//! Constants needed to parse markdown.
//! Most of these constants are magic numbers, such as the number of markers
//! needed to parse [code (fenced)][raw_flow]
//! ([`CODE_FENCED_SEQUENCE_SIZE_MIN`][]) or the max number of allowed markers
//! in a [heading (atx)][heading_atx]
//! Some constants are instead lists of things, such as the list of tag names
//! considered in the **raw** production of [HTML (flow)][html_flow]
//! ([`HTML_RAW_NAMES`][]), or the list of named character references
//! [raw_flow]: crate::construct::raw_flow
//! [heading_atx]: crate::construct::heading_atx
//! [html_flow]: crate::construct::html_flow
/// The number of characters allowed in a protocol of an [autolink][].
/// The protocol part is the `xxx` in `<xxx://example.com>`.
/// 32 characters is fine, 33 is too many.
/// [autolink]: crate::construct::autolink
pub const AUTOLINK_SCHEME_SIZE_MAX: usize = 32;
/// The number of characters allowed in a domain of an email [autolink][].
/// There can be multiple “domains”.
/// A domain part is each `xxx` in `<example@xxx.xxx.xxx>`.
/// 63 characters is fine, 64 is too many.
/// [autolink]: crate::construct::autolink
pub const AUTOLINK_DOMAIN_SIZE_MAX: usize = 63;
/// The max number of characters in a decimal numeric
/// [character reference][character_reference].
/// To illustrate, this allows `�` and disallows `�`.
/// This limit is imposed because all bigger numbers are invalid.
/// [character_reference]: crate::construct::character_reference
/// The max number of characters in a hexadecimal numeric
/// [character reference][character_reference].
/// To illustrate, this allows `�` and disallows `�`.
/// This limit is imposed because all bigger numbers are invalid.
/// [character_reference]: crate::construct::character_reference
/// The max number of characters in a named
/// [character reference][character_reference].
/// This is the number of the longest name in [`CHARACTER_REFERENCES`][].
/// It allows `∳` and prevents the parser from
/// continuing for eons.
/// [character_reference]: crate::construct::character_reference
/// The number of markers needed for [code (fenced)][raw_flow] to form.
/// Like many things in markdown, the number is `3`.
/// [raw_flow]: crate::construct::raw_flow
pub const CODE_FENCED_SEQUENCE_SIZE_MIN: usize = 3;
/// The number of markers needed for [frontmatter][] to form.
/// Like many things in markdown, the number is `3`.
/// [frontmatter]: crate::construct::frontmatter
pub const FRONTMATTER_SEQUENCE_SIZE: usize = 3;
/// The number of the longest tag name in [`GFM_HTML_TAGFILTER_NAMES`][].
/// This is currently the size of `plaintext`.
pub const GFM_HTML_TAGFILTER_SIZE_MAX: usize = 9;
/// List of HTML tag names that are escaped by GFMs tag filter.
/// Tag name matching must be performed insensitive to case, and thus this list
/// includes lowercase tag names.
/// ## References
/// * [*§ 6.1 Disallowed Raw HTML (extension)* in GFM](https://github.github.com/gfm/#disallowed-raw-html-extension-)
pub const GFM_HTML_TAGFILTER_NAMES: [&str; 9] = [
/// The number of preceding spaces needed for a [hard break
/// (trailing)][whitespace] to form.
/// [whitespace]: crate::construct::partial_whitespace
pub const HARD_BREAK_PREFIX_SIZE_MIN: usize = 2;
/// The max number of markers allowed to form a [heading (atx)][heading_atx].
/// This limitation is imposed by HTML, which imposes a max heading rank of
/// `6`.
/// [heading_atx]: crate::construct::heading_atx
/// List of HTML tag names that form the **basic** production of
/// [HTML (flow)][html_flow].
/// The **basic** production allows interleaving HTML and markdown with blank
/// lines and allows flow (block) elements to interrupt definitions, paragraphs,
/// and heading (setext).
/// Tag name matching must be performed insensitive to case, and thus this list
/// includes lowercase tag names.
/// Tag names not on this list result in the **complete** production.
/// > 👉 **Note**: `source` was removed on `main` of the `CommonMark` spec and
/// > is slated to be released in `CommonMark@0.31`.
/// ## References
/// * [*§ 4.6 HTML blocks* in `CommonMark`](https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#html-blocks)
/// * [*Remove source element as HTML block start condition* as `commonmark/commonmark-spec#710`](https://github.com/commonmark/commonmark-spec/pull/710)
/// [html_flow]: crate::construct::html_flow
pub const HTML_BLOCK_NAMES: [&str; 61] = [
/// Magic string of CDATA (after `<![`).
/// Used in the **cdata** production of [HTML (flow)][html_flow] and
/// [HTML (text)][html_text].
/// [html_flow]: crate::construct::html_flow
/// [html_text]: crate::construct::html_text
pub const HTML_CDATA_PREFIX: [u8; 6] = [b'C', b'D', b'A', b'T', b'A', b'['];
/// List of HTML tag names that form the **raw** production of
/// [HTML (flow)][html_flow].
/// The **raw** production allows blank lines and thus no interleaving with
/// markdown.
/// Tag name matching must be performed insensitive to case, and thus this list
/// includes lowercase tag names.
/// The number of the longest tag name is also stored as a constant in
/// [`HTML_RAW_SIZE_MAX`][].
/// > 👉 **Note**: `textarea` was added in `CommonMark@0.30`.
/// ## References
/// * [*§ 4.6 HTML blocks* in `CommonMark`](https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#html-blocks)
/// [html_flow]: crate::construct::html_flow
pub const HTML_RAW_NAMES: [&str; 4] = ["pre", "script", "style", "textarea"];
/// The number of the longest tag name in [`HTML_RAW_NAMES`][].
/// This is currently the size of `textarea`.
pub const HTML_RAW_SIZE_MAX: usize = 8;
/// To safeguard performance, labels are capped at a large number: `999`.
pub const LINK_REFERENCE_SIZE_MAX: usize = 999;
/// The max number of decimals allowed to form an (ordered)
/// [list item][list-item].
/// `CommonMark` caps this at 10 digits (9 is fine, 10 not).
/// This limit is imposed because bigger numbers result in integer overflows
/// in some browsers.
/// ## References
/// * [*§ 5.2 List items* in `CommonMark`](https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#ordered-list-marker)
/// [list-item]: crate::construct::list_item
pub const LIST_ITEM_VALUE_SIZE_MAX: usize = 10;
/// The number of markers needed for [math (flow)][raw_flow] to form.
/// Unlike code (fenced), this number is `2`.
/// [raw_flow]: crate::construct::raw_flow
pub const MATH_FLOW_SEQUENCE_SIZE_MIN: usize = 2;
/// Maximum allowed unbalanced parens in destination.
/// There can be many balanced parens, but if there are 33 opens that were not
/// yet closed, the destination does not parse.
/// `CommonMark` requires that at least 3 opening parens are allowed.
/// See: <https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#link-destination>,
/// In practice, this is quite low, and several places instead cap it at 32.
/// See: <https://github.com/remarkjs/react-markdown/issues/658#issuecomment-984345577>.
/// List of protocols allowed, when operating safely, as `href` on `a`.
/// This list is based on what is allowed by GitHub.
pub const SAFE_PROTOCOL_HREF: [&str; 6] = ["http", "https", "irc", "ircs", "mailto", "xmpp"];
/// List of protocols allowed, when operating safely, as `src` on `img`.
/// This list is based on what is allowed by GitHub.
pub const SAFE_PROTOCOL_SRC: [&str; 2] = ["http", "https"];
/// The number of characters that form a tab stop.
/// This relates to the number of whitespace characters needed to form certain
/// constructs in markdown, most notable the whitespace required to form
/// [code (indented)][code_indented].
/// [code_indented]: crate::construct::code_indented
pub const TAB_SIZE: usize = 4;
/// The number of markers needed for a [thematic break][thematic_break] to form.
/// Like many things in markdown, the number is `3`.
/// [thematic_break]: crate::construct::thematic_break
// Important: please touch the below lists as few times as possible to keep Git small.
/// List of names and values that form named [character reference][character_reference]s.
/// This list is sensitive to casing.
/// The number of the longest name (`CounterClockwiseContourIntegral`) is also
/// stored as a constant in [`CHARACTER_REFERENCE_NAMED_SIZE_MAX`][].
/// ## References
/// * [*§ 2.5 Entity and numeric character references* in `CommonMark`](https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#entity-and-numeric-character-references)
/// [character_reference]: crate::construct::character_reference
pub const CHARACTER_REFERENCES: [(&str, &str); 2125] = [
("AElig", "Æ"),
("AMP", "&"),
("Aacute", "Á"),
("Abreve", "Ă"),
("Acirc", "Â"),
("Acy", "А"),
("Afr", "𝔄"),
("Agrave", "À"),
("Alpha", "Α"),
("Amacr", "Ā"),
("And", "⩓"),
("Aogon", "Ą"),
("Aopf", "𝔸"),
("ApplyFunction", ""),
("Aring", "Å"),
("Ascr", "𝒜"),
("Assign", "≔"),
("Atilde", "Ã"),
("Auml", "Ä"),
("Backslash", "∖"),
("Barv", "⫧"),
("Barwed", "⌆"),
("Bcy", "Б"),
("Because", "∵"),
("Bernoullis", "ℬ"),
("Beta", "Β"),
("Bfr", "𝔅"),
("Bopf", "𝔹"),
("Breve", "˘"),
("Bscr", "ℬ"),
("Bumpeq", "≎"),
("CHcy", "Ч"),
("COPY", "©"),
("Cacute", "Ć"),
("Cap", "⋒"),
("CapitalDifferentialD", "ⅅ"),
("Cayleys", "ℭ"),
("Ccaron", "Č"),
("Ccedil", "Ç"),
("Ccirc", "Ĉ"),
("Cconint", "∰"),
("Cdot", "Ċ"),
("Cedilla", "¸"),
("CenterDot", "·"),
("Cfr", "ℭ"),
("Chi", "Χ"),
("CircleDot", "⊙"),
("CircleMinus", "⊖"),
("CirclePlus", "⊕"),
("CircleTimes", "⊗"),
("ClockwiseContourIntegral", "∲"),
("CloseCurlyDoubleQuote", "”"),
("CloseCurlyQuote", "’"),
("Colon", "∷"),
("Colone", "⩴"),
("Congruent", "≡"),
("Conint", "∯"),
("ContourIntegral", "∮"),
("Copf", "ℂ"),
("Coproduct", "∐"),
("CounterClockwiseContourIntegral", "∳"),
("Cross", "⨯"),
("Cscr", "𝒞"),
("Cup", "⋓"),
("CupCap", "≍"),
("DD", "ⅅ"),
("DDotrahd", "⤑"),
("DJcy", "Ђ"),
("DScy", "Ѕ"),
("DZcy", "Џ"),
("Dagger", "‡"),
("Darr", "↡"),
("Dashv", "⫤"),
("Dcaron", "Ď"),
("Dcy", "Д"),
("Del", "∇"),
("Delta", "Δ"),
("Dfr", "𝔇"),
("DiacriticalAcute", "´"),
("DiacriticalDot", "˙"),
("DiacriticalDoubleAcute", "˝"),
("DiacriticalGrave", "`"),
("DiacriticalTilde", "˜"),
("Diamond", "⋄"),
("DifferentialD", "ⅆ"),
("Dopf", "𝔻"),
("Dot", "¨"),
("DotDot", "⃜"),
("DotEqual", "≐"),
("DoubleContourIntegral", "∯"),
("DoubleDot", "¨"),
("DoubleDownArrow", "⇓"),
("DoubleLeftArrow", "⇐"),
("DoubleLeftRightArrow", "⇔"),
("DoubleLeftTee", "⫤"),
("DoubleLongLeftArrow", "⟸"),
("DoubleLongLeftRightArrow", "⟺"),
("DoubleLongRightArrow", "⟹"),
("DoubleRightArrow", "⇒"),
("DoubleRightTee", "⊨"),
("DoubleUpArrow", "⇑"),
("DoubleUpDownArrow", "⇕"),
("DoubleVerticalBar", "∥"),
("DownArrow", "↓"),
("DownArrowBar", "⤓"),
("DownArrowUpArrow", "⇵"),
("DownBreve", "̑"),
("DownLeftRightVector", "⥐"),
("DownLeftTeeVector", "⥞"),
("DownLeftVector", "↽"),
("DownLeftVectorBar", "⥖"),
("DownRightTeeVector", "⥟"),
("DownRightVector", "⇁"),
("DownRightVectorBar", "⥗"),
("DownTee", "⊤"),
("DownTeeArrow", "↧"),
("Downarrow", "⇓"),
("Dscr", "𝒟"),
("Dstrok", "Đ"),
("ENG", "Ŋ"),
("ETH", "Ð"),
("Eacute", "É"),
("Ecaron", "Ě"),
("Ecirc", "Ê"),
("Ecy", "Э"),
("Edot", "Ė"),
("Efr", "𝔈"),
("Egrave", "È"),
("Element", "∈"),
("Emacr", "Ē"),
("EmptySmallSquare", "◻"),
("EmptyVerySmallSquare", "▫"),
("Eogon", "Ę"),
("Eopf", "𝔼"),
("Epsilon", "Ε"),
("Equal", "⩵"),
("EqualTilde", "≂"),
("Equilibrium", "⇌"),
("Escr", "ℰ"),
("Esim", "⩳"),
("Eta", "Η"),
("Euml", "Ë"),
("Exists", "∃"),
("ExponentialE", "ⅇ"),
("Fcy", "Ф"),
("Ffr", "𝔉"),
("FilledSmallSquare", "◼"),
("FilledVerySmallSquare", "▪"),
("Fopf", "𝔽"),
("ForAll", "∀"),
("Fouriertrf", "ℱ"),
("Fscr", "ℱ"),
("GJcy", "Ѓ"),
("GT", ">"),
("Gamma", "Γ"),
("Gammad", "Ϝ"),
("Gbreve", "Ğ"),
("Gcedil", "Ģ"),
("Gcirc", "Ĝ"),
("Gcy", "Г"),
("Gdot", "Ġ"),
("Gfr", "𝔊"),
("Gg", "⋙"),
("Gopf", "𝔾"),
("GreaterEqual", "≥"),
("GreaterEqualLess", "⋛"),
("GreaterFullEqual", "≧"),
("GreaterGreater", "⪢"),
("GreaterLess", "≷"),
("GreaterSlantEqual", "⩾"),
("GreaterTilde", "≳"),
("Gscr", "𝒢"),
("Gt", "≫"),
("HARDcy", "Ъ"),
("Hacek", "ˇ"),
("Hat", "^"),
("Hcirc", "Ĥ"),
("Hfr", "ℌ"),
("HilbertSpace", "ℋ"),
("Hopf", "ℍ"),
("HorizontalLine", "─"),
("Hscr", "ℋ"),
("Hstrok", "Ħ"),
("HumpDownHump", "≎"),
("HumpEqual", "≏"),
("IEcy", "Е"),
("IJlig", "IJ"),
("IOcy", "Ё"),
("Iacute", "Í"),
("Icirc", "Î"),
("Icy", "И"),
("Idot", "İ"),
("Ifr", "ℑ"),
("Igrave", "Ì"),
("Im", "ℑ"),
("Imacr", "Ī"),
("ImaginaryI", "ⅈ"),
("Implies", "⇒"),
("Int", "∬"),
("Integral", "∫"),
("Intersection", "⋂"),
("InvisibleComma", ""),
("InvisibleTimes", ""),
("Iogon", "Į"),
("Iopf", "𝕀"),
("Iota", "Ι"),
("Iscr", "ℐ"),
("Itilde", "Ĩ"),
("Iukcy", "І"),
("Iuml", "Ï"),
("Jcirc", "Ĵ"),
("Jcy", "Й"),
("Jfr", "𝔍"),
("Jopf", "𝕁"),
("Jscr", "𝒥"),
("Jsercy", "Ј"),
("Jukcy", "Є"),
("KHcy", "Х"),
("KJcy", "Ќ"),
("Kappa", "Κ"),
("Kcedil", "Ķ"),
("Kcy", "К"),
("Kfr", "𝔎"),
("Kopf", "𝕂"),
("Kscr", "𝒦"),
("LJcy", "Љ"),
("LT", "<"),
("Lacute", "Ĺ"),
("Lambda", "Λ"),
("Lang", "⟪"),
("Laplacetrf", "ℒ"),
("Larr", "↞"),
("Lcaron", "Ľ"),
("Lcedil", "Ļ"),
("Lcy", "Л"),
("LeftAngleBracket", "⟨"),
("LeftArrow", "←"),
("LeftArrowBar", "⇤"),
("LeftArrowRightArrow", "⇆"),
("LeftCeiling", "⌈"),
("LeftDoubleBracket", "⟦"),
("LeftDownTeeVector", "⥡"),
("LeftDownVector", "⇃"),
("LeftDownVectorBar", "⥙"),
("LeftFloor", "⌊"),
("LeftRightArrow", "↔"),
("LeftRightVector", "⥎"),
("LeftTee", "⊣"),
("LeftTeeArrow", "↤"),
("LeftTeeVector", "⥚"),
("LeftTriangle", "⊲"),
("LeftTriangleBar", "⧏"),
("LeftTriangleEqual", "⊴"),
("LeftUpDownVector", "⥑"),
("LeftUpTeeVector", "⥠"),
("LeftUpVector", "↿"),
("LeftUpVectorBar", "⥘"),
("LeftVector", "↼"),
("LeftVectorBar", "⥒"),
("Leftarrow", "⇐"),
("Leftrightarrow", "⇔"),
("LessEqualGreater", "⋚"),
("LessFullEqual", "≦"),
("LessGreater", "≶"),
("LessLess", "⪡"),
("LessSlantEqual", "⩽"),
("LessTilde", "≲"),
("Lfr", "𝔏"),
("Ll", "⋘"),
("Lleftarrow", "⇚"),
("Lmidot", "Ŀ"),
("LongLeftArrow", "⟵"),
("LongLeftRightArrow", "⟷"),
("LongRightArrow", "⟶"),
("Longleftarrow", "⟸"),
("Longleftrightarrow", "⟺"),
("Longrightarrow", "⟹"),
("Lopf", "𝕃"),
("LowerLeftArrow", "↙"),
("LowerRightArrow", "↘"),
("Lscr", "ℒ"),
("Lsh", "↰"),
("Lstrok", "Ł"),
("Lt", "≪"),
("Map", "⤅"),
("Mcy", "М"),
("MediumSpace", " "),
("Mellintrf", "ℳ"),
("Mfr", "𝔐"),
("MinusPlus", "∓"),
("Mopf", "𝕄"),
("Mscr", "ℳ"),
("Mu", "Μ"),
("NJcy", "Њ"),
("Nacute", "Ń"),
("Ncaron", "Ň"),
("Ncedil", "Ņ"),
("Ncy", "Н"),
("NegativeMediumSpace", "\u{200B}"),
("NegativeThickSpace", "\u{200B}"),
("NegativeThinSpace", "\u{200B}"),
("NegativeVeryThinSpace", "\u{200B}"),
("NestedGreaterGreater", "≫"),
("NestedLessLess", "≪"),
("NewLine", "\n"),
("Nfr", "𝔑"),
("NoBreak", "\u{2060}"),
("NonBreakingSpace", " "),
("Nopf", "ℕ"),
("Not", "⫬"),
("NotCongruent", "≢"),
("NotCupCap", "≭"),
("NotDoubleVerticalBar", "∦"),
("NotElement", "∉"),
("NotEqual", "≠"),
("NotEqualTilde", "≂̸"),
("NotExists", "∄"),
("NotGreater", "≯"),
("NotGreaterEqual", "≱"),
("NotGreaterFullEqual", "≧̸"),
("NotGreaterGreater", "≫̸"),
("NotGreaterLess", "≹"),
("NotGreaterSlantEqual", "⩾̸"),
("NotGreaterTilde", "≵"),
("NotHumpDownHump", "≎̸"),
("NotHumpEqual", "≏̸"),
("NotLeftTriangle", "⋪"),
("NotLeftTriangleBar", "⧏̸"),
("NotLeftTriangleEqual", "⋬"),
("NotLess", "≮"),
("NotLessEqual", "≰"),
("NotLessGreater", "≸"),
("NotLessLess", "≪̸"),
("NotLessSlantEqual", "⩽̸"),
("NotLessTilde", "≴"),
("NotNestedGreaterGreater", "⪢̸"),
("NotNestedLessLess", "⪡̸"),
("NotPrecedes", "⊀"),
("NotPrecedesEqual", "⪯̸"),
("NotPrecedesSlantEqual", "⋠"),
("NotReverseElement", "∌"),
("NotRightTriangle", "⋫"),
("NotRightTriangleBar", "⧐̸"),
("NotRightTriangleEqual", "⋭"),
("NotSquareSubset", "⊏̸"),
("NotSquareSubsetEqual", "⋢"),
("NotSquareSuperset", "⊐̸"),
("NotSquareSupersetEqual", "⋣"),
("NotSubset", "⊂⃒"),
("NotSubsetEqual", "⊈"),
("NotSucceeds", "⊁"),
("NotSucceedsEqual", "⪰̸"),
("NotSucceedsSlantEqual", "⋡"),
("NotSucceedsTilde", "≿̸"),
("NotSuperset", "⊃⃒"),
("NotSupersetEqual", "⊉"),
("NotTilde", "≁"),
("NotTildeEqual", "≄"),
("NotTildeFullEqual", "≇"),
("NotTildeTilde", "≉"),
("NotVerticalBar", "∤"),
("Nscr", "𝒩"),
("Ntilde", "Ñ"),
("Nu", "Ν"),
("OElig", "Œ"),
("Oacute", "Ó"),
("Ocirc", "Ô"),
("Ocy", "О"),
("Odblac", "Ő"),
("Ofr", "𝔒"),
("Ograve", "Ò"),
("Omacr", "Ō"),
("Omega", "Ω"),
("Omicron", "Ο"),
("Oopf", "𝕆"),
("OpenCurlyDoubleQuote", "“"),
("OpenCurlyQuote", "‘"),
("Or", "⩔"),
("Oscr", "𝒪"),
("Oslash", "Ø"),
("Otilde", "Õ"),
("Otimes", "⨷"),
("Ouml", "Ö"),
("OverBar", "‾"),
("OverBrace", "⏞"),
("OverBracket", "⎴"),
("OverParenthesis", "⏜"),
("PartialD", "∂"),
("Pcy", "П"),
("Pfr", "𝔓"),
("Phi", "Φ"),
("Pi", "Π"),
("PlusMinus", "±"),
("Poincareplane", "ℌ"),
("Popf", "ℙ"),
("Pr", "⪻"),
("Precedes", "≺"),
("PrecedesEqual", "⪯"),
("PrecedesSlantEqual", "≼"),
("PrecedesTilde", "≾"),
("Prime", "″"),
("Product", "∏"),
("Proportion", "∷"),
("Proportional", "∝"),
("Pscr", "𝒫"),
("Psi", "Ψ"),
("QUOT", "\""),
("Qfr", "𝔔"),
("Qopf", "ℚ"),
("Qscr", "𝒬"),
("RBarr", "⤐"),
("REG", "®"),
("Racute", "Ŕ"),
("Rang", "⟫"),
("Rarr", "↠"),
("Rarrtl", "⤖"),
("Rcaron", "Ř"),
("Rcedil", "Ŗ"),
("Rcy", "Р"),
("Re", "ℜ"),
("ReverseElement", "∋"),
("ReverseEquilibrium", "⇋"),
("ReverseUpEquilibrium", "⥯"),
("Rfr", "ℜ"),
("Rho", "Ρ"),
("RightAngleBracket", "⟩"),
("RightArrow", "→"),
("RightArrowBar", "⇥"),
("RightArrowLeftArrow", "⇄"),
("RightCeiling", "⌉"),
("RightDoubleBracket", "⟧"),
("RightDownTeeVector", "⥝"),
("RightDownVector", "⇂"),
("RightDownVectorBar", "⥕"),
("RightFloor", "⌋"),
("RightTee", "⊢"),
("RightTeeArrow", "↦"),
("RightTeeVector", "⥛"),
("RightTriangle", "⊳"),
("RightTriangleBar", "⧐"),
("RightTriangleEqual", "⊵"),
("RightUpDownVector", "⥏"),
("RightUpTeeVector", "⥜"),
("RightUpVector", "↾"),
("RightUpVectorBar", "⥔"),
("RightVector", "⇀"),
("RightVectorBar", "⥓"),
("Rightarrow", "⇒"),
("Ropf", "ℝ"),
("RoundImplies", "⥰"),
("Rrightarrow", "⇛"),
("Rscr", "ℛ"),
("Rsh", "↱"),
("RuleDelayed", "⧴"),
("SHCHcy", "Щ"),
("SHcy", "Ш"),
("SOFTcy", "Ь"),
("Sacute", "Ś"),
("Sc", "⪼"),
("Scaron", "Š"),
("Scedil", "Ş"),
("Scirc", "Ŝ"),
("Scy", "С"),
("Sfr", "𝔖"),
("ShortDownArrow", "↓"),
("ShortLeftArrow", "←"),
("ShortRightArrow", "→"),
("ShortUpArrow", "↑"),
("Sigma", "Σ"),
("SmallCircle", "∘"),
("Sopf", "𝕊"),
("Sqrt", "√"),
("Square", "□"),
("SquareIntersection", "⊓"),
("SquareSubset", "⊏"),
("SquareSubsetEqual", "⊑"),
("SquareSuperset", "⊐"),
("SquareSupersetEqual", "⊒"),
("SquareUnion", "⊔"),
("Sscr", "𝒮"),
("Star", "⋆"),
("Sub", "⋐"),
("Subset", "⋐"),
("SubsetEqual", "⊆"),
("Succeeds", "≻"),
("SucceedsEqual", "⪰"),
("SucceedsSlantEqual", "≽"),
("SucceedsTilde", "≿"),
("SuchThat", "∋"),
("Sum", "∑"),
("Sup", "⋑"),
("Superset", "⊃"),
("SupersetEqual", "⊇"),
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("vangrt", "⦜"),
("varepsilon", "ϵ"),
("varkappa", "ϰ"),
("varnothing", "∅"),
("varphi", "ϕ"),
("varpi", "ϖ"),
("varpropto", "∝"),
("varr", "↕"),
("varrho", "ϱ"),
("varsigma", "ς"),
("varsubsetneq", "⊊︀"),
("varsubsetneqq", "⫋︀"),
("varsupsetneq", "⊋︀"),
("varsupsetneqq", "⫌︀"),
("vartheta", "ϑ"),
("vartriangleleft", "⊲"),
("vartriangleright", "⊳"),
("vcy", "в"),
("vdash", "⊢"),
("vee", "∨"),
("veebar", "⊻"),
("veeeq", "≚"),
("vellip", "⋮"),
("verbar", "|"),
("vert", "|"),
("vfr", "𝔳"),
("vltri", "⊲"),
("vnsub", "⊂⃒"),
("vnsup", "⊃⃒"),
("vopf", "𝕧"),
("vprop", "∝"),
("vrtri", "⊳"),
("vscr", "𝓋"),
("vsubnE", "⫋︀"),
("vsubne", "⊊︀"),
("vsupnE", "⫌︀"),
("vsupne", "⊋︀"),
("vzigzag", "⦚"),
("wcirc", "ŵ"),
("wedbar", "⩟"),
("wedge", "∧"),
("wedgeq", "≙"),
("weierp", "℘"),
("wfr", "𝔴"),
("wopf", "𝕨"),
("wp", "℘"),
("wr", "≀"),
("wreath", "≀"),
("wscr", "𝓌"),
("xcap", "⋂"),
("xcirc", "◯"),
("xcup", "⋃"),
("xdtri", "▽"),
("xfr", "𝔵"),
("xhArr", "⟺"),
("xharr", "⟷"),
("xi", "ξ"),
("xlArr", "⟸"),
("xlarr", "⟵"),
("xmap", "⟼"),
("xnis", "⋻"),
("xodot", "⨀"),
("xopf", "𝕩"),
("xoplus", "⨁"),
("xotime", "⨂"),
("xrArr", "⟹"),
("xrarr", "⟶"),
("xscr", "𝓍"),
("xsqcup", "⨆"),
("xuplus", "⨄"),
("xutri", "△"),
("xvee", "⋁"),
("xwedge", "⋀"),
("yacute", "ý"),
("yacy", "я"),
("ycirc", "ŷ"),
("ycy", "ы"),
("yen", "¥"),
("yfr", "𝔶"),
("yicy", "ї"),
("yopf", "𝕪"),
("yscr", "𝓎"),
("yucy", "ю"),
("yuml", "ÿ"),
("zacute", "ź"),
("zcaron", "ž"),
("zcy", "з"),
("zdot", "ż"),
("zeetrf", "ℨ"),
("zeta", "ζ"),
("zfr", "𝔷"),
("zhcy", "ж"),
("zigrarr", "⇝"),
("zopf", "𝕫"),
("zscr", "𝓏"),
("zwj", ""),
("zwnj", ""),
// Important: please touch the below lists as few times as possible to keep Git small.
/// List of names and values that form named character reference in HTML 4.
/// This list is normally not used in markdown, but it is used in MDX, because
/// in JSX attribute values, only the old HTML 4 character references are
/// supported.
/// This list is sensitive to casing.
/// ## References
/// * [*§ 1.5.2 HTML Character References* in `JSX`](https://facebook.github.io/jsx/#sec-HTMLCharacterReference)
pub const CHARACTER_REFERENCES_HTML_4: [(&str, &str); 252] = [
("AElig", "Æ"),
("Aacute", "Á"),
("Acirc", "Â"),
("Agrave", "À"),
("Alpha", "Α"),
("Aring", "Å"),
("Atilde", "Ã"),
("Auml", "Ä"),
("Beta", "Β"),
("Ccedil", "Ç"),
("Chi", "Χ"),
("Dagger", "‡"),
("Delta", "Δ"),
("ETH", "Ð"),
("Eacute", "É"),
("Ecirc", "Ê"),
("Egrave", "È"),
("Epsilon", "Ε"),
("Eta", "Η"),
("Euml", "Ë"),
("Gamma", "Γ"),
("Iacute", "Í"),
("Icirc", "Î"),
("Igrave", "Ì"),
("Iota", "Ι"),
("Iuml", "Ï"),
("Kappa", "Κ"),
("Lambda", "Λ"),
("Mu", "Μ"),
("Ntilde", "Ñ"),
("Nu", "Ν"),
("OElig", "Œ"),
("Oacute", "Ó"),
("Ocirc", "Ô"),
("Ograve", "Ò"),
("Omega", "Ω"),
("Omicron", "Ο"),
("Oslash", "Ø"),
("Otilde", "Õ"),
("Ouml", "Ö"),
("Phi", "Φ"),
("Pi", "Π"),
("Prime", "″"),
("Psi", "Ψ"),
("Rho", "Ρ"),
("Scaron", "Š"),
("Sigma", "Σ"),
("THORN", "Þ"),
("Tau", "Τ"),
("Theta", "Θ"),
("Uacute", "Ú"),
("Ucirc", "Û"),
("Ugrave", "Ù"),
("Upsilon", "Υ"),
("Uuml", "Ü"),
("Xi", "Ξ"),
("Yacute", "Ý"),
("Yuml", "Ÿ"),
("Zeta", "Ζ"),
("aacute", "á"),
("acirc", "â"),
("acute", "´"),
("aelig", "æ"),
("agrave", "à"),
("alefsym", "ℵ"),
("alpha", "α"),
("amp", "&"),
("and", "∧"),
("ang", "∠"),
("aring", "å"),
("asymp", "≈"),
("atilde", "ã"),
("auml", "ä"),
("bdquo", "„"),
("beta", "β"),
("brvbar", "¦"),
("bull", "•"),
("cap", "∩"),
("ccedil", "ç"),
("cedil", "¸"),
("cent", "¢"),
("chi", "χ"),
("circ", "ˆ"),
("clubs", "♣"),
("cong", "≅"),
("copy", "©"),
("crarr", "↵"),
("cup", "∪"),
("curren", "¤"),
("dArr", "⇓"),
("dagger", "†"),
("darr", "↓"),
("deg", "°"),
("delta", "δ"),
("diams", "♦"),
("divide", "÷"),
("eacute", "é"),
("ecirc", "ê"),
("egrave", "è"),
("empty", "∅"),
("emsp", " "),
("ensp", " "),
("epsilon", "ε"),
("equiv", "≡"),
("eta", "η"),
("eth", "ð"),
("euml", "ë"),
("euro", "€"),
("exist", "∃"),
("fnof", "ƒ"),
("forall", "∀"),
("frac12", "½"),
("frac14", "¼"),
("frac34", "¾"),
("frasl", "⁄"),
("gamma", "γ"),
("ge", "≥"),
("gt", ">"),
("hArr", "⇔"),
("harr", "↔"),
("hearts", "♥"),
("hellip", "…"),
("iacute", "í"),
("icirc", "î"),
("iexcl", "¡"),
("igrave", "ì"),
("image", "ℑ"),
("infin", "∞"),
("int", "∫"),
("iota", "ι"),
("iquest", "¿"),
("isin", "∈"),
("iuml", "ï"),
("kappa", "κ"),
("lArr", "⇐"),
("lambda", "λ"),
("lang", "〈"),
("laquo", "«"),
("larr", "←"),
("lceil", "⌈"),
("ldquo", "“"),
("le", "≤"),
("lfloor", "⌊"),
("lowast", "∗"),
("loz", "◊"),
("lrm", ""),
("lsaquo", "‹"),
("lsquo", "‘"),
("lt", "<"),
("macr", "¯"),
("mdash", "—"),
("micro", "µ"),
("middot", "·"),
("minus", "−"),
("mu", "μ"),
("nabla", "∇"),
("nbsp", " "),
("ndash", "–"),
("ne", "≠"),
("ni", "∋"),
("not", "¬"),
("notin", "∉"),
("nsub", "⊄"),
("ntilde", "ñ"),
("nu", "ν"),
("oacute", "ó"),
("ocirc", "ô"),
("oelig", "œ"),
("ograve", "ò"),
("oline", "‾"),
("omega", "ω"),
("omicron", "ο"),
("oplus", "⊕"),
("or", "∨"),
("ordf", "ª"),
("ordm", "º"),
("oslash", "ø"),
("otilde", "õ"),
("otimes", "⊗"),
("ouml", "ö"),
("para", "¶"),
("part", "∂"),
("permil", "‰"),
("perp", "⊥"),
("phi", "φ"),
("pi", "π"),
("piv", "ϖ"),
("plusmn", "±"),
("pound", "£"),
("prime", "′"),
("prod", "∏"),
("prop", "∝"),
("psi", "ψ"),
("quot", "\""),
("rArr", "⇒"),
("radic", "√"),
("rang", "〉"),
("raquo", "»"),
("rarr", "→"),
("rceil", "⌉"),
("rdquo", "”"),
("real", "ℜ"),
("reg", "®"),
("rfloor", "⌋"),
("rho", "ρ"),
("rlm", ""),
("rsaquo", "›"),
("rsquo", "’"),
("sbquo", "‚"),
("scaron", "š"),
("sdot", "⋅"),
("sect", "§"),
("shy", "\u{AD}"),
("sigma", "σ"),
("sigmaf", "ς"),
("sim", "∼"),
("spades", "♠"),
("sub", "⊂"),
("sube", "⊆"),
("sum", "∑"),
("sup", "⊃"),
("sup1", "¹"),
("sup2", "²"),
("sup3", "³"),
("supe", "⊇"),
("szlig", "ß"),
("tau", "τ"),
("there4", "∴"),
("theta", "θ"),
("thetasym", "ϑ"),
("thinsp", " "),
("thorn", "þ"),
("tilde", "˜"),
("times", "×"),
("trade", "™"),
("uArr", "⇑"),
("uacute", "ú"),
("uarr", "↑"),
("ucirc", "û"),
("ugrave", "ù"),
("uml", "¨"),
("upsih", "ϒ"),
("upsilon", "υ"),
("uuml", "ü"),
("weierp", "℘"),
("xi", "ξ"),
("yacute", "ý"),
("yen", "¥"),
("yuml", "ÿ"),
("zeta", "ζ"),
("zwj", ""),
("zwnj", ""),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use alloc::format;
fn constants() {
format!("{}", 0x0010_ffff).len(),
format!("{:x}", 0x0010_ffff).len(),
longest(&CHARACTER_REFERENCES.map(|d| d.0)).unwrap().len(),
fn longest<'a>(list: &[&'a str]) -> Option<&'a str> {
let mut max = 0;
let mut result = None;
for name in list.iter() {
let len = name.len();
if len > max {
max = len;
result = Some(*name);