path: root/src/construct/mdx_jsx_text.rs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 877 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/construct/mdx_jsx_text.rs b/src/construct/mdx_jsx_text.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a33499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/construct/mdx_jsx_text.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
+//! To do.
+use crate::construct::partial_space_or_tab_eol::space_or_tab_eol;
+use crate::event::Name;
+use crate::state::{Name as StateName, State};
+use crate::tokenizer::Tokenizer;
+use crate::util::{classify_character::Kind as CharacterKind, slice::byte_to_kind};
+use alloc::{
+ format,
+ string::{String, ToString},
+use core::str;
+/// Start of MDX: JSX (text).
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <B /> c
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn start(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ if Some(b'<') == tokenizer.current && tokenizer.parse_state.options.constructs.mdx_jsx_text {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTag);
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagMarker);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagMarker);
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextStartAfter)
+ } else {
+ State::Nok
+ }
+/// After `<`.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <B /> c
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn start_after(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ // Deviate from JSX, which allows arbitrary whitespace.
+ // See: <https://github.com/micromark/micromark-extension-mdx-jsx/issues/7>.
+ if let Some(b'\t' | b'\n' | b' ') = tokenizer.current {
+ State::Nok
+ } else {
+ tokenizer.attempt(State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextNameBefore), State::Nok);
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ }
+/// Before name, self slash, or end of tag for fragments.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <B> c
+/// ^
+/// > | a </B> c
+/// ^
+/// > | a <> b
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn name_before(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ match tokenizer.current {
+ // Closing tag.
+ Some(b'/') => {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagClosingMarker);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagClosingMarker);
+ tokenizer.attempt(
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextClosingTagNameBefore),
+ State::Nok,
+ );
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ }
+ // Fragment opening tag.
+ Some(b'>') => State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextTagEnd),
+ _ => {
+ // To do: unicode.
+ if id_start(tokenizer.current) {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagName);
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagNamePrimary);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextPrimaryName)
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "before name",
+ &format!(
+ "a character that can start a name, such as a letter, `$`, or `_`{}",
+ if tokenizer.current == Some(b'!') {
+ " (note: to create a comment in MDX, use `{/* text */}`)"
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// Before name of closing tag or end of closing fragment tag.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a </> b
+/// ^
+/// > | a </B> c
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn closing_tag_name_before(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ match tokenizer.current {
+ // Fragment closing tag.
+ Some(b'>') => State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextTagEnd),
+ // Start of a closing tag name.
+ _ => {
+ // To do: unicode.
+ if id_start(tokenizer.current) {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagName);
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagNamePrimary);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextPrimaryName)
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "before name",
+ &format!(
+ "a character that can start a name, such as a letter, `$`, or `_`{}",
+ if tokenizer.current == Some(b'*' | b'/') {
+ " (note: JS comments in JSX tags are not supported in MDX)"
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// In primary name.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <Bc> d
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn primary_name(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ // End of name.
+ if byte_to_kind(tokenizer.parse_state.bytes, tokenizer.point.index) == CharacterKind::Whitespace
+ || matches!(tokenizer.current, Some(b'.' | b'/' | b':' | b'>' | b'{'))
+ {
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagNamePrimary);
+ tokenizer.attempt(
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextPrimaryNameAfter),
+ State::Nok,
+ );
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ }
+ // Continuation of name: remain.
+ // To do: unicode.
+ else if matches!(tokenizer.current, Some(b'-')) || id_cont(tokenizer.current) {
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextPrimaryName)
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "in name",
+ &format!(
+ "a name character such as letters, digits, `$`, or `_`; whitespace before attributes; or the end of the tag{}",
+ if tokenizer.current == Some(b'@') {
+ " (note: to create a link in MDX, use `[text](url)`)"
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+/// After primary name.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b.c> d
+/// ^
+/// > | a <b:c> d
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn primary_name_after(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ match tokenizer.current {
+ // Start of a member name.
+ Some(b'.') => {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagNameMemberMarker);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagNameMemberMarker);
+ tokenizer.attempt(
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextMemberNameBefore),
+ State::Nok,
+ );
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ }
+ // Start of a local name.
+ Some(b':') => {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagNamePrefixMarker);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagNamePrefixMarker);
+ tokenizer.attempt(
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextLocalNameBefore),
+ State::Nok,
+ );
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ }
+ // End of name.
+ _ => {
+ if matches!(tokenizer.current, Some(b'/' | b'>' | b'{')) || id_start(tokenizer.current)
+ {
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagName);
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeBefore)
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "after name",
+ "a character that can start an attribute name, such as a letter, `$`, or `_`; whitespace before attributes; or the end of the tag"
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// Before member name.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b.c> d
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn member_name_before(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ // Start of a member name.
+ if id_start(tokenizer.current) {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagNameMember);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextMemberName)
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "before member name",
+ "a character that can start an attribute name, such as a letter, `$`, or `_`; whitespace before attributes; or the end of the tag"
+ )
+ }
+/// In member name.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b.cd> e
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn member_name(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ // End of name.
+ // Note: no `:` allowed here.
+ if byte_to_kind(tokenizer.parse_state.bytes, tokenizer.point.index) == CharacterKind::Whitespace
+ || matches!(tokenizer.current, Some(b'.' | b'/' | b'>' | b'{'))
+ {
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagNameMember);
+ tokenizer.attempt(
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextMemberNameAfter),
+ State::Nok,
+ );
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ }
+ // Continuation of name: remain.
+ // To do: unicode.
+ else if matches!(tokenizer.current, Some(b'-')) || id_cont(tokenizer.current) {
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextMemberName)
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "in member name",
+ &format!(
+ "a name character such as letters, digits, `$`, or `_`; whitespace before attributes; or the end of the tag{}",
+ if tokenizer.current == Some(b'@') {
+ " (note: to create a link in MDX, use `[text](url)`)"
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+/// After member name.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b.c> d
+/// ^
+/// > | a <b.c.d> e
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn member_name_after(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ match tokenizer.current {
+ // Start of another member name.
+ Some(b'.') => {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagNameMemberMarker);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagNameMemberMarker);
+ tokenizer.attempt(
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextMemberNameBefore),
+ State::Nok,
+ );
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ }
+ // End of name.
+ _ => {
+ if matches!(tokenizer.current, Some(b'/' | b'>' | b'{')) || id_start(tokenizer.current)
+ {
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagName);
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeBefore)
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "after member name",
+ "a character that can start an attribute name, such as a letter, `$`, or `_`; whitespace before attributes; or the end of the tag"
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// Local member name.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b:c> d
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn local_name_before(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ // Start of a local name.
+ if id_start(tokenizer.current) {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagNameLocal);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextLocalName)
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "before local name",
+ &format!(
+ "a character that can start a name, such as a letter, `$`, or `_`{}",
+ if matches!(tokenizer.current, Some(b'+' | b'/'..=b'9')) {
+ " (note: to create a link in MDX, use `[text](url)`)"
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+/// In local name.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b:cd> e
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn local_name(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ // End of local name (note that we don’t expect another colon, or a member).
+ if byte_to_kind(tokenizer.parse_state.bytes, tokenizer.point.index) == CharacterKind::Whitespace
+ || matches!(tokenizer.current, Some(b'/' | b'>' | b'{'))
+ {
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagNameLocal);
+ tokenizer.attempt(State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextLocalNameAfter), State::Nok);
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ }
+ // Continuation of name: remain.
+ // To do: unicode.
+ else if matches!(tokenizer.current, Some(b'-')) || id_cont(tokenizer.current) {
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextLocalName)
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "in local name",
+ "a name character such as letters, digits, `$`, or `_`; whitespace before attributes; or the end of the tag"
+ )
+ }
+/// After local name.
+/// This is like as `primary_name_after`, but we don’t expect colons or
+/// periods.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b.c> d
+/// ^
+/// > | a <b.c.d> e
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn local_name_after(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ // End of name.
+ if matches!(tokenizer.current, Some(b'/' | b'>' | b'{')) || id_start(tokenizer.current) {
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagName);
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeBefore)
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "after local name",
+ "a character that can start an attribute name, such as a letter, `$`, or `_`; whitespace before attributes; or the end of the tag"
+ )
+ }
+/// Before attribute.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b /> c
+/// ^
+/// > | a <b > c
+/// ^
+/// > | a <b {...c}> d
+/// ^
+/// > | a <b c> d
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn attribute_before(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ match tokenizer.current {
+ // Self-closing.
+ Some(b'/') => {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagSelfClosingMarker);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagSelfClosingMarker);
+ tokenizer.attempt(State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextSelfClosing), State::Nok);
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ }
+ // End of tag.
+ Some(b'>') => State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextTagEnd),
+ // Attribute expression.
+ Some(b'{') => unreachable!("to do: attribute expression"),
+ _ => {
+ // Start of an attribute name.
+ if id_start(tokenizer.current) {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttribute);
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeName);
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributePrimaryName);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributePrimaryName)
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "before attribute name",
+ "a character that can start an attribute name, such as a letter, `$`, or `_`; whitespace before attributes; or the end of the tag"
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// In primary attribute name.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b cd/> e
+/// ^
+/// > | a <b c:d> e
+/// ^
+/// > | a <b c=d> e
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn attribute_primary_name(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ // End of attribute name or tag.
+ if byte_to_kind(tokenizer.parse_state.bytes, tokenizer.point.index) == CharacterKind::Whitespace
+ || matches!(tokenizer.current, Some(b'/' | b':' | b'=' | b'>' | b'{'))
+ {
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributePrimaryName);
+ tokenizer.attempt(
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributePrimaryNameAfter),
+ State::Nok,
+ );
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ }
+ // Continuation of the attribute name: remain.
+ // To do: unicode.
+ else if matches!(tokenizer.current, Some(b'-')) || id_cont(tokenizer.current) {
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextLocalName)
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "in attribute name",
+ "an attribute name character such as letters, digits, `$`, or `_`; `=` to initialize a value; whitespace before attributes; or the end of the tag"
+ )
+ }
+/// After primary attribute name.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b c/> d
+/// ^
+/// > | a <b c:d> e
+/// ^
+/// > | a <b c=d> e
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn attribute_primary_name_after(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ match tokenizer.current {
+ // Start of a local name.
+ Some(b':') => {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeNamePrefixMarker);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeNamePrefixMarker);
+ tokenizer.attempt(
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeLocalNameBefore),
+ State::Nok,
+ );
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ }
+ // Initializer: start of an attribute value.
+ Some(b'=') => {
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeName);
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeInitializerMarker);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeInitializerMarker);
+ tokenizer.attempt(
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeValueBefore),
+ State::Nok,
+ );
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ }
+ _ => {
+ // End of tag / new attribute.
+ if byte_to_kind(tokenizer.parse_state.bytes, tokenizer.point.index)
+ == CharacterKind::Whitespace
+ || matches!(tokenizer.current, Some(b'/' | b'>' | b'{'))
+ || id_start(tokenizer.current)
+ {
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeName);
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttribute);
+ tokenizer.attempt(
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeBefore),
+ State::Nok,
+ );
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "after attribute name",
+ "a character that can start an attribute name, such as a letter, `$`, or `_`; `=` to initialize a value; or the end of the tag"
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// Before local attribute name.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b c:d/> e
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn attribute_local_name_before(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ // Start of a local name.
+ if id_start(tokenizer.current) {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeNameLocal);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeLocalName)
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "before local attribute name",
+ "a character that can start an attribute name, such as a letter, `$`, or `_`; `=` to initialize a value; or the end of the tag"
+ )
+ }
+/// In local attribute name.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b c:de/> f
+/// ^
+/// > | a <b c:d=e/> f
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn attribute_local_name(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ // End of local name (note that we don’t expect another colon).
+ if byte_to_kind(tokenizer.parse_state.bytes, tokenizer.point.index) == CharacterKind::Whitespace
+ || matches!(tokenizer.current, Some(b'/' | b'=' | b'>' | b'{'))
+ {
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeNameLocal);
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeName);
+ tokenizer.attempt(
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeLocalNameAfter),
+ State::Nok,
+ );
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ }
+ // Continuation of local name: remain.
+ // To do: unicode.
+ else if matches!(tokenizer.current, Some(b'-')) || id_cont(tokenizer.current) {
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeLocalName)
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "in local attribute name",
+ "an attribute name character such as letters, digits, `$`, or `_`; `=` to initialize a value; whitespace before attributes; or the end of the tag"
+ )
+ }
+/// After local attribute name.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b c:d/> f
+/// ^
+/// > | a <b c:d=e/> f
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn attribute_local_name_after(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ match tokenizer.current {
+ // Start of an attribute value.
+ Some(b'=') => {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeInitializerMarker);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeInitializerMarker);
+ tokenizer.attempt(
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeValueBefore),
+ State::Nok,
+ );
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ }
+ _ => {
+ // End of name.
+ if matches!(tokenizer.current, Some(b'/' | b'>' | b'{')) || id_start(tokenizer.current)
+ {
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttribute);
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeBefore)
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "after local attribute name",
+ "a character that can start an attribute name, such as a letter, `$`, or `_`; `=` to initialize a value; or the end of the tag"
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// After `=`, before value.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b c="d"/> e
+/// ^
+/// > | a <b c={d}/> e
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn attribute_value_before(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ match tokenizer.current {
+ // Start of double- or single quoted value.
+ Some(b'"' | b'\'') => {
+ tokenizer.tokenize_state.marker = tokenizer.current.unwrap();
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeValueLiteral);
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeValueLiteralMarker);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeValueLiteralMarker);
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeValueQuotedStart)
+ }
+ // Attribute value expression.
+ Some(b'{') => unreachable!("to do: attribute value expression"),
+ _ => crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "before attribute value",
+ &format!(
+ "a character that can start an attribute value, such as `\"`, `'`, or `{{`{}",
+ if tokenizer.current == Some(b'<') {
+ " (note: to use an element or fragment as a prop value in MDX, use `{<element />}`)"
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ ),
+ ),
+ }
+/// Before quoted literal attribute value.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b c="d"/> e
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn attribute_value_quoted_start(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ if let Some(byte) = tokenizer.current {
+ if byte == tokenizer.tokenize_state.marker {
+ tokenizer.tokenize_state.marker = 0;
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeValueLiteralMarker);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeValueLiteralMarker);
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeValueLiteral);
+ tokenizer.attempt(
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeValueBefore),
+ State::Nok,
+ );
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ } else if byte == b'\n' {
+ tokenizer.attempt(
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeValueQuotedStart),
+ State::Nok,
+ );
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ } else {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeValueLiteralValue);
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeValueQuoted)
+ }
+ } else {
+ crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "in attribute value",
+ &format!(
+ "a corresponding closing quote {}",
+ format_byte(tokenizer.tokenize_state.marker)
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+/// In quoted literal attribute value.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b c="d"/> e
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn attribute_value_quoted(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ // To do: doesn’t this break for:
+ // ```markdown
+ // a <b c="d"
+ // "f">
+ if tokenizer.current == Some(tokenizer.tokenize_state.marker)
+ || matches!(tokenizer.current, None | Some(b'\n'))
+ {
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagAttributeValueLiteralValue);
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeValueQuoted)
+ } else {
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextAttributeValueQuoted)
+ }
+/// After self-closing slash.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b/> c
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn self_closing(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ match tokenizer.current {
+ Some(b'>') => State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextTagEnd),
+ _ => crash(
+ tokenizer,
+ "after self-closing slash",
+ &format!(
+ "`>` to end the tag{}",
+ if tokenizer.current == Some(b'*' | b'/') {
+ " (note: JS comments in JSX tags are not supported in MDX)"
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ ),
+ ),
+ }
+/// At final `>`.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <b> c
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn tag_end(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ match tokenizer.current {
+ Some(b'>') => {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextTagMarker);
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTagMarker);
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextTag);
+ State::Ok
+ }
+ _ => unreachable!("expected `>`"),
+ }
+/// Before optional ECMAScript whitespace.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <a b> c
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn es_whitespace_start(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ match tokenizer.current {
+ Some(b'\n') => {
+ // To do: check if this works for blank lines?
+ tokenizer.attempt(
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart),
+ State::Nok,
+ );
+ State::Retry(space_or_tab_eol(tokenizer))
+ }
+ _ => {
+ if byte_to_kind(tokenizer.parse_state.bytes, tokenizer.point.index)
+ == CharacterKind::Whitespace
+ {
+ tokenizer.enter(Name::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespace);
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceInside)
+ } else {
+ State::Ok
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// In ECMAScript whitespace.
+/// ```markdown
+/// > | a <a b> c
+/// ^
+/// ```
+pub fn es_whitespace_inside(tokenizer: &mut Tokenizer) -> State {
+ match tokenizer.current {
+ Some(b'\n') => {
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespace);
+ State::Retry(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceStart)
+ }
+ // Allow continuation bytes.
+ Some(0x80..=0xBF) => {
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceInside)
+ }
+ _ => {
+ if byte_to_kind(tokenizer.parse_state.bytes, tokenizer.point.index)
+ == CharacterKind::Whitespace
+ {
+ tokenizer.consume();
+ State::Next(StateName::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespaceInside)
+ } else {
+ tokenizer.exit(Name::MdxJsxTextEsWhitespace);
+ State::Ok
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// To do: unicode.
+fn id_start(code: Option<u8>) -> bool {
+ matches!(code, Some(b'$' | b'_' | b'A'..=b'Z' | b'a'..=b'z'))
+// To do: unicode.
+fn id_cont(code: Option<u8>) -> bool {
+ matches!(
+ code,
+ Some(b'$' | b'_' | b'A'..=b'Z' | b'0'..=b'9' | b'a'..=b'z')
+ )
+fn crash(tokenizer: &Tokenizer, at: &str, expect: &str) -> ! {
+ // To do: externalize this, and the print mechanism in the tokenizer,
+ // to one proper formatter.
+ // To do: figure out how Rust does errors?
+ let actual = match tokenizer.current {
+ None => "end of file".to_string(),
+ Some(byte) => format_byte(byte),
+ };
+ unreachable!(
+ "{}:{}: Unexpected {} {}, expected {}",
+ tokenizer.point.line, tokenizer.point.column, actual, at, expect
+ )
+fn format_byte(byte: u8) -> String {
+ match byte {
+ b'`' => "`` ` ``".to_string(),
+ b' '..=b'~' => format!("`{}`", str::from_utf8(&[byte]).unwrap()),
+ _ => format!("U+{:>04X}", byte),
+ }