diff options
3 files changed, 641 insertions, 536 deletions
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index 1626a6a..478bf9f 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -49,8 +49,6 @@ cargo doc --document-private-items
- [ ] (8) Can paragraphs (and to a lesser extent string data and text data)
operate more performantly than checking whether other flow constructs
start a line, before exiting and actually attempting flow constructs?
-- [ ] (5) Figure out sharing definition and identifiers, and references before
- definitions
- [ ] (3) Interrupting: sometimes flow can or cannot start depending on the
previous construct (typically paragraph)
- [ ] (5) Containers: this will be rather messy, and depends a lot on how
@@ -284,3 +282,5 @@ important.
- [x] (1) Add docs for `label_start_image`, `label_start_link`
- [x] (1) Add docs for `label_end`
- [x] (1) Move map handling from `resolve_media`
+- [x] (5) Add support for sharing identifiers, references before definitions
+- [x] (2) Refactor to externalize handlers of compiler
diff --git a/src/compiler.rs b/src/compiler.rs
index 6f4d1a6..bc31a15 100644
--- a/src/compiler.rs
+++ b/src/compiler.rs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use crate::util::{
span::{codes as codes_from_span, from_exit_event, serialize},
+use std::collections::HashMap;
/// Type of line endings in markdown.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
@@ -207,35 +208,163 @@ pub struct Options {
pub default_line_ending: Option<LineEnding>,
+/// To do.
+type Handler = fn(&mut CompileContext, &Event);
+/// To do.
+type Map = HashMap<TokenType, Handler>;
+/// To do.
+struct CompileContext<'a> {
+ /// Static info.
+ pub events: &'a [Event],
+ pub codes: &'a [Code],
+ /// Fields used by handlers to track the things they need to track to
+ /// compile markdown.
+ pub atx_opening_sequence_size: Option<usize>,
+ pub heading_setext_buffer: Option<String>,
+ pub code_flow_seen_data: Option<bool>,
+ pub code_fenced_fences_count: Option<usize>,
+ pub character_reference_kind: Option<CharacterReferenceKind>,
+ pub media_stack: Vec<Media>,
+ /// Fields used to influance the current compilation.
+ pub slurp_one_line_ending: bool,
+ pub ignore_encode: bool,
+ pub last_was_tag: bool,
+ /// Configuration
+ pub protocol_href: Option<Vec<&'static str>>,
+ pub protocol_src: Option<Vec<&'static str>>,
+ pub line_ending_default: LineEnding,
+ pub allow_dangerous_html: bool,
+ /// Data inferred about the document.
+ // To do: definitions.
+ /// Intermediate results.
+ pub buffers: Vec<Vec<String>>,
+ pub index: usize,
+impl<'a> CompileContext<'a> {
+ /// Create a new compile context.
+ pub fn new(
+ events: &'a [Event],
+ codes: &'a [Code],
+ options: &Options,
+ line_ending: LineEnding,
+ ) -> CompileContext<'a> {
+ CompileContext {
+ events,
+ codes,
+ atx_opening_sequence_size: None,
+ heading_setext_buffer: None,
+ code_flow_seen_data: None,
+ code_fenced_fences_count: None,
+ character_reference_kind: None,
+ media_stack: vec![],
+ slurp_one_line_ending: false,
+ ignore_encode: false,
+ last_was_tag: false,
+ protocol_href: if options.allow_dangerous_protocol {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(SAFE_PROTOCOL_HREF.to_vec())
+ },
+ protocol_src: if options.allow_dangerous_protocol {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(SAFE_PROTOCOL_SRC.to_vec())
+ },
+ line_ending_default: line_ending,
+ allow_dangerous_html: options.allow_dangerous_html,
+ buffers: vec![vec![]],
+ index: 0,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Push a buffer.
+ pub fn buffer(&mut self) {
+ self.buffers.push(vec![]);
+ }
+ /// Pop a buffer, returning its value.
+ pub fn resume(&mut self) -> String {
+ self.buffers
+ .pop()
+ .expect("Cannot resume w/o buffer")
+ .concat()
+ }
+ pub fn push(&mut self, value: String) {
+ self.buffers
+ .last_mut()
+ .expect("Cannot push w/o buffer")
+ .push(value);
+ }
+ /// Get the last chunk of current buffer.
+ pub fn buf_tail_slice(&self) -> Option<&String> {
+ self.buf_tail().last()
+ }
+ /// Get the current buffer.
+ pub fn buf_tail(&self) -> &Vec<String> {
+ self.buffers
+ .last()
+ .expect("at least one buffer should exist")
+ }
+ /// Get the mutable last chunk of current buffer.
+ pub fn buf_tail_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<String> {
+ self.buffers
+ .last_mut()
+ .expect("at least one buffer should exist")
+ }
+ /// Optionally encode.
+ pub fn encode_opt(&self, value: &str) -> String {
+ if self.ignore_encode {
+ value.to_string()
+ } else {
+ encode(value)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Add a line ending.
+ pub fn line_ending(&mut self) {
+ let line_ending = self.line_ending_default.as_str().to_string();
+ // lastWasTag = false
+ self.push(line_ending);
+ }
+ /// Add a line ending if needed (as in, there’s no eol/eof already).
+ pub fn line_ending_if_needed(&mut self) {
+ let slice = self.buf_tail_slice();
+ let last_char = if let Some(x) = slice {
+ x.chars().last()
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let mut add = true;
+ if let Some(x) = last_char {
+ if x == '\n' || x == '\r' {
+ add = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ add = false;
+ }
+ if add {
+ self.line_ending();
+ }
+ }
/// Turn events and codes into a string of HTML.
pub fn compile(events: &[Event], codes: &[Code], options: &Options) -> String {
- let mut index = 0;
- // let mut last_was_tag = false;
- let buffers: &mut Vec<Vec<String>> = &mut vec![vec![]];
- let mut atx_opening_sequence_size: Option<usize> = None;
- let mut heading_setext_buffer: Option<String> = None;
- let mut code_flow_seen_data: Option<bool> = None;
- let mut code_fenced_fences_count: Option<usize> = None;
- let mut slurp_one_line_ending = false;
- let mut ignore_encode = false;
- let mut character_reference_kind: Option<CharacterReferenceKind> = None;
- let protocol_href = if options.allow_dangerous_protocol {
- None
- } else {
- Some(SAFE_PROTOCOL_HREF.to_vec())
- };
- let protocol_src = if options.allow_dangerous_protocol {
- None
- } else {
- Some(SAFE_PROTOCOL_SRC.to_vec())
- };
- let mut line_ending_inferred: Option<LineEnding> = None;
- let mut media_stack: Vec<Media> = vec![];
// let mut slurp_all_line_endings = false;
let mut definition: Option<DefinitionInfo> = None;
+ let mut index = 0;
+ let mut line_ending_inferred: Option<LineEnding> = None;
// To do: actually do a compile pass, so that `buffer`, `resume`, etc can be used.
while index < events.len() {
let event = &events[index];
@@ -280,547 +409,523 @@ pub fn compile(events: &[Event], codes: &[Code], options: &Options) -> String {
+ let mut enter_map: Map = HashMap::new();
+ enter_map.insert(TokenType::CodeFencedFenceInfo, on_enter_buffer);
+ enter_map.insert(TokenType::CodeFencedFenceMeta, on_enter_buffer);
+ enter_map.insert(TokenType::Definition, on_enter_buffer);
+ enter_map.insert(TokenType::HeadingAtxText, on_enter_buffer);
+ enter_map.insert(TokenType::HeadingSetextText, on_enter_buffer);
+ enter_map.insert(TokenType::Label, on_enter_buffer);
+ enter_map.insert(TokenType::ResourceTitleString, on_enter_buffer);
+ enter_map.insert(TokenType::CodeIndented, on_enter_code_indented);
+ enter_map.insert(TokenType::CodeFenced, on_enter_code_fenced);
+ enter_map.insert(TokenType::CodeText, on_enter_code_text);
+ enter_map.insert(TokenType::HtmlFlow, on_enter_html_flow);
+ enter_map.insert(TokenType::HtmlText, on_enter_html_text);
+ enter_map.insert(TokenType::Image, on_enter_image);
+ enter_map.insert(TokenType::Link, on_enter_link);
+ enter_map.insert(TokenType::Resource, on_enter_resource);
+ enter_map.insert(
+ TokenType::ResourceDestinationString,
+ on_enter_destination_string,
+ );
+ enter_map.insert(TokenType::Paragraph, on_enter_paragraph);
+ let mut exit_map: Map = HashMap::new();
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::Label, on_exit_label);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::LabelText, on_exit_label_text);
+ exit_map.insert(
+ TokenType::ResourceDestinationString,
+ on_exit_resource_destination_string,
+ );
+ exit_map.insert(
+ TokenType::ResourceTitleString,
+ on_exit_resource_title_string,
+ );
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::Image, on_exit_media);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::Link, on_exit_media);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::CodeTextData, on_exit_push);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::Data, on_exit_push);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::CharacterEscapeValue, on_exit_push);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::AutolinkEmail, on_exit_autolink_email);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::AutolinkProtocol, on_exit_autolink_protocol);
+ exit_map.insert(
+ TokenType::CharacterReferenceMarker,
+ on_exit_character_reference_marker,
+ );
+ exit_map.insert(
+ TokenType::CharacterReferenceMarkerNumeric,
+ on_exit_character_reference_marker_numeric,
+ );
+ exit_map.insert(
+ TokenType::CharacterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal,
+ on_exit_character_reference_marker_hexadecimal,
+ );
+ exit_map.insert(
+ TokenType::CharacterReferenceValue,
+ on_exit_character_reference_value,
+ );
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::CodeFenced, on_exit_code_flow);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::CodeIndented, on_exit_code_flow);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::CodeFencedFence, on_exit_code_fenced_fence);
+ exit_map.insert(
+ TokenType::CodeFencedFenceInfo,
+ on_exit_code_fenced_fence_info,
+ );
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::CodeFencedFenceMeta, on_exit_resume);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::Resource, on_exit_resume);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::CodeFlowChunk, on_exit_code_flow_chunk);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::CodeText, on_exit_code_text);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::CodeTextLineEnding, on_exit_code_text_line_ending);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::Definition, on_exit_definition);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::HardBreakEscape, on_exit_break);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::HardBreakTrailing, on_exit_break);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::HeadingAtx, on_exit_heading_atx);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::HeadingAtxSequence, on_exit_heading_atx_sequence);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::HeadingAtxText, on_exit_heading_atx_text);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::HeadingSetextText, on_exit_heading_setext_text);
+ exit_map.insert(
+ TokenType::HeadingSetextUnderline,
+ on_exit_heading_setext_underline,
+ );
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::HtmlFlow, on_exit_html);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::HtmlText, on_exit_html);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::HtmlFlowData, on_exit_html_data);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::HtmlTextData, on_exit_html_data);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::LineEnding, on_exit_line_ending);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::Paragraph, on_exit_paragraph);
+ exit_map.insert(TokenType::ThematicBreak, on_exit_thematic_break);
let mut index = 0;
+ let mut context = CompileContext::new(events, codes, options, line_ending_default);
while index < events.len() {
let event = &events[index];
- let token_type = &event.token_type;
- match event.event_type {
- EventType::Enter => match token_type {
- TokenType::Autolink
- | TokenType::AutolinkEmail
- | TokenType::AutolinkMarker
- | TokenType::AutolinkProtocol
- | TokenType::BlankLineEnding
- | TokenType::CharacterEscape
- | TokenType::CharacterEscapeMarker
- | TokenType::CharacterEscapeValue
- | TokenType::CharacterReference
- | TokenType::CharacterReferenceMarker
- | TokenType::CharacterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal
- | TokenType::CharacterReferenceMarkerNumeric
- | TokenType::CharacterReferenceMarkerSemi
- | TokenType::CharacterReferenceValue
- | TokenType::CodeFencedFence
- | TokenType::CodeFencedFenceSequence
- | TokenType::CodeFlowChunk
- | TokenType::CodeTextData
- | TokenType::CodeTextLineEnding
- | TokenType::CodeTextSequence
- | TokenType::Data
- | TokenType::DefinitionLabel
- | TokenType::DefinitionLabelMarker
- | TokenType::DefinitionLabelString
- | TokenType::DefinitionMarker
- | TokenType::DefinitionDestination
- | TokenType::DefinitionDestinationLiteral
- | TokenType::DefinitionDestinationLiteralMarker
- | TokenType::DefinitionDestinationRaw
- | TokenType::DefinitionDestinationString
- | TokenType::DefinitionTitle
- | TokenType::DefinitionTitleMarker
- | TokenType::DefinitionTitleString
- | TokenType::HardBreakEscape
- | TokenType::HardBreakEscapeMarker
- | TokenType::HardBreakTrailing
- | TokenType::HardBreakTrailingSpace
- | TokenType::HeadingAtx
- | TokenType::HeadingAtxSequence
- | TokenType::HeadingSetext
- | TokenType::HeadingSetextUnderline
- | TokenType::HtmlFlowData
- | TokenType::HtmlTextData
- | TokenType::LineEnding
- | TokenType::ThematicBreak
- | TokenType::ThematicBreakSequence
- | TokenType::SpaceOrTab => {
- // Ignore.
- }
- TokenType::CodeFencedFenceInfo
- | TokenType::CodeFencedFenceMeta
- | TokenType::Definition
- | TokenType::HeadingAtxText
- | TokenType::HeadingSetextText
- | TokenType::Label
- | TokenType::ResourceTitleString => {
- buffer(buffers);
- }
- TokenType::CodeIndented => {
- code_flow_seen_data = Some(false);
- line_ending_if_needed(buffers, &line_ending_default);
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push("<pre><code>".to_string());
- }
- TokenType::CodeFenced => {
- code_flow_seen_data = Some(false);
- line_ending_if_needed(buffers, &line_ending_default);
- // Note that no `>` is used, which is added later.
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push("<pre><code".to_string());
- code_fenced_fences_count = Some(0);
- }
- TokenType::CodeText => {
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push("<code>".to_string());
- buffer(buffers);
- }
- TokenType::HtmlFlow => {
- line_ending_if_needed(buffers, &line_ending_default);
- if options.allow_dangerous_html {
- ignore_encode = true;
- }
- }
- TokenType::HtmlText => {
- if options.allow_dangerous_html {
- ignore_encode = true;
- }
- }
- TokenType::Image => {
- media_stack.push(Media {
- image: true,
- label_id: None,
- label: None,
- // reference_id: "".to_string(),
- destination: None,
- title: None,
- });
- // tags = undefined // Disallow tags.
- }
- TokenType::Link => {
- media_stack.push(Media {
- image: false,
- label_id: None,
- label: None,
- // reference_id: "".to_string(),
- destination: None,
- title: None,
- });
- }
- TokenType::Resource => {
- buffer(buffers); // We can have line endings in the resource, ignore them.
- let media = media_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
- media.destination = Some("".to_string());
- }
- TokenType::ResourceDestinationString => {
- buffer(buffers);
- // Ignore encoding the result, as we’ll first percent encode the url and
- // encode manually after.
- ignore_encode = true;
- }
- TokenType::LabelImage
- | TokenType::LabelImageMarker
- | TokenType::LabelLink
- | TokenType::LabelMarker
- | TokenType::LabelEnd
- | TokenType::ResourceMarker
- | TokenType::ResourceDestination
- | TokenType::ResourceDestinationLiteral
- | TokenType::ResourceDestinationLiteralMarker
- | TokenType::ResourceDestinationRaw
- | TokenType::ResourceTitle
- | TokenType::ResourceTitleMarker
- | TokenType::Reference
- | TokenType::ReferenceMarker
- | TokenType::ReferenceString
- | TokenType::LabelText => {
- println!("ignore labels for now");
- }
- TokenType::Paragraph => {
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push("<p>".to_string());
- }
- #[allow(unreachable_patterns)]
- _ => {
- unreachable!("unhandled `enter` of TokenType {:?}", token_type)
- }
- },
- EventType::Exit => match token_type {
- TokenType::Autolink
- | TokenType::AutolinkMarker
- | TokenType::BlankLineEnding
- | TokenType::CharacterEscape
- | TokenType::CharacterEscapeMarker
- | TokenType::CharacterReference
- | TokenType::CharacterReferenceMarkerSemi
- | TokenType::CodeFencedFenceSequence
- | TokenType::CodeTextSequence
- | TokenType::DefinitionLabel
- | TokenType::DefinitionLabelMarker
- | TokenType::DefinitionLabelString
- | TokenType::DefinitionMarker
- | TokenType::DefinitionDestination
- | TokenType::DefinitionDestinationLiteral
- | TokenType::DefinitionDestinationLiteralMarker
- | TokenType::DefinitionDestinationRaw
- | TokenType::DefinitionDestinationString
- | TokenType::DefinitionTitle
- | TokenType::DefinitionTitleMarker
- | TokenType::DefinitionTitleString
- | TokenType::HardBreakEscapeMarker
- | TokenType::HardBreakTrailingSpace
- | TokenType::HeadingSetext
- | TokenType::ThematicBreakSequence
- | TokenType::SpaceOrTab => {
- // Ignore.
- }
- TokenType::LabelImage
- | TokenType::LabelImageMarker
- | TokenType::LabelLink
- | TokenType::LabelMarker
- | TokenType::LabelEnd
- | TokenType::ResourceMarker
- | TokenType::ResourceDestination
- | TokenType::ResourceDestinationLiteral
- | TokenType::ResourceDestinationLiteralMarker
- | TokenType::ResourceDestinationRaw
- | TokenType::ResourceTitle
- | TokenType::ResourceTitleMarker
- | TokenType::Reference
- | TokenType::ReferenceMarker
- | TokenType::ReferenceString => {
- println!("ignore labels for now");
- }
- TokenType::Label => {
- let media = media_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
- media.label = Some(resume(buffers));
- }
- TokenType::LabelText => {
- let media = media_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
- media.label_id = Some(serialize(codes, &from_exit_event(events, index), false));
- }
- TokenType::ResourceDestinationString => {
- let media = media_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
- media.destination = Some(resume(buffers));
- ignore_encode = false;
- }
- TokenType::ResourceTitleString => {
- let media = media_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
- media.title = Some(resume(buffers));
- }
- TokenType::Image | TokenType::Link => {
- // let mut is_in_image = false;
- // let mut index = 0;
- // Skip current.
- // while index < (media_stack.len() - 1) {
- // if media_stack[index].image {
- // is_in_image = true;
- // break;
- // }
- // index += 1;
- // }
- // tags = is_in_image;
- let media = media_stack.pop().unwrap();
- println!("media: {:?}", media);
- let label = media.label.unwrap();
- let buf = buf_tail_mut(buffers);
- // To do: get from definition.
- let destination = media.destination.unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string());
- let title = if let Some(title) = media.title {
- format!(" title=\"{}\"", title)
- } else {
- "".to_string()
- };
- if media.image {
- buf.push(format!(
- "<img src=\"{}\" alt=\"{}\"{} />",
- sanitize_uri(&destination, &protocol_src),
- label,
- title
- ));
- } else {
- buf.push(format!(
- "<a href=\"{}\"{}>{}</a>",
- sanitize_uri(&destination, &protocol_href),
- title,
- label
- ));
- }
- }
- // Just output it.
- TokenType::CodeTextData | TokenType::Data | TokenType::CharacterEscapeValue => {
- // last_was_tag = false;
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push(encode_opt(
- &serialize(codes, &from_exit_event(events, index), false),
- ignore_encode,
- ));
- }
- TokenType::AutolinkEmail => {
- let slice = serialize(codes, &from_exit_event(events, index), false);
- let buf = buf_tail_mut(buffers);
- buf.push(format!(
- "<a href=\"mailto:{}\">",
- sanitize_uri(slice.as_str(), &protocol_href)
- ));
- buf.push(encode_opt(&slice, ignore_encode));
- buf.push("</a>".to_string());
- }
- TokenType::AutolinkProtocol => {
- let slice = serialize(codes, &from_exit_event(events, index), false);
- let buf = buf_tail_mut(buffers);
- buf.push(format!(
- "<a href=\"{}\">",
- sanitize_uri(slice.as_str(), &protocol_href)
- ));
- buf.push(encode_opt(&slice, ignore_encode));
- buf.push("</a>".to_string());
- }
- TokenType::CharacterReferenceMarker => {
- character_reference_kind = Some(CharacterReferenceKind::Named);
- }
- TokenType::CharacterReferenceMarkerNumeric => {
- character_reference_kind = Some(CharacterReferenceKind::Decimal);
- }
- TokenType::CharacterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal => {
- character_reference_kind = Some(CharacterReferenceKind::Hexadecimal);
- }
- TokenType::CharacterReferenceValue => {
- let kind = character_reference_kind
- .expect("expected `character_reference_kind` to be set");
- let reference = serialize(codes, &from_exit_event(events, index), false);
- let ref_string = reference.as_str();
- let value = match kind {
- CharacterReferenceKind::Decimal => {
- decode_numeric(ref_string, 10).to_string()
- }
- CharacterReferenceKind::Hexadecimal => {
- decode_numeric(ref_string, 16).to_string()
- }
- CharacterReferenceKind::Named => decode_named(ref_string),
- };
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push(encode_opt(&value, ignore_encode));
- character_reference_kind = None;
- }
- TokenType::CodeFenced | TokenType::CodeIndented => {
- let seen_data =
- code_flow_seen_data.expect("`code_flow_seen_data` must be defined");
- // To do: containers.
- // One special case is if we are inside a container, and the fenced code was
- // not closed (meaning it runs to the end).
- // In that case, the following line ending, is considered *outside* the
- // fenced code and block quote by micromark, but CM wants to treat that
- // ending as part of the code.
- // if fenced_count != None && fenced_count < 2 && tightStack.length > 0 && !last_was_tag {
- // line_ending();
- // }
- // But in most cases, it’s simpler: when we’ve seen some data, emit an extra
- // line ending when needed.
- if seen_data {
- line_ending_if_needed(buffers, &line_ending_default);
- }
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push("</code></pre>".to_string());
- if let Some(count) = code_fenced_fences_count {
- if count < 2 {
- line_ending_if_needed(buffers, &line_ending_default);
- }
- }
- code_flow_seen_data = None;
- code_fenced_fences_count = None;
- slurp_one_line_ending = false;
- }
- TokenType::CodeFencedFence => {
- let count = if let Some(count) = code_fenced_fences_count {
- count
- } else {
- 0
- };
- if count == 0 {
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push(">".to_string());
- // tag = true;
- slurp_one_line_ending = true;
- }
- code_fenced_fences_count = Some(count + 1);
- }
- TokenType::CodeFencedFenceInfo => {
- let value = resume(buffers);
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push(format!(" class=\"language-{}\"", value));
- // tag = true;
- }
- TokenType::CodeFencedFenceMeta | TokenType::Resource => {
- resume(buffers);
- }
- TokenType::CodeFlowChunk => {
- code_flow_seen_data = Some(true);
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push(encode_opt(
- &serialize(codes, &from_exit_event(events, index), false),
- ignore_encode,
- ));
- }
- TokenType::CodeText => {
- let result = resume(buffers);
- let mut chars = result.chars();
- let mut trim = false;
- if Some(' ') == chars.next() && Some(' ') == chars.next_back() {
- let mut next = chars.next();
- while next != None && !trim {
- if Some(' ') != next {
- trim = true;
- }
- next = chars.next();
- }
- }
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push(if trim {
- result[1..(result.len() - 1)].to_string()
- } else {
- result
- });
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push("</code>".to_string());
- }
- TokenType::CodeTextLineEnding => {
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push(" ".to_string());
- }
- TokenType::Definition => {
- resume(buffers);
- slurp_one_line_ending = true;
- }
- TokenType::HardBreakEscape | TokenType::HardBreakTrailing => {
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push("<br />".to_string());
- }
- TokenType::HeadingAtx => {
- let rank = atx_opening_sequence_size
- .expect("`atx_opening_sequence_size` must be set in headings");
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push(format!("</h{}>", rank));
- atx_opening_sequence_size = None;
- }
- TokenType::HeadingAtxSequence => {
- // First fence we see.
- if None == atx_opening_sequence_size {
- let rank = serialize(codes, &from_exit_event(events, index), false).len();
- atx_opening_sequence_size = Some(rank);
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push(format!("<h{}>", rank));
- }
- }
- TokenType::HeadingAtxText => {
- let value = resume(buffers);
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push(value);
- }
- TokenType::HeadingSetextText => {
- heading_setext_buffer = Some(resume(buffers));
- slurp_one_line_ending = true;
- }
- TokenType::HeadingSetextUnderline => {
- let text = heading_setext_buffer
- .expect("`atx_opening_sequence_size` must be set in headings");
- let head = codes_from_span(codes, &from_exit_event(events, index))[0];
- let level: usize = if head == Code::Char('-') { 2 } else { 1 };
- heading_setext_buffer = None;
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push(format!("<h{}>{}</h{}>", level, text, level));
- }
- TokenType::HtmlFlow | TokenType::HtmlText => {
- ignore_encode = false;
- }
- TokenType::HtmlFlowData | TokenType::HtmlTextData => {
- let slice = serialize(codes, &from_exit_event(events, index), false);
- // last_was_tag = false;
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push(encode_opt(&slice, ignore_encode));
- }
- TokenType::LineEnding => {
- // if slurp_all_line_endings {
- // // Empty.
- // } else
- if slurp_one_line_ending {
- slurp_one_line_ending = false;
- } else {
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push(encode_opt(
- &serialize(codes, &from_exit_event(events, index), false),
- ignore_encode,
- ));
- }
- }
- TokenType::Paragraph => {
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push("</p>".to_string());
- }
- TokenType::ThematicBreak => {
- buf_tail_mut(buffers).push("<hr />".to_string());
- }
- #[allow(unreachable_patterns)]
- _ => {
- unreachable!("unhandled `exit` of TokenType {:?}", token_type)
- }
- },
+ context.index = index;
+ let map = if event.event_type == EventType::Enter {
+ &enter_map
+ } else {
+ &exit_map
+ };
+ if let Some(func) = map.get(&event.token_type) {
+ func(&mut context, event);
index += 1;
- assert!(buffers.len() == 1, "expected 1 final buffer");
- buffers.get(0).expect("expected 1 final buffer").concat()
+ assert!(context.buffers.len() == 1, "expected 1 final buffer");
+ context
+ .buffers
+ .get(0)
+ .expect("expected 1 final buffer")
+ .concat()
-/// Push a buffer.
-fn buffer(buffers: &mut Vec<Vec<String>>) {
- buffers.push(vec![]);
+fn on_enter_buffer(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.buffer();
-/// Pop a buffer, returning its value.
-fn resume(buffers: &mut Vec<Vec<String>>) -> String {
- let buf = buffers.pop().expect("Cannot resume w/o buffer");
- buf.concat()
+fn on_enter_code_indented(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.code_flow_seen_data = Some(false);
+ context.line_ending_if_needed();
+ context.push("<pre><code>".to_string());
-/// Get the last chunk of current buffer.
-fn buf_tail_slice(buffers: &mut [Vec<String>]) -> Option<&String> {
- let tail = buf_tail(buffers);
- tail.last()
+fn on_enter_code_fenced(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.code_flow_seen_data = Some(false);
+ context.line_ending_if_needed();
+ // Note that no `>` is used, which is added later.
+ context.push("<pre><code".to_string());
+ context.code_fenced_fences_count = Some(0);
-/// Get the mutable last chunk of current buffer.
-fn buf_tail_mut(buffers: &mut [Vec<String>]) -> &mut Vec<String> {
- buffers
- .last_mut()
- .expect("at least one buffer should exist")
+fn on_enter_code_text(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.push("<code>".to_string());
+ context.buffer();
-/// Get the current buffer.
-fn buf_tail(buffers: &mut [Vec<String>]) -> &Vec<String> {
- buffers.last().expect("at least one buffer should exist")
+fn on_enter_html_flow(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.line_ending_if_needed();
+ if context.allow_dangerous_html {
+ context.ignore_encode = true;
+ }
-/// Optionally encode.
-fn encode_opt(value: &str, ignore_encode: bool) -> String {
- if ignore_encode {
- value.to_string()
- } else {
- encode(value)
+fn on_enter_html_text(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ if context.allow_dangerous_html {
+ context.ignore_encode = true;
-/// Add a line ending.
-fn line_ending(buffers: &mut [Vec<String>], default: &LineEnding) {
- let tail = buf_tail_mut(buffers);
- // lastWasTag = false
- tail.push(default.as_str().to_string());
+fn on_enter_image(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.media_stack.push(Media {
+ image: true,
+ label_id: None,
+ label: None,
+ // reference_id: "".to_string(),
+ destination: None,
+ title: None,
+ });
+ // tags = undefined // Disallow tags.
+fn on_enter_link(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.media_stack.push(Media {
+ image: false,
+ label_id: None,
+ label: None,
+ // reference_id: "".to_string(),
+ destination: None,
+ title: None,
+ });
-/// Add a line ending if needed (as in, there’s no eol/eof already).
-fn line_ending_if_needed(buffers: &mut [Vec<String>], default: &LineEnding) {
- let slice = buf_tail_slice(buffers);
- let last_char = if let Some(x) = slice {
- x.chars().last()
+fn on_enter_resource(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.buffer(); // We can have line endings in the resource, ignore them.
+ let media = context.media_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
+ media.destination = Some("".to_string());
+fn on_enter_destination_string(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.buffer();
+ // Ignore encoding the result, as we’ll first percent encode the url and
+ // encode manually after.
+ context.ignore_encode = true;
+fn on_enter_paragraph(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.buf_tail_mut().push("<p>".to_string());
+fn on_exit_label(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ let buf = context.resume();
+ let media = context.media_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
+ media.label = Some(buf);
+fn on_exit_label_text(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ let media = context.media_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
+ media.label_id = Some(serialize(
+ context.codes,
+ &from_exit_event(context.events, context.index),
+ false,
+ ));
+fn on_exit_resource_destination_string(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ let buf = context.resume();
+ let media = context.media_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
+ media.destination = Some(buf);
+ context.ignore_encode = false;
+fn on_exit_resource_title_string(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ let buf = context.resume();
+ let media = context.media_stack.last_mut().unwrap();
+ media.title = Some(buf);
+fn on_exit_media(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ // let mut is_in_image = false;
+ // let mut index = 0;
+ // Skip current.
+ // while index < (media_stack.len() - 1) {
+ // if media_stack[index].image {
+ // is_in_image = true;
+ // break;
+ // }
+ // index += 1;
+ // }
+ // tags = is_in_image;
+ let media = context.media_stack.pop().unwrap();
+ println!("media: {:?}", media);
+ let label = media.label.unwrap();
+ // To do: get from definition.
+ let destination = media.destination.unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string());
+ let title = if let Some(title) = media.title {
+ format!(" title=\"{}\"", title)
} else {
- None
+ "".to_string()
- let mut add = true;
- if let Some(x) = last_char {
- if x == '\n' || x == '\r' {
- add = false;
+ let result = if media.image {
+ format!(
+ "<img src=\"{}\" alt=\"{}\"{} />",
+ sanitize_uri(&destination, &context.protocol_src),
+ label,
+ title
+ )
+ } else {
+ format!(
+ "<a href=\"{}\"{}>{}</a>",
+ sanitize_uri(&destination, &context.protocol_href),
+ title,
+ label
+ )
+ };
+ context.push(result);
+fn on_exit_push(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ // Just output it.
+ // last_was_tag = false;
+ context.push(context.encode_opt(&serialize(
+ context.codes,
+ &from_exit_event(context.events, context.index),
+ false,
+ )));
+fn on_exit_autolink_email(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ let slice = serialize(
+ context.codes,
+ &from_exit_event(context.events, context.index),
+ false,
+ );
+ context.push(format!(
+ "<a href=\"mailto:{}\">{}</a>",
+ sanitize_uri(slice.as_str(), &context.protocol_href),
+ context.encode_opt(&slice)
+ ));
+fn on_exit_autolink_protocol(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ let slice = serialize(
+ context.codes,
+ &from_exit_event(context.events, context.index),
+ false,
+ );
+ let href = sanitize_uri(slice.as_str(), &context.protocol_href);
+ println!("xxx: {:?} {:?}", href, &context.protocol_href);
+ context.push(format!(
+ "<a href=\"{}\">{}</a>",
+ href,
+ context.encode_opt(&slice)
+ ));
+fn on_exit_character_reference_marker(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.character_reference_kind = Some(CharacterReferenceKind::Named);
+fn on_exit_character_reference_marker_numeric(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.character_reference_kind = Some(CharacterReferenceKind::Decimal);
+fn on_exit_character_reference_marker_hexadecimal(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.character_reference_kind = Some(CharacterReferenceKind::Hexadecimal);
+fn on_exit_character_reference_value(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ let kind = context
+ .character_reference_kind
+ .take()
+ .expect("expected `character_reference_kind` to be set");
+ let reference = serialize(
+ context.codes,
+ &from_exit_event(context.events, context.index),
+ false,
+ );
+ let ref_string = reference.as_str();
+ let value = match kind {
+ CharacterReferenceKind::Decimal => decode_numeric(ref_string, 10).to_string(),
+ CharacterReferenceKind::Hexadecimal => decode_numeric(ref_string, 16).to_string(),
+ CharacterReferenceKind::Named => decode_named(ref_string),
+ };
+ context.push(context.encode_opt(&value));
+fn on_exit_code_flow(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ let seen_data = context
+ .code_flow_seen_data
+ .take()
+ .expect("`code_flow_seen_data` must be defined");
+ // To do: containers.
+ // One special case is if we are inside a container, and the fenced code was
+ // not closed (meaning it runs to the end).
+ // In that case, the following line ending, is considered *outside* the
+ // fenced code and block quote by micromark, but CM wants to treat that
+ // ending as part of the code.
+ // if fenced_count != None && fenced_count < 2 && tightStack.length > 0 && !last_was_tag {
+ // line_ending();
+ // }
+ // But in most cases, it’s simpler: when we’ve seen some data, emit an extra
+ // line ending when needed.
+ if seen_data {
+ context.line_ending_if_needed();
+ }
+ context.push("</code></pre>".to_string());
+ if let Some(count) = context.code_fenced_fences_count.take() {
+ if count < 2 {
+ context.line_ending_if_needed();
+ }
+ context.slurp_one_line_ending = false;
+fn on_exit_code_fenced_fence(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ let count = if let Some(count) = context.code_fenced_fences_count {
+ count
} else {
- add = false;
+ 0
+ };
+ if count == 0 {
+ context.push(">".to_string());
+ // tag = true;
+ context.slurp_one_line_ending = true;
- if add {
- line_ending(buffers, default);
+ context.code_fenced_fences_count = Some(count + 1);
+fn on_exit_code_fenced_fence_info(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ let value = context.resume();
+ context.push(format!(" class=\"language-{}\"", value));
+ // tag = true;
+fn on_exit_resume(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.resume();
+fn on_exit_code_flow_chunk(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.code_flow_seen_data = Some(true);
+ context.push(context.encode_opt(&serialize(
+ context.codes,
+ &from_exit_event(context.events, context.index),
+ false,
+ )));
+fn on_exit_code_text(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ let result = context.resume();
+ let mut chars = result.chars();
+ let mut trim = false;
+ if Some(' ') == chars.next() && Some(' ') == chars.next_back() {
+ let mut next = chars.next();
+ while next != None && !trim {
+ if Some(' ') != next {
+ trim = true;
+ }
+ next = chars.next();
+ }
+ }
+ context.push(if trim {
+ result[1..(result.len() - 1)].to_string()
+ } else {
+ result
+ });
+ context.push("</code>".to_string());
+fn on_exit_code_text_line_ending(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.push(" ".to_string());
+fn on_exit_definition(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.resume();
+ context.slurp_one_line_ending = true;
+fn on_exit_break(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.push("<br />".to_string());
+fn on_exit_heading_atx(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ let rank = context
+ .atx_opening_sequence_size
+ .take()
+ .expect("`atx_opening_sequence_size` must be set in headings");
+ context.push(format!("</h{}>", rank));
+fn on_exit_heading_atx_sequence(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ // First fence we see.
+ if context.atx_opening_sequence_size.is_none() {
+ let rank = serialize(
+ context.codes,
+ &from_exit_event(context.events, context.index),
+ false,
+ )
+ .len();
+ context.atx_opening_sequence_size = Some(rank);
+ context.push(format!("<h{}>", rank));
+fn on_exit_heading_atx_text(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ let value = context.resume();
+ context.push(value);
+fn on_exit_heading_setext_text(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ let buf = context.resume();
+ context.heading_setext_buffer = Some(buf);
+ context.slurp_one_line_ending = true;
+fn on_exit_heading_setext_underline(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ let text = context
+ .heading_setext_buffer
+ .take()
+ .expect("`atx_opening_sequence_size` must be set in headings");
+ let head = codes_from_span(
+ context.codes,
+ &from_exit_event(context.events, context.index),
+ )[0];
+ let level: usize = if head == Code::Char('-') { 2 } else { 1 };
+ context.push(format!("<h{}>{}</h{}>", level, text, level));
+fn on_exit_html(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.ignore_encode = false;
+fn on_exit_html_data(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ let slice = serialize(
+ context.codes,
+ &from_exit_event(context.events, context.index),
+ false,
+ );
+ // last_was_tag = false;
+ context.push(context.encode_opt(&slice));
+fn on_exit_line_ending(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ // if slurp_all_line_endings {
+ // // Empty.
+ // } else
+ if context.slurp_one_line_ending {
+ context.slurp_one_line_ending = false;
+ } else {
+ context.push(context.encode_opt(&serialize(
+ context.codes,
+ &from_exit_event(context.events, context.index),
+ false,
+ )));
+ }
+fn on_exit_paragraph(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.push("</p>".to_string());
+fn on_exit_thematic_break(context: &mut CompileContext, _event: &Event) {
+ context.push("<hr />".to_string());
diff --git a/src/tokenizer.rs b/src/tokenizer.rs
index cba055d..cb02e21 100644
--- a/src/tokenizer.rs
+++ b/src/tokenizer.rs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ use crate::parser::ParseState;
/// Semantic label of a span.
// To do: figure out how to share this so extensions can add their own stuff,
// though perhaps that’s impossible and we should inline all extensions?
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Hash, Eq)]
pub enum TokenType {
/// Whole autolink.