//! Public API of `markdown-rs`.
//! This module exposes primarily [`to_html()`][].
//! It also exposes [`to_html_with_options()`][] and [`to_mdast()`][].
//! * [`to_html()`][]
//! — safe way to transform (untrusted?) markdown into HTML
//! * [`to_html_with_options()`][]
//! — like `to_html` but lets you configure how markdown is turned into
//! HTML, such as allowing dangerous HTML or turning on/off different
//! constructs (GFM, MDX, and the like)
//! * [`to_mdast()`][]
//! — turn markdown into a syntax tree
html_logo_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wooorm/markdown-rs/8924580/media/logo-monochromatic.svg?sanitize=true"
extern crate alloc;
mod configuration;
mod construct;
mod event;
mod parser;
mod resolve;
mod state;
mod subtokenize;
mod to_html;
mod to_mdast;
mod tokenizer;
mod util;
pub mod mdast; // To do: externalize?
pub mod unist; // To do: externalize.
pub use util::identifier::{id_cont, id_start};
pub use util::sanitize_uri::sanitize;
pub use util::location::Location;
pub use util::line_ending::LineEnding;
pub use util::mdx::{
EsmParse as MdxEsmParse, ExpressionKind as MdxExpressionKind,
ExpressionParse as MdxExpressionParse, Signal as MdxSignal,
pub use configuration::{CompileOptions, Constructs, Options, ParseOptions};
use alloc::string::String;
/// Turn markdown into HTML.
/// Compiles markdown to HTML according to `CommonMark`.
/// Use [`to_html_with_options()`][] to configure how markdown is turned into
/// HTML.
/// ## Examples
/// ```
/// use markdown::to_html;
/// assert_eq!(to_html("# Hello, world!"), "<h1>Hello, world!</h1>");
/// ```
pub fn to_html(value: &str) -> String {
to_html_with_options(value, &Options::default()).unwrap()
/// Turn markdown into HTML, with configuration.
/// ## Errors
/// `to_html_with_options()` never errors with normal markdown because markdown
/// does not have syntax errors, so feel free to `unwrap()`.
/// However, MDX does have syntax errors.
/// When MDX is turned on, there are several errors that can occur with how
/// expressions, ESM, and JSX are written.
/// ## Examples
/// ```
/// use markdown::{to_html_with_options, CompileOptions, Options};
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), String> {
/// // Use GFM:
/// let result = to_html_with_options("~hi~hello!", &Options::gfm())?;
/// assert_eq!(result, "<p><del>hi</del>hello!</p>");
/// // Live dangerously / trust the author:
/// let result = to_html_with_options("<div>\n\n# Hello, world!\n\n</div>", &Options {
/// compile: CompileOptions {
/// allow_dangerous_html: true,
/// allow_dangerous_protocol: true,
/// ..CompileOptions::default()
/// },
/// ..Options::default()
/// })?;
/// assert_eq!(result, "<div>\n<h1>Hello, world!</h1>\n</div>");
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn to_html_with_options(value: &str, options: &Options) -> Result<String, String> {
let (events, parse_state) = parser::parse(value, &options.parse)?;
/// Turn markdown into a syntax tree.
/// ## Errors
/// `to_mdast()` never errors with normal markdown because markdown does not
/// have syntax errors, so feel free to `unwrap()`.
/// However, MDX does have syntax errors.
/// When MDX is turned on, there are several errors that can occur with how
/// JSX, expressions, or ESM are written.
/// ## Examples
/// ```
/// use markdown::{to_mdast, ParseOptions};
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), String> {
/// let tree = to_mdast("# Hey, *you*!", &ParseOptions::default())?;
/// println!("{:?}", tree);
/// // => Root { children: [Heading { children: [Text { value: "Hey, ", position: Some(1:3-1:8 (2-7)) }, Emphasis { children: [Text { value: "you", position: Some(1:9-1:12 (8-11)) }], position: Some(1:8-1:13 (7-12)) }, Text { value: "!", position: Some(1:13-1:14 (12-13)) }], position: Some(1:1-1:14 (0-13)), depth: 1 }], position: Some(1:1-1:14 (0-13)) }
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn to_mdast(value: &str, options: &ParseOptions) -> Result<mdast::Node, String> {
let (events, parse_state) = parser::parse(value, options)?;
let node = to_mdast::compile(&events, parse_state.bytes)?;
mod tests {
extern crate std;
use super::*;
fn test_to_html() {
"should support turning markdown into html with `to_html`"
fn test_to_html_with_options() {
to_html_with_options("a", &Options::default()).unwrap(),
"should support turning markdown into html with `to_html_with_options`"
fn test_to_mdast() {
to_mdast("a", &ParseOptions::default()).unwrap(),
"should support turning markdown into mdast with `to_mdast`"