use askama::Template; #[derive(Template)] #[template(path = "include.html")] struct IncludeTemplate<'a> { strs: &'a [&'a str], } #[test] fn test_include() { let strs = vec!["foo", "bar"]; let s = IncludeTemplate { strs: &strs }; assert_eq!(s.render().unwrap(), "\n INCLUDED: foo\n INCLUDED: bar") } #[derive(Template)] #[template(path = "include-extends.html")] struct IncludeExtendsTemplate<'a> { name: &'a str, } #[test] fn test_include_extends() { let template = IncludeExtendsTemplate { name: "Alice" }; assert_eq!( template.render().unwrap(), "
\n \


\n \
\n \

Below me is the header

\n \ foo\n \

Above me is the header

\n\ Hello, Alice!\n\
" ); } #[derive(Template)] #[template(path = "include-macro.html")] struct IncludeMacroTemplate<'a> { name: &'a str, name2: &'a str, } #[test] fn test_include_macro() { let template = IncludeMacroTemplate { name: "Alice", name2: "Bob", }; assert_eq!(template.render().unwrap(), "Hello, Alice!\nHowdy, Bob!"); }