extern crate micromark; use micromark::{ mdast::{Math, Node, Position, Root}, micromark, micromark_to_mdast, micromark_with_options, Constructs, Options, }; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; #[test] fn math_flow() -> Result<(), String> { let math = Options { constructs: Constructs { math_text: true, math_flow: true, ..Constructs::default() }, ..Options::default() }; assert_eq!( micromark("$$\na\n$$"), "


", "should not support math (flow) by default" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$\na\n$$", &math)?, "
", "should support math (flow) if enabled" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$\n<\n >\n$$", &math)?, "
<\n >\n
", "should support math (flow)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$\nfoo\n$", &math)?, "


", "should not support math (flow) w/ less than two markers" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$$\naaa\n$$\n$$$$", &math)?, "
", "should support a closing sequence longer, but not shorter than, the opening" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$", &math)?, "
\n", "should support an eof right after an opening sequence" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$$\n\n$$\naaa\n", &math)?, "
\n", "should support an eof somewhere in content" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("> $$\n> aaa\n\nbbb", &math)?, "


", "should support no closing sequence in a block quote" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$\n\n \n$$", &math)?, "
\n  \n
", "should support blank lines in math (flow)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$\n$$", &math)?, "
", "should support empty math (flow)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options(" $$\n aaa\naaa\n$$", &math)?, "
", "should remove up to one space from the content if the opening sequence is indented w/ 1 space" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options(" $$\naaa\n aaa\naaa\n $$", &math)?, "
", "should remove up to two space from the content if the opening sequence is indented w/ 2 spaces" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options(" $$\n aaa\n aaa\n aaa\n $$", &math)?, "
aaa\n aaa\naaa\n
", "should remove up to three space from the content if the opening sequence is indented w/ 3 spaces" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options(" $$\n aaa\n $$", &math)?, "
", "should not support indenteding the opening sequence w/ 4 spaces" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$\naaa\n $$", &math)?, "
", "should support an indented closing sequence" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options(" $$\naaa\n $$", &math)?, "
", "should support a differently indented closing sequence than the opening sequence" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$\naaa\n $$\n", &math)?, "
aaa\n    $$\n
\n", "should not support an indented closing sequence w/ 4 spaces" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$ $$\naaa", &math)?, "


", "should not support dollars in the opening fence after the opening sequence" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$$\naaa\n$$$ $$\n", &math)?, "
aaa\n$$$ $$\n
\n", "should not support spaces in the closing sequence" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("foo\n$$\nbar\n$$\nbaz", &math)?, "




", "should support interrupting paragraphs" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("foo\n---\n$$\nbar\n$$\n# baz", &math)?, "




", "should support interrupting other content" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$ruby\ndef foo(x)\n return 3\nend\n$$", &math)?, "
def foo(x)\n  return 3\nend\n
", "should not support an “info” string (1)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$$;\n$$$", &math)?, "
", "should not support an “info” string (2)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$ ruby startline=3 `%@#`\ndef foo(x)\n return 3\nend\n$$$$", &math)?, "
def foo(x)\n  return 3\nend\n
", "should not support an “info” string (3)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$ aa $$\nfoo", &math)?, "


", "should not support dollars in the meta string" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$\n$$ aaa\n$$", &math)?, "
$$ aaa\n
", "should not support meta string on closing sequences" ); // Our own: assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$ ", &math)?, "
\n", "should support an eof after whitespace, after the start fence sequence" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$ js\nalert(1)\n$$", &math)?, "
", "should support whitespace between the sequence and the meta string" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$js", &math)?, "
\n", "should support an eof after the meta string" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$ js \nalert(1)\n$$", &math)?, "
", "should support whitespace after the meta string" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$\n ", &math)?, "
\n", "should support an eof after whitespace in content" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options(" $$\n ", &math)?, "
\n", "should support an eof in the prefix, in content" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$j\\+s©", &math)?, "
\n", "should support character escapes and character references in meta strings" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("$$a\\&b\0c", &math)?, "
\n", "should support dangerous characters in meta strings" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options(" $$\naaa\n $$", &math)?, "
aaa\n $$\n
\n", "should not support a closing sequence w/ too much indent, regardless of opening sequence (1)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("> $$\n>\n>\n>\n\na", &math)?, "


", "should not support a closing sequence w/ too much indent, regardless of opening sequence (2)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("> $$a\nb", &math)?, "


", "should not support lazyness (1)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("> a\n$$b", &math)?, "


\n", "should not support lazyness (2)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("> $$a\n$$", &math)?, "
\n", "should not support lazyness (3)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_to_mdast("$$extra\nabc\ndef\n$$", &math)?, Node::Root(Root { children: vec![Node::Math(Math { meta: Some("extra".to_string()), value: "abc\ndef".to_string(), position: Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 4, 3, 18)) })], position: Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 4, 3, 18)) }), "should support math (flow) as `Math`s in mdast" ); Ok(()) }