//! Raw (text) occurs in the [text][] content type.
//! It forms code (text) and math (text).
//! ## Grammar
//! Raw (text) forms with the following BNF
//! (<small>see [construct][crate::construct] for character groups</small>):
//! ```bnf
//! ; Restriction: the number of markers in the closing sequence must be equal
//! ; to the number of markers in the opening sequence.
//! raw_text ::= sequence 1*byte sequence
//! ; Restriction: not preceded or followed by the same marker.
//! sequence ::= 1*'`' | 1*'$'
//! ```
//! The above grammar shows that it is not possible to create empty raw (text).
//! It is possible to include the sequence marker (grave accent for code,
//! dollar for math) in raw (text), by wrapping it in bigger or smaller
//! sequences:
//! ```markdown
//! Include more: `a``b` or include less: ``a`b``.
//! ```
//! It is also possible to include just one marker:
//! ```markdown
//! Include just one: `` ` ``.
//! ```
//! Sequences are “gready”, in that they cannot be preceded or followed by
//! more markers.
//! To illustrate:
//! ```markdown
//! Not code: ``x`.
//! Not code: `x``.
//! Escapes work, this is code: \``x`.
//! Escapes work, this is code: `x`\`.
//! ```
//! Yields:
//! ```html
//! <p>Not code: ``x`.</p>
//! <p>Not code: `x``.</p>
//! <p>Escapes work, this is code: `<code>x</code>.</p>
//! <p>Escapes work, this is code: <code>x</code>`.</p>
//! ```
//! That is because, when turning markdown into HTML, the first and last space,
//! if both exist and there is also a non-space in the code, are removed.
//! Line endings, at that stage, are considered as spaces.
//! In markdown, it is possible to create code with the
//! [code (fenced)][code_fenced] or [code (indented)][code_indented],
//! and math with the [math (flow)][math_flow] constructs in the [flow][]
//! content type.
//! ## HTML
//! Code (text) relates to the `<code>` element in HTML.
//! See [*§ 4.5.15 The `code` element*][html_code] in the HTML spec for more
//! info.
//! Math (text) does not relate to HTML elements.
//! `MathML`, which is sort of like SVG but for math, exists but it doesn’t work
//! well and isn’t widely supported.
//! Instead, it is recommended to use client side JavaScript with something like
//! `KaTeX` or `MathJax` to process the math
//! For that, the math is compiled as a `<code>` element with two classes:
//! `lang-math` and `math-inline`.
//! Client side JavaScript can look for these classes to process them further.
//! When turning markdown into HTML, each line ending in raw (text) is turned
//! into a space.
//! ## Recommendations
//! When authoring markdown with math, keep in mind that math doesn’t work in
//! most places.
//! Notably, GitHub currently has a really weird crappy client-side regex-based
//! thing.
//! But on your own (math-heavy?) site it can be great!
//! Alternatively, set `options.math_text_single_dollar: false`, which prevents
//! single dollars from being seen as math, and thus prevents normal dollars in
//! text from being seen as math.
//! ## Tokens
//! * [`CodeText`][Name::CodeText]
//! * [`CodeTextData`][Name::CodeTextData]
//! * [`CodeTextSequence`][Name::CodeTextSequence]
//! * [`MathText`][Name::MathText]
//! * [`MathTextData`][Name::MathTextData]
//! * [`MathTextSequence`][Name::MathTextSequence]
//! * [`LineEnding`][Name::LineEnding]
//! ## References
//! * [`code-text.js` in `micromark`](https://github.com/micromark/micromark/blob/main/packages/micromark-core-commonmark/dev/lib/code-text.js)
//! * [`micromark-extension-math`](https://github.com/micromark/micromark-extension-math)
//! * [*§ 6.1 Code spans* in `CommonMark`](https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#code-spans)
//! [flow]: crate::construct::flow
//! [text]: crate::construct::text
//! [code_indented]: crate::construct::code_indented
//! [code_fenced]: crate::construct::code_fenced
//! [math_flow]: # "to do"
//! [html_code]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/text-level-semantics.html#the-code-element
use crate::event::Name;
use crate::state::{Name as StateName, State};
use crate::tokenizer::Tokenizer;
/// Start of raw (text).
/// ```markdown
/// > | `a`
/// ^
/// > | \`a`
/// ^
/// ```
pub fn start(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
// Code (text):
if ((tokenizer.parse_state.options.constructs.code_text && tokenizer.current == Some(b'`'))
// Math (text):
|| (tokenizer.parse_state.options.constructs.math_text && tokenizer.current == Some(b'$')))
// Not the same marker (except when escaped).
&& (tokenizer.previous != tokenizer.current
|| (!tokenizer.events.is_empty()
&& tokenizer.events[tokenizer.events.len() - 1].name == Name::CharacterEscape))
let marker = tokenizer.current.unwrap();
if marker == b'`' {
tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_1 = Name::CodeText;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_2 = Name::CodeTextSequence;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_3 = Name::CodeTextData;
} else {
tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_1 = Name::MathText;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_2 = Name::MathTextSequence;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_3 = Name::MathTextData;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.marker = marker;
} else {
/// In opening sequence.
/// ```markdown
/// > | `a`
/// ^
/// ```
pub fn sequence_open(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
if tokenizer.current == Some(tokenizer.tokenize_state.marker) {
tokenizer.tokenize_state.size += 1;
// Not enough markers in the sequence.
else if tokenizer.tokenize_state.marker == b'$'
&& tokenizer.tokenize_state.size == 1
&& !tokenizer.parse_state.options.math_text_single_dollar
tokenizer.tokenize_state.marker = 0;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.size = 0;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_1 = Name::Data;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_2 = Name::Data;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_3 = Name::Data;
} else {
/// Between something and something else
/// ```markdown
/// > | `a`
/// ^^
/// ```
pub fn between(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
match tokenizer.current {
None => {
tokenizer.tokenize_state.marker = 0;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.size = 0;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_1 = Name::Data;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_2 = Name::Data;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_3 = Name::Data;
Some(b'\n') => {
_ => {
if tokenizer.current == Some(tokenizer.tokenize_state.marker) {
} else {
/// In data.
/// ```markdown
/// > | `a`
/// ^
/// ```
pub fn data(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
if matches!(tokenizer.current, None | Some(b'\n'))
|| tokenizer.current == Some(tokenizer.tokenize_state.marker)
} else {
/// In closing sequence.
/// ```markdown
/// > | `a`
/// ^
/// ```
pub fn sequence_close(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
if tokenizer.current == Some(tokenizer.tokenize_state.marker) {
tokenizer.tokenize_state.size_b += 1;
} else {
if tokenizer.tokenize_state.size == tokenizer.tokenize_state.size_b {
tokenizer.tokenize_state.marker = 0;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.size = 0;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.size_b = 0;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_1 = Name::Data;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_2 = Name::Data;
tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_3 = Name::Data;
} else {
// More or less accents: mark as data.
let len = tokenizer.events.len();
tokenizer.events[len - 2].name = tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_3.clone();
tokenizer.events[len - 1].name = tokenizer.tokenize_state.token_3.clone();
tokenizer.tokenize_state.size_b = 0;