#![cfg(feature = "with-gotham")] use askama::Template; use gotham::state::State; use gotham::test::TestServer; use hyper::StatusCode; #[derive(Template)] #[template(path = "hello.html")] struct HelloTemplate<'a> { name: &'a str, } fn hello(state: State) -> (State, HelloTemplate<'static>) { (state, HelloTemplate { name: "world" }) } #[test] fn test_gotham() { let test_server = TestServer::new(|| Ok(hello)).expect("Failed to mount test router"); let res = test_server .client() .get("http://localhost/") .perform() .expect("Failed to send request to gotham"); assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK); { let headers = res.headers(); let content_type = headers .get("content-type") .expect("Response did not contain content-type header"); assert_eq!( content_type.to_str().unwrap(), mime::TEXT_HTML_UTF_8.to_string() ); } let body = res.read_utf8_body().expect("failed to read response body"); assert_eq!(&body, "Hello, world!"); }