extern crate micromark; mod test_utils; use micromark::{ mdast::{MdxjsEsm, Node, Position, Root}, micromark_to_mdast, micromark_with_options, Constructs, Options, }; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use test_utils::{parse_esm, parse_expression}; #[test] fn mdx_esm() -> Result<(), String> { let swc = Options { constructs: Constructs::mdx(), mdx_esm_parse: Some(Box::new(parse_esm)), mdx_expression_parse: Some(Box::new(parse_expression)), ..Options::default() }; assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("import a from 'b'\n\nc", &swc)?, "


", "should support an import" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("export default a\n\nb", &swc)?, "


", "should support an export" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("impossible", &swc)?, "


", "should not support other keywords (`impossible`)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("exporting", &swc)?, "


", "should not support other keywords (`exporting`)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("import.", &swc)?, "


", "should not support a non-whitespace after the keyword" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("import('a')", &swc)?, "


", "should not support a non-whitespace after the keyword (import-as-a-function)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options(" import a from 'b'\n export default c", &swc)?, "

import a from 'b'\nexport default c

", "should not support an indent" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("- import a from 'b'\n> export default c", &swc)?, "\n

export default c

", "should not support keywords in containers" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("import a from 'b'\nexport default c", &swc)?, "", "should support imports and exports in the same “block”" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("import a from 'b'\n\nexport default c", &swc)?, "", "should support imports and exports in separate “blocks”" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("a\n\nimport a from 'b'\n\nb\n\nexport default c", &swc)?, "




\n", "should support imports and exports in between other constructs" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("a\nimport a from 'b'\n\nb\nexport default c", &swc)?, "

a\nimport a from 'b'


b\nexport default c

", "should not support import/exports when interrupting paragraphs" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("import a", &swc).err().unwrap(), "1:9: Could not parse esm with swc: Expected ',', got ''", "should crash on invalid import/exports (1)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("import 1/1", &swc).err().unwrap(), "1:9: Could not parse esm with swc: Expected 'from', got 'numeric literal (1, 1)'", "should crash on invalid import/exports (2)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("export {\n a\n} from 'b'\n\nc", &swc)?, "


", "should support line endings in import/exports" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("export {\n\n a\n\n} from 'b'\n\nc", &swc)?, "


", "should support blank lines in import/exports" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("import a from 'b'\n*md*?", &swc) .err() .unwrap(), "2:6: Could not parse esm with swc: Unexpected token `?`. Expected this, import, async, function, [ for array literal, { for object literal, @ for decorator, function, class, null, true, false, number, bigint, string, regexp, ` for template literal, (, or an identifier", "should crash on markdown after import/export w/o blank line" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("export var a = 1\n// b\n/* c */\n\nd", &swc)?, "


", "should support comments in “blocks”" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("export var a = 1\nvar b\n\nc", &swc) .err() .unwrap(), "2:1: Unexpected statement in code: only import/exports are supported", "should crash on other statements in “blocks”" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("import ('a')\n\nb", &swc) .err() .unwrap(), "1:1: Unexpected statement in code: only import/exports are supported", "should crash on import-as-a-function with a space `import (x)`" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("import a from 'b'\nexport {a}\n\nc", &swc)?, "


", "should support a reexport from another import" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("import a from 'b';\nexport {a};\n\nc", &swc)?, "


", "should support a reexport from another import w/ semicolons" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("import a from 'b'\nexport {a as default}\n\nc", &swc)?, "


", "should support a reexport default from another import" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("export var a = () => ", &swc)?, "", "should support JSX by default" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("export {a}\n", &swc)?, "", "should support EOF after EOL" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("import a from 'b'\n\nexport {a}\n\nc", &swc)?, "


", "should support a reexport from another esm block (1)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("import a from 'b'\n\nexport {a}\n\n# c", &swc)?, "


", "should support a reexport from another esm block (2)" ); let cases = vec![ ("default", "import a from \"b\""), ("whole", "import * as a from \"b\""), ("destructuring", "import {a} from \"b\""), ("destructuring and rename", "import {a as b} from \"c\""), ("default and destructuring", "import a, {b as c} from \"d\""), ("default and whole", "import a, * as b from \"c\""), ("side-effects", "import \"a\""), ]; for case in cases { assert_eq!( micromark_with_options(case.1, &swc)?, "", "should support imports: {}", case.0 ); } let cases = vec![ ("var", "export var a = \"\""), ("const", "export const a = \"\""), ("let", "export let a = \"\""), ("multiple", "export var a, b"), ("multiple w/ assignment", "export var a = \"a\", b = \"b\""), ("function", "export function a() {}"), ("class", "export class a {}"), ("destructuring", "export var {a} = {}"), ("rename destructuring", "export var {a: b} = {}"), ("array destructuring", "export var [a] = []"), ("default", "export default a = 1"), ("default function", "export default function a() {}"), ("default class", "export default class a {}"), ("aggregate", "export * from \"a\""), ("whole reexport", "export * as a from \"b\""), ("reexport destructuring", "export {a} from \"b\""), ( "reexport destructuring w rename", "export {a as b} from \"c\"", ), ("reexport as a default whole", "export {default} from \"b\""), ( "reexport default and non-default", "export {default as a, b} from \"c\"", ), ]; for case in cases { assert_eq!( micromark_with_options(case.1, &swc)?, "", "should support exports: {}", case.0 ); } assert_eq!( micromark_to_mdast("import a from 'b'\nexport {a}", &swc)?, Node::Root(Root { children: vec![Node::MdxjsEsm(MdxjsEsm { value: "import a from 'b'\nexport {a}".to_string(), position: Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 2, 11, 28)) })], position: Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 2, 11, 28)) }), "should support mdx esm as `MdxjsEsm`s in mdast" ); Ok(()) }