//! List is a construct that occurs in the [document][] content type.
//! It forms with, roughly, the following BNF:
//! ```bnf
//! ; Restriction: there must be `eol | space_or_tab` after the start.
//! ; Restriction: if the first line after the marker is not blank and starts with `5( space_or_tab )`,
//! ; only the first `space_or_tab` is part of the start.
//! list_item_start ::= '*' | '+' | '-' | 1*9( ascii_decimal ) ( '.' | ')' ) [ 1*4 space_or_tab ]
//! ; Restriction: blank line allowed, except when this is the first continuation after a blank start.
//! ; Restriction: if not blank, the line must be indented, exactly `n` times.
//! list_item_cont ::= [ n( space_or_tab ) ]
//! ```
//! Further lines that are not prefixed with `list_item_cont` cause the item
//! to be exited, except when those lines are lazy continuation.
//! Like so many things in markdown, list (items) too, are very complex.
//! See [*§ Phase 1: block structure*][commonmark-block] for more on parsing
//! details.
//! Lists relates to the `<li>`, `<ol>`, and `<ul>` elements in HTML.
//! See [*§ 4.4.8 The `li` element*][html-li],
//! [*§ 4.4.5 The `ol` element*][html-ol], and
//! [*§ 4.4.7 The `ul` element*][html-ul] in the HTML spec for more info.
//! ## Tokens
//! * [`ListItem`][Token::ListItem]
//! * [`ListItemMarker`][Token::ListItemMarker]
//! * [`ListItemPrefix`][Token::ListItemPrefix]
//! * [`ListItemValue`][Token::ListItemValue]
//! * [`ListOrdered`][Token::ListOrdered]
//! * [`ListUnordered`][Token::ListUnordered]
//! ## References
//! * [`list.js` in `micromark`](https://github.com/micromark/micromark/blob/main/packages/micromark-core-commonmark/dev/lib/list.js)
//! * [*§ 5.2 List items* in `CommonMark`](https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#list-items)
//! * [*§ 5.3 Lists* in `CommonMark`](https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#lists)
//! [document]: crate::content::document
//! [html-li]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/grouping-content.html#the-li-element
//! [html-ol]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/grouping-content.html#the-ol-element
//! [html-ul]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/grouping-content.html#the-ul-element
//! [commonmark-block]: https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#phase-1-block-structure
use crate::constant::{LIST_ITEM_VALUE_SIZE_MAX, TAB_SIZE};
use crate::construct::{
blank_line::start as blank_line, partial_space_or_tab::space_or_tab_min_max,
thematic_break::start as thematic_break,
use crate::token::Token;
use crate::tokenizer::{Code, Event, EventType, State, StateFnResult, Tokenizer};
use crate::util::{
span::{codes as codes_from_span, from_exit_event},
/// Type of list.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum Kind {
/// In a dot (`.`) list item.
/// ## Example
/// ```markdown
/// 1. a
/// ```
/// In a paren (`)`) list item.
/// ## Example
/// ```markdown
/// 1) a
/// ```
/// In an asterisk (`*`) list item.
/// ## Example
/// ```markdown
/// * a
/// ```
/// In a plus (`+`) list item.
/// ## Example
/// ```markdown
/// + a
/// ```
/// In a dash (`-`) list item.
/// ## Example
/// ```markdown
/// - a
/// ```
impl Kind {
/// Turn a [char] into a kind.
/// ## Panics
/// Panics if `char` is not `.`, `)`, `*`, `+`, or `-`.
fn from_char(char: char) -> Kind {
match char {
'.' => Kind::Dot,
')' => Kind::Paren,
'*' => Kind::Asterisk,
'+' => Kind::Plus,
'-' => Kind::Dash,
_ => unreachable!("invalid char"),
/// Turn [Code] into a kind.
/// ## Panics
/// Panics if `code` is not `Code::Char('.' | ')' | '*' | '+' | '-')`.
fn from_code(code: Code) -> Kind {
match code {
Code::Char(char) => Kind::from_char(char),
_ => unreachable!("invalid code"),
/// Start of list item.
/// ```markdown
/// > | * a
/// ^
/// ```
pub fn start(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
let max = if tokenizer.parse_state.constructs.code_indented {
} else {
if tokenizer.parse_state.constructs.list {
tokenizer.go(space_or_tab_min_max(0, max), before)(tokenizer, code)
} else {
(State::Nok, None)
/// Start of list item, after whitespace.
/// ```markdown
/// > | * a
/// ^
/// ```
fn before(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
match code {
// Unordered.
Code::Char('*' | '+' | '-') => tokenizer.check(thematic_break, |ok| {
Box::new(if ok { nok } else { before_unordered })
})(tokenizer, code),
// Ordered.
Code::Char(char) if char.is_ascii_digit() && (!tokenizer.interrupt || char == '1') => {
inside(tokenizer, code, 0)
_ => (State::Nok, None),
/// Start of an unordered list item.
/// The line is not a thematic break.
/// ```markdown
/// > | * a
/// ^
/// ```
fn before_unordered(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
marker(tokenizer, code)
/// In an ordered list item value.
/// ```markdown
/// > | 1. a
/// ^
/// ```
fn inside(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code, size: usize) -> StateFnResult {
match code {
Code::Char(char) if char.is_ascii_digit() && size + 1 < LIST_ITEM_VALUE_SIZE_MAX => {
State::Fn(Box::new(move |t, c| inside(t, c, size + 1))),
Code::Char('.' | ')') if !tokenizer.interrupt || size < 2 => {
marker(tokenizer, code)
_ => (State::Nok, None),
/// At a list item marker.
/// ```markdown
/// > | * a
/// ^
/// > | 1. b
/// ^
/// ```
fn marker(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
(State::Fn(Box::new(marker_after)), None)
/// After a list item marker.
/// ```markdown
/// > | * a
/// ^
/// > | 1. b
/// ^
/// ```
fn marker_after(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
tokenizer.check(blank_line, move |ok| {
if ok {
Box::new(|t, c| after(t, c, true))
} else {
})(tokenizer, code)
/// After a list item marker, not followed by a blank line.
/// ```markdown
/// > | * a
/// ^
/// ```
fn marker_after_not_blank(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
// Attempt to parse up to the largest allowed indent, `nok` if there is more whitespace.
tokenizer.attempt(whitespace, move |ok| {
if ok {
Box::new(|t, c| after(t, c, false))
} else {
})(tokenizer, code)
/// In whitespace after a marker.
/// ```markdown
/// > | * a
/// ^
/// ```
fn whitespace(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
tokenizer.go(space_or_tab_min_max(1, TAB_SIZE), whitespace_after)(tokenizer, code)
/// After acceptable whitespace.
/// ```markdown
/// > | * a
/// ^
/// ```
fn whitespace_after(_tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
if matches!(code, Code::VirtualSpace | Code::Char('\t' | ' ')) {
(State::Nok, None)
} else {
(State::Ok, Some(vec![code]))
/// After a list item marker, followed by no indent or more indent that needed.
/// ```markdown
/// > | * a
/// ^
/// ```
fn prefix_other(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
match code {
Code::VirtualSpace | Code::Char('\t' | ' ') => {
(State::Fn(Box::new(|t, c| after(t, c, false))), None)
_ => (State::Nok, None),
/// After a list item prefix.
/// ```markdown
/// > | * a
/// ^
/// ```
fn after(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code, blank: bool) -> StateFnResult {
if blank && tokenizer.interrupt {
(State::Nok, None)
} else {
let start = skip::to_back(
tokenizer.events.len() - 1,
let prefix = tokenizer.index - tokenizer.events[start].index + (if blank { 1 } else { 0 });
let container = tokenizer.container.as_mut().unwrap();
container.blank_initial = blank;
container.size = prefix;
tokenizer.register_resolver_before("list_item".to_string(), Box::new(resolve_list_item));
(State::Ok, Some(vec![code]))
/// Start of list item continuation.
/// ```markdown
/// | * a
/// > | b
/// ^
/// ```
pub fn cont(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
tokenizer.check(blank_line, |ok| {
Box::new(if ok { blank_cont } else { not_blank_cont })
})(tokenizer, code)
/// Start of blank list item continuation.
/// ```markdown
/// | * a
/// > |
/// ^
/// | b
/// ```
pub fn blank_cont(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
let container = tokenizer.container.as_ref().unwrap();
let size = container.size;
if container.blank_initial {
(State::Nok, None)
} else {
// Consume, optionally, at most `size`.
tokenizer.go(space_or_tab_min_max(0, size), ok)(tokenizer, code)
/// Start of non-blank list item continuation.
/// ```markdown
/// | * a
/// > | b
/// ^
/// ```
pub fn not_blank_cont(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
let container = tokenizer.container.as_mut().unwrap();
let size = container.size;
container.blank_initial = false;
// Consume exactly `size`.
tokenizer.go(space_or_tab_min_max(size, size), ok)(tokenizer, code)
/// A state fn to yield [`State::Ok`].
pub fn ok(_tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
(State::Ok, Some(vec![code]))
/// A state fn to yield [`State::Nok`].
fn nok(_tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, _code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
(State::Nok, None)
/// Find adjacent list items with the same marker.
pub fn resolve_list_item(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> Vec<Event> {
let mut edit_map = EditMap::new();
let mut index = 0;
let mut balance = 0;
let mut lists_wip: Vec<(Kind, usize, usize, usize)> = vec![];
let mut lists: Vec<(Kind, usize, usize, usize)> = vec![];
// Merge list items.
while index < tokenizer.events.len() {
let event = &tokenizer.events[index];
if event.token_type == Token::ListItem {
if event.event_type == EventType::Enter {
let end = skip::opt(&tokenizer.events, index, &[Token::ListItem]) - 1;
let marker = skip::to(&tokenizer.events, index, &[Token::ListItemMarker]) + 1;
let codes = codes_from_span(
&from_exit_event(&tokenizer.events, marker),
let kind = Kind::from_code(codes[0]);
let current = (kind, balance, index, end);
let mut list_index = lists_wip.len();
let mut matched = false;
while list_index > 0 {
list_index -= 1;
let previous = &lists_wip[list_index];
let before = skip::opt(
previous.3 + 1,
if previous.0 == current.0 && previous.1 == current.1 && before == current.2 {
let previous_mut = &mut lists_wip[list_index];
previous_mut.3 = current.3;
let mut remainder = lists_wip.drain((list_index + 1)..).collect::<Vec<_>>();
lists.append(&mut remainder);
matched = true;
if !matched {
let mut index = lists_wip.len();
let mut exit: Option<usize> = None;
while index > 0 {
index -= 1;
// If the current (new) item starts after where this
// item on the stack ends, we can remove it from the
// stack.
if current.2 > lists_wip[index].3 {
exit = Some(index);
} else {
if let Some(exit) = exit {
let mut remainder = lists_wip.drain(exit..).collect::<Vec<_>>();
lists.append(&mut remainder);
balance += 1;
} else {
balance -= 1;
index += 1;
lists.append(&mut lists_wip);
// Inject events.
let mut index = 0;
while index < lists.len() {
let list_item = &lists[index];
let mut list_start = tokenizer.events[list_item.2].clone();
let mut list_end = tokenizer.events[list_item.3].clone();
let token_type = match list_item.0 {
Kind::Paren | Kind::Dot => Token::ListOrdered,
_ => Token::ListUnordered,
list_start.token_type = token_type.clone();
list_end.token_type = token_type;
edit_map.add(list_item.2, 0, vec![list_start]);
edit_map.add(list_item.3 + 1, 0, vec![list_end]);
index += 1;
edit_map.consume(&mut tokenizer.events)