extern crate micromark; use micromark::{ mdast::{Link, Node, Paragraph, Position, Root, Text}, micromark, micromark_to_mdast, micromark_with_options, Options, }; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; #[test] fn link_resource() -> Result<(), String> { let danger = Options { allow_dangerous_html: true, allow_dangerous_protocol: true, ..Options::default() }; assert_eq!( micromark("[link](/uri \"title\")"), "


", "should support links" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](/uri)"), "


", "should support links w/o title" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link]()"), "


", "should support links w/o destination" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](<>)"), "


", "should support links w/ empty enclosed destination" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](/my uri)"), "

[link](/my uri)

", "should not support links w/ spaces in destination" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link]()"), "


", "should support links w/ spaces in enclosed destination" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](foo\nbar)"), "


", "should not support links w/ line endings in destination" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("[link]()", &danger)?, "


", "should not support links w/ line endings in enclosed destination" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[a]()"), "


", "should support links w/ closing parens in destination" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link]()"), "


", "should not support links w/ enclosed destinations w/o end" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("[a](\n[a](c)", &danger)?, "


", "should not support links w/ unmatched enclosed destinations" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](\\(foo\\))"), "


", "should support links w/ destinations w/ escaped parens" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](foo(and(bar)))"), "


", "should support links w/ destinations w/ balanced parens" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](foo\\(and\\(bar\\))"), "


", "should support links w/ destinations w/ escaped parens" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link]()"), "


", "should support links w/ enclosed destinations w/ parens" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("[link](foo\\)\\:)", &danger)?, "


", "should support links w/ escapes in destinations" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](#fragment)"), "


", "should support links w/ destinations to fragments" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](http://example.com#fragment)"), "


", "should support links w/ destinations to URLs w/ fragments" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](http://example.com?foo=3#frag)"), "


", "should support links w/ destinations to URLs w/ search and fragments" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](foo\\bar)"), "


", "should not support non-punctuation character escapes in links" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](foo%20bä)"), "


", "should support character references in links" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](\"title\")"), "


", "should not support links w/ only a title" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](/url \"title\")"), "


", "should support titles w/ double quotes" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](/url 'title')"), "


", "should support titles w/ single quotes" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](/url (title))"), "


", "should support titles w/ parens" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](/url \"title \\\""\")"), "


", "should support character references and escapes in titles" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](/url \"title\")"), "


", "should not support unicode whitespace between destination and title" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](/url \"title \"and\" title\")"), "

[link](/url "title "and" title")

", "should not support nested balanced quotes in title" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](/url 'title \"and\" title')"), "


", "should support the other quotes in titles" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link]( /uri\n \"title\" )"), "


", "should support whitespace around destination and title (1)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](\t\n/uri \"title\")"), "


", "should support whitespace around destination and title (2)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link](/uri \"title\"\t\n)"), "


", "should support whitespace around destination and title (3)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link] (/uri)"), "

[link] (/uri)

", "should not support whitespace between label and resource" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link [foo [bar]]](/uri)"), "

link [foo [bar]]

", "should support balanced brackets" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link] bar](/uri)"), "

[link] bar](/uri)

", "should not support unbalanced brackets (1)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link [bar](/uri)"), "

[link bar

", "should not support unbalanced brackets (2)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link \\[bar](/uri)"), "

link [bar

", "should support characer escapes" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[link *foo **bar** `#`*](/uri)"), "

link foo bar #

", "should support content" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[![moon](moon.jpg)](/uri)"), "


", "should support an image as content" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[foo [bar](/uri)](/uri)"), "

[foo bar](/uri)

", "should not support links in links (1)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[foo *[bar [baz](/uri)](/uri)*](/uri)"), "

[foo [bar baz](/uri)](/uri)

", "should not support links in links (2)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("![[[foo](uri1)](uri2)](uri3)"), "


", "should not support links in links (3)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("*[foo*](/uri)"), "


", "should prefer links over emphasis (1)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[foo *bar](baz*)"), "

foo *bar

", "should prefer links over emphasis (2)" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("[foo ", &danger)?, "


", "should prefer HTML over links" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[foo`](/uri)`"), "


", "should prefer code over links" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[foo"), "


", "should prefer autolinks over links" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[foo"), "


", "should prefer autolinks over links" ); // Extra assert_eq!( micromark("[]()"), "

", "should support an empty link" ); // See: assert_eq!( micromark("[](<> \"\")"), "

", "should ignore an empty title" ); assert_eq!( micromark_with_options("[a](\"c\")", &danger)?, "


", "should require whitespace between enclosed destination and title" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[](<"), "


", "should not support an unclosed enclosed destination" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[]("), "


", "should not support an unclosed destination" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[](\\<)"), "

", "should support unenclosed link destination starting w/ escapes" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[](<\\<>)"), "

", "should support enclosed link destination starting w/ escapes" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[](\\"), "


", "should not support unenclosed link destination starting w/ an incorrect escape" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[](<\\"), "


", "should not support enclosed link destination starting w/ an incorrect escape" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[](a \""), "

[](a "

", "should not support an eof in a link title (1)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[](a '"), "

[](a '

", "should not support an eof in a link title (2)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[](a ("), "

[](a (

", "should not support an eof in a link title (3)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[](a \"\\"), "

[](a "\\

", "should not support an eof in a link title escape (1)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[](a '\\"), "

[](a '\\

", "should not support an eof in a link title escape (2)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[](a (\\"), "

[](a (\\

", "should not support an eof in a link title escape (3)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[](a \"\\\"\")"), "

", "should support a character escape to start a link title (1)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[](a '\\'')"), "

", "should support a character escape to start a link title (2)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[](a (\\)))"), "

", "should support a character escape to start a link title (3)" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[&©&](example.com/&©& \"&©&\")"), "


", "should support character references in links" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[a](1())"), "


", "should support 1 set of parens" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[a](1(2()))"), "


", "should support 2 sets of parens" ); assert_eq!( micromark( "[a](1(2(3(4(5(6(7(8(9(10(11(12(13(14(15(16(17(18(19(20(21(22(23(24(25(26(27(28(29(30(31(32()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))"), "


", "should support 32 sets of parens" ); assert_eq!( micromark( "[a](1(2(3(4(5(6(7(8(9(10(11(12(13(14(15(16(17(18(19(20(21(22(23(24(25(26(27(28(29(30(31(32(33())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))"), "


", "should not support 33 or more sets of parens" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[a](b \"\n c\")"), "


", "should support an eol at the start of a title" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[a](b( \"c\")"), "

[a](b( "c")

", "should not support whitespace when unbalanced in a raw destination" ); assert_eq!( micromark("[a](\0)"), "


", "should support a single NUL character as a link resource" ); assert_eq!( micromark_to_mdast( "a [alpha]() b [bravo](charlie 'delta') c.", &Options::default() )?, Node::Root(Root { children: vec![Node::Paragraph(Paragraph { children: vec![ Node::Text(Text { value: "a ".to_string(), position: Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 3, 2)) }), Node::Link(Link { url: String::new(), title: None, children: vec![Node::Text(Text { value: "alpha".to_string(), position: Some(Position::new(1, 4, 3, 1, 9, 8)) }),], position: Some(Position::new(1, 3, 2, 1, 12, 11)) }), Node::Text(Text { value: " b ".to_string(), position: Some(Position::new(1, 12, 11, 1, 15, 14)) }), Node::Link(Link { url: "charlie".to_string(), title: Some("delta".to_string()), children: vec![Node::Text(Text { value: "bravo".to_string(), position: Some(Position::new(1, 16, 15, 1, 21, 20)) }),], position: Some(Position::new(1, 15, 14, 1, 39, 38)) }), Node::Text(Text { value: " c.".to_string(), position: Some(Position::new(1, 39, 38, 1, 42, 41)) }) ], position: Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 42, 41)) })], position: Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 42, 41)) }), "should support link (resource) as `Link`s in mdast" ); Ok(()) }