level_info_mut().unwrap();
+ if !info_mut.tags.contains(&id) {
+ info_mut.tags.push(id);
+ }
+ if let Some(invalid) = invalid {
+ info_mut.aliases.push(invalid)
+ }
+ if let Some(closing) = node.closing.as_mut() {
+ closing.name = name.clone();
+ }
+ node.opening.name = name;
+ } else {
+ let mut is_layout = false;
+ // The MDXLayout is wrapped in a
+ if let Some(name) = &info.name {
+ if name == "MDXContent" && id == "MDXLayout" {
+ is_layout = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if !self.in_scope(&id) {
+ let info_mut = self.current_top_level_info_mut().unwrap();
+ if !is_layout {
+ if let Some(reference) =
+ info_mut.references.iter_mut().find(|d| d.0 == id)
+ {
+ reference.1 = true;
+ } else {
+ info_mut.references.push((id.clone(), true))
+ }
+ }
+ if !info_mut.components.contains(&id) {
+ info_mut.components.push(id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // `<xml:thing>`.
+ swc_ecma_ast::JSXElementName::JSXNamespacedName(_) => {
+ // Ignore.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ node.visit_mut_children_with(self);
+ }
+ /// Add specifiers of import declarations.
+ fn visit_mut_import_decl(&mut self, node: &mut swc_ecma_ast::ImportDecl) {
+ let mut index = 0;
+ while index < node.specifiers.len() {
+ let ident = match &node.specifiers[index] {
+ swc_ecma_ast::ImportSpecifier::Default(x) => &x.local.sym,
+ swc_ecma_ast::ImportSpecifier::Namespace(x) => &x.local.sym,
+ swc_ecma_ast::ImportSpecifier::Named(x) => &x.local.sym,
+ };
+ self.add_id(ident.to_string(), false);
+ index += 1;
+ }
+ node.visit_mut_children_with(self);
+ }
+ /// Add patterns of variable declarations.
+ fn visit_mut_var_decl(&mut self, node: &mut swc_ecma_ast::VarDecl) {
+ let block = node.kind != swc_ecma_ast::VarDeclKind::Var;
+ let mut index = 0;
+ while index < node.decls.len() {
+ self.add_pat(&node.decls[index].name, block);
+ index += 1;
+ }
+ node.visit_mut_children_with(self);
+ }
+ /// Add identifier of class declaration.
+ fn visit_mut_class_decl(&mut self, node: &mut swc_ecma_ast::ClassDecl) {
+ self.add_id(node.ident.sym.to_string(), false);
+ node.visit_mut_children_with(self);
+ }
+ /// On function declarations, add name, create scope, add parameters.
+ fn visit_mut_fn_decl(&mut self, node: &mut swc_ecma_ast::FnDecl) {
+ let id = node.ident.sym.to_string();
+ self.add_id(id.clone(), false);
+ self.enter(Some(Info {
+ name: Some(id),
+ ..Default::default()
+ }));
+ let mut index = 0;
+ while index < node.function.params.len() {
+ self.add_pat(&node.function.params[index].pat, false);
+ index += 1;
+ }
+ node.visit_mut_children_with(self);
+ // Rewrite.
+ self.exit_func(Func::Decl(node));
+ }
+ /// On function expressions, add name, create scope, add parameters.
+ fn visit_mut_fn_expr(&mut self, node: &mut swc_ecma_ast::FnExpr) {
+ // Note: `periscopic` adds the ID to the newly generated scope, for
+ // fn expressions.
+ // That seems wrong?
+ let name = if let Some(ident) = &node.ident {
+ let id = ident.sym.to_string();
+ self.add_id(id.clone(), false);
+ Some(id)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ self.enter(Some(Info {
+ name,
+ ..Default::default()
+ }));
+ let mut index = 0;
+ while index < node.function.params.len() {
+ self.add_pat(&node.function.params[index].pat, false);
+ index += 1;
+ }
+ node.visit_mut_children_with(self);
+ self.exit_func(Func::Expr(node));
+ }
+ /// On arrow functions, create scope, add parameters.
+ fn visit_mut_arrow_expr(&mut self, node: &mut swc_ecma_ast::ArrowExpr) {
+ self.enter(Some(Info::default()));
+ let mut index = 0;
+ while index < node.params.len() {
+ self.add_pat(&node.params[index], false);
+ index += 1;
+ }
+ node.visit_mut_children_with(self);
+ self.exit_func(Func::Arrow(node));
+ }
+ // Blocks.
+ // Not sure why `periscopic` only does `For`/`ForIn`/`ForOf`/`Block`.
+ // I added `While`/`DoWhile` here just to be sure.
+ // But there are more.
+ /// On for statements, create scope.
+ fn visit_mut_for_stmt(&mut self, node: &mut swc_ecma_ast::ForStmt) {
+ self.enter(None);
+ node.visit_mut_children_with(self);
+ self.exit();
+ }
+ /// On for/in statements, create scope.
+ fn visit_mut_for_in_stmt(&mut self, node: &mut swc_ecma_ast::ForInStmt) {
+ self.enter(None);
+ node.visit_mut_children_with(self);
+ self.exit();
+ }
+ /// On for/of statements, create scope.
+ fn visit_mut_for_of_stmt(&mut self, node: &mut swc_ecma_ast::ForOfStmt) {
+ self.enter(None);
+ node.visit_mut_children_with(self);
+ self.exit();
+ }
+ /// On while statements, create scope.
+ fn visit_mut_while_stmt(&mut self, node: &mut swc_ecma_ast::WhileStmt) {
+ self.enter(None);
+ node.visit_mut_children_with(self);
+ self.exit();
+ }
+ /// On do/while statements, create scope.
+ fn visit_mut_do_while_stmt(&mut self, node: &mut swc_ecma_ast::DoWhileStmt) {
+ self.enter(None);
+ node.visit_mut_children_with(self);
+ self.exit();
+ }
+ /// On block statements, create scope.
+ fn visit_mut_block_stmt(&mut self, node: &mut swc_ecma_ast::BlockStmt) {
+ self.enter(None);
+ node.visit_mut_children_with(self);
+ self.exit();
+ }
+ /// On catch clauses, create scope, add param.
+ fn visit_mut_catch_clause(&mut self, node: &mut swc_ecma_ast::CatchClause) {
+ self.enter(None);
+ if let Some(pat) = &node.param {
+ self.add_pat(pat, true);
+ }
+ node.visit_mut_children_with(self);
+ self.exit();
+ }
+/// Generate an import provider.
+/// ```js
+/// import { useMDXComponents as _provideComponents } from "x"
+/// ```
+fn create_import_provider(source: &str) -> swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem {
+ swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::Import(
+ swc_ecma_ast::ImportDecl {
+ specifiers: vec![swc_ecma_ast::ImportSpecifier::Named(
+ swc_ecma_ast::ImportNamedSpecifier {
+ local: create_ident("_provideComponents"),
+ imported: Some(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleExportName::Ident(create_ident(
+ "useMDXComponents",
+ ))),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ is_type_only: false,
+ },
+ )],
+ src: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Str {
+ value: source.into(),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ raw: None,
+ }),
+ type_only: false,
+ asserts: None,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ ))
+/// Generate an error helper.
+/// ```js
+/// function _missingMdxReference(id, component) {
+/// throw new Error("Expected " + (component ? "component" : "object") + " `" + id + "` to be defined: you likely forgot to import, pass, or provide it.");
+/// }
+/// ```
+fn create_error_helper() -> swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem {
+ let parameters = vec![
+ swc_ecma_ast::Param {
+ pat: swc_ecma_ast::Pat::Ident(swc_ecma_ast::BindingIdent {
+ id: create_ident("id"),
+ type_ann: None,
+ }),
+ decorators: vec![],
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ swc_ecma_ast::Param {
+ pat: swc_ecma_ast::Pat::Ident(swc_ecma_ast::BindingIdent {
+ id: create_ident("component"),
+ type_ann: None,
+ }),
+ decorators: vec![],
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ ];
+ let message = vec![
+ swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Lit(swc_ecma_ast::Lit::Str(swc_ecma_ast::Str {
+ value: "Expected ".into(),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ raw: None,
+ })),
+ // `component ? "component" : "object"`
+ swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Paren(swc_ecma_ast::ParenExpr {
+ expr: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Cond(swc_ecma_ast::CondExpr {
+ test: Box::new(create_ident_expression("component")),
+ cons: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Lit(swc_ecma_ast::Lit::Str(
+ swc_ecma_ast::Str {
+ value: "component".into(),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ raw: None,
+ },
+ ))),
+ alt: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Lit(swc_ecma_ast::Lit::Str(
+ swc_ecma_ast::Str {
+ value: "object".into(),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ raw: None,
+ },
+ ))),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }),
+ swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Lit(swc_ecma_ast::Lit::Str(swc_ecma_ast::Str {
+ value: " `".into(),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ raw: None,
+ })),
+ create_ident_expression("id"),
+ swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Lit(swc_ecma_ast::Lit::Str(swc_ecma_ast::Str {
+ value: "` to be defined: you likely forgot to import, pass, or provide it.".into(),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ raw: None,
+ })),
+ ];
+ // To do: in development, add `place` param, and use the positional info.
+ // Also, then, add file path.
+ swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::Stmt(swc_ecma_ast::Stmt::Decl(swc_ecma_ast::Decl::Fn(
+ swc_ecma_ast::FnDecl {
+ ident: create_ident("_missingMdxReference"),
+ declare: false,
+ function: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Function {
+ params: parameters,
+ decorators: vec![],
+ body: Some(swc_ecma_ast::BlockStmt {
+ stmts: vec![swc_ecma_ast::Stmt::Throw(swc_ecma_ast::ThrowStmt {
+ arg: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::New(swc_ecma_ast::NewExpr {
+ callee: Box::new(create_ident_expression("Error")),
+ args: Some(vec![swc_ecma_ast::ExprOrSpread {
+ spread: None,
+ expr: Box::new(create_binary_expression(
+ message,
+ swc_ecma_ast::BinaryOp::Add,
+ )),
+ }]),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ type_args: None,
+ })),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })],
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }),
+ is_generator: false,
+ is_async: false,
+ type_params: None,
+ return_type: None,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }),
+ },
+ )))
+/// Generate a binary expression.
+/// ```js
+/// a + b + c
+/// a || b
+/// ```
+fn create_binary_expression(
+ mut exprs: Vec<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>,
+ op: swc_ecma_ast::BinaryOp,
+) -> swc_ecma_ast::Expr {
+ exprs.reverse();
+ let mut left = None;
+ while let Some(right_expr) = exprs.pop() {
+ left = Some(if let Some(left_expr) = left {
+ swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Bin(swc_ecma_ast::BinExpr {
+ left: Box::new(left_expr),
+ right: Box::new(right_expr),
+ op,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })
+ } else {
+ right_expr
+ });
+ }
+ left.expect("expected one or more expressions")
+/// Generate a member expression.
+/// ```js
+/// a.b
+/// a
+/// ```
+fn create_member_expression(name: &str) -> swc_ecma_ast::Expr {
+ let bytes = name.as_bytes();
+ let mut index = 0;
+ let mut start = 0;
+ let mut parts = vec![];
+ while index < bytes.len() {
+ if bytes[index] == b'.' {
+ parts.push(&name[start..index]);
+ start = index + 1;
+ }
+ index += 1;
+ }
+ if parts.len() > 1 {
+ let mut member = swc_ecma_ast::MemberExpr {
+ obj: Box::new(create_ident_expression(parts[0])),
+ prop: swc_ecma_ast::MemberProp::Ident(create_ident(parts[1])),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ };
+ let mut index = 2;
+ while index < parts.len() {
+ member = swc_ecma_ast::MemberExpr {
+ obj: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Member(member)),
+ prop: swc_ecma_ast::MemberProp::Ident(create_ident(parts[1])),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ };
+ index += 1;
+ }
+ swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Member(member)
+ } else {
+ create_ident_expression(name)
+ }
+/// Generate an ident expression.
+/// ```js
+/// a
+/// ```
+fn create_ident_expression(sym: &str) -> swc_ecma_ast::Expr {
+ swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Ident(create_ident(sym))
+/// Generate an ident.
+/// ```js
+/// a
+/// ```
+fn create_ident(sym: &str) -> swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: sym.into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }
+/// Check if this function is a props receiving component: it’s one of ours.
+fn is_props_receiving_fn(name: &Option<String>) -> bool {
+ if let Some(name) = name {
+ name == "_createMdxContent" || name == "MDXContent"
+ } else {
+ false
+ }
+/// Check if a name is a literal tag name or an identifier to a component.
+fn is_literal_name(name: &str) -> bool {
+ matches!(name.as_bytes().first(), Some(b'a'..=b'z')) || !is_identifier_name(name)
+// Check if a name is a valid identifier name.
+fn is_identifier_name(name: &str) -> bool {
+ for (index, char) in name.chars().enumerate() {
+ if if index == 0 {
+ !id_start(char)
+ } else {
+ !id_cont(char)
+ } {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ true
+// To do: share with `partial_mdx_jsx`.
+/// Check if a character can start a JS identifier.
+fn id_start(char: char) -> bool {
+ UnicodeID::is_id_start(char) || matches!(char, '$' | '_')
+// To do: share with `partial_mdx_jsx`.
+/// Check if a character can continue a JS identifier.
+fn id_cont(char: char) -> bool {
+ UnicodeID::is_id_continue(char) || matches!(char, '\u{200c}' | '\u{200d}')
diff --git a/tests/test_utils/mod.rs b/tests/test_utils/mod.rs
index aa1d509..339992c 100644
--- a/tests/test_utils/mod.rs
+++ b/tests/test_utils/mod.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
pub mod hast;
+pub mod jsx_rewrite;
pub mod swc;
pub mod to_document;
pub mod to_hast;
diff --git a/tests/test_utils/swc.rs b/tests/test_utils/swc.rs
index 80376b8..fb91a3b 100644
--- a/tests/test_utils/swc.rs
+++ b/tests/test_utils/swc.rs
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ pub fn parse_esm(value: &str) -> MdxSignal {
/// Parse ESM in MDX with SWC.
/// To do: figure out how to fix positional info.
+/// See `drop_span` in `swc_ecma_utils` for inspiration?
pub fn parse_esm_to_tree(value: &str) -> Result<swc_ecma_ast::Module, String> {
let (file, syntax, version) = create_config(value.to_string());
@@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ pub fn parse_expression(value: &str, kind: &MdxExpressionKind) -> MdxSignal {
/// Parse ESM in MDX with SWC.
/// To do: figure out how to fix positional info.
+/// See `drop_span` in `swc_ecma_utils` for inspiration?
pub fn parse_expression_to_tree(
value: &str,
diff --git a/tests/test_utils/to_document.rs b/tests/test_utils/to_document.rs
index 96e9d7f..91fc134 100644
--- a/tests/test_utils/to_document.rs
+++ b/tests/test_utils/to_document.rs
@@ -300,8 +300,16 @@ pub fn to_document(mut program: Program, options: &Options) -> Result<Program, S
- swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::Import(_))
- | swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::ExportDecl(_))
+ swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::Import(mut x)) => {
+ // SWC is currently crashing when generating code, w/o source
+ // map, if an actual location is set on this node.
+ x.span = swc_common::DUMMY_SP;
+ // Pass through.
+ replacements.push(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(
+ swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::Import(x),
+ ));
+ }
+ swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::ExportDecl(_))
| swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::ExportAll(_))
| swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::TsImportEquals(_))
| swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::TsExportAssignment(