//! Title occurs in [definition][] and [label end][label_end].
//! They’re formed with the following BNF:
//! ```bnf
//! ; Restriction: no blank lines.
//! ; Restriction: markers must match (in case of `(` with `)`).
//! title ::= marker [ *( code - '\\' | '\\' [ marker ] ) ] marker
//! marker ::= '"' | '\'' | '('
//! ```
//! Titles can be double quoted (`"a"`), single quoted (`'a'`), or
//! parenthesized (`(a)`).
//! Titles can contain line endings and whitespace, but they are not allowed to
//! contain blank lines.
//! They are allowed to be blank themselves.
//! The title is interpreted as the [string][] content type.
//! That means that [character escapes][character_escape] and
//! [character references][character_reference] are allowed.
//! ## References
//! * [`micromark-factory-title/index.js` in `micromark`](https://github.com/micromark/micromark/blob/main/packages/micromark-factory-title/dev/index.js)
//! [definition]: crate::construct::definition
//! [string]: crate::content::string
//! [character_escape]: crate::construct::character_escape
//! [character_reference]: crate::construct::character_reference
//! [label_end]: crate::construct::label_end
use super::partial_space_or_tab::{space_or_tab_eol_with_options, EolOptions};
use crate::subtokenize::link;
use crate::token::Token;
use crate::tokenizer::{Code, ContentType, State, Tokenizer};
/// Configuration.
/// You must pass the token types in that are used.
pub struct Options {
/// Token for the whole title.
pub title: Token,
/// Token for the marker.
pub marker: Token,
/// Token for the string inside the quotes.
pub string: Token,
/// Type of title.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum Kind {
/// In a parenthesized (`(` and `)`) title.
/// ## Example
/// ```markdown
/// (a)
/// ```
/// In a double quoted (`"`) title.
/// ## Example
/// ```markdown
/// "a"
/// ```
/// In a single quoted (`'`) title.
/// ## Example
/// ```markdown
/// 'a'
/// ```
impl Kind {
/// Turn the kind into a [char].
/// > 👉 **Note**: a closing paren is used for `Kind::Paren`.
fn as_char(&self) -> char {
match self {
Kind::Paren => ')',
Kind::Double => '"',
Kind::Single => '\'',
/// Turn a [char] into a kind.
/// > 👉 **Note**: an opening paren must be used for `Kind::Paren`.
/// ## Panics
/// Panics if `char` is not `(`, `"`, or `'`.
fn from_char(char: char) -> Kind {
match char {
'(' => Kind::Paren,
'"' => Kind::Double,
'\'' => Kind::Single,
_ => unreachable!("invalid char"),
/// Turn [Code] into a kind.
/// > 👉 **Note**: an opening paren must be used for `Kind::Paren`.
/// ## Panics
/// Panics if `code` is not `Code::Char('(' | '"' | '\'')`.
fn from_code(code: Code) -> Kind {
match code {
Code::Char(char) => Kind::from_char(char),
_ => unreachable!("invalid code"),
/// State needed to parse titles.
struct Info {
/// Whether we’ve seen data.
connect: bool,
/// Kind of title.
kind: Kind,
/// Configuration.
options: Options,
/// Before a title.
/// ```markdown
/// > | "a"
/// ^
/// ```
pub fn start(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, options: Options) -> State {
match tokenizer.current {
Code::Char('"' | '\'' | '(') => {
let info = Info {
connect: false,
kind: Kind::from_code(tokenizer.current),
State::Fn(Box::new(|t| begin(t, info)))
_ => State::Nok,
/// After the opening marker.
/// This is also used when at the closing marker.
/// ```markdown
/// > | "a"
/// ^
/// ```
fn begin(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, info: Info) -> State {
match tokenizer.current {
Code::Char(char) if char == info.kind.as_char() => {
_ => {
at_break(tokenizer, info)
/// At something, before something else.
/// ```markdown
/// > | "a"
/// ^
/// ```
fn at_break(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, mut info: Info) -> State {
match tokenizer.current {
Code::Char(char) if char == info.kind.as_char() => {
begin(tokenizer, info)
Code::None => State::Nok,
Code::CarriageReturnLineFeed | Code::Char('\n' | '\r') => tokenizer.go(
space_or_tab_eol_with_options(EolOptions {
content_type: Some(ContentType::String),
connect: info.connect,
|t| {
info.connect = true;
at_break(t, info)
_ => {
tokenizer.enter_with_content(Token::Data, Some(ContentType::String));
if info.connect {
let index = tokenizer.events.len() - 1;
link(&mut tokenizer.events, index);
} else {
info.connect = true;
title(tokenizer, info)
/// In title text.
/// ```markdown
/// > | "a"
/// ^
/// ```
fn title(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, info: Info) -> State {
match tokenizer.current {
Code::Char(char) if char == info.kind.as_char() => {
at_break(tokenizer, info)
Code::None | Code::CarriageReturnLineFeed | Code::Char('\n' | '\r') => {
at_break(tokenizer, info)
Code::Char('\\') => {
State::Fn(Box::new(|t| escape(t, info)))
_ => {
State::Fn(Box::new(|t| title(t, info)))
/// After `\`, in title text.
/// ```markdown
/// > | "a\*b"
/// ^
/// ```
fn escape(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, info: Info) -> State {
match tokenizer.current {
Code::Char(char) if char == info.kind.as_char() => {
State::Fn(Box::new(|t| title(t, info)))
_ => title(tokenizer, info),