path: root/askama_shared/src/generator.rs
diff options
authorLibravatar David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>2018-04-12 11:42:36 -0700
committerLibravatar Dirkjan Ochtman <dirkjan@ochtman.nl>2018-04-12 21:14:49 +0200
commit1267e966f47893bdaa9ab0f3f15d32110eddfd6e (patch)
tree0f84c80d1e3bcdff4bdf898a4db4e0da934166e8 /askama_shared/src/generator.rs
parente56a0d034b4cbd146c374366964c6c7f4587539f (diff)
Isolate proc-macro dependency to the proc macro
The dependency of askama on askama_shared on syn on libproc_macro used to mean libproc_macro would be dynamically linked into any crate using askama. We want only askama_derive to have a runtime dependency on proc macro. This commit moves all proc macro code from askama_shared into askama_derive so that the askama crate no longer dynamically links libproc_macro.
Diffstat (limited to 'askama_shared/src/generator.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 919 deletions
diff --git a/askama_shared/src/generator.rs b/askama_shared/src/generator.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a112c8..0000000
--- a/askama_shared/src/generator.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,919 +0,0 @@
-use filters;
-use input::TemplateInput;
-use parser::{self, Cond, Expr, Macro, MatchParameter, MatchVariant, Node, Target, When, WS};
-use path;
-use quote::{ToTokens, Tokens};
-use std::{cmp, hash, str};
-use std::path::Path;
-use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
-use syn;
-pub fn generate(input: &TemplateInput, nodes: &[Node], imported: &HashMap<(&str, &str), Macro>)
- -> String {
- Generator::default().build(&State::new(input, nodes, imported))
-struct State<'a> {
- input: &'a TemplateInput<'a>,
- nodes: &'a [Node<'a>],
- blocks: Vec<&'a Node<'a>>,
- macros: MacroMap<'a>,
- trait_name: String,
- derived: bool,
-impl<'a> State<'a> {
- fn new<'n>(input: &'n TemplateInput, nodes: &'n [Node], imported:
- &'n HashMap<(&'n str, &'n str), Macro<'n>>) -> State<'n> {
- let mut base: Option<&Expr> = None;
- let mut blocks = Vec::new();
- let mut macros = HashMap::new();
- for n in nodes.iter() {
- match *n {
- Node::Extends(ref path) => match base {
- Some(_) => panic!("multiple extend blocks found"),
- None => {
- base = Some(path);
- },
- },
- ref def @ Node::BlockDef(_, _, _, _) => {
- blocks.push(def);
- },
- Node::Macro(name, ref m) => {
- macros.insert((None, name), m);
- },
- _ => {},
- }
- }
- for (&(scope, name), m) in imported {
- macros.insert((Some(scope), name), m);
- }
- State {
- input,
- nodes,
- blocks,
- macros,
- trait_name: trait_name_for_path(&base, &input.path),
- derived: base.is_some(),
- }
- }
-fn trait_name_for_path(base: &Option<&Expr>, path: &Path) -> String {
- let rooted_path = match *base {
- Some(&Expr::StrLit(user_path)) => path::find_template_from_path(user_path, Some(path)),
- _ => path.to_path_buf(),
- };
- let mut res = String::new();
- res.push_str("TraitFrom");
- for c in rooted_path.to_string_lossy().chars() {
- if c.is_alphanumeric() {
- res.push(c);
- } else {
- res.push_str(&format!("{:x}", c as u32));
- }
- }
- res
-fn get_parent_type(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> Option<&syn::Type> {
- match ast.data {
- syn::Data::Struct(syn::DataStruct {
- fields: syn::Fields::Named(ref fields),
- ..
- }) => fields.named.iter().filter_map(|f| {
- f.ident.as_ref().and_then(|name| {
- if name.as_ref() == "_parent" {
- Some(&f.ty)
- } else {
- None
- }
- })
- }),
- _ => panic!("derive(Template) only works for struct items"),
- }.next()
-struct Generator<'a> {
- buf: String,
- indent: u8,
- start: bool,
- locals: SetChain<'a, &'a str>,
- next_ws: Option<&'a str>,
- skip_ws: bool,
-impl<'a> Generator<'a> {
- fn new<'n>(locals: SetChain<'n, &'n str>, indent: u8) -> Generator<'n> {
- Generator {
- buf: String::new(),
- indent: indent,
- start: true,
- locals: locals,
- next_ws: None,
- skip_ws: false,
- }
- }
- fn default<'n>() -> Generator<'n> {
- Self::new(SetChain::new(), 0)
- }
- fn child(&mut self) -> Generator {
- let locals = SetChain::with_parent(&self.locals);
- Self::new(locals, self.indent)
- }
- // Takes a State and generates the relevant implementations.
- fn build(mut self, state: &'a State) -> String {
- if !state.blocks.is_empty() {
- if !state.derived {
- self.define_trait(state);
- } else {
- let parent_type = get_parent_type(state.input.ast)
- .expect("expected field '_parent' in extending template struct");
- self.deref_to_parent(state, parent_type);
- }
- let trait_nodes = if !state.derived {
- Some(&state.nodes[..])
- } else {
- None
- };
- self.impl_trait(state, trait_nodes);
- self.impl_template_for_trait(state);
- } else {
- self.impl_template(state);
- }
- self.impl_display(state);
- if cfg!(feature = "iron") {
- self.impl_modifier_response(state);
- }
- if cfg!(feature = "rocket") {
- self.impl_responder(state);
- }
- self.buf
- }
- // Implement `Template` for the given context struct.
- fn impl_template(&mut self, state: &'a State) {
- self.write_header(state, "::askama::Template", &[]);
- self.writeln("fn render_into(&self, writer: &mut ::std::fmt::Write) -> \
- ::askama::Result<()> {");
- self.writeln("#[allow(unused_imports)] use ::std::ops::Deref as HiddenDerefTrait;");
- self.handle(state, state.nodes, AstLevel::Top);
- self.flush_ws(&WS(false, false));
- self.writeln("Ok(())");
- self.writeln("}");
- self.writeln("}");
- }
- // Implement `Display` for the given context struct.
- fn impl_display(&mut self, state: &'a State) {
- self.write_header(state, "::std::fmt::Display", &[]);
- self.writeln("fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {");
- self.writeln("self.render_into(f).map_err(|_| ::std::fmt::Error {})");
- self.writeln("}");
- self.writeln("}");
- }
- // Implement `Deref<Parent>` for an inheriting context struct.
- fn deref_to_parent(&mut self, state: &'a State, parent_type: &syn::Type) {
- self.write_header(state, "::std::ops::Deref", &[]);
- let mut tokens = Tokens::new();
- parent_type.to_tokens(&mut tokens);
- self.writeln(&format!("type Target = {};", tokens));
- self.writeln("fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {");
- self.writeln("&self._parent");
- self.writeln("}");
- self.writeln("}");
- }
- // Implement `TraitFromPathName` for the given context struct.
- fn impl_trait(&mut self, state: &'a State, nodes: Option<&'a [Node]>) {
- self.write_header(state, &state.trait_name, &[]);
- self.write_block_defs(state);
- self.writeln("#[allow(unused_variables)]");
- self.writeln(&format!(
- "fn render_trait_into(&self, timpl: &{}, writer: &mut ::std::fmt::Write) \
- -> ::askama::Result<()> {{",
- state.trait_name
- ));
- self.writeln("#[allow(unused_imports)] use ::std::ops::Deref as HiddenDerefTrait;");
- if let Some(nodes) = nodes {
- self.handle(state, nodes, AstLevel::Top);
- self.flush_ws(&WS(false, false));
- } else {
- self.writeln("self._parent.render_trait_into(self, writer)?;");
- }
- self.writeln("Ok(())");
- self.writeln("}");
- self.flush_ws(&WS(false, false));
- self.writeln("}");
- }
- // Implement `Template` for templates that implement a template trait.
- fn impl_template_for_trait(&mut self, state: &'a State) {
- self.write_header(state, "::askama::Template", &[]);
- self.writeln("fn render_into(&self, writer: &mut ::std::fmt::Write) \
- -> ::askama::Result<()> {");
- if state.derived {
- self.writeln("self._parent.render_trait_into(self, writer)?;");
- } else {
- self.writeln("self.render_trait_into(self, writer)?;");
- }
- self.writeln("Ok(())");
- self.writeln("}");
- self.writeln("}");
- }
- // Defines the `TraitFromPathName` trait.
- fn define_trait(&mut self, state: &'a State) {
- self.writeln(&format!("pub trait {} {{", state.trait_name));
- self.write_block_defs(state);
- self.writeln(&format!(
- "fn render_trait_into(&self, timpl: &{}, writer: &mut ::std::fmt::Write) \
- -> ::askama::Result<()>;",
- state.trait_name));
- self.writeln("}");
- }
- // Implement iron's Modifier<Response> if enabled
- fn impl_modifier_response(&mut self, state: &'a State) {
- self.write_header(state, "::askama::iron::Modifier<::askama::iron::Response>", &[]);
- self.writeln("fn modify(self, res: &mut ::askama::iron::Response) {");
- self.writeln("res.body = Some(Box::new(self.render().unwrap().into_bytes()));");
- let ext = state.input.path.extension().map_or("", |s| s.to_str().unwrap_or(""));
- match ext {
- "html" | "htm" => {
- self.writeln("::askama::iron::ContentType::html().0.modify(res);");
- },
- _ => (),
- };
- self.writeln("}");
- self.writeln("}");
- }
- // Implement Rocket's `Responder`.
- fn impl_responder(&mut self, state: &'a State) {
- self.write_header(state, "::askama::rocket::Responder<'r>", &[quote!('r)]);
- self.writeln("fn respond_to(self, _: &::askama::rocket::Request) \
- -> ::askama::rocket::Result<'r> {");
- let ext = match state.input.path.extension() {
- Some(s) => s.to_str().unwrap(),
- None => "txt",
- };
- self.writeln(&format!("::askama::rocket::respond(&self, {:?})", ext));
- self.writeln("}");
- self.writeln("}");
- }
- // Writes header for the `impl` for `TraitFromPathName` or `Template`
- // for the given context struct.
- fn write_header(&mut self, state: &'a State, target: &str, vars: &[Tokens]) {
- let mut generics = state.input.ast.generics.clone();
- for v in vars.iter() {
- generics.params.push(parse_quote!(#v));
- }
- let (_, orig_ty_generics, _) = state.input.ast.generics.split_for_impl();
- let (impl_generics, _, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();
- let ident = state.input.ast.ident.as_ref();
- self.writeln(
- format!(
- "{} {} for {}{} {{",
- quote!(impl#impl_generics),
- target,
- ident,
- quote!(#orig_ty_generics #where_clause),
- ).as_ref(),
- );
- }
- /* Helper methods for handling node types */
- fn handle(&mut self, state: &'a State, nodes: &'a [Node], level: AstLevel) {
- for n in nodes {
- match *n {
- Node::Lit(lws, val, rws) => {
- self.write_lit(lws, val, rws);
- },
- Node::Comment() => {},
- Node::Expr(ref ws, ref val) => {
- self.write_expr(state, ws, val);
- },
- Node::LetDecl(ref ws, ref var) => {
- self.write_let_decl(ws, var);
- },
- Node::Let(ref ws, ref var, ref val) => {
- self.write_let(ws, var, val);
- },
- Node::Cond(ref conds, ref ws) => {
- self.write_cond(state, conds, ws);
- },
- Node::Match(ref ws1, ref expr, inter, ref arms, ref ws2) => {
- self.write_match(state, ws1, expr, inter, arms, ws2);
- },
- Node::Loop(ref ws1, ref var, ref iter, ref body, ref ws2) => {
- self.write_loop(state, ws1, var, iter, body, ws2);
- },
- Node::BlockDef(ref ws1, name, _, ref ws2) => {
- if let AstLevel::Nested = level {
- panic!("blocks ('{}') are only allowed at the top level", name);
- }
- self.write_block(ws1, name, ws2);
- },
- Node::Include(ref ws, path) => {
- self.handle_include(state, ws, path);
- },
- Node::Call(ref ws, scope, name, ref args) => {
- self.write_call(state, ws, scope, name, args);
- },
- Node::Macro(_, ref m) => {
- if let AstLevel::Nested = level {
- panic!("macro blocks only allowed at the top level");
- }
- self.flush_ws(&m.ws1);
- self.prepare_ws(&m.ws2);
- },
- Node::Import(ref ws, _, _) => {
- if let AstLevel::Nested = level {
- panic!("import blocks only allowed at the top level");
- }
- self.handle_ws(ws);
- },
- Node::Extends(_) => {
- if let AstLevel::Nested = level {
- panic!("extend blocks only allowed at the top level");
- }
- // No whitespace handling: child template top-level is not used,
- // except for the blocks defined in it.
- },
- }
- }
- }
- fn write_block_defs(&mut self, state: &'a State) {
- for b in &state.blocks {
- if let Node::BlockDef(ref ws1, name, ref nodes, ref ws2) = **b {
- self.writeln("#[allow(unused_variables)]");
- self.writeln(&format!(
- "fn render_block_{}_into(&self, writer: &mut ::std::fmt::Write) \
- -> ::askama::Result<()> {{",
- name
- ));
- self.prepare_ws(ws1);
- self.locals.push();
- self.handle(state, nodes, AstLevel::Nested);
- self.locals.pop();
- self.flush_ws(ws2);
- self.writeln("Ok(())");
- self.writeln("}");
- } else {
- panic!("only block definitions allowed here");
- }
- }
- }
- fn write_cond(&mut self, state: &'a State, conds: &'a [Cond], ws: &WS) {
- for (i, &(ref cws, ref cond, ref nodes)) in conds.iter().enumerate() {
- self.handle_ws(cws);
- match *cond {
- Some(ref expr) => {
- if i == 0 {
- self.write("if ");
- } else {
- self.dedent();
- self.write("} else if ");
- }
- self.visit_expr(expr);
- },
- None => {
- self.dedent();
- self.write("} else");
- },
- }
- self.writeln(" {");
- self.locals.push();
- self.handle(state, nodes, AstLevel::Nested);
- self.locals.pop();
- }
- self.handle_ws(ws);
- self.writeln("}");
- }
- fn write_match(&mut self, state: &'a State, ws1: &WS, expr: &Expr, inter: Option<&'a str>,
- arms: &'a [When], ws2: &WS) {
- self.flush_ws(ws1);
- if let Some(inter) = inter {
- if !inter.is_empty() {
- self.next_ws = Some(inter);
- }
- }
- self.write("match ");
- self.write("(&");
- self.visit_expr(expr);
- self.write(").deref()");
- self.writeln(" {");
- for arm in arms {
- let &(ref ws, ref variant, ref params, ref body) = arm;
- self.locals.push();
- match *variant {
- Some(ref param) => {
- self.visit_match_variant(param);
- },
- None => self.write("_"),
- };
- if !params.is_empty() {
- self.write("(");
- for (i, param) in params.iter().enumerate() {
- if let MatchParameter::Name(p) = *param {
- self.locals.insert(p);
- }
- if i > 0 {
- self.write(", ");
- }
- self.visit_match_param(param);
- }
- self.write(")");
- }
- self.writeln(" => {");
- self.handle_ws(ws);
- self.handle(state, body, AstLevel::Nested);
- self.writeln("}");
- self.locals.pop();
- }
- self.writeln("}");
- self.handle_ws(ws2);
- }
- fn write_loop(&mut self, state: &'a State, ws1: &WS, var: &'a Target, iter: &Expr,
- body: &'a [Node], ws2: &WS) {
- self.handle_ws(ws1);
- self.locals.push();
- self.write("for (_loop_index, ");
- let targets = self.visit_target(var);
- for name in &targets {
- self.locals.insert(name);
- self.write(name);
- }
- self.write(") in (&");
- self.visit_expr(iter);
- self.writeln(").into_iter().enumerate() {");
- self.handle(state, body, AstLevel::Nested);
- self.handle_ws(ws2);
- self.writeln("}");
- self.locals.pop();
- }
- fn write_call(&mut self, state: &'a State, ws: &WS, scope: Option<&str>, name: &str,
- args: &[Expr]) {
- let def = state.macros.get(&(scope, name)).unwrap_or_else(|| {
- if let Some(s) = scope {
- panic!(format!("macro '{}::{}' not found", s, name));
- } else {
- panic!(format!("macro '{}' not found", name));
- }
- });
- self.flush_ws(ws); // Cannot handle_ws() here: whitespace from macro definition comes first
- self.locals.push();
- self.writeln("{");
- self.prepare_ws(&def.ws1);
- for (i, arg) in def.args.iter().enumerate() {
- self.write(&format!("let {} = &", arg));
- self.visit_expr(args.get(i)
- .expect(&format!("macro '{}' takes more than {} arguments", name, i)));
- self.writeln(";");
- self.locals.insert(arg);
- }
- self.handle(state, &def.nodes, AstLevel::Nested);
- self.flush_ws(&def.ws2);
- self.writeln("}");
- self.locals.pop();
- self.prepare_ws(ws);
- }
- fn handle_include(&mut self, state: &'a State, ws: &WS, path: &str) {
- self.flush_ws(ws);
- let path = path::find_template_from_path(path, Some(&state.input.path));
- let src = path::get_template_source(&path);
- let nodes = parser::parse(&src);
- let nested = {
- let mut gen = self.child();
- gen.handle(state, &nodes, AstLevel::Nested);
- gen.buf
- };
- self.buf.push_str(&nested);
- self.prepare_ws(ws);
- }
- fn write_let_decl(&mut self, ws: &WS, var: &'a Target) {
- self.handle_ws(ws);
- self.write("let ");
- match *var {
- Target::Name(name) => {
- self.locals.insert(name);
- self.write(name);
- },
- }
- self.writeln(";");
- }
- fn write_let(&mut self, ws: &WS, var: &'a Target, val: &Expr) {
- self.handle_ws(ws);
- match *var {
- Target::Name(name) => {
- if !self.locals.contains(name) {
- self.write("let ");
- self.locals.insert(name);
- }
- self.write(name);
- },
- }
- self.write(" = ");
- self.visit_expr(val);
- self.writeln(";");
- }
- fn write_block(&mut self, ws1: &WS, name: &str, ws2: &WS) {
- self.flush_ws(ws1);
- self.writeln(&format!("timpl.render_block_{}_into(writer)?;", name));
- self.prepare_ws(ws2);
- }
- fn write_expr(&mut self, state: &'a State, ws: &WS, s: &Expr) {
- self.handle_ws(ws);
- self.write("let askama_expr = &");
- let wrapped = self.visit_expr(s);
- self.writeln(";");
- use self::DisplayWrap::*;
- use super::input::EscapeMode::*;
- self.write("writer.write_fmt(format_args!(\"{}\", ");
- self.write(match (wrapped, &state.input.meta.escaping) {
- (Wrapped, &Html) |
- (Wrapped, &None) |
- (Unwrapped, &None) => "askama_expr",
- (Unwrapped, &Html) => "&::askama::MarkupDisplay::from(askama_expr)",
- });
- self.writeln("))?;");
- }
- fn write_lit(&mut self, lws: &'a str, val: &str, rws: &'a str) {
- assert!(self.next_ws.is_none());
- if !lws.is_empty() {
- if self.skip_ws {
- self.skip_ws = false;
- } else if val.is_empty() {
- assert!(rws.is_empty());
- self.next_ws = Some(lws);
- } else {
- self.writeln(&format!("writer.write_str({:#?})?;", lws));
- }
- }
- if !val.is_empty() {
- self.writeln(&format!("writer.write_str({:#?})?;", val));
- }
- if !rws.is_empty() {
- self.next_ws = Some(rws);
- }
- }
- /* Visitor methods for expression types */
- fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &Expr) -> DisplayWrap {
- match *expr {
- Expr::NumLit(s) => self.visit_num_lit(s),
- Expr::StrLit(s) => self.visit_str_lit(s),
- Expr::Var(s) => self.visit_var(s),
- Expr::Path(ref path) => self.visit_path(path),
- Expr::Array(ref elements) => self.visit_array(elements),
- Expr::Attr(ref obj, name) => self.visit_attr(obj, name),
- Expr::Filter(name, ref args) => self.visit_filter(name, args),
- Expr::BinOp(op, ref left, ref right) => self.visit_binop(op, left, right),
- Expr::Group(ref inner) => self.visit_group(inner),
- Expr::MethodCall(ref obj, method, ref args) => {
- self.visit_method_call(obj, method, args)
- },
- }
- }
- fn visit_match_variant(&mut self, param: &MatchVariant) -> DisplayWrap {
- match *param {
- MatchVariant::StrLit(s) => self.visit_str_lit(s),
- MatchVariant::NumLit(s) => {
- // Variants need to be references until match-modes land
- self.write("&");
- self.visit_num_lit(s)
- },
- MatchVariant::Name(s) => {
- self.write("&");
- self.write(s);
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- },
- MatchVariant::Path(ref s) => {
- self.write("&");
- self.write(&s.join("::"));
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- },
- }
- }
- fn visit_match_param(&mut self, param: &MatchParameter) -> DisplayWrap {
- match *param {
- MatchParameter::NumLit(s) => self.visit_num_lit(s),
- MatchParameter::StrLit(s) => self.visit_str_lit(s),
- MatchParameter::Name(s) => {
- self.write("ref ");
- self.write(s);
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- },
- }
- }
- fn visit_filter(&mut self, name: &str, args: &[Expr]) -> DisplayWrap {
- if name == "format" {
- self._visit_format_filter(args);
- return DisplayWrap::Unwrapped;
- } else if name == "join" {
- self._visit_join_filter(args);
- return DisplayWrap::Unwrapped;
- }
- if filters::BUILT_IN_FILTERS.contains(&name) {
- self.write(&format!("::askama::filters::{}(&", name));
- } else {
- self.write(&format!("filters::{}(&", name));
- }
- self._visit_filter_args(args);
- self.write(")?");
- if name == "safe" || name == "escape" || name == "e" || name == "json" {
- DisplayWrap::Wrapped
- } else {
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- }
- fn _visit_format_filter(&mut self, args: &[Expr]) {
- self.write("format!(");
- self._visit_filter_args(args);
- self.write(")");
- }
- // Force type coercion on first argument to `join` filter (see #39).
- fn _visit_join_filter(&mut self, args: &[Expr]) {
- self.write("::askama::filters::join((&");
- for (i, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() {
- if i > 0 {
- self.write(", &");
- }
- self.visit_expr(arg);
- if i == 0 {
- self.write(").into_iter()");
- }
- }
- self.write(")?");
- }
- fn _visit_filter_args(&mut self, args: &[Expr]) {
- for (i, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() {
- if i > 0 {
- self.write(", &");
- }
- self.visit_expr(arg);
- }
- }
- fn visit_attr(&mut self, obj: &Expr, attr: &str) -> DisplayWrap {
- if let Expr::Var(name) = *obj {
- if name == "loop" {
- self.write("_loop_index");
- if attr == "index" {
- self.write(" + 1");
- return DisplayWrap::Unwrapped;
- } else if attr == "index0" {
- return DisplayWrap::Unwrapped;
- } else {
- panic!("unknown loop variable");
- }
- }
- }
- self.visit_expr(obj);
- self.write(&format!(".{}", attr));
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- fn visit_method_call(&mut self, obj: &Expr, method: &str, args: &[Expr]) -> DisplayWrap {
- self.visit_expr(obj);
- self.write(&format!(".{}(", method));
- for (i, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() {
- if i > 0 {
- self.write(", ");
- }
- self.visit_expr(arg);
- }
- self.write(")");
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- fn visit_binop(&mut self, op: &str, left: &Expr, right: &Expr) -> DisplayWrap {
- self.visit_expr(left);
- self.write(&format!(" {} ", op));
- self.visit_expr(right);
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- fn visit_group(&mut self, inner: &Expr) -> DisplayWrap {
- self.write("(");
- self.visit_expr(inner);
- self.write(")");
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- fn visit_array(&mut self, elements: &[Expr]) -> DisplayWrap {
- self.write("[");
- for (i, el) in elements.iter().enumerate() {
- if i > 0 {
- self.write(", ");
- }
- self.visit_expr(el);
- }
- self.write("]");
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- fn visit_path(&mut self, path: &[&str]) -> DisplayWrap {
- for (i, part) in path.iter().enumerate() {
- if i > 0 {
- self.write("::");
- }
- self.write(part);
- }
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- fn visit_var(&mut self, s: &str) -> DisplayWrap {
- if self.locals.contains(s) {
- self.write(s);
- } else {
- self.write(&format!("self.{}", s));
- }
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- fn visit_str_lit(&mut self, s: &str) -> DisplayWrap {
- self.write(&format!("\"{}\"", s));
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- fn visit_num_lit(&mut self, s: &str) -> DisplayWrap {
- self.write(s);
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- fn visit_target_single<'t>(&mut self, name: &'t str) -> Vec<&'t str> {
- vec![name]
- }
- fn visit_target<'t>(&mut self, target: &'t Target) -> Vec<&'t str> {
- match *target {
- Target::Name(s) => self.visit_target_single(s),
- }
- }
- /* Helper methods for dealing with whitespace nodes */
- // Combines `flush_ws()` and `prepare_ws()` to handle both trailing whitespace from the
- // preceding literal and leading whitespace from the succeeding literal.
- fn handle_ws(&mut self, ws: &WS) {
- self.flush_ws(ws);
- self.prepare_ws(ws);
- }
- // If the previous literal left some trailing whitespace in `next_ws` and the
- // prefix whitespace suppressor from the given argument, flush that whitespace.
- // In either case, `next_ws` is reset to `None` (no trailing whitespace).
- fn flush_ws(&mut self, ws: &WS) {
- if self.next_ws.is_some() && !ws.0 {
- let val = self.next_ws.unwrap();
- if !val.is_empty() {
- self.writeln(&format!("writer.write_str({:#?})?;", val));
- }
- }
- self.next_ws = None;
- }
- // Sets `skip_ws` to match the suffix whitespace suppressor from the given
- // argument, to determine whether to suppress leading whitespace from the
- // next literal.
- fn prepare_ws(&mut self, ws: &WS) {
- self.skip_ws = ws.1;
- }
- /* Helper methods for writing to internal buffer */
- fn writeln(&mut self, s: &str) {
- if s.is_empty() {
- return;
- }
- if s == "}" {
- self.dedent();
- }
- self.write(s);
- if s.ends_with('{') {
- self.indent();
- }
- self.buf.push('\n');
- self.start = true;
- }
- fn write(&mut self, s: &str) {
- if self.start {
- for _ in 0..(self.indent * 4) {
- self.buf.push(' ');
- }
- self.start = false;
- }
- self.buf.push_str(s);
- }
- fn indent(&mut self) {
- self.indent += 1;
- }
- fn dedent(&mut self) {
- if self.indent == 0 {
- panic!("dedent() called while indentation == 0");
- }
- self.indent -= 1;
- }
-struct SetChain<'a, T: 'a> where T: cmp::Eq + hash::Hash {
- parent: Option<&'a SetChain<'a, T>>,
- scopes: Vec<HashSet<T>>,
-impl<'a, T: 'a> SetChain<'a, T> where T: cmp::Eq + hash::Hash {
- fn new() -> SetChain<'a, T> {
- SetChain { parent: None, scopes: vec![HashSet::new()] }
- }
- fn with_parent<'p>(parent: &'p SetChain<T>) -> SetChain<'p, T> {
- SetChain { parent: Some(parent), scopes: vec![HashSet::new()] }
- }
- fn contains(&self, val: T) -> bool {
- self.scopes.iter().rev().any(|set| set.contains(&val)) || match self.parent {
- Some(set) => set.contains(val),
- None => false,
- }
- }
- fn insert(&mut self, val: T) {
- self.scopes.last_mut().unwrap().insert(val);
- }
- fn push(&mut self) {
- self.scopes.push(HashSet::new());
- }
- fn pop(&mut self) {
- self.scopes.pop().unwrap();
- assert!(!self.scopes.is_empty());
- }
-enum AstLevel {
- Top,
- Nested,
-impl Copy for AstLevel {}
-enum DisplayWrap {
- Wrapped,
- Unwrapped,
-impl Copy for DisplayWrap {}
-type MacroMap<'a> = HashMap<(Option<&'a str>, &'a str), &'a Macro<'a>>;