//! Autolinks are a construct that occurs in the [text][] content type.
//! It forms with the following BNF:
//! ```bnf
//! autolink ::= '<' ( url | email ) '>'
//! url ::= ascii_alphabetic 0*31( '+' '-' '.' ascii_alphanumeric ) ':' *( code - ascii_control - '\r' - '\n' - ' ')
//! email ::= 1*ascii_atext '@' domain *('.' domain)
//! ; Restriction: up to (including) 63 character are allowed in each domain.
//! domain ::= ascii_alphanumeric *( ascii_alphanumeric | '-' ascii_alphanumeric )
//! ascii_atext ::= ascii_alphanumeric | '#' .. '\'' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '/' | '=' | '?' | '^' .. '`' | '{' .. '~'
//! ```
//! Autolinks relate to the `` element in HTML.
//! See [*§ 4.5.1 The `a` element*][html-a] in the HTML spec for more info.
//! When an email autolink is used (so, without a protocol), the string
//! `mailto:` is prepended before the email, when generating the `href`
//! attribute of the hyperlink.
//! The maximum allowed size of a scheme is `31` (inclusive), which is defined
//! in [`AUTOLINK_SCHEME_SIZE_MAX`][autolink_scheme_size_max].
//! The maximum allowed size of a domain is `63` (inclusive), which is defined
//! in [`AUTOLINK_DOMAIN_SIZE_MAX`][autolink_domain_size_max].
//! The grammar for autolinks is quite strict and prohibits the use of ASCII control
//! characters or spaces.
//! To use non-ascii characters and otherwise impossible characters, in URLs,
//! you can use percent encoding:
//! ```markdown
//! ```
//! Yields:
//! ```html
//! https://example.com/alpha%20bravo
//! ```
//! There are several cases where incorrect encoding of URLs would, in other
//! languages, result in a parse error.
//! In markdown, there are no errors, and URLs are normalized.
//! In addition, unicode characters are percent encoded
//! ([`sanitize_uri`][sanitize_uri]).
//! For example:
//! ```markdown
//! ```
//! Yields:
//! ```html
//! https://a👍b%
//! ```
//! Interestingly, there are a couple of things that are valid autolinks in
//! markdown but in HTML would be valid tags, such as `` and
//! ``.
//! However, because `CommonMark` employs a naïve HTML parsing algorithm, those
//! are not considered HTML.
//! While `CommonMark` restricts links from occurring in other links in the
//! case of labels (see [label end][label_end]), this restriction is not in
//! place for autolinks inside labels:
//! ```markdown
//! [](#)
//! ```
//! Yields:
//! ```html
//! https://example.com
//! ```
//! The generated output, in this case, is invalid according to HTML.
//! When a browser sees that markup, it will instead parse it as:
//! ```html
//! https://example.com
//! ```
//! ## Tokens
//! * [`Autolink`][Token::Autolink]
//! * [`AutolinkEmail`][Token::AutolinkEmail]
//! * [`AutolinkMarker`][Token::AutolinkMarker]
//! * [`AutolinkProtocol`][Token::AutolinkProtocol]
//! ## References
//! * [`autolink.js` in `micromark`](https://github.com/micromark/micromark/blob/main/packages/micromark-core-commonmark/dev/lib/autolink.js)
//! * [*§ 6.4 Autolinks* in `CommonMark`](https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#autolinks)
//! [text]: crate::content::text
//! [label_end]: crate::construct::label_end
//! [autolink_scheme_size_max]: crate::constant::AUTOLINK_SCHEME_SIZE_MAX
//! [autolink_domain_size_max]: crate::constant::AUTOLINK_DOMAIN_SIZE_MAX
//! [sanitize_uri]: crate::util::sanitize_uri
//! [html-a]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/text-level-semantics.html#the-a-element
use crate::token::Token;
use crate::tokenizer::{Code, State, StateFnResult, Tokenizer};
/// Start of an autolink.
/// ```markdown
/// > | ab
/// ^
/// > | ab
/// ^
/// ```
pub fn start(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
match code {
Code::Char('<') if tokenizer.parse_state.constructs.autolink => {
(State::Fn(Box::new(open)), 0)
_ => (State::Nok, 0),
/// After `<`, before the protocol.
/// ```markdown
/// > | ab
/// ^
/// > | ab
/// ^
/// ```
fn open(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
match code {
Code::Char(char) if char.is_ascii_alphabetic() => {
(State::Fn(Box::new(scheme_or_email_atext)), 0)
Code::Char(char) if is_ascii_atext(char) => email_atext(tokenizer, code),
_ => (State::Nok, 0),
/// After the first character of the protocol or email name.
/// ```markdown
/// > | ab
/// ^
/// > | ab
/// ^
/// ```
fn scheme_or_email_atext(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
match code {
Code::Char('+' | '-' | '.' | '0'..='9' | 'A'..='Z' | 'a'..='z') => {
scheme_inside_or_email_atext(tokenizer, code, 1)
_ => email_atext(tokenizer, code),
/// Inside an ambiguous protocol or email name.
/// ```markdown
/// > | ab
/// ^
/// > | ab
/// ^
/// ```
fn scheme_inside_or_email_atext(
tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer,
code: Code,
size: usize,
) -> StateFnResult {
match code {
Code::Char(':') => {
(State::Fn(Box::new(url_inside)), 0)
Code::Char('+' | '-' | '.' | '0'..='9' | 'A'..='Z' | 'a'..='z')
State::Fn(Box::new(move |t, c| {
scheme_inside_or_email_atext(t, c, size + 1)
_ => email_atext(tokenizer, code),
/// Inside a URL, after the protocol.
/// ```markdown
/// > | ab
/// ^
/// ```
fn url_inside(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
match code {
Code::Char('>') => {
end(tokenizer, code)
Code::Char(char) if char.is_ascii_control() => (State::Nok, 0),
Code::None | Code::CarriageReturnLineFeed | Code::VirtualSpace | Code::Char(' ') => {
(State::Nok, 0)
Code::Char(_) => {
(State::Fn(Box::new(url_inside)), 0)
/// Inside email atext.
/// ```markdown
/// > | ab
/// ^
/// ```
fn email_atext(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
match code {
Code::Char('@') => {
(State::Fn(Box::new(|t, c| email_at_sign_or_dot(t, c, 0))), 0)
Code::Char(char) if is_ascii_atext(char) => {
(State::Fn(Box::new(email_atext)), 0)
_ => (State::Nok, 0),
/// After an at-sign or a dot in the label.
/// ```markdown
/// > | ab
/// ^ ^
/// ```
fn email_at_sign_or_dot(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code, size: usize) -> StateFnResult {
match code {
Code::Char(char) if char.is_ascii_alphanumeric() => email_value(tokenizer, code, size),
_ => (State::Nok, 0),
/// In the label, where `.` and `>` are allowed.
/// ```markdown
/// > | ab
/// ^
/// ```
fn email_label(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code, size: usize) -> StateFnResult {
match code {
Code::Char('.') => {
(State::Fn(Box::new(|t, c| email_at_sign_or_dot(t, c, 0))), 0)
Code::Char('>') => {
let index = tokenizer.events.len();
// Change the token type.
tokenizer.events[index - 1].token_type = Token::AutolinkEmail;
tokenizer.events[index].token_type = Token::AutolinkEmail;
end(tokenizer, code)
_ => email_value(tokenizer, code, size),
/// In the label, where `.` and `>` are *not* allowed.
/// Though, this is also used in `email_label` to parse other values.
/// ```markdown
/// > | ab
/// ^
/// ```
fn email_value(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code, size: usize) -> StateFnResult {
match code {
Code::Char('-') if size < AUTOLINK_DOMAIN_SIZE_MAX => {
State::Fn(Box::new(move |t, c| email_value(t, c, size + 1))),
Code::Char(char) if char.is_ascii_alphanumeric() && size < AUTOLINK_DOMAIN_SIZE_MAX => {
State::Fn(Box::new(move |t, c| email_label(t, c, size + 1))),
_ => (State::Nok, 0),
/// At the `>`.
/// ```markdown
/// > | ab
/// ^
/// > | ab
/// ^
/// ```
fn end(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer, code: Code) -> StateFnResult {
match code {
Code::Char('>') => {
(State::Ok, 0)
_ => unreachable!("expected `>`"),
/// Check whether the character code represents an ASCII atext.
/// atext is an ASCII alphanumeric (see [`is_ascii_alphanumeric`][]), or a character in
/// the inclusive ranges U+0023 NUMBER SIGN (`#`) to U+0027 APOSTROPHE (`'`),
/// U+002A ASTERISK (`*`), U+002B PLUS SIGN (`+`), U+002D DASH (`-`), U+002F
/// SLASH (`/`), U+003D EQUALS TO (`=`), U+003F QUESTION MARK (`?`), U+005E
/// CARET (`^`) to U+0060 GRAVE ACCENT (`` ` ``), or U+007B LEFT CURLY BRACE
/// (`{`) to U+007E TILDE (`~`).
/// See:
/// **\[RFC5322]**:
/// [Internet Message Format](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322).
/// P. Resnick.
/// IETF.
/// [`is_ascii_alphanumeric`]: char::is_ascii_alphanumeric
fn is_ascii_atext(x: char) -> bool {
matches!(x, '#'..='\'' | '*' | '+' | '-'..='9' | '=' | '?' | 'A'..='Z' | '^'..='~')