path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
5 files changed, 883 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_utils/mod.rs b/tests/test_utils/mod.rs
index 87c1e1e..aa1d509 100644
--- a/tests/test_utils/mod.rs
+++ b/tests/test_utils/mod.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
pub mod hast;
pub mod swc;
+pub mod to_document;
pub mod to_hast;
pub mod to_swc;
diff --git a/tests/test_utils/to_document.rs b/tests/test_utils/to_document.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b44d029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_utils/to_document.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+extern crate swc_common;
+extern crate swc_ecma_ast;
+use crate::test_utils::to_swc::Program;
+/// JSX runtimes.
+#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum JsxRuntime {
+ /// Automatic runtime.
+ ///
+ /// With the automatic runtime, some module is expected to exist somewhere.
+ /// That modules is expected to expose a certain API.
+ /// The compiler adds an import of that module and compiles JSX away to
+ /// function calls that use that API.
+ #[default]
+ Automatic,
+ /// Classic runtime.
+ ///
+ /// With the classic runtime, you define two values yourself in each file,
+ /// which are expected to work a certain way.
+ /// The compiler compiles JSX away to function calls using those two values.
+ Classic,
+/// Configuration.
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct Options {
+ /// Pragma for JSX (used in classic runtime).
+ ///
+ /// Default: `React.createElement`.
+ pub pragma: Option<String>,
+ /// Pragma for JSX fragments (used in classic runtime).
+ ///
+ /// Default: `React.Fragment`.
+ pub pragma_frag: Option<String>,
+ /// Where to import the identifier of `pragma` from (used in classic runtime).
+ ///
+ /// Default: `react`.
+ pub pragma_import_source: Option<String>,
+ /// Place to import automatic JSX runtimes from (used in automatic runtime).
+ ///
+ /// Default: `react`.
+ pub jsx_import_source: Option<String>,
+ /// JSX runtime to use.
+ ///
+ /// Default: `automatic`.
+ pub jsx_runtime: Option<JsxRuntime>,
+impl Default for Options {
+ /// Use the automatic JSX runtime with React.
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ pragma: None,
+ pragma_frag: None,
+ pragma_import_source: None,
+ jsx_import_source: None,
+ jsx_runtime: Some(JsxRuntime::default()),
+ }
+ }
+pub fn to_document(mut program: Program, options: &Options) -> Result<Program, String> {
+ // New body children.
+ let mut replacements = vec![];
+ // Inject JSX configuration comment.
+ if let Some(runtime) = &options.jsx_runtime {
+ let mut pragmas = vec![];
+ let react = &"react".into();
+ let create_element = &"React.createElement".into();
+ let fragment = &"React.Fragment".into();
+ if *runtime == JsxRuntime::Automatic {
+ pragmas.push("@jsxRuntime automatic".into());
+ pragmas.push(format!(
+ "@jsxImportSource {}",
+ if let Some(jsx_import_source) = &options.jsx_import_source {
+ jsx_import_source
+ } else {
+ react
+ }
+ ));
+ } else {
+ pragmas.push("@jsxRuntime classic".into());
+ pragmas.push(format!(
+ "@jsx {}",
+ if let Some(pragma) = &options.pragma {
+ pragma
+ } else {
+ create_element
+ }
+ ));
+ pragmas.push(format!(
+ "@jsxFrag {}",
+ if let Some(pragma_frag) = &options.pragma_frag {
+ pragma_frag
+ } else {
+ fragment
+ }
+ ));
+ }
+ if !pragmas.is_empty() {
+ program.comments.insert(
+ 0,
+ swc_common::comments::Comment {
+ kind: swc_common::comments::CommentKind::Block,
+ text: pragmas.join(" ").into(),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // Inject an import in the classic runtime for the pragma (and presumably,
+ // fragment).
+ if options.jsx_runtime == Some(JsxRuntime::Classic) {
+ let pragma = if let Some(pragma) = &options.pragma {
+ pragma
+ } else {
+ "React"
+ };
+ let sym = pragma.split('.').next().expect("first item always exists");
+ replacements.push(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(
+ swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::Import(swc_ecma_ast::ImportDecl {
+ specifiers: vec![swc_ecma_ast::ImportSpecifier::Named(
+ swc_ecma_ast::ImportNamedSpecifier {
+ local: swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: sym.into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ imported: None,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ is_type_only: false,
+ },
+ )],
+ src: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Str {
+ value: (if let Some(source) = &options.pragma_import_source {
+ source.clone()
+ } else {
+ "react".into()
+ })
+ .into(),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ raw: None,
+ }),
+ type_only: false,
+ asserts: None,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }),
+ ));
+ }
+ // Find the `export default`, the JSX expression, and leave the rest as it
+ // is.
+ let mut input = program.module.body.split_off(0);
+ input.reverse();
+ // To do: place position in this.
+ let mut layout = false;
+ let content = true;
+ while let Some(module_item) = input.pop() {
+ match module_item {
+ // ```js
+ // export default props => <>{props.children}</>
+ // ```
+ //
+ // Treat it as an inline layout declaration.
+ //
+ // In estree, the below two are the same node (`ExportDefault`).
+ swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::ExportDefaultDecl(
+ decl,
+ )) => {
+ // To do: use positional info.
+ if layout {
+ return Err("Cannot specify multiple layouts".into());
+ }
+ // To do: set positional info.
+ layout = true;
+ replacements.push(create_layout_decl(match decl.decl {
+ swc_ecma_ast::DefaultDecl::Class(cls) => swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Class(cls),
+ swc_ecma_ast::DefaultDecl::Fn(func) => swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Fn(func),
+ swc_ecma_ast::DefaultDecl::TsInterfaceDecl(_) => {
+ // To do: improved error? Not sure what a real example of this is?
+ unreachable!("Cannot use TypeScript interface declarations as default export in MDX")
+ },
+ }));
+ }
+ swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::ExportDefaultExpr(
+ expr,
+ )) => {
+ // To do: use positional info.
+ if layout {
+ return Err("Cannot specify multiple layouts".into());
+ }
+ // To do: set positional info.
+ layout = true;
+ replacements.push(create_layout_decl(*expr.expr));
+ }
+ // ```js
+ // export {a, b as c} from 'd'
+ // export {a, b as c}
+ // ```
+ swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::ExportNamed(mut named_export)) => {
+ // SWC is currently crashing when generating code, w/o source
+ // map, if an actual location is set on this node.
+ named_export.span = swc_common::DUMMY_SP;
+ let mut index = 0;
+ let mut id = None;
+ while index < named_export.specifiers.len() {
+ let mut take = false;
+ // Note: the `swc_ecma_ast::ExportSpecifier::Default`
+ // branch of this looks interesting, but as far as I
+ // understand it *is not* valid ES.
+ // `export a from 'b'` is a syntax error, even in SWC.
+ if let swc_ecma_ast::ExportSpecifier::Named(named) = &named_export.specifiers[index] {
+ if let Some(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleExportName::Ident(ident)) = &named.exported {
+ if ident.sym.as_ref() == "default" {
+ // For some reason the AST supports strings
+ // instead of identifiers.
+ // Looks like some TC39 proposal. Ignore for now
+ // and only do things if this is an ID.
+ if let swc_ecma_ast::ModuleExportName::Ident(ident) = &named.orig {
+ // To do: use positional info.
+ if layout {
+ return Err("Cannot specify multiple layouts".into());
+ }
+ // To do: set positional info.
+ layout = true;
+ take = true;
+ id = Some(ident.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if take {
+ named_export.specifiers.remove(index);
+ } else {
+ index += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(id) = id {
+ let source = named_export.src.clone();
+ // If there was just a default export, we can drop the original node.
+ if !named_export.specifiers.is_empty() {
+ // Pass through.
+ replacements.push(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::ExportNamed(named_export)));
+ }
+ // It’s an `export {x} from 'y'`, so generate an import.
+ if let Some(source) = source {
+ replacements.push(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::Import(swc_ecma_ast::ImportDecl {
+ specifiers: vec![swc_ecma_ast::ImportSpecifier::Named(
+ swc_ecma_ast::ImportNamedSpecifier {
+ local: swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: "MDXLayout".into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ imported: Some(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleExportName::Ident( id)),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ is_type_only: false,
+ },
+ )],
+ src: source,
+ type_only: false,
+ asserts: None,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })))
+ }
+ // It’s an `export {x}`, so generate a variable declaration.
+ else {
+ replacements.push(create_layout_decl(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Ident(id)));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Pass through.
+ replacements.push(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::ExportNamed(named_export)));
+ }
+ }
+ swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::Import(_))
+ | swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::ExportDecl(_))
+ | swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::ExportAll(_))
+ // To do: handle TS things?
+ | swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::TsImportEquals(_))
+ | swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::TsExportAssignment(
+ _,
+ ))
+ | swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::TsNamespaceExport(
+ _,
+ )) => {
+ // Pass through.
+ replacements.push(module_item);
+ }
+ swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::Stmt(swc_ecma_ast::Stmt::Expr(expr_stmt)) => {
+ match *expr_stmt.expr {
+ swc_ecma_ast::Expr::JSXElement(elem) => {
+ replacements.append(&mut create_mdx_content(
+ Some(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::JSXElement(elem)),
+ layout,
+ ));
+ }
+ swc_ecma_ast::Expr::JSXFragment(mut frag) => {
+ // Unwrap if possible.
+ if frag.children.len() == 1 {
+ let item = frag.children.pop().unwrap();
+ if let swc_ecma_ast::JSXElementChild::JSXElement(elem) = item {
+ replacements.append(&mut create_mdx_content(
+ Some(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::JSXElement(elem)),
+ layout,
+ ));
+ continue;
+ }
+ frag.children.push(item)
+ }
+ replacements.append(&mut create_mdx_content(
+ Some(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::JSXFragment(frag)),
+ layout,
+ ));
+ }
+ _ => {
+ // Pass through.
+ replacements.push(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::Stmt(
+ swc_ecma_ast::Stmt::Expr(expr_stmt),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::Stmt(stmt) => {
+ replacements.push(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::Stmt(stmt));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Generate an empty component.
+ if !content {
+ replacements.append(&mut create_mdx_content(None, layout));
+ }
+ // ```jsx
+ // export default MDXContent
+ // ```
+ replacements.push(swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::ModuleDecl(
+ swc_ecma_ast::ModuleDecl::ExportDefaultExpr(swc_ecma_ast::ExportDefaultExpr {
+ expr: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Ident(swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: "MDXContent".into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }),
+ ));
+ program.module.body = replacements;
+ Ok(program)
+/// Create a content component.
+fn create_mdx_content(
+ expr: Option<swc_ecma_ast::Expr>,
+ has_internal_layout: bool,
+) -> Vec<swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem> {
+ // ```jsx
+ // <MDXLayout {...props}>xxx</MDXLayout>
+ // ```
+ let mut result = swc_ecma_ast::Expr::JSXElement(Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::JSXElement {
+ opening: swc_ecma_ast::JSXOpeningElement {
+ name: swc_ecma_ast::JSXElementName::Ident(swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: "MDXLayout".into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }),
+ attrs: vec![swc_ecma_ast::JSXAttrOrSpread::SpreadElement(
+ swc_ecma_ast::SpreadElement {
+ dot3_token: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ expr: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Ident(swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: "props".into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })),
+ },
+ )],
+ self_closing: false,
+ type_args: None,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ closing: Some(swc_ecma_ast::JSXClosingElement {
+ name: swc_ecma_ast::JSXElementName::Ident(swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: "MDXLayout".into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }),
+ // ```jsx
+ // <_createMdxContent {...props} />
+ // ```
+ children: vec![swc_ecma_ast::JSXElementChild::JSXElement(Box::new(
+ swc_ecma_ast::JSXElement {
+ opening: swc_ecma_ast::JSXOpeningElement {
+ name: swc_ecma_ast::JSXElementName::Ident(swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: "_createMdxContent".into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }),
+ attrs: vec![swc_ecma_ast::JSXAttrOrSpread::SpreadElement(
+ swc_ecma_ast::SpreadElement {
+ dot3_token: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ expr: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Ident(swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: "props".into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })),
+ },
+ )],
+ self_closing: true,
+ type_args: None,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ closing: None,
+ children: vec![],
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ ))],
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }));
+ if !has_internal_layout {
+ // ```jsx
+ // MDXLayout ? <MDXLayout>xxx</MDXLayout> : _createMdxContent(props)
+ // ```
+ result = swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Cond(swc_ecma_ast::CondExpr {
+ test: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Ident(swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: "MDXLayout".into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })),
+ cons: Box::new(result),
+ alt: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Call(swc_ecma_ast::CallExpr {
+ callee: swc_ecma_ast::Callee::Expr(Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Ident(
+ swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: "_createMdxContent".into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ ))),
+ args: vec![swc_ecma_ast::ExprOrSpread {
+ spread: None,
+ expr: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Ident(swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: "props".into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })),
+ }],
+ type_args: None,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ });
+ }
+ // ```jsx
+ // function _createMdxContent(props) {
+ // return xxx
+ // }
+ // ```
+ let create_mdx_content = swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::Stmt(swc_ecma_ast::Stmt::Decl(
+ swc_ecma_ast::Decl::Fn(swc_ecma_ast::FnDecl {
+ ident: swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: "_createMdxContent".into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ declare: false,
+ function: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Function {
+ params: vec![swc_ecma_ast::Param {
+ pat: swc_ecma_ast::Pat::Ident(swc_ecma_ast::BindingIdent {
+ id: swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: "props".into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ type_ann: None,
+ }),
+ decorators: vec![],
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }],
+ decorators: vec![],
+ body: Some(swc_ecma_ast::BlockStmt {
+ stmts: vec![swc_ecma_ast::Stmt::Return(swc_ecma_ast::ReturnStmt {
+ arg: Some(Box::new(expr.unwrap_or({
+ swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Lit(swc_ecma_ast::Lit::Null(swc_ecma_ast::Null {
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }))
+ }))),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })],
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }),
+ is_generator: false,
+ is_async: false,
+ type_params: None,
+ return_type: None,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ));
+ // ```jsx
+ // function MDXContent(props = {}) {
+ // return <MDXLayout>xxx</MDXLayout>
+ // }
+ // ```
+ let mdx_content = swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::Stmt(swc_ecma_ast::Stmt::Decl(
+ swc_ecma_ast::Decl::Fn(swc_ecma_ast::FnDecl {
+ ident: swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: "MDXContent".into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ declare: false,
+ function: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Function {
+ params: vec![swc_ecma_ast::Param {
+ pat: swc_ecma_ast::Pat::Assign(swc_ecma_ast::AssignPat {
+ left: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Pat::Ident(swc_ecma_ast::BindingIdent {
+ id: swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: "props".into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ type_ann: None,
+ })),
+ right: Box::new(swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Object(swc_ecma_ast::ObjectLit {
+ props: vec![],
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ type_ann: None,
+ }),
+ decorators: vec![],
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }],
+ decorators: vec![],
+ body: Some(swc_ecma_ast::BlockStmt {
+ stmts: vec![swc_ecma_ast::Stmt::Return(swc_ecma_ast::ReturnStmt {
+ arg: Some(Box::new(result)),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ })],
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }),
+ is_generator: false,
+ is_async: false,
+ type_params: None,
+ return_type: None,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ));
+ vec![create_mdx_content, mdx_content]
+/// Create a layout, inside the document.
+fn create_layout_decl(expr: swc_ecma_ast::Expr) -> swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem {
+ // ```jsx
+ // const MDXLayout = xxx
+ // ```
+ swc_ecma_ast::ModuleItem::Stmt(swc_ecma_ast::Stmt::Decl(swc_ecma_ast::Decl::Var(Box::new(
+ swc_ecma_ast::VarDecl {
+ kind: swc_ecma_ast::VarDeclKind::Const,
+ declare: false,
+ decls: vec![swc_ecma_ast::VarDeclarator {
+ name: swc_ecma_ast::Pat::Ident(swc_ecma_ast::BindingIdent {
+ id: swc_ecma_ast::Ident {
+ sym: "MDXLayout".into(),
+ optional: false,
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ type_ann: None,
+ }),
+ init: Some(Box::new(expr)),
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ definite: false,
+ }],
+ span: swc_common::DUMMY_SP,
+ },
+ ))))
diff --git a/tests/test_utils/to_swc.rs b/tests/test_utils/to_swc.rs
index 1d25f47..59d60ee 100644
--- a/tests/test_utils/to_swc.rs
+++ b/tests/test_utils/to_swc.rs
@@ -345,11 +345,44 @@ fn transform_root(
node: &hast::Node,
_root: &hast::Root,
) -> Result<Option<swc_ecma_ast::JSXElementChild>, String> {
- let children = all(context, node)?;
+ let mut children = all(context, node)?;
+ let mut queue = vec![];
+ let mut nodes = vec![];
+ let mut seen = false;
+ children.reverse();
+ // Remove initial/final whitespace.
+ while let Some(child) = children.pop() {
+ let mut stash = false;
+ if let swc_ecma_ast::JSXElementChild::JSXExprContainer(container) = &child {
+ if let swc_ecma_ast::JSXExpr::Expr(expr) = &container.expr {
+ if let swc_ecma_ast::Expr::Lit(swc_ecma_ast::Lit::Str(str)) = (*expr).as_ref() {
+ if inter_element_whitespace(str.value.as_ref()) {
+ stash = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if stash {
+ if seen {
+ queue.push(child);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if !queue.is_empty() {
+ nodes.append(&mut queue);
+ }
+ nodes.push(child);
+ seen = true;
+ }
+ }
// To do: remove whitespace?
// To do: return a single child if there is one?
- create_fragment(children, node),
+ create_fragment(nodes, node),
@@ -493,6 +526,22 @@ fn position_to_span(position: Option<&Position>) -> swc_common::Span {
+fn inter_element_whitespace(value: &str) -> bool {
+ let bytes = value.as_bytes();
+ let mut index = 0;
+ while index < bytes.len() {
+ match bytes[index] {
+ // To do: form feed.
+ b'\t' | b'\r' | b'\n' | b' ' => {}
+ _ => return false,
+ }
+ index += 1;
+ }
+ true
/// Different kinds of JSX names.
enum JsxName<'a> {
// `a.b.c`
diff --git a/tests/xxx_document.rs b/tests/xxx_document.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d89f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/xxx_document.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+extern crate micromark;
+extern crate swc_common;
+extern crate swc_ecma_ast;
+extern crate swc_ecma_codegen;
+mod test_utils;
+use micromark::{micromark_to_mdast, Constructs, Options};
+use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
+use swc_common::{sync::Lrc, FilePathMapping, SourceMap};
+use swc_ecma_codegen::{text_writer::JsWriter, Emitter};
+use test_utils::{
+ swc::{parse_esm, parse_expression},
+ to_document::{to_document, Options as DocumentOptions},
+ to_hast::to_hast,
+ to_swc::{to_swc, Program},
+// To do: share with `xxx_swc`.
+fn serialize(program: &Program) -> String {
+ let mut buf = vec![];
+ let cm = Lrc::new(SourceMap::new(FilePathMapping::empty()));
+ // let comm = &program.comments as &dyn swc_common::comments::Comments;
+ {
+ let mut emitter = Emitter {
+ cfg: swc_ecma_codegen::Config {
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ cm: cm.clone(),
+ // To do: figure out how to pass them.
+ comments: None,
+ wr: JsWriter::new(cm, "\n", &mut buf, None),
+ };
+ emitter.emit_module(&program.module).unwrap();
+ }
+ String::from_utf8_lossy(&buf).to_string()
+fn from_markdown(value: &str) -> Result<String, String> {
+ let mdast = micromark_to_mdast(
+ value,
+ &Options {
+ constructs: Constructs::mdx(),
+ mdx_esm_parse: Some(Box::new(parse_esm)),
+ mdx_expression_parse: Some(Box::new(parse_expression)),
+ ..Options::default()
+ },
+ )?;
+ let hast = to_hast(&mdast);
+ let program = to_document(to_swc(&hast)?, &DocumentOptions::default())?;
+ let value = serialize(&program);
+ Ok(value)
+fn document() -> Result<(), String> {
+ assert_eq!(
+ from_markdown("# hi\n\nAlpha *bravo* **charlie**.")?,
+ "function _createMdxContent(props) {
+ return <><h1 >{\"hi\"}</h1>{\"\\n\"}<p >{\"Alpha \"}<em >{\"bravo\"}</em>{\" \"}<strong >{\"charlie\"}</strong>{\".\"}</p></>;
+function MDXContent(props = {}) {
+ return MDXLayout ? <MDXLayout {...props}><_createMdxContent {...props}/></MDXLayout> : _createMdxContent(props);
+export default MDXContent;
+ "should support a small program",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ from_markdown("import a from 'b'\n\n# {a}")?,
+ "import a from 'b';
+function _createMdxContent(props) {
+ return <h1 >{a}</h1>;
+function MDXContent(props = {}) {
+ return MDXLayout ? <MDXLayout {...props}><_createMdxContent {...props}/></MDXLayout> : _createMdxContent(props);
+export default MDXContent;
+ "should support an import",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ from_markdown("export * from 'a'\n\n# b")?,
+ "export * from 'a';
+function _createMdxContent(props) {
+ return <h1 >{\"b\"}</h1>;
+function MDXContent(props = {}) {
+ return MDXLayout ? <MDXLayout {...props}><_createMdxContent {...props}/></MDXLayout> : _createMdxContent(props);
+export default MDXContent;
+ "should support an export all",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ from_markdown("export function a() {}")?,
+ "export function a() {}
+function _createMdxContent(props) {
+ return <></>;
+function MDXContent(props = {}) {
+ return MDXLayout ? <MDXLayout {...props}><_createMdxContent {...props}/></MDXLayout> : _createMdxContent(props);
+export default MDXContent;
+ "should support an export declaration",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ from_markdown("export default a")?,
+ "const MDXLayout = a;
+function _createMdxContent(props) {
+ return <></>;
+function MDXContent(props = {}) {
+ return <MDXLayout {...props}><_createMdxContent {...props}/></MDXLayout>;
+export default MDXContent;
+ "should support an export default expression",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ from_markdown("export default function () {}")?,
+ "const MDXLayout = function() {};
+function _createMdxContent(props) {
+ return <></>;
+function MDXContent(props = {}) {
+ return <MDXLayout {...props}><_createMdxContent {...props}/></MDXLayout>;
+export default MDXContent;
+ "should support an export default declaration",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ from_markdown("export {a, b as default}")?,
+ "export { a };
+const MDXLayout = b;
+function _createMdxContent(props) {
+ return <></>;
+function MDXContent(props = {}) {
+ return <MDXLayout {...props}><_createMdxContent {...props}/></MDXLayout>;
+export default MDXContent;
+ "should support a named export w/o source, w/ a default specifier",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ from_markdown("export {a}")?,
+ "export { a };
+function _createMdxContent(props) {
+ return <></>;
+function MDXContent(props = {}) {
+ return MDXLayout ? <MDXLayout {...props}><_createMdxContent {...props}/></MDXLayout> : _createMdxContent(props);
+export default MDXContent;
+ "should support a named export w/o source, w/o a default specifier",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ from_markdown("export {}")?,
+ "export { };
+function _createMdxContent(props) {
+ return <></>;
+function MDXContent(props = {}) {
+ return MDXLayout ? <MDXLayout {...props}><_createMdxContent {...props}/></MDXLayout> : _createMdxContent(props);
+export default MDXContent;
+ "should support a named export w/o source, w/o a specifiers",
+ );
+ // ...........
+ assert_eq!(
+ from_markdown("export {a, b as default} from 'c'")?,
+ "export { a } from 'c';
+import { b as MDXLayout } from 'c';
+function _createMdxContent(props) {
+ return <></>;
+function MDXContent(props = {}) {
+ return <MDXLayout {...props}><_createMdxContent {...props}/></MDXLayout>;
+export default MDXContent;
+ "should support a named export w/ source, w/ a default specifier",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ from_markdown("export {a} from 'b'")?,
+ "export { a } from 'b';
+function _createMdxContent(props) {
+ return <></>;
+function MDXContent(props = {}) {
+ return MDXLayout ? <MDXLayout {...props}><_createMdxContent {...props}/></MDXLayout> : _createMdxContent(props);
+export default MDXContent;
+ "should support a named export w/ source, w/o a default specifier",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ from_markdown("export {} from 'a'")?,
+ "export { } from 'a';
+function _createMdxContent(props) {
+ return <></>;
+function MDXContent(props = {}) {
+ return MDXLayout ? <MDXLayout {...props}><_createMdxContent {...props}/></MDXLayout> : _createMdxContent(props);
+export default MDXContent;
+ "should support a named export w/ source, w/o a specifiers",
+ );
+ Ok(())
diff --git a/tests/xxx_swc.rs b/tests/xxx_swc.rs
index a882244..5504432 100644
--- a/tests/xxx_swc.rs
+++ b/tests/xxx_swc.rs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ use test_utils::{
to_swc::{to_swc, Program},
+// To do: share with `xxx_document`.
fn serialize(program: &Program) -> String {
let mut buf = vec![];
let cm = Lrc::new(SourceMap::new(FilePathMapping::empty()));