extern crate markdown; use markdown::{ mdast::{Node, Root, Toml, Yaml}, to_html, to_html_with_options, to_mdast, unist::Position, Constructs, Options, ParseOptions, }; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; #[test] fn frontmatter() -> Result<(), String> { let frontmatter = Options { parse: ParseOptions { constructs: Constructs { frontmatter: true, ..Constructs::default() }, ..ParseOptions::default() }, ..Options::default() }; assert_eq!( to_html("---\ntitle: Jupyter\n---"), "

title: Jupyter

", "should not support frontmatter by default" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("---\ntitle: Jupyter\n---", &frontmatter)?, "", "should support frontmatter (yaml)" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("+++\ntitle = \"Jupyter\"\n+++", &frontmatter)?, "", "should support frontmatter (toml)" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("---\n---", &frontmatter)?, "", "should support empty frontmatter" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("--\n---", &frontmatter)?, "


", "should not support 2 markers in an opening fence" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("----\n---", &frontmatter)?, "
", "should not support 4 markers in an opening fence" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("---\n--", &frontmatter)?, "


", "should not support 2 markers in a closing fence" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("---\n----", &frontmatter)?, "
", "should not support 4 markers in a closing fence" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("---\n---\n## Neptune", &frontmatter)?, "


", "should support content after frontmatter" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("--- \t\n---", &frontmatter)?, "", "should support spaces and tabs after opening fence" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("---\n---\t ", &frontmatter)?, "", "should support spaces and tabs after closing fence" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("--- a\n---", &frontmatter)?, "

--- a

", "should not support content after opening fence" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("---\n--- b", &frontmatter)?, "

--- b

", "should not support content after closing fence" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("## Neptune\n---\n---", &frontmatter)?, "


", "should not support frontmatter after content" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("> ---\n> ---\n> ## Neptune", &frontmatter)?, "


", "should not support frontmatter in a container" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("---", &frontmatter)?, "
", "should not support just an opening fence" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("---\ntitle: Neptune", &frontmatter)?, "

title: Neptune

", "should not support a missing closing fence" ); assert_eq!( to_html_with_options("---\na\n\nb\n \t\nc\n---", &frontmatter)?, "", "should support blank lines in frontmatter" ); assert_eq!( to_mdast("---\na: b\n---", &frontmatter.parse)?, Node::Root(Root { children: vec![Node::Yaml(Yaml { value: "a: b".into(), position: Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 3, 4, 12)) })], position: Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 3, 4, 12)) }), "should support yaml as `Yaml`s in mdast" ); assert_eq!( to_mdast("+++\ntitle = \"Jupyter\"\n+++", &frontmatter.parse)?, Node::Root(Root { children: vec![Node::Toml(Toml { value: "title = \"Jupyter\"".into(), position: Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 3, 4, 25)) })], position: Some(Position::new(1, 1, 0, 3, 4, 25)) }), "should support toml as `Toml`s in mdast" ); Ok(()) }