extern crate markdown; use markdown::{ mdast::{Definition, Image, ImageReference, Node, Paragraph, ReferenceKind, Root, Text}, to_html, to_html_with_options, to_mdast, unist::Position, CompileOptions, Constructs, Options, ParseOptions, }; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; #[test] fn image() -> Result<(), String> { assert_eq!( to_html("[link](/uri \"title\")"), "


", "should support links" ); assert_eq!( to_html("![foo](/url \"title\")"), "


", "should support image w/ resource" ); assert_eq!( to_html("[foo *bar*]: train.jpg \"train & tracks\"\n\n![foo *bar*]"), "


", "should support image as shortcut reference" ); assert_eq!( to_html("![foo ![bar](/url)](/url2)"), "


", "should “support” images in images" ); assert_eq!( to_html("![foo [bar](/url)](/url2)"), "


", "should “support” links in images" ); assert_eq!( to_html("[foo *bar*]: train.jpg \"train & tracks\"\n\n![foo *bar*][]"), "


", "should support “content” in images" ); assert_eq!( to_html("[FOOBAR]: train.jpg \"train & tracks\"\n\n![foo *bar*][foobar]"), "


", "should support “content” in images" ); assert_eq!( to_html("![foo](train.jpg)"), "


", "should support images w/o title" ); assert_eq!( to_html("My ![foo bar](/path/to/train.jpg \"title\" )"), "

My \"foo

", "should support images w/ lots of whitespace" ); assert_eq!( to_html("![foo]()"), "


", "should support images w/ enclosed destinations" ); assert_eq!( to_html("![](/url)"), "


", "should support images w/ empty labels" ); assert_eq!( to_html("[bar]: /url\n\n![foo][bar]"), "


", "should support full references (1)" ); assert_eq!( to_html("[BAR]: /url\n\n![foo][bar]"), "


", "should support full references (2)" ); assert_eq!( to_html("[foo]: /url \"title\"\n\n![foo][]"), "


", "should support collapsed references (1)" ); assert_eq!( to_html("[*foo* bar]: /url \"title\"\n\n![*foo* bar][]"), "


", "should support collapsed references (2)" ); assert_eq!( to_html("[foo]: /url \"title\"\n\n![Foo][]"), "


", "should support case-insensitive labels" ); assert_eq!( to_html("[foo]: /url \"title\"\n\n![foo] \n[]"), "


", "should not support whitespace between sets of brackets" ); assert_eq!( to_html("[foo]: /url \"title\"\n\n![foo]"), "


", "should support shortcut references (1)" ); assert_eq!( to_html("[*foo* bar]: /url \"title\"\n\n![*foo* bar]"), "


", "should support shortcut references (2)" ); assert_eq!( to_html("[[foo]]: /url \"title\"\n\n![[foo]]"), "

[[foo]]: /url "title"



", "should not support link labels w/ unescaped brackets" ); assert_eq!( to_html("[foo]: /url \"title\"\n\n![Foo]"), "


", "should support case-insensitive label matching" ); assert_eq!( to_html("[foo]: /url \"title\"\n\n!\\[foo]"), "


", "should “support” an escaped bracket instead of an image" ); assert_eq!( to_html("[foo]: /url \"title\"\n\n\\![foo]"), "


", "should support an escaped bang instead of an image, but still have a link" ); // Extra assert_eq!( to_html("![foo]()"), "


", "should support images w/o destination" ); assert_eq!( to_html("![foo](<>)"), "


", "should support images w/ explicit empty destination" ); assert_eq!( to_html("![](example.png)"), "


", "should support images w/o alt" ); assert_eq!( to_html("![alpha](bravo.png \"\")"), "


", "should support images w/ empty title (1)" ); assert_eq!( to_html("![alpha](bravo.png '')"), "


", "should support images w/ empty title (2)" ); assert_eq!( to_html("![alpha](bravo.png ())"), "


", "should support images w/ empty title (3)" ); assert_eq!( to_html("![&©&](example.com/&©& \"&©&\")"), "


", "should support character references in images" ); // Extra // See: assert_eq!( to_html("![](<> \"\")"), "


", "should ignore an empty title" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options( "![x]()", &Options { parse: ParseOptions { constructs: Constructs { label_start_image: false, ..Constructs::default() }, ..ParseOptions::default() }, ..Options::default() } )?, "


", "should support turning off label start (image)" ); assert_eq!( to_html("![](javascript:alert(1))"), "


", "should ignore non-http protocols by default" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options( "![](javascript:alert(1))", &Options { compile: CompileOptions { allow_dangerous_protocol: true, ..CompileOptions::default() }, ..Options::default() } )?, "


", "should allow non-http protocols w/ `allowDangerousProtocol`" ); assert_eq!( to_mdast( "a ![alpha]() b ![bravo](charlie 'delta') c.", &ParseOptions::default() )?, Node::Root(Root { children: vec![Node::Paragraph(Paragraph { children: vec![ Node::Text(Text { value: "a ".into(), position: Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 3, 2)) }), Node::Image(Image { alt: "alpha".into(), url: String::new(), title: None, position: Some(Position::new(1, 3, 2, 1, 13, 12)) }), Node::Text(Text { value: " b ".into(), position: Some(Position::new(1, 13, 12, 1, 16, 15)) }), Node::Image(Image { alt: "bravo".into(), url: "charlie".into(), title: Some("delta".into()), position: Some(Position::new(1, 16, 15, 1, 41, 40)) }), Node::Text(Text { value: " c.".into(), position: Some(Position::new(1, 41, 40, 1, 44, 43)) }) ], position: Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 44, 43)) })], position: Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 44, 43)) }), "should support image (resource) as `Image`s in mdast" ); assert_eq!( to_mdast( "[x]: y\n\na ![x] b ![x][] c ![d][x] e.", &ParseOptions::default() )?, Node::Root(Root { children: vec![ Node::Definition(Definition { identifier: "x".into(), label: Some("x".into()), url: "y".into(), title: None, position: Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 1, 7, 6)) }), Node::Paragraph(Paragraph { children: vec![ Node::Text(Text { value: "a ".into(), position: Some(Position::new(3, 1, 8, 3, 3, 10)) }), Node::ImageReference(ImageReference { reference_kind: ReferenceKind::Shortcut, identifier: "x".into(), label: Some("x".into()), alt: "x".into(), position: Some(Position::new(3, 3, 10, 3, 7, 14)) }), Node::Text(Text { value: " b ".into(), position: Some(Position::new(3, 7, 14, 3, 10, 17)) }), Node::ImageReference(ImageReference { reference_kind: ReferenceKind::Collapsed, identifier: "x".into(), label: Some("x".into()), alt: "x".into(), position: Some(Position::new(3, 10, 17, 3, 16, 23)) }), Node::Text(Text { value: " c ".into(), position: Some(Position::new(3, 16, 23, 3, 19, 26)) }), Node::ImageReference(ImageReference { reference_kind: ReferenceKind::Full, identifier: "x".into(), label: Some("x".into()), alt: "d".into(), position: Some(Position::new(3, 19, 26, 3, 26, 33)) }), Node::Text(Text { value: " e.".into(), position: Some(Position::new(3, 26, 33, 3, 29, 36)) }), ], position: Some(Position::new(3, 1, 8, 3, 29, 36)) }), ], position: Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 3, 29, 36)) }), "should support image (reference) as `ImageReference`s in mdast" ); Ok(()) }