//! Helpers to deal with several changes in events, batching them together.
//! Preferably, changes should be kept to a minumum.
//! Sometimes, it’s needed to change the list of events, because parsing can be
//! messy, and it helps to expose a cleaner interface of events to the compiler
//! and other users.
//! It can also help to merge many adjacent similar events.
//! And, in other cases, it’s needed to parse subcontent: pass some events
//! through another tokenizer and inject the result.
use crate::tokenizer::Event;
/// Shift `previous` and `next` links according to `jumps`.
/// This fixes links in case there are events removed or added between them.
fn shift_links(events: &mut [Event], jumps: &[(usize, isize)]) {
let map = |before| {
let mut jump_index = 0;
let mut jump = 0;
while jump_index < jumps.len() {
if jumps[jump_index].0 > before {
jump = jumps[jump_index].1;
jump_index += 1;
let next_i = (before as isize) + jump;
assert!(next_i >= 0, "cannot shift before `0`");
let next = next_i as usize;
let mut index = 0;
while index < events.len() {
let event = &mut events[index];
event.previous = event.previous.map(map);
event.next = event.next.map(map);
index += 1;
/// Make it easy to insert and remove things while being performant and keeping
/// links in check.
pub struct EditMap {
/// Whether this map was consumed already.
consumed: bool,
/// Record of changes.
map: Vec<(usize, usize, Vec<Event>)>,
impl EditMap {
/// Create a new edit map.
pub fn new() -> EditMap {
EditMap {
consumed: false,
map: vec![],
/// Create an edit: a remove and/or add at a certain place.
pub fn add(&mut self, index: usize, remove: usize, add: Vec<Event>) {
add_impl(self, index, remove, add, false);
/// Create an edit: but insert `add` before existing additions.
pub fn add_before(&mut self, index: usize, remove: usize, add: Vec<Event>) {
add_impl(self, index, remove, add, true);
/// Done, change the events.
pub fn consume(&mut self, mut events: Vec<Event>) -> Vec<Event> {
.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.0.partial_cmp(&b.0).unwrap());
assert!(!self.consumed, "cannot consume after consuming");
self.consumed = true;
let mut jumps: Vec<(usize, isize)> = vec![];
let mut index = 0;
let mut shift = 0;
while index < self.map.len() {
let (at, remove, add) = &self.map[index];
let next = shift + (add.len() as isize) - (*remove as isize);
shift = next;
jumps.push((*at, shift));
index += 1;
let mut index = self.map.len();
let mut vecs: Vec<Vec<Event>> = vec![];
let mut capacity = 0;
while index > 0 {
index -= 1;
let at = self.map[index].0;
let mut keep = events.split_off(at + self.map[index].1);
shift_links(&mut keep, &jumps);
capacity += keep.len();
let add = self.map[index].2.split_off(0);
capacity += add.len();
shift_links(&mut events, &jumps);
capacity += events.len();
let mut next_events: Vec<Event> = Vec::with_capacity(capacity);
let mut slice = vecs.pop();
while let Some(mut x) = slice {
next_events.append(&mut x);
slice = vecs.pop();
/// Create an edit.
fn add_impl(edit_map: &mut EditMap, at: usize, remove: usize, mut add: Vec<Event>, before: bool) {
assert!(!edit_map.consumed, "cannot add after consuming");
let mut index = 0;
while index < edit_map.map.len() {
if edit_map.map[index].0 == at {
edit_map.map[index].1 += remove;
// To do: these might have to be split into several chunks instead
// of one, if links in `curr_add` are supported.
if before {
add.append(&mut edit_map.map[index].2);
edit_map.map[index].2 = add;
} else {
edit_map.map[index].2.append(&mut add);
index += 1;
edit_map.map.push((at, remove, add));