path: root/askama_derive/src
diff options
authorLibravatar Dirkjan Ochtman <dirkjan@ochtman.nl>2017-03-06 22:40:04 +0100
committerLibravatar Dirkjan Ochtman <dirkjan@ochtman.nl>2017-03-06 22:40:04 +0100
commit664398b225fe916cc0b2b74047e8aea060ea9214 (patch)
tree9943ad33c662fe2a3fbc7434bae8dfefe0d6bb54 /askama_derive/src
parent0efd0c5cc55eb016472947c56e22e7ffe87ed9d4 (diff)
Hide askama_derive dependency inside askama (fixes #2)
Diffstat (limited to 'askama_derive/src')
4 files changed, 891 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/askama_derive/src/generator.rs b/askama_derive/src/generator.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16209cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/askama_derive/src/generator.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+use parser::{Cond, Expr, Node, Target, WS};
+use std::str;
+use std::collections::HashSet;
+use syn;
+fn annotations(generics: &syn::Generics) -> String {
+ if generics.lifetimes.len() < 1 {
+ return String::new();
+ }
+ let mut res = String::new();
+ res.push('<');
+ for lt in &generics.lifetimes {
+ res.push_str(lt.lifetime.ident.as_ref());
+ }
+ res.push('>');
+ res
+fn path_as_identifier(s: &str) -> String {
+ let mut res = String::new();
+ for c in s.chars() {
+ if c.is_alphanumeric() {
+ res.push(c);
+ } else {
+ res.push_str(&format!("{:x}", c as u32));
+ }
+ }
+ res
+struct Generator<'a> {
+ buf: String,
+ indent: u8,
+ start: bool,
+ locals: HashSet<String>,
+ next_ws: Option<&'a str>,
+ skip_ws: bool,
+ loop_vars: bool,
+ loop_index: u8,
+impl<'a> Generator<'a> {
+ fn new() -> Generator<'a> {
+ Generator {
+ buf: String::new(),
+ indent: 0,
+ start: true,
+ locals: HashSet::new(),
+ next_ws: None,
+ skip_ws: false,
+ loop_vars: false,
+ loop_index: 0,
+ }
+ }
+ fn indent(&mut self) {
+ self.indent += 1;
+ }
+ fn dedent(&mut self) {
+ self.indent -= 1;
+ }
+ fn write(&mut self, s: &str) {
+ if self.start {
+ for _ in 0..(self.indent * 4) {
+ self.buf.push(' ');
+ }
+ self.start = false;
+ }
+ self.buf.push_str(s);
+ }
+ fn writeln(&mut self, s: &str) {
+ if s.is_empty() {
+ return;
+ }
+ if s == "}" {
+ self.dedent();
+ }
+ self.write(s);
+ if s.ends_with('{') {
+ self.indent();
+ }
+ self.buf.push('\n');
+ self.start = true;
+ }
+ fn flush_ws(&mut self, ws: &WS) {
+ if self.next_ws.is_some() && !ws.0 {
+ let val = self.next_ws.unwrap();
+ if !val.is_empty() {
+ self.writeln(&format!("writer.write_str({:#?}).unwrap();",
+ val));
+ }
+ }
+ self.next_ws = None;
+ }
+ fn prepare_ws(&mut self, ws: &WS) {
+ self.skip_ws = ws.1;
+ }
+ fn handle_ws(&mut self, ws: &WS) {
+ self.flush_ws(ws);
+ self.prepare_ws(ws);
+ }
+ fn visit_num_lit(&mut self, s: &str) {
+ self.write(s);
+ }
+ fn visit_str_lit(&mut self, s: &str) {
+ self.write(&format!("\"{}\"", s));
+ }
+ fn visit_var(&mut self, s: &str) {
+ if self.locals.contains(s) {
+ self.write(s);
+ } else {
+ self.write(&format!("self.{}", s));
+ }
+ }
+ fn visit_attr(&mut self, obj: &Expr, attr: &str) {
+ if let Expr::Var(name) = *obj {
+ if name == "loop" {
+ self.write("_loop_indexes[_loop_cur]");
+ if attr == "index" {
+ return;
+ } else if attr == "index0" {
+ self.write(" - 1");
+ return;
+ } else {
+ panic!("unknown loop variable");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self.visit_expr(obj);
+ self.write(&format!(".{}", attr));
+ }
+ fn visit_filter(&mut self, name: &str, args: &[Expr]) {
+ if name == "format" {
+ self.write("format!(");
+ } else {
+ self.write(&format!("askama::filters::{}(&", name));
+ }
+ for (i, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() {
+ if i > 0 {
+ self.write(", &");
+ }
+ self.visit_expr(arg);
+ }
+ self.write(")");
+ }
+ fn visit_binop(&mut self, op: &str, left: &Expr, right: &Expr) {
+ self.visit_expr(left);
+ self.write(&format!(" {} ", op));
+ self.visit_expr(right);
+ }
+ fn visit_group(&mut self, inner: &Expr) {
+ self.write("(");
+ self.visit_expr(inner);
+ self.write(")");
+ }
+ fn visit_call(&mut self, obj: &Expr, method: &str, args: &[Expr]) {
+ self.visit_expr(obj);
+ self.write(&format!(".{}(", method));
+ for (i, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() {
+ if i > 0 {
+ self.write(", ");
+ }
+ self.visit_expr(arg);
+ }
+ self.write(")");
+ }
+ fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &Expr) {
+ match *expr {
+ Expr::NumLit(s) => self.visit_num_lit(s),
+ Expr::StrLit(s) => self.visit_str_lit(s),
+ Expr::Var(s) => self.visit_var(s),
+ Expr::Attr(ref obj, name) => self.visit_attr(obj, name),
+ Expr::Filter(name, ref args) => self.visit_filter(name, args),
+ Expr::BinOp(op, ref left, ref right) =>
+ self.visit_binop(op, left, right),
+ Expr::Group(ref inner) => self.visit_group(inner),
+ Expr::Call(ref obj, method, ref args) =>
+ self.visit_call(obj, method, args),
+ }
+ }
+ fn visit_target_single(&mut self, name: &str) -> Vec<String> {
+ vec![name.to_string()]
+ }
+ fn visit_target(&mut self, target: &Target) -> Vec<String> {
+ match *target {
+ Target::Name(s) => { self.visit_target_single(s) },
+ }
+ }
+ fn write_lit(&mut self, lws: &'a str, val: &str, rws: &'a str) {
+ assert!(self.next_ws.is_none());
+ if !lws.is_empty() {
+ if self.skip_ws {
+ self.skip_ws = false;
+ } else if val.is_empty() {
+ assert!(rws.is_empty());
+ self.next_ws = Some(lws);
+ } else {
+ self.writeln(&format!("writer.write_str({:#?}).unwrap();",
+ lws));
+ }
+ }
+ if !val.is_empty() {
+ self.writeln(&format!("writer.write_str({:#?}).unwrap();", val));
+ }
+ if !rws.is_empty() {
+ self.next_ws = Some(rws);
+ }
+ }
+ fn write_expr(&mut self, ws: &WS, s: &Expr) {
+ self.handle_ws(ws);
+ self.write("writer.write_fmt(format_args!(\"{}\", ");
+ self.visit_expr(s);
+ self.writeln(")).unwrap();");
+ }
+ fn write_cond(&mut self, conds: &'a [Cond], ws: &WS) {
+ for (i, &(ref cws, ref cond, ref nodes)) in conds.iter().enumerate() {
+ self.handle_ws(cws);
+ match *cond {
+ Some(ref expr) => {
+ if i == 0 {
+ self.write("if ");
+ } else {
+ self.dedent();
+ self.write("} else if ");
+ }
+ self.visit_expr(expr);
+ },
+ None => {
+ self.dedent();
+ self.write("} else");
+ },
+ }
+ self.writeln(" {");
+ self.handle(nodes);
+ }
+ self.handle_ws(ws);
+ self.writeln("}");
+ }
+ fn write_loop(&mut self, ws1: &WS, var: &Target, iter: &Expr,
+ body: &'a [Node], ws2: &WS) {
+ self.handle_ws(ws1);
+ if !self.loop_vars {
+ self.writeln("let mut _loop_indexes = Vec::new();");
+ self.writeln("let mut _loop_cur = 0;");
+ self.loop_vars = true;
+ }
+ self.writeln("_loop_indexes.push(0);");
+ let cur_index = self.loop_index;
+ self.loop_index += 1;
+ self.writeln(&format!("_loop_cur = {};", cur_index));
+ self.write("for ");
+ let targets = self.visit_target(var);
+ for name in &targets {
+ self.locals.insert(name.clone());
+ self.write(name);
+ }
+ self.write(" in &");
+ self.visit_expr(iter);
+ self.writeln(" {");
+ self.writeln("_loop_indexes[_loop_cur] += 1;");
+ self.handle(body);
+ self.handle_ws(ws2);
+ self.writeln("}");
+ self.loop_index -= 1;
+ self.writeln("_loop_indexes.pop();");
+ for name in &targets {
+ self.locals.remove(name);
+ }
+ }
+ fn write_block(&mut self, ws1: &WS, name: &str, ws2: &WS) {
+ self.flush_ws(ws1);
+ self.writeln(&format!("timpl.render_block_{}_to(writer);", name));
+ self.prepare_ws(ws2);
+ }
+ fn write_block_def(&mut self, ws1: &WS, name: &str, nodes: &'a [Node],
+ ws2: &WS) {
+ self.writeln("#[allow(unused_variables)]");
+ self.writeln(&format!(
+ "fn render_block_{}_to(&self, writer: &mut std::fmt::Write) {{",
+ name));
+ self.prepare_ws(ws1);
+ self.handle(nodes);
+ self.flush_ws(ws2);
+ self.writeln("}");
+ }
+ fn handle(&mut self, nodes: &'a [Node]) {
+ for n in nodes {
+ match *n {
+ Node::Lit(lws, val, rws) => { self.write_lit(lws, val, rws); }
+ Node::Comment() => {},
+ Node::Expr(ref ws, ref val) => { self.write_expr(ws, val); },
+ Node::Cond(ref conds, ref ws) => {
+ self.write_cond(conds, ws);
+ },
+ Node::Loop(ref ws1, ref var, ref iter, ref body, ref ws2) => {
+ self.write_loop(ws1, var, iter, body, ws2);
+ },
+ Node::Block(ref ws1, name, ref ws2) => {
+ self.write_block(ws1, name, ws2);
+ },
+ Node::BlockDef(ref ws1, name, ref block_nodes, ref ws2) => {
+ self.write_block_def(ws1, name, block_nodes, ws2);
+ }
+ Node::Extends(_) => {
+ panic!("no extends or block definition allowed in content");
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn impl_template(&mut self, ast: &syn::DeriveInput, nodes: &'a [Node]) {
+ let anno = annotations(&ast.generics);
+ self.writeln(&format!("impl{} askama::Template for {}{} {{",
+ anno, ast.ident.as_ref(), anno));
+ self.writeln("fn render_to(&self, writer: &mut std::fmt::Write) {");
+ self.handle(nodes);
+ self.flush_ws(&WS(false, false));
+ self.writeln("}");
+ self.writeln("}");
+ }
+ fn impl_trait(&mut self, ast: &syn::DeriveInput, base: &str,
+ blocks: &'a [Node], nodes: Option<&'a [Node]>) {
+ let anno = annotations(&ast.generics);
+ self.writeln(&format!("impl{} TraitFrom{} for {}{} {{",
+ anno, path_as_identifier(base),
+ ast.ident.as_ref(), anno));
+ self.handle(blocks);
+ self.writeln("#[allow(unused_variables)]");
+ let trait_name = format!("TraitFrom{}", path_as_identifier(base));
+ self.writeln(&format!(
+ "fn render_trait_to(&self, timpl: &{}, writer: &mut std::fmt::Write) {{",
+ trait_name));
+ if let Some(nodes) = nodes {
+ self.handle(nodes);
+ self.flush_ws(&WS(false, false));
+ } else {
+ self.writeln("self._parent.render_trait_to(self, writer);");
+ }
+ self.writeln("}");
+ self.flush_ws(&WS(false, false));
+ self.writeln("}");
+ }
+ fn impl_template_for_trait(&mut self, ast: &syn::DeriveInput, derived: bool) {
+ let anno = annotations(&ast.generics);
+ self.writeln(&format!("impl{} askama::Template for {}{} {{",
+ anno, ast.ident.as_ref(), anno));
+ self.writeln("fn render_to(&self, writer: &mut std::fmt::Write) {");
+ if derived {
+ self.writeln("self._parent.render_trait_to(self, writer);");
+ } else {
+ self.writeln("self.render_trait_to(self, writer);");
+ }
+ self.writeln("}");
+ self.writeln("}");
+ }
+ fn define_trait(&mut self, path: &str, block_names: &[&str]) {
+ let trait_name = format!("TraitFrom{}", path_as_identifier(path));
+ self.writeln(&format!("trait {} {{", &trait_name));
+ for bname in block_names {
+ self.writeln(&format!(
+ "fn render_block_{}_to(&self, writer: &mut std::fmt::Write);",
+ bname));
+ }
+ self.writeln(&format!(
+ "fn render_trait_to(&self, timpl: &{}, writer: &mut std::fmt::Write);",
+ trait_name));
+ self.writeln("}");
+ }
+ fn result(self) -> String {
+ self.buf
+ }
+pub fn generate(ast: &syn::DeriveInput, path: &str, mut nodes: Vec<Node>) -> String {
+ let mut base: Option<Expr> = None;
+ let mut blocks = Vec::new();
+ let mut block_names = Vec::new();
+ let mut content = Vec::new();
+ for n in nodes.drain(..) {
+ match n {
+ Node::Extends(path) => {
+ match base {
+ Some(_) => panic!("multiple extend blocks found"),
+ None => { base = Some(path); },
+ }
+ },
+ Node::BlockDef(ws1, name, _, ws2) => {
+ blocks.push(n);
+ block_names.push(name);
+ content.push(Node::Block(ws1, name, ws2));
+ },
+ _ => { content.push(n); },
+ }
+ }
+ let mut gen = Generator::new();
+ if !blocks.is_empty() {
+ if base.is_none() {
+ gen.define_trait(path, &block_names);
+ }
+ let tmpl_path = match base {
+ Some(Expr::StrLit(base_path)) => { base_path },
+ _ => { path },
+ };
+ let trait_nodes = if base.is_none() { Some(&content[..]) } else { None };
+ gen.impl_trait(ast, tmpl_path, &blocks, trait_nodes);
+ gen.impl_template_for_trait(ast, base.is_some());
+ } else {
+ gen.impl_template(ast, &content);
+ }
+ gen.result()
diff --git a/askama_derive/src/lib.rs b/askama_derive/src/lib.rs
index 4b96e17..752978e 100644
--- a/askama_derive/src/lib.rs
+++ b/askama_derive/src/lib.rs
@@ -1,9 +1,78 @@
-extern crate askama;
+extern crate nom;
extern crate proc_macro;
extern crate syn;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
+mod generator;
+mod parser;
+mod path;
+// Holds metadata for the template, based on the `template()` attribute.
+struct TemplateMeta {
+ path: String,
+ print: String,
+// Returns a `TemplateMeta` based on the `template()` attribute data found
+// in the parsed struct or enum. Will panic if it does not find the required
+// template path, or if the `print` key has an unexpected value.
+fn get_template_meta(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> TemplateMeta {
+ let mut path = None;
+ let mut print = "none".to_string();
+ let attr = ast.attrs.iter().find(|a| a.name() == "template").unwrap();
+ if let syn::MetaItem::List(_, ref inner) = attr.value {
+ for nm_item in inner {
+ if let syn::NestedMetaItem::MetaItem(ref item) = *nm_item {
+ if let syn::MetaItem::NameValue(ref key, ref val) = *item {
+ match key.as_ref() {
+ "path" => if let syn::Lit::Str(ref s, _) = *val {
+ path = Some(s.clone());
+ } else {
+ panic!("template path must be string literal");
+ },
+ "print" => if let syn::Lit::Str(ref s, _) = *val {
+ print = s.clone();
+ } else {
+ panic!("print value must be string literal");
+ },
+ _ => { panic!("unsupported annotation key found") }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if path.is_none() {
+ panic!("template path not found in struct attributes");
+ }
+ TemplateMeta { path: path.unwrap(), print: print }
+/// Takes a `syn::DeriveInput` and generates source code for it
+/// Reads the metadata from the `template()` attribute to get the template
+/// metadata, then fetches the source from the filesystem. The source is
+/// parsed, and the parse tree is fed to the code generator. Will print
+/// the parse tree and/or generated source according to the `print` key's
+/// value as passed to the `template()` attribute.
+fn build_template(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> String {
+ let meta = get_template_meta(ast);
+ let mut src = path::get_template_source(&meta.path);
+ if src.ends_with('\n') {
+ let _ = src.pop();
+ }
+ let nodes = parser::parse(&src);
+ if meta.print == "ast" || meta.print == "all" {
+ println!("{:?}", nodes);
+ }
+ let code = generator::generate(ast, &meta.path, nodes);
+ if meta.print == "code" || meta.print == "all" {
+ println!("{}", code);
+ }
+ code
#[proc_macro_derive(Template, attributes(template))]
pub fn derive_template(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let ast = syn::parse_derive_input(&input.to_string()).unwrap();
@@ -11,5 +80,5 @@ pub fn derive_template(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
syn::Body::Struct(ref data) => data,
_ => panic!("#[derive(Template)] can only be used with structs"),
- askama::build_template(&ast).parse().unwrap()
+ build_template(&ast).parse().unwrap()
diff --git a/askama_derive/src/parser.rs b/askama_derive/src/parser.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce13add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/askama_derive/src/parser.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+use nom::{self, IResult};
+use std::str;
+pub enum Expr<'a> {
+ NumLit(&'a str),
+ StrLit(&'a str),
+ Var(&'a str),
+ Attr(Box<Expr<'a>>, &'a str),
+ Filter(&'a str, Vec<Expr<'a>>),
+ BinOp(&'a str, Box<Expr<'a>>, Box<Expr<'a>>),
+ Group(Box<Expr<'a>>),
+ Call(Box<Expr<'a>>, &'a str, Vec<Expr<'a>>),
+pub enum Target<'a> {
+ Name(&'a str),
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+pub struct WS(pub bool, pub bool);
+pub enum Node<'a> {
+ Lit(&'a str, &'a str, &'a str),
+ Comment(),
+ Expr(WS, Expr<'a>),
+ Cond(Vec<(WS, Option<Expr<'a>>, Vec<Node<'a>>)>, WS),
+ Loop(WS, Target<'a>, Expr<'a>, Vec<Node<'a>>, WS),
+ Extends(Expr<'a>),
+ BlockDef(WS, &'a str, Vec<Node<'a>>, WS),
+ Block(WS, &'a str, WS),
+pub type Cond<'a> = (WS, Option<Expr<'a>>, Vec<Node<'a>>);
+fn split_ws_parts(s: &[u8]) -> Node {
+ if s.is_empty() {
+ let rs = str::from_utf8(s).unwrap();
+ return Node::Lit(rs, rs, rs);
+ }
+ let is_ws = |c: &u8| {
+ *c != b' ' && *c != b'\t' && *c != b'\r' && *c != b'\n'
+ };
+ let start = s.iter().position(&is_ws);
+ let res = if start.is_none() {
+ (s, &s[0..0], &s[0..0])
+ } else {
+ let start = start.unwrap();
+ let end = s.iter().rposition(&is_ws);
+ if end.is_none() {
+ (&s[..start], &s[start..], &s[0..0])
+ } else {
+ let end = end.unwrap();
+ (&s[..start], &s[start..end + 1], &s[end + 1..])
+ }
+ };
+ Node::Lit(str::from_utf8(res.0).unwrap(),
+ str::from_utf8(res.1).unwrap(),
+ str::from_utf8(res.2).unwrap())
+fn take_content(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Node> {
+ if i.len() < 1 || i[0] == b'{' {
+ return IResult::Error(error_position!(nom::ErrorKind::TakeUntil, i));
+ }
+ for (j, c) in i.iter().enumerate() {
+ if *c == b'{' {
+ if i.len() < j + 2 {
+ return IResult::Done(&i[..0], split_ws_parts(&i[..]));
+ } else if i[j + 1] == b'{' || i[j + 1] == b'%' || i[j + 1] == b'#' {
+ return IResult::Done(&i[j..], split_ws_parts(&i[..j]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ IResult::Done(&i[..0], split_ws_parts(&i[..]))
+fn identifier(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &str> {
+ if !nom::is_alphabetic(input[0]) && input[0] != b'_' {
+ return IResult::Error(nom::ErrorKind::Custom(0));
+ }
+ for (i, ch) in input.iter().enumerate() {
+ if i == 0 || nom::is_alphanumeric(*ch) || *ch == b'_' {
+ continue;
+ }
+ return IResult::Done(&input[i..],
+ str::from_utf8(&input[..i]).unwrap());
+ }
+ IResult::Done(&input[1..], str::from_utf8(&input[..1]).unwrap())
+named!(expr_num_lit<Expr>, map!(nom::digit,
+ |s| Expr::NumLit(str::from_utf8(s).unwrap())
+named!(expr_str_lit<Expr>, map!(
+ delimited!(char!('"'), is_not!("\""), char!('"')),
+ |s| Expr::StrLit(str::from_utf8(s).unwrap())
+named!(expr_var<Expr>, map!(identifier,
+ |s| Expr::Var(s))
+named!(target_single<Target>, map!(identifier,
+ |s| Target::Name(s)
+named!(arguments<Option<Vec<Expr>>>, opt!(
+ do_parse!(
+ tag_s!("(") >>
+ arg0: ws!(opt!(expr_any)) >>
+ args: many0!(do_parse!(
+ tag_s!(",") >>
+ argn: ws!(expr_any) >>
+ (argn)
+ )) >>
+ tag_s!(")") >>
+ ({
+ let mut res = Vec::new();
+ if arg0.is_some() {
+ res.push(arg0.unwrap());
+ }
+ res.extend(args);
+ res
+ })
+ )
+named!(expr_group<Expr>, map!(
+ delimited!(char!('('), expr_any, char!(')')),
+ |s| Expr::Group(Box::new(s))
+named!(expr_single<Expr>, alt!(
+ expr_num_lit |
+ expr_str_lit |
+ expr_var |
+ expr_group
+named!(expr_attr<Expr>, alt!(
+ do_parse!(
+ obj: expr_single >>
+ tag_s!(".") >>
+ attr: identifier >>
+ args: arguments >>
+ (if args.is_some() {
+ Expr::Call(Box::new(obj), attr, args.unwrap())
+ } else {
+ Expr::Attr(Box::new(obj), attr)
+ })
+ ) | expr_single
+named!(filter<(&str, Option<Vec<Expr>>)>, do_parse!(
+ tag_s!("|") >>
+ fname: identifier >>
+ args: arguments >>
+ (fname, args)
+named!(expr_filtered<Expr>, do_parse!(
+ obj: expr_attr >>
+ filters: many0!(filter) >>
+ ({
+ let mut res = obj;
+ for (fname, args) in filters {
+ res = Expr::Filter(fname, {
+ let mut args = match args {
+ Some(inner) => inner,
+ None => Vec::new(),
+ };
+ args.insert(0, res);
+ args
+ });
+ }
+ res
+ })
+macro_rules! expr_prec_layer {
+ ( $name:ident, $inner:ident, $( $op:expr ),* ) => {
+ named!($name<Expr>, alt!(
+ do_parse!(
+ left: $inner >>
+ op: ws!(alt!($( tag_s!($op) )|*)) >>
+ right: $inner >>
+ (Expr::BinOp(str::from_utf8(op).unwrap(),
+ Box::new(left), Box::new(right)))
+ ) | $inner
+ ));
+ }
+expr_prec_layer!(expr_muldivmod, expr_filtered, "*", "/", "%");
+expr_prec_layer!(expr_addsub, expr_muldivmod, "+", "-");
+expr_prec_layer!(expr_shifts, expr_addsub, ">>", "<<");
+expr_prec_layer!(expr_band, expr_shifts, "&");
+expr_prec_layer!(expr_bxor, expr_band, "^");
+expr_prec_layer!(expr_bor, expr_bxor, "|");
+expr_prec_layer!(expr_compare, expr_bor,
+ "==", "!=", ">=", ">", "<=", "<"
+expr_prec_layer!(expr_and, expr_compare, "&&");
+expr_prec_layer!(expr_any, expr_and, "||");
+named!(expr_node<Node>, do_parse!(
+ tag_s!("{{") >>
+ pws: opt!(tag_s!("-")) >>
+ expr: ws!(expr_any) >>
+ nws: opt!(tag_s!("-")) >>
+ tag_s!("}}") >>
+ (Node::Expr(WS(pws.is_some(), nws.is_some()), expr))
+named!(cond_if<Expr>, do_parse!(
+ ws!(tag_s!("if")) >>
+ cond: ws!(expr_any) >>
+ (cond)
+named!(cond_block<Cond>, do_parse!(
+ tag_s!("{%") >>
+ pws: opt!(tag_s!("-")) >>
+ ws!(tag_s!("else")) >>
+ cond: opt!(cond_if) >>
+ nws: opt!(tag_s!("-")) >>
+ tag_s!("%}") >>
+ block: parse_template >>
+ (WS(pws.is_some(), nws.is_some()), cond, block)
+named!(block_if<Node>, do_parse!(
+ tag_s!("{%") >>
+ pws1: opt!(tag_s!("-")) >>
+ cond: ws!(cond_if) >>
+ nws1: opt!(tag_s!("-")) >>
+ tag_s!("%}") >>
+ block: parse_template >>
+ elifs: many0!(cond_block) >>
+ tag_s!("{%") >>
+ pws2: opt!(tag_s!("-")) >>
+ ws!(tag_s!("endif")) >>
+ nws2: opt!(tag_s!("-")) >>
+ tag_s!("%}") >>
+ ({
+ let mut res = Vec::new();
+ res.push((WS(pws1.is_some(), nws1.is_some()), Some(cond), block));
+ res.extend(elifs);
+ Node::Cond(res, WS(pws2.is_some(), nws2.is_some()))
+ })
+named!(block_for<Node>, do_parse!(
+ tag_s!("{%") >>
+ pws1: opt!(tag_s!("-")) >>
+ ws!(tag_s!("for")) >>
+ var: ws!(target_single) >>
+ ws!(tag_s!("in")) >>
+ iter: ws!(expr_any) >>
+ nws1: opt!(tag_s!("-")) >>
+ tag_s!("%}") >>
+ block: parse_template >>
+ tag_s!("{%") >>
+ pws2: opt!(tag_s!("-")) >>
+ ws!(tag_s!("endfor")) >>
+ nws2: opt!(tag_s!("-")) >>
+ tag_s!("%}") >>
+ (Node::Loop(WS(pws1.is_some(), nws1.is_some()),
+ var, iter, block,
+ WS(pws2.is_some(), pws2.is_some())))
+named!(block_extends<Node>, do_parse!(
+ tag_s!("{%") >>
+ ws!(tag_s!("extends")) >>
+ name: ws!(expr_str_lit) >>
+ tag_s!("%}") >>
+ (Node::Extends(name))
+named!(block_block<Node>, do_parse!(
+ tag_s!("{%") >>
+ pws1: opt!(tag_s!("-")) >>
+ ws!(tag_s!("block")) >>
+ name: ws!(identifier) >>
+ nws1: opt!(tag_s!("-")) >>
+ tag_s!("%}") >>
+ contents: parse_template >>
+ tag_s!("{%") >>
+ pws2: opt!(tag_s!("-")) >>
+ ws!(tag_s!("endblock")) >>
+ nws2: opt!(tag_s!("-")) >>
+ tag_s!("%}") >>
+ (Node::BlockDef(WS(pws1.is_some(), nws1.is_some()),
+ name, contents,
+ WS(pws2.is_some(), pws2.is_some())))
+named!(block_comment<Node>, do_parse!(
+ tag_s!("{#") >>
+ take_until_s!("#}") >>
+ tag_s!("#}") >>
+ (Node::Comment())
+named!(parse_template<Vec<Node<'a>>>, many0!(alt!(
+ take_content |
+ block_comment |
+ expr_node |
+ block_if |
+ block_for |
+ block_extends |
+ block_block
+pub fn parse(src: &str) -> Vec<Node> {
+ match parse_template(src.as_bytes()) {
+ IResult::Done(_, res) => res,
+ IResult::Error(err) => panic!("problems parsing template source: {}", err),
+ IResult::Incomplete(_) => panic!("parsing incomplete"),
+ }
+mod tests {
+ fn check_ws_split(s: &str, res: &(&str, &str, &str)) {
+ let node = super::split_ws_parts(s.as_bytes());
+ match node {
+ super::Node::Lit(lws, s, rws) => {
+ assert_eq!(lws, res.0);
+ assert_eq!(s, res.1);
+ assert_eq!(rws, res.2);
+ },
+ _ => { panic!("fail"); },
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ws_splitter() {
+ check_ws_split("", &("", "", ""));
+ check_ws_split("a", &("", "a", ""));
+ check_ws_split("\ta", &("\t", "a", ""));
+ check_ws_split("b\n", &("", "b", "\n"));
+ check_ws_split(" \t\r\n", &(" \t\r\n", "", ""));
+ }
diff --git a/askama_derive/src/path.rs b/askama_derive/src/path.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96ed8c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/askama_derive/src/path.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+use std::env;
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::io::Read;
+use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
+fn template_dir() -> PathBuf {
+ let mut path = PathBuf::from(env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap());
+ path.push("templates");
+ path
+pub fn get_template_source(tpl_file: &str) -> String {
+ let mut path = template_dir();
+ path.push(Path::new(tpl_file));
+ let mut f = File::open(path).unwrap();
+ let mut s = String::new();
+ f.read_to_string(&mut s).unwrap();
+ s