path: root/askama_shared
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'askama_shared')
12 files changed, 0 insertions, 5037 deletions
diff --git a/askama_shared/src/config.rs b/askama_shared/src/config.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 01f81a2..0000000
--- a/askama_shared/src/config.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet};
-use std::convert::TryFrom;
-use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
-use std::{env, fs};
-#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
-use serde::Deserialize;
-use crate::CompileError;
-pub(crate) struct Config<'a> {
- pub(crate) dirs: Vec<PathBuf>,
- pub(crate) syntaxes: BTreeMap<String, Syntax<'a>>,
- pub(crate) default_syntax: &'a str,
- pub(crate) escapers: Vec<(HashSet<String>, String)>,
- pub(crate) whitespace: WhitespaceHandling,
-impl Config<'_> {
- pub(crate) fn new(s: &str) -> std::result::Result<Config<'_>, CompileError> {
- let root = PathBuf::from(env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap());
- let default_dirs = vec![root.join("templates")];
- let mut syntaxes = BTreeMap::new();
- syntaxes.insert(DEFAULT_SYNTAX_NAME.to_string(), Syntax::default());
- let raw = if s.is_empty() {
- RawConfig::default()
- } else {
- RawConfig::from_toml_str(s)?
- };
- let (dirs, default_syntax, whitespace) = match raw.general {
- Some(General {
- dirs,
- default_syntax,
- whitespace,
- }) => (
- dirs.map_or(default_dirs, |v| {
- v.into_iter().map(|dir| root.join(dir)).collect()
- }),
- default_syntax.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_SYNTAX_NAME),
- whitespace,
- ),
- None => (
- default_dirs,
- WhitespaceHandling::default(),
- ),
- };
- if let Some(raw_syntaxes) = raw.syntax {
- for raw_s in raw_syntaxes {
- let name = raw_s.name;
- if syntaxes
- .insert(name.to_string(), Syntax::try_from(raw_s)?)
- .is_some()
- {
- return Err(format!("syntax \"{}\" is already defined", name).into());
- }
- }
- }
- if !syntaxes.contains_key(default_syntax) {
- return Err(format!("default syntax \"{}\" not found", default_syntax).into());
- }
- let mut escapers = Vec::new();
- if let Some(configured) = raw.escaper {
- for escaper in configured {
- escapers.push((
- escaper
- .extensions
- .iter()
- .map(|ext| (*ext).to_string())
- .collect(),
- escaper.path.to_string(),
- ));
- }
- }
- for (extensions, path) in DEFAULT_ESCAPERS {
- escapers.push((str_set(extensions), (*path).to_string()));
- }
- Ok(Config {
- dirs,
- syntaxes,
- default_syntax,
- escapers,
- whitespace,
- })
- }
- pub(crate) fn find_template(
- &self,
- path: &str,
- start_at: Option<&Path>,
- ) -> std::result::Result<PathBuf, CompileError> {
- if let Some(root) = start_at {
- let relative = root.with_file_name(path);
- if relative.exists() {
- return Ok(relative);
- }
- }
- for dir in &self.dirs {
- let rooted = dir.join(path);
- if rooted.exists() {
- return Ok(rooted);
- }
- }
- Err(format!(
- "template {:?} not found in directories {:?}",
- path, self.dirs
- )
- .into())
- }
-pub(crate) struct Syntax<'a> {
- pub(crate) block_start: &'a str,
- pub(crate) block_end: &'a str,
- pub(crate) expr_start: &'a str,
- pub(crate) expr_end: &'a str,
- pub(crate) comment_start: &'a str,
- pub(crate) comment_end: &'a str,
-impl Default for Syntax<'_> {
- fn default() -> Self {
- Self {
- block_start: "{%",
- block_end: "%}",
- expr_start: "{{",
- expr_end: "}}",
- comment_start: "{#",
- comment_end: "#}",
- }
- }
-impl<'a> TryFrom<RawSyntax<'a>> for Syntax<'a> {
- type Error = CompileError;
- fn try_from(raw: RawSyntax<'a>) -> std::result::Result<Self, Self::Error> {
- let default = Self::default();
- let syntax = Self {
- block_start: raw.block_start.unwrap_or(default.block_start),
- block_end: raw.block_end.unwrap_or(default.block_end),
- expr_start: raw.expr_start.unwrap_or(default.expr_start),
- expr_end: raw.expr_end.unwrap_or(default.expr_end),
- comment_start: raw.comment_start.unwrap_or(default.comment_start),
- comment_end: raw.comment_end.unwrap_or(default.comment_end),
- };
- if syntax.block_start.len() != 2
- || syntax.block_end.len() != 2
- || syntax.expr_start.len() != 2
- || syntax.expr_end.len() != 2
- || syntax.comment_start.len() != 2
- || syntax.comment_end.len() != 2
- {
- return Err("length of delimiters must be two".into());
- }
- let bs = syntax.block_start.as_bytes()[0];
- let be = syntax.block_start.as_bytes()[1];
- let cs = syntax.comment_start.as_bytes()[0];
- let ce = syntax.comment_start.as_bytes()[1];
- let es = syntax.expr_start.as_bytes()[0];
- let ee = syntax.expr_start.as_bytes()[1];
- if !((bs == cs && bs == es) || (be == ce && be == ee)) {
- return Err(format!("bad delimiters block_start: {}, comment_start: {}, expr_start: {}, needs one of the two characters in common", syntax.block_start, syntax.comment_start, syntax.expr_start).into());
- }
- Ok(syntax)
- }
-#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize))]
-struct RawConfig<'d> {
- #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(borrow))]
- general: Option<General<'d>>,
- syntax: Option<Vec<RawSyntax<'d>>>,
- escaper: Option<Vec<RawEscaper<'d>>>,
-impl RawConfig<'_> {
- #[cfg(feature = "config")]
- fn from_toml_str(s: &str) -> std::result::Result<RawConfig<'_>, CompileError> {
- toml::from_str(s).map_err(|e| format!("invalid TOML in {}: {}", CONFIG_FILE_NAME, e).into())
- }
- #[cfg(not(feature = "config"))]
- fn from_toml_str(_: &str) -> std::result::Result<RawConfig<'_>, CompileError> {
- Err("TOML support not available".into())
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
-#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize))]
-#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(field_identifier, rename_all = "lowercase"))]
-pub(crate) enum WhitespaceHandling {
- /// The default behaviour. It will leave the whitespace characters "as is".
- Preserve,
- /// It'll remove all the whitespace characters before and after the jinja block.
- Suppress,
- /// It'll remove all the whitespace characters except one before and after the jinja blocks.
- /// If there is a newline character, the preserved character in the trimmed characters, it will
- /// the one preserved.
- Minimize,
-impl Default for WhitespaceHandling {
- fn default() -> Self {
- WhitespaceHandling::Preserve
- }
-#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize))]
-struct General<'a> {
- #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(borrow))]
- dirs: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
- default_syntax: Option<&'a str>,
- #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(default))]
- whitespace: WhitespaceHandling,
-#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize))]
-struct RawSyntax<'a> {
- name: &'a str,
- block_start: Option<&'a str>,
- block_end: Option<&'a str>,
- expr_start: Option<&'a str>,
- expr_end: Option<&'a str>,
- comment_start: Option<&'a str>,
- comment_end: Option<&'a str>,
-#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize))]
-struct RawEscaper<'a> {
- path: &'a str,
- extensions: Vec<&'a str>,
-pub(crate) fn read_config_file(
- config_path: &Option<String>,
-) -> std::result::Result<String, CompileError> {
- let root = PathBuf::from(env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap());
- let filename = match config_path {
- Some(config_path) => root.join(config_path),
- None => root.join(CONFIG_FILE_NAME),
- };
- if filename.exists() {
- fs::read_to_string(&filename)
- .map_err(|_| format!("unable to read {:?}", filename.to_str().unwrap()).into())
- } else if config_path.is_some() {
- Err(format!("`{}` does not exist", root.display()).into())
- } else {
- Ok("".to_string())
- }
-fn str_set<T>(vals: &[T]) -> HashSet<String>
- T: ToString,
- vals.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect()
-pub(crate) fn get_template_source(tpl_path: &Path) -> std::result::Result<String, CompileError> {
- match fs::read_to_string(tpl_path) {
- Err(_) => Err(format!(
- "unable to open template file '{}'",
- tpl_path.to_str().unwrap()
- )
- .into()),
- Ok(mut source) => {
- if source.ends_with('\n') {
- let _ = source.pop();
- }
- Ok(source)
- }
- }
-static CONFIG_FILE_NAME: &str = "askama.toml";
-static DEFAULT_SYNTAX_NAME: &str = "default";
-static DEFAULT_ESCAPERS: &[(&[&str], &str)] = &[
- (&["html", "htm", "xml"], "::askama::Html"),
- (&["md", "none", "txt", "yml", ""], "::askama::Text"),
- (&["j2", "jinja", "jinja2"], "::askama::Html"),
-mod tests {
- use std::env;
- use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
- use super::*;
- #[test]
- fn get_source() {
- let path = Config::new("")
- .and_then(|config| config.find_template("b.html", None))
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(get_template_source(&path).unwrap(), "bar");
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_default_config() {
- let mut root = PathBuf::from(env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap());
- root.push("templates");
- let config = Config::new("").unwrap();
- assert_eq!(config.dirs, vec![root]);
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "config")]
- #[test]
- fn test_config_dirs() {
- let mut root = PathBuf::from(env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap());
- root.push("tpl");
- let config = Config::new("[general]\ndirs = [\"tpl\"]").unwrap();
- assert_eq!(config.dirs, vec![root]);
- }
- fn assert_eq_rooted(actual: &Path, expected: &str) {
- let mut root = PathBuf::from(env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap());
- root.push("templates");
- let mut inner = PathBuf::new();
- inner.push(expected);
- assert_eq!(actual.strip_prefix(root).unwrap(), inner);
- }
- #[test]
- fn find_absolute() {
- let config = Config::new("").unwrap();
- let root = config.find_template("a.html", None).unwrap();
- let path = config.find_template("sub/b.html", Some(&root)).unwrap();
- assert_eq_rooted(&path, "sub/b.html");
- }
- #[test]
- #[should_panic]
- fn find_relative_nonexistent() {
- let config = Config::new("").unwrap();
- let root = config.find_template("a.html", None).unwrap();
- config.find_template("c.html", Some(&root)).unwrap();
- }
- #[test]
- fn find_relative() {
- let config = Config::new("").unwrap();
- let root = config.find_template("sub/b.html", None).unwrap();
- let path = config.find_template("c.html", Some(&root)).unwrap();
- assert_eq_rooted(&path, "sub/c.html");
- }
- #[test]
- fn find_relative_sub() {
- let config = Config::new("").unwrap();
- let root = config.find_template("sub/b.html", None).unwrap();
- let path = config.find_template("sub1/d.html", Some(&root)).unwrap();
- assert_eq_rooted(&path, "sub/sub1/d.html");
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "config")]
- #[test]
- fn add_syntax() {
- let raw_config = r#"
- [general]
- default_syntax = "foo"
- [[syntax]]
- name = "foo"
- block_start = "{<"
- [[syntax]]
- name = "bar"
- expr_start = "{!"
- "#;
- let default_syntax = Syntax::default();
- let config = Config::new(raw_config).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(config.default_syntax, "foo");
- let foo = config.syntaxes.get("foo").unwrap();
- assert_eq!(foo.block_start, "{<");
- assert_eq!(foo.block_end, default_syntax.block_end);
- assert_eq!(foo.expr_start, default_syntax.expr_start);
- assert_eq!(foo.expr_end, default_syntax.expr_end);
- assert_eq!(foo.comment_start, default_syntax.comment_start);
- assert_eq!(foo.comment_end, default_syntax.comment_end);
- let bar = config.syntaxes.get("bar").unwrap();
- assert_eq!(bar.block_start, default_syntax.block_start);
- assert_eq!(bar.block_end, default_syntax.block_end);
- assert_eq!(bar.expr_start, "{!");
- assert_eq!(bar.expr_end, default_syntax.expr_end);
- assert_eq!(bar.comment_start, default_syntax.comment_start);
- assert_eq!(bar.comment_end, default_syntax.comment_end);
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "config")]
- #[test]
- fn add_syntax_two() {
- let raw_config = r#"
- syntax = [{ name = "foo", block_start = "{<" },
- { name = "bar", expr_start = "{!" } ]
- [general]
- default_syntax = "foo"
- "#;
- let default_syntax = Syntax::default();
- let config = Config::new(raw_config).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(config.default_syntax, "foo");
- let foo = config.syntaxes.get("foo").unwrap();
- assert_eq!(foo.block_start, "{<");
- assert_eq!(foo.block_end, default_syntax.block_end);
- assert_eq!(foo.expr_start, default_syntax.expr_start);
- assert_eq!(foo.expr_end, default_syntax.expr_end);
- assert_eq!(foo.comment_start, default_syntax.comment_start);
- assert_eq!(foo.comment_end, default_syntax.comment_end);
- let bar = config.syntaxes.get("bar").unwrap();
- assert_eq!(bar.block_start, default_syntax.block_start);
- assert_eq!(bar.block_end, default_syntax.block_end);
- assert_eq!(bar.expr_start, "{!");
- assert_eq!(bar.expr_end, default_syntax.expr_end);
- assert_eq!(bar.comment_start, default_syntax.comment_start);
- assert_eq!(bar.comment_end, default_syntax.comment_end);
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "toml")]
- #[should_panic]
- #[test]
- fn use_default_at_syntax_name() {
- let raw_config = r#"
- syntax = [{ name = "default" }]
- "#;
- let _config = Config::new(raw_config).unwrap();
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "toml")]
- #[should_panic]
- #[test]
- fn duplicated_syntax_name_on_list() {
- let raw_config = r#"
- syntax = [{ name = "foo", block_start = "~<" },
- { name = "foo", block_start = "%%" } ]
- "#;
- let _config = Config::new(raw_config).unwrap();
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "toml")]
- #[should_panic]
- #[test]
- fn is_not_exist_default_syntax() {
- let raw_config = r#"
- [general]
- default_syntax = "foo"
- "#;
- let _config = Config::new(raw_config).unwrap();
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "config")]
- #[test]
- fn escape_modes() {
- let config = Config::new(
- r#"
- [[escaper]]
- path = "::askama::Js"
- extensions = ["js"]
- "#,
- )
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(
- config.escapers,
- vec![
- (str_set(&["js"]), "::askama::Js".into()),
- (str_set(&["html", "htm", "xml"]), "::askama::Html".into()),
- (
- str_set(&["md", "none", "txt", "yml", ""]),
- "::askama::Text".into()
- ),
- (str_set(&["j2", "jinja", "jinja2"]), "::askama::Html".into()),
- ]
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_whitespace_parsing() {
- let config = Config::new(
- r#"
- [general]
- whitespace = "suppress"
- "#,
- )
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(config.whitespace, WhitespaceHandling::Suppress);
- let config = Config::new(r#""#).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(config.whitespace, WhitespaceHandling::Preserve);
- let config = Config::new(
- r#"
- [general]
- whitespace = "preserve"
- "#,
- )
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(config.whitespace, WhitespaceHandling::Preserve);
- let config = Config::new(
- r#"
- [general]
- whitespace = "minimize"
- "#,
- )
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(config.whitespace, WhitespaceHandling::Minimize);
- }
diff --git a/askama_shared/src/filters/mod.rs b/askama_shared/src/filters/mod.rs
index 6437ce0..1782602 100644
--- a/askama_shared/src/filters/mod.rs
+++ b/askama_shared/src/filters/mod.rs
@@ -43,42 +43,6 @@ const URLENCODE_STRICT_SET: &AsciiSet = &NON_ALPHANUMERIC
// Same as URLENCODE_STRICT_SET, but preserves forward slashes for encoding paths
const URLENCODE_SET: &AsciiSet = &URLENCODE_STRICT_SET.remove(b'/');
-// This is used by the code generator to decide whether a named filter is part of
-// Askama or should refer to a local `filters` module. It should contain all the
-// filters shipped with Askama, even the optional ones (since optional inclusion
-// in the const vector based on features seems impossible right now).
-pub const BUILT_IN_FILTERS: &[&str] = &[
- "abs",
- "capitalize",
- "center",
- "e",
- "escape",
- "filesizeformat",
- "fmt",
- "format",
- "indent",
- "into_f64",
- "into_isize",
- "join",
- "linebreaks",
- "linebreaksbr",
- "paragraphbreaks",
- "lower",
- "lowercase",
- "safe",
- "trim",
- "truncate",
- "upper",
- "uppercase",
- "urlencode",
- "urlencode_strict",
- "wordcount",
- // optional features, reserve the names anyway:
- "json",
- "markdown",
- "yaml",
/// Marks a string (or other `Display` type) as safe
/// Use this is you want to allow markup in an expression, or if you know
diff --git a/askama_shared/src/generator.rs b/askama_shared/src/generator.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index ea95bd3..0000000
--- a/askama_shared/src/generator.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2142 +0,0 @@
-use crate::config::{get_template_source, read_config_file, Config, WhitespaceHandling};
-use crate::heritage::{Context, Heritage};
-use crate::input::{Print, Source, TemplateInput};
-use crate::parser::{parse, Cond, CondTest, Expr, Loop, Node, Target, When, Whitespace, Ws};
-use crate::{filters, CompileError};
-use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
-use quote::{quote, ToTokens};
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
-use std::{cmp, hash, mem, str};
-/// The actual implementation for askama_derive::Template
-pub fn derive_template(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
- let ast: syn::DeriveInput = syn::parse2(input).unwrap();
- match build_template(&ast) {
- Ok(source) => source.parse().unwrap(),
- Err(e) => e.into_compile_error(),
- }
-/// Takes a `syn::DeriveInput` and generates source code for it
-/// Reads the metadata from the `template()` attribute to get the template
-/// metadata, then fetches the source from the filesystem. The source is
-/// parsed, and the parse tree is fed to the code generator. Will print
-/// the parse tree and/or generated source according to the `print` key's
-/// value as passed to the `template()` attribute.
-fn build_template(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> Result<String, CompileError> {
- let template_args = TemplateArgs::new(ast)?;
- let config_toml = read_config_file(&template_args.config_path)?;
- let config = Config::new(&config_toml)?;
- let input = TemplateInput::new(ast, &config, template_args)?;
- let source: String = match input.source {
- Source::Source(ref s) => s.clone(),
- Source::Path(_) => get_template_source(&input.path)?,
- };
- let mut sources = HashMap::new();
- find_used_templates(&input, &mut sources, source)?;
- let mut parsed = HashMap::new();
- for (path, src) in &sources {
- parsed.insert(path.as_path(), parse(src, input.syntax)?);
- }
- let mut contexts = HashMap::new();
- for (path, nodes) in &parsed {
- contexts.insert(*path, Context::new(input.config, path, nodes)?);
- }
- let ctx = &contexts[input.path.as_path()];
- let heritage = if !ctx.blocks.is_empty() || ctx.extends.is_some() {
- Some(Heritage::new(ctx, &contexts))
- } else {
- None
- };
- if input.print == Print::Ast || input.print == Print::All {
- eprintln!("{:?}", parsed[input.path.as_path()]);
- }
- let code = Generator::new(
- &input,
- &contexts,
- heritage.as_ref(),
- MapChain::new(),
- config.whitespace,
- )
- .build(&contexts[input.path.as_path()])?;
- if input.print == Print::Code || input.print == Print::All {
- eprintln!("{}", code);
- }
- Ok(code)
-pub(crate) struct TemplateArgs {
- pub(crate) source: Option<Source>,
- pub(crate) print: Print,
- pub(crate) escaping: Option<String>,
- pub(crate) ext: Option<String>,
- pub(crate) syntax: Option<String>,
- pub(crate) config_path: Option<String>,
-impl TemplateArgs {
- fn new(ast: &'_ syn::DeriveInput) -> Result<Self, CompileError> {
- // Check that an attribute called `template()` exists once and that it is
- // the proper type (list).
- let mut template_args = None;
- for attr in &ast.attrs {
- let ident = match attr.path.get_ident() {
- Some(ident) => ident,
- None => continue,
- };
- if ident == "template" {
- if template_args.is_some() {
- return Err("duplicated 'template' attribute".into());
- }
- match attr.parse_meta() {
- Ok(syn::Meta::List(syn::MetaList { nested, .. })) => {
- template_args = Some(nested);
- }
- Ok(_) => return Err("'template' attribute must be a list".into()),
- Err(e) => return Err(format!("unable to parse attribute: {}", e).into()),
- }
- }
- }
- let template_args =
- template_args.ok_or_else(|| CompileError::from("no attribute 'template' found"))?;
- let mut args = Self::default();
- // Loop over the meta attributes and find everything that we
- // understand. Return a CompileError if something is not right.
- // `source` contains an enum that can represent `path` or `source`.
- for item in template_args {
- let pair = match item {
- syn::NestedMeta::Meta(syn::Meta::NameValue(ref pair)) => pair,
- _ => {
- return Err(format!(
- "unsupported attribute argument {:?}",
- item.to_token_stream()
- )
- .into())
- }
- };
- let ident = match pair.path.get_ident() {
- Some(ident) => ident,
- None => unreachable!("not possible in syn::Meta::NameValue(…)"),
- };
- if ident == "path" {
- if let syn::Lit::Str(ref s) = pair.lit {
- if args.source.is_some() {
- return Err("must specify 'source' or 'path', not both".into());
- }
- args.source = Some(Source::Path(s.value()));
- } else {
- return Err("template path must be string literal".into());
- }
- } else if ident == "source" {
- if let syn::Lit::Str(ref s) = pair.lit {
- if args.source.is_some() {
- return Err("must specify 'source' or 'path', not both".into());
- }
- args.source = Some(Source::Source(s.value()));
- } else {
- return Err("template source must be string literal".into());
- }
- } else if ident == "print" {
- if let syn::Lit::Str(ref s) = pair.lit {
- args.print = s.value().parse()?;
- } else {
- return Err("print value must be string literal".into());
- }
- } else if ident == "escape" {
- if let syn::Lit::Str(ref s) = pair.lit {
- args.escaping = Some(s.value());
- } else {
- return Err("escape value must be string literal".into());
- }
- } else if ident == "ext" {
- if let syn::Lit::Str(ref s) = pair.lit {
- args.ext = Some(s.value());
- } else {
- return Err("ext value must be string literal".into());
- }
- } else if ident == "syntax" {
- if let syn::Lit::Str(ref s) = pair.lit {
- args.syntax = Some(s.value())
- } else {
- return Err("syntax value must be string literal".into());
- }
- } else if ident == "config" {
- if let syn::Lit::Str(ref s) = pair.lit {
- args.config_path = Some(s.value())
- } else {
- return Err("config value must be string literal".into());
- }
- } else {
- return Err(format!("unsupported attribute key {:?} found", ident).into());
- }
- }
- Ok(args)
- }
-fn find_used_templates(
- input: &TemplateInput<'_>,
- map: &mut HashMap<PathBuf, String>,
- source: String,
-) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- let mut dependency_graph = Vec::new();
- let mut check = vec![(input.path.clone(), source)];
- while let Some((path, source)) = check.pop() {
- for n in parse(&source, input.syntax)? {
- match n {
- Node::Extends(Expr::StrLit(extends)) => {
- let extends = input.config.find_template(extends, Some(&path))?;
- let dependency_path = (path.clone(), extends.clone());
- if dependency_graph.contains(&dependency_path) {
- return Err(format!(
- "cyclic dependecy in graph {:#?}",
- dependency_graph
- .iter()
- .map(|e| format!("{:#?} --> {:#?}", e.0, e.1))
- .collect::<Vec<String>>()
- )
- .into());
- }
- dependency_graph.push(dependency_path);
- let source = get_template_source(&extends)?;
- check.push((extends, source));
- }
- Node::Import(_, import, _) => {
- let import = input.config.find_template(import, Some(&path))?;
- let source = get_template_source(&import)?;
- check.push((import, source));
- }
- _ => {}
- }
- }
- map.insert(path, source);
- }
- Ok(())
-struct Generator<'a, S: std::hash::BuildHasher> {
- // The template input state: original struct AST and attributes
- input: &'a TemplateInput<'a>,
- // All contexts, keyed by the package-relative template path
- contexts: &'a HashMap<&'a Path, Context<'a>, S>,
- // The heritage contains references to blocks and their ancestry
- heritage: Option<&'a Heritage<'a>>,
- // Variables accessible directly from the current scope (not redirected to context)
- locals: MapChain<'a, &'a str, LocalMeta>,
- // Suffix whitespace from the previous literal. Will be flushed to the
- // output buffer unless suppressed by whitespace suppression on the next
- // non-literal.
- next_ws: Option<&'a str>,
- // Whitespace suppression from the previous non-literal. Will be used to
- // determine whether to flush prefix whitespace from the next literal.
- skip_ws: WhitespaceHandling,
- // If currently in a block, this will contain the name of a potential parent block
- super_block: Option<(&'a str, usize)>,
- // buffer for writable
- buf_writable: Vec<Writable<'a>>,
- // Counter for write! hash named arguments
- named: usize,
- // If set to `suppress`, the whitespace characters will be removed by default unless `+` is
- // used.
- whitespace: WhitespaceHandling,
-impl<'a, S: std::hash::BuildHasher> Generator<'a, S> {
- fn new<'n>(
- input: &'n TemplateInput<'_>,
- contexts: &'n HashMap<&'n Path, Context<'n>, S>,
- heritage: Option<&'n Heritage<'_>>,
- locals: MapChain<'n, &'n str, LocalMeta>,
- whitespace: WhitespaceHandling,
- ) -> Generator<'n, S> {
- Generator {
- input,
- contexts,
- heritage,
- locals,
- next_ws: None,
- skip_ws: WhitespaceHandling::Preserve,
- super_block: None,
- buf_writable: vec![],
- named: 0,
- whitespace,
- }
- }
- fn child(&mut self) -> Generator<'_, S> {
- let locals = MapChain::with_parent(&self.locals);
- Self::new(
- self.input,
- self.contexts,
- self.heritage,
- locals,
- self.whitespace,
- )
- }
- // Takes a Context and generates the relevant implementations.
- fn build(mut self, ctx: &'a Context<'_>) -> Result<String, CompileError> {
- let mut buf = Buffer::new(0);
- if !ctx.blocks.is_empty() {
- if let Some(parent) = self.input.parent {
- self.deref_to_parent(&mut buf, parent)?;
- }
- };
- self.impl_template(ctx, &mut buf)?;
- self.impl_display(&mut buf)?;
- #[cfg(feature = "actix-web")]
- self.impl_actix_web_responder(&mut buf)?;
- #[cfg(feature = "axum")]
- self.impl_axum_into_response(&mut buf)?;
- #[cfg(feature = "gotham")]
- self.impl_gotham_into_response(&mut buf)?;
- #[cfg(feature = "mendes")]
- self.impl_mendes_responder(&mut buf)?;
- #[cfg(feature = "rocket")]
- self.impl_rocket_responder(&mut buf)?;
- #[cfg(feature = "tide")]
- self.impl_tide_integrations(&mut buf)?;
- #[cfg(feature = "warp")]
- self.impl_warp_reply(&mut buf)?;
- Ok(buf.buf)
- }
- // Implement `Template` for the given context struct.
- fn impl_template(
- &mut self,
- ctx: &'a Context<'_>,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- ) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- self.write_header(buf, "::askama::Template", None)?;
- buf.writeln(
- "fn render_into(&self, writer: &mut (impl ::std::fmt::Write + ?Sized)) -> \
- ::askama::Result<()> {",
- )?;
- // Make sure the compiler understands that the generated code depends on the template files.
- for path in self.contexts.keys() {
- // Skip the fake path of templates defined in rust source.
- let path_is_valid = match self.input.source {
- Source::Path(_) => true,
- Source::Source(_) => path != &self.input.path,
- };
- if path_is_valid {
- let path = path.to_str().unwrap();
- buf.writeln(
- &quote! {
- include_bytes!(#path);
- }
- .to_string(),
- )?;
- }
- }
- let size_hint = if let Some(heritage) = self.heritage {
- self.handle(heritage.root, heritage.root.nodes, buf, AstLevel::Top)
- } else {
- self.handle(ctx, ctx.nodes, buf, AstLevel::Top)
- }?;
- self.flush_ws(Ws(None, None));
- buf.writeln("::askama::Result::Ok(())")?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- buf.writeln("const EXTENSION: ::std::option::Option<&'static ::std::primitive::str> = ")?;
- buf.writeln(&format!("{:?}", self.input.extension()))?;
- buf.writeln(";")?;
- buf.writeln("const SIZE_HINT: ::std::primitive::usize = ")?;
- buf.writeln(&format!("{}", size_hint))?;
- buf.writeln(";")?;
- buf.writeln("const MIME_TYPE: &'static ::std::primitive::str = ")?;
- buf.writeln(&format!("{:?}", &self.input.mime_type))?;
- buf.writeln(";")?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- Ok(())
- }
- // Implement `Deref<Parent>` for an inheriting context struct.
- fn deref_to_parent(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- parent_type: &syn::Type,
- ) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- self.write_header(buf, "::std::ops::Deref", None)?;
- buf.writeln(&format!(
- "type Target = {};",
- parent_type.into_token_stream()
- ))?;
- buf.writeln("#[inline]")?;
- buf.writeln("fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {")?;
- buf.writeln("&self._parent")?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- buf.writeln("}")
- }
- // Implement `Display` for the given context struct.
- fn impl_display(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- self.write_header(buf, "::std::fmt::Display", None)?;
- buf.writeln("#[inline]")?;
- buf.writeln("fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {")?;
- buf.writeln("::askama::Template::render_into(self, f).map_err(|_| ::std::fmt::Error {})")?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- buf.writeln("}")
- }
- // Implement Actix-web's `Responder`.
- #[cfg(feature = "actix-web")]
- fn impl_actix_web_responder(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- self.write_header(buf, "::askama_actix::actix_web::Responder", None)?;
- buf.writeln("type Body = ::askama_actix::actix_web::body::BoxBody;")?;
- buf.writeln("#[inline]")?;
- buf.writeln(
- "fn respond_to(self, _req: &::askama_actix::actix_web::HttpRequest) \
- -> ::askama_actix::actix_web::HttpResponse<Self::Body> {",
- )?;
- buf.writeln("<Self as ::askama_actix::TemplateToResponse>::to_response(&self)")?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- buf.writeln("}")
- }
- // Implement Axum's `IntoResponse`.
- #[cfg(feature = "axum")]
- fn impl_axum_into_response(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- self.write_header(buf, "::askama_axum::IntoResponse", None)?;
- buf.writeln("#[inline]")?;
- buf.writeln(
- "fn into_response(self)\
- -> ::askama_axum::Response {",
- )?;
- let ext = self.input.extension().unwrap_or("txt");
- buf.writeln(&format!("::askama_axum::into_response(&self, {:?})", ext))?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- buf.writeln("}")
- }
- // Implement gotham's `IntoResponse`.
- #[cfg(feature = "gotham")]
- fn impl_gotham_into_response(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- self.write_header(buf, "::askama_gotham::IntoResponse", None)?;
- buf.writeln("#[inline]")?;
- buf.writeln(
- "fn into_response(self, _state: &::askama_gotham::State)\
- -> ::askama_gotham::Response<::askama_gotham::Body> {",
- )?;
- let ext = self.input.extension().unwrap_or("txt");
- buf.writeln(&format!("::askama_gotham::respond(&self, {:?})", ext))?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- buf.writeln("}")
- }
- // Implement mendes' `Responder`.
- #[cfg(feature = "mendes")]
- fn impl_mendes_responder(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- let param = syn::parse_str("A: ::mendes::Application").unwrap();
- let mut generics = self.input.ast.generics.clone();
- generics.params.push(param);
- let (_, orig_ty_generics, _) = self.input.ast.generics.split_for_impl();
- let (impl_generics, _, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();
- let mut where_clause = match where_clause {
- Some(clause) => clause.clone(),
- None => syn::WhereClause {
- where_token: syn::Token![where](proc_macro2::Span::call_site()),
- predicates: syn::punctuated::Punctuated::new(),
- },
- };
- where_clause
- .predicates
- .push(syn::parse_str("A::ResponseBody: From<String>").unwrap());
- where_clause
- .predicates
- .push(syn::parse_str("A::Error: From<::askama_mendes::Error>").unwrap());
- buf.writeln(
- format!(
- "{} {} for {} {} {{",
- quote!(impl#impl_generics),
- "::mendes::application::IntoResponse<A>",
- self.input.ast.ident,
- quote!(#orig_ty_generics #where_clause),
- )
- .as_ref(),
- )?;
- buf.writeln(
- "fn into_response(self, app: &A, req: &::mendes::http::request::Parts) \
- -> ::mendes::http::Response<A::ResponseBody> {",
- )?;
- buf.writeln(&format!(
- "::askama_mendes::into_response(app, req, &self, {:?})",
- self.input.extension()
- ))?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- Ok(())
- }
- // Implement Rocket's `Responder`.
- #[cfg(feature = "rocket")]
- fn impl_rocket_responder(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- let lifetime = syn::Lifetime::new("'askama", proc_macro2::Span::call_site());
- let param = syn::GenericParam::Lifetime(syn::LifetimeDef::new(lifetime));
- self.write_header(
- buf,
- "::askama_rocket::Responder<'askama>",
- Some(vec![param]),
- )?;
- buf.writeln("#[inline]")?;
- buf.writeln(
- "fn respond_to(self, _: &::askama_rocket::Request) \
- -> ::askama_rocket::Result<'askama> {",
- )?;
- let ext = self.input.extension().unwrap_or("txt");
- buf.writeln(&format!("::askama_rocket::respond(&self, {:?})", ext))?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- Ok(())
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "tide")]
- fn impl_tide_integrations(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- let ext = self.input.extension().unwrap_or("txt");
- self.write_header(
- buf,
- "::std::convert::TryInto<::askama_tide::tide::Body>",
- None,
- )?;
- buf.writeln(
- "type Error = ::askama_tide::askama::Error;\n\
- #[inline]\n\
- fn try_into(self) -> ::askama_tide::askama::Result<::askama_tide::tide::Body> {",
- )?;
- buf.writeln(&format!("::askama_tide::try_into_body(&self, {:?})", &ext))?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- buf.writeln("#[allow(clippy::from_over_into)]")?;
- self.write_header(buf, "Into<::askama_tide::tide::Response>", None)?;
- buf.writeln("#[inline]")?;
- buf.writeln("fn into(self) -> ::askama_tide::tide::Response {")?;
- buf.writeln(&format!("::askama_tide::into_response(&self, {:?})", ext))?;
- buf.writeln("}\n}")
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "warp")]
- fn impl_warp_reply(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- self.write_header(buf, "::askama_warp::warp::reply::Reply", None)?;
- buf.writeln("#[inline]")?;
- buf.writeln("fn into_response(self) -> ::askama_warp::warp::reply::Response {")?;
- let ext = self.input.extension().unwrap_or("txt");
- buf.writeln(&format!("::askama_warp::reply(&self, {:?})", ext))?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- buf.writeln("}")
- }
- // Writes header for the `impl` for `TraitFromPathName` or `Template`
- // for the given context struct.
- fn write_header(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- target: &str,
- params: Option<Vec<syn::GenericParam>>,
- ) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- let mut generics = self.input.ast.generics.clone();
- if let Some(params) = params {
- for param in params {
- generics.params.push(param);
- }
- }
- let (_, orig_ty_generics, _) = self.input.ast.generics.split_for_impl();
- let (impl_generics, _, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();
- buf.writeln(
- format!(
- "{} {} for {}{} {{",
- quote!(impl#impl_generics),
- target,
- self.input.ast.ident,
- quote!(#orig_ty_generics #where_clause),
- )
- .as_ref(),
- )
- }
- /* Helper methods for handling node types */
- fn handle(
- &mut self,
- ctx: &'a Context<'_>,
- nodes: &'a [Node<'_>],
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- level: AstLevel,
- ) -> Result<usize, CompileError> {
- let mut size_hint = 0;
- for n in nodes {
- match *n {
- Node::Lit(lws, val, rws) => {
- self.visit_lit(lws, val, rws);
- }
- Node::Comment(ws) => {
- self.write_comment(ws);
- }
- Node::Expr(ws, ref val) => {
- self.write_expr(ws, val);
- }
- Node::LetDecl(ws, ref var) => {
- self.write_let_decl(buf, ws, var)?;
- }
- Node::Let(ws, ref var, ref val) => {
- self.write_let(buf, ws, var, val)?;
- }
- Node::Cond(ref conds, ws) => {
- self.write_cond(ctx, buf, conds, ws)?;
- }
- Node::Match(ws1, ref expr, ref arms, ws2) => {
- self.write_match(ctx, buf, ws1, expr, arms, ws2)?;
- }
- Node::Loop(ref loop_block) => {
- self.write_loop(ctx, buf, loop_block)?;
- }
- Node::BlockDef(ws1, name, _, ws2) => {
- self.write_block(buf, Some(name), Ws(ws1.0, ws2.1))?;
- }
- Node::Include(ws, path) => {
- size_hint += self.handle_include(ctx, buf, ws, path)?;
- }
- Node::Call(ws, scope, name, ref args) => {
- size_hint += self.write_call(ctx, buf, ws, scope, name, args)?;
- }
- Node::Macro(_, ref m) => {
- if level != AstLevel::Top {
- return Err("macro blocks only allowed at the top level".into());
- }
- self.flush_ws(m.ws1);
- self.prepare_ws(m.ws2);
- }
- Node::Raw(ws1, lws, val, rws, ws2) => {
- self.handle_ws(ws1);
- self.visit_lit(lws, val, rws);
- self.handle_ws(ws2);
- }
- Node::Import(ws, _, _) => {
- if level != AstLevel::Top {
- return Err("import blocks only allowed at the top level".into());
- }
- self.handle_ws(ws);
- }
- Node::Extends(_) => {
- if level != AstLevel::Top {
- return Err("extend blocks only allowed at the top level".into());
- }
- // No whitespace handling: child template top-level is not used,
- // except for the blocks defined in it.
- }
- Node::Break(ws) => {
- self.handle_ws(ws);
- self.write_buf_writable(buf)?;
- buf.writeln("break;")?;
- }
- Node::Continue(ws) => {
- self.handle_ws(ws);
- self.write_buf_writable(buf)?;
- buf.writeln("continue;")?;
- }
- }
- }
- if AstLevel::Top == level {
- size_hint += self.write_buf_writable(buf)?;
- }
- Ok(size_hint)
- }
- fn write_cond(
- &mut self,
- ctx: &'a Context<'_>,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- conds: &'a [Cond<'_>],
- ws: Ws,
- ) -> Result<usize, CompileError> {
- let mut flushed = 0;
- let mut arm_sizes = Vec::new();
- let mut has_else = false;
- for (i, &(cws, ref cond, ref nodes)) in conds.iter().enumerate() {
- self.handle_ws(cws);
- flushed += self.write_buf_writable(buf)?;
- if i > 0 {
- self.locals.pop();
- }
- self.locals.push();
- let mut arm_size = 0;
- if let Some(CondTest { target, expr }) = cond {
- if i == 0 {
- buf.write("if ");
- } else {
- buf.dedent()?;
- buf.write("} else if ");
- }
- if let Some(target) = target {
- let mut expr_buf = Buffer::new(0);
- self.visit_expr(&mut expr_buf, expr)?;
- buf.write("let ");
- self.visit_target(buf, true, true, target);
- buf.write(" = &(");
- buf.write(&expr_buf.buf);
- buf.write(")");
- } else {
- // The following syntax `*(&(...) as &bool)` is used to
- // trigger Rust's automatic dereferencing, to coerce
- // e.g. `&&&&&bool` to `bool`. First `&(...) as &bool`
- // coerces e.g. `&&&bool` to `&bool`. Then `*(&bool)`
- // finally dereferences it to `bool`.
- buf.write("*(&(");
- let expr_code = self.visit_expr_root(expr)?;
- buf.write(&expr_code);
- buf.write(") as &bool)");
- }
- } else {
- buf.dedent()?;
- buf.write("} else");
- has_else = true;
- }
- buf.writeln(" {")?;
- arm_size += self.handle(ctx, nodes, buf, AstLevel::Nested)?;
- arm_sizes.push(arm_size);
- }
- self.handle_ws(ws);
- flushed += self.write_buf_writable(buf)?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- self.locals.pop();
- if !has_else {
- arm_sizes.push(0);
- }
- Ok(flushed + median(&mut arm_sizes))
- }
- #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
- fn write_match(
- &mut self,
- ctx: &'a Context<'_>,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- ws1: Ws,
- expr: &Expr<'_>,
- arms: &'a [When<'_>],
- ws2: Ws,
- ) -> Result<usize, CompileError> {
- self.flush_ws(ws1);
- let flushed = self.write_buf_writable(buf)?;
- let mut arm_sizes = Vec::new();
- let expr_code = self.visit_expr_root(expr)?;
- buf.writeln(&format!("match &{} {{", expr_code))?;
- let mut arm_size = 0;
- for (i, arm) in arms.iter().enumerate() {
- let &(ws, ref target, ref body) = arm;
- self.handle_ws(ws);
- if i > 0 {
- arm_sizes.push(arm_size + self.write_buf_writable(buf)?);
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- self.locals.pop();
- }
- self.locals.push();
- self.visit_target(buf, true, true, target);
- buf.writeln(" => {")?;
- arm_size = self.handle(ctx, body, buf, AstLevel::Nested)?;
- }
- self.handle_ws(ws2);
- arm_sizes.push(arm_size + self.write_buf_writable(buf)?);
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- self.locals.pop();
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- Ok(flushed + median(&mut arm_sizes))
- }
- #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
- fn write_loop(
- &mut self,
- ctx: &'a Context<'_>,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- loop_block: &'a Loop<'_>,
- ) -> Result<usize, CompileError> {
- self.handle_ws(loop_block.ws1);
- self.locals.push();
- let expr_code = self.visit_expr_root(&loop_block.iter)?;
- let flushed = self.write_buf_writable(buf)?;
- buf.writeln("{")?;
- buf.writeln("let mut _did_loop = false;")?;
- match loop_block.iter {
- Expr::Range(_, _, _) => buf.writeln(&format!("let _iter = {};", expr_code)),
- Expr::Array(..) => buf.writeln(&format!("let _iter = {}.iter();", expr_code)),
- // If `iter` is a call then we assume it's something that returns
- // an iterator. If not then the user can explicitly add the needed
- // call without issues.
- Expr::Call(..) | Expr::Index(..) => {
- buf.writeln(&format!("let _iter = ({}).into_iter();", expr_code))
- }
- // If accessing `self` then it most likely needs to be
- // borrowed, to prevent an attempt of moving.
- _ if expr_code.starts_with("self.") => {
- buf.writeln(&format!("let _iter = (&{}).into_iter();", expr_code))
- }
- // If accessing a field then it most likely needs to be
- // borrowed, to prevent an attempt of moving.
- Expr::Attr(..) => buf.writeln(&format!("let _iter = (&{}).into_iter();", expr_code)),
- // Otherwise, we borrow `iter` assuming that it implements `IntoIterator`.
- _ => buf.writeln(&format!("let _iter = ({}).into_iter();", expr_code)),
- }?;
- if let Some(cond) = &loop_block.cond {
- self.locals.push();
- buf.write("let _iter = _iter.filter(|");
- self.visit_target(buf, true, true, &loop_block.var);
- buf.write("| -> bool {");
- self.visit_expr(buf, cond)?;
- buf.writeln("});")?;
- self.locals.pop();
- }
- self.locals.push();
- buf.write("for (");
- self.visit_target(buf, true, true, &loop_block.var);
- buf.writeln(", _loop_item) in ::askama::helpers::TemplateLoop::new(_iter) {")?;
- buf.writeln("_did_loop = true;")?;
- let mut size_hint1 = self.handle(ctx, &loop_block.body, buf, AstLevel::Nested)?;
- self.handle_ws(loop_block.ws2);
- size_hint1 += self.write_buf_writable(buf)?;
- self.locals.pop();
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- buf.writeln("if !_did_loop {")?;
- self.locals.push();
- let mut size_hint2 = self.handle(ctx, &loop_block.else_block, buf, AstLevel::Nested)?;
- self.handle_ws(loop_block.ws3);
- size_hint2 += self.write_buf_writable(buf)?;
- self.locals.pop();
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- Ok(flushed + ((size_hint1 * 3) + size_hint2) / 2)
- }
- fn write_call(
- &mut self,
- ctx: &'a Context<'_>,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- ws: Ws,
- scope: Option<&str>,
- name: &str,
- args: &[Expr<'_>],
- ) -> Result<usize, CompileError> {
- if name == "super" {
- return self.write_block(buf, None, ws);
- }
- let (def, own_ctx) = match scope {
- Some(s) => {
- let path = ctx.imports.get(s).ok_or_else(|| {
- CompileError::from(format!("no import found for scope {:?}", s))
- })?;
- let mctx = self.contexts.get(path.as_path()).ok_or_else(|| {
- CompileError::from(format!("context for {:?} not found", path))
- })?;
- let def = mctx.macros.get(name).ok_or_else(|| {
- CompileError::from(format!("macro {:?} not found in scope {:?}", name, s))
- })?;
- (def, mctx)
- }
- None => {
- let def = ctx
- .macros
- .get(name)
- .ok_or_else(|| CompileError::from(format!("macro {:?} not found", name)))?;
- (def, ctx)
- }
- };
- self.flush_ws(ws); // Cannot handle_ws() here: whitespace from macro definition comes first
- self.locals.push();
- self.write_buf_writable(buf)?;
- buf.writeln("{")?;
- self.prepare_ws(def.ws1);
- let mut names = Buffer::new(0);
- let mut values = Buffer::new(0);
- let mut is_first_variable = true;
- for (i, arg) in def.args.iter().enumerate() {
- let expr = args.get(i).ok_or_else(|| {
- CompileError::from(format!("macro {:?} takes more than {} arguments", name, i))
- })?;
- match expr {
- // If `expr` is already a form of variable then
- // don't reintroduce a new variable. This is
- // to avoid moving non-copyable values.
- Expr::Var(name) => {
- let var = self.locals.resolve_or_self(name);
- self.locals.insert(arg, LocalMeta::with_ref(var));
- }
- Expr::Attr(obj, attr) => {
- let mut attr_buf = Buffer::new(0);
- self.visit_attr(&mut attr_buf, obj, attr)?;
- let var = self.locals.resolve(&attr_buf.buf).unwrap_or(attr_buf.buf);
- self.locals.insert(arg, LocalMeta::with_ref(var));
- }
- // Everything else still needs to become variables,
- // to avoid having the same logic be executed
- // multiple times, e.g. in the case of macro
- // parameters being used multiple times.
- _ => {
- if is_first_variable {
- is_first_variable = false
- } else {
- names.write(", ");
- values.write(", ");
- }
- names.write(arg);
- values.write("(");
- values.write(&self.visit_expr_root(expr)?);
- values.write(")");
- self.locals.insert_with_default(arg);
- }
- }
- }
- debug_assert_eq!(names.buf.is_empty(), values.buf.is_empty());
- if !names.buf.is_empty() {
- buf.writeln(&format!("let ({}) = ({});", names.buf, values.buf))?;
- }
- let mut size_hint = self.handle(own_ctx, &def.nodes, buf, AstLevel::Nested)?;
- self.flush_ws(def.ws2);
- size_hint += self.write_buf_writable(buf)?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- self.locals.pop();
- self.prepare_ws(ws);
- Ok(size_hint)
- }
- fn handle_include(
- &mut self,
- ctx: &'a Context<'_>,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- ws: Ws,
- path: &str,
- ) -> Result<usize, CompileError> {
- self.flush_ws(ws);
- self.write_buf_writable(buf)?;
- let path = self
- .input
- .config
- .find_template(path, Some(&self.input.path))?;
- let src = get_template_source(&path)?;
- let nodes = parse(&src, self.input.syntax)?;
- // Make sure the compiler understands that the generated code depends on the template file.
- {
- let path = path.to_str().unwrap();
- buf.writeln(
- &quote! {
- include_bytes!(#path);
- }
- .to_string(),
- )?;
- }
- let size_hint = {
- // Since nodes must not outlive the Generator, we instantiate
- // a nested Generator here to handle the include's nodes.
- let mut gen = self.child();
- let mut size_hint = gen.handle(ctx, &nodes, buf, AstLevel::Nested)?;
- size_hint += gen.write_buf_writable(buf)?;
- size_hint
- };
- self.prepare_ws(ws);
- Ok(size_hint)
- }
- fn write_let_decl(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- ws: Ws,
- var: &'a Target<'_>,
- ) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- self.handle_ws(ws);
- self.write_buf_writable(buf)?;
- buf.write("let ");
- self.visit_target(buf, false, true, var);
- buf.writeln(";")
- }
- fn is_shadowing_variable(&self, var: &Target<'a>) -> Result<bool, CompileError> {
- match var {
- Target::Name(name) => {
- let name = normalize_identifier(name);
- match self.locals.get(&name) {
- // declares a new variable
- None => Ok(false),
- // an initialized variable gets shadowed
- Some(meta) if meta.initialized => Ok(true),
- // initializes a variable that was introduced in a LetDecl before
- _ => Ok(false),
- }
- }
- Target::Tuple(_, targets) => {
- for target in targets {
- match self.is_shadowing_variable(target) {
- Ok(false) => continue,
- outcome => return outcome,
- }
- }
- Ok(false)
- }
- Target::Struct(_, named_targets) => {
- for (_, target) in named_targets {
- match self.is_shadowing_variable(target) {
- Ok(false) => continue,
- outcome => return outcome,
- }
- }
- Ok(false)
- }
- _ => Err("literals are not allowed on the left-hand side of an assignment".into()),
- }
- }
- fn write_let(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- ws: Ws,
- var: &'a Target<'_>,
- val: &Expr<'_>,
- ) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- self.handle_ws(ws);
- let mut expr_buf = Buffer::new(0);
- self.visit_expr(&mut expr_buf, val)?;
- let shadowed = self.is_shadowing_variable(var)?;
- if shadowed {
- // Need to flush the buffer if the variable is being shadowed,
- // to ensure the old variable is used.
- self.write_buf_writable(buf)?;
- }
- if shadowed
- || !matches!(var, &Target::Name(_))
- || matches!(var, Target::Name(name) if self.locals.get(name).is_none())
- {
- buf.write("let ");
- }
- self.visit_target(buf, true, true, var);
- buf.writeln(&format!(" = {};", &expr_buf.buf))
- }
- // If `name` is `Some`, this is a call to a block definition, and we have to find
- // the first block for that name from the ancestry chain. If name is `None`, this
- // is from a `super()` call, and we can get the name from `self.super_block`.
- fn write_block(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- name: Option<&'a str>,
- outer: Ws,
- ) -> Result<usize, CompileError> {
- // Flush preceding whitespace according to the outer WS spec
- self.flush_ws(outer);
- let prev_block = self.super_block;
- let cur = match (name, prev_block) {
- // The top-level context contains a block definition
- (Some(cur_name), None) => (cur_name, 0),
- // A block definition contains a block definition of the same name
- (Some(cur_name), Some((prev_name, _))) if cur_name == prev_name => {
- return Err(format!("cannot define recursive blocks ({})", cur_name).into());
- }
- // A block definition contains a definition of another block
- (Some(cur_name), Some((_, _))) => (cur_name, 0),
- // `super()` was called inside a block
- (None, Some((prev_name, gen))) => (prev_name, gen + 1),
- // `super()` is called from outside a block
- (None, None) => return Err("cannot call 'super()' outside block".into()),
- };
- self.super_block = Some(cur);
- // Get the block definition from the heritage chain
- let heritage = self
- .heritage
- .as_ref()
- .ok_or_else(|| CompileError::from("no block ancestors available"))?;
- let (ctx, def) = heritage.blocks[cur.0].get(cur.1).ok_or_else(|| {
- CompileError::from(match name {
- None => format!("no super() block found for block '{}'", cur.0),
- Some(name) => format!("no block found for name '{}'", name),
- })
- })?;
- // Get the nodes and whitespace suppression data from the block definition
- let (ws1, nodes, ws2) = if let Node::BlockDef(ws1, _, nodes, ws2) = def {
- (ws1, nodes, ws2)
- } else {
- unreachable!()
- };
- // Handle inner whitespace suppression spec and process block nodes
- self.prepare_ws(*ws1);
- self.locals.push();
- let size_hint = self.handle(ctx, nodes, buf, AstLevel::Block)?;
- if !self.locals.is_current_empty() {
- // Need to flush the buffer before popping the variable stack
- self.write_buf_writable(buf)?;
- }
- self.locals.pop();
- self.flush_ws(*ws2);
- // Restore original block context and set whitespace suppression for
- // succeeding whitespace according to the outer WS spec
- self.super_block = prev_block;
- self.prepare_ws(outer);
- Ok(size_hint)
- }
- fn write_expr(&mut self, ws: Ws, s: &'a Expr<'a>) {
- self.handle_ws(ws);
- self.buf_writable.push(Writable::Expr(s));
- }
- // Write expression buffer and empty
- fn write_buf_writable(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer) -> Result<usize, CompileError> {
- if self.buf_writable.is_empty() {
- return Ok(0);
- }
- if self
- .buf_writable
- .iter()
- .all(|w| matches!(w, Writable::Lit(_)))
- {
- let mut buf_lit = Buffer::new(0);
- for s in mem::take(&mut self.buf_writable) {
- if let Writable::Lit(s) = s {
- buf_lit.write(s);
- };
- }
- buf.writeln(&format!("writer.write_str({:#?})?;", &buf_lit.buf))?;
- return Ok(buf_lit.buf.len());
- }
- let mut size_hint = 0;
- let mut buf_format = Buffer::new(0);
- let mut buf_expr = Buffer::new(buf.indent + 1);
- let mut expr_cache = HashMap::with_capacity(self.buf_writable.len());
- for s in mem::take(&mut self.buf_writable) {
- match s {
- Writable::Lit(s) => {
- buf_format.write(&s.replace('{', "{{").replace('}', "}}"));
- size_hint += s.len();
- }
- Writable::Expr(s) => {
- use self::DisplayWrap::*;
- let mut expr_buf = Buffer::new(0);
- let wrapped = self.visit_expr(&mut expr_buf, s)?;
- let expression = match wrapped {
- Wrapped => expr_buf.buf,
- Unwrapped => format!(
- "::askama::MarkupDisplay::new_unsafe(&({}), {})",
- expr_buf.buf, self.input.escaper
- ),
- };
- use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
- let id = match expr_cache.entry(expression.clone()) {
- Entry::Occupied(e) => *e.get(),
- Entry::Vacant(e) => {
- let id = self.named;
- self.named += 1;
- buf_expr.write(&format!("expr{} = ", id));
- buf_expr.write("&");
- buf_expr.write(&expression);
- buf_expr.writeln(",")?;
- e.insert(id);
- id
- }
- };
- buf_format.write(&format!("{{expr{}}}", id));
- size_hint += 3;
- }
- }
- }
- buf.writeln("::std::write!(")?;
- buf.indent();
- buf.writeln("writer,")?;
- buf.writeln(&format!("{:#?},", &buf_format.buf))?;
- buf.writeln(buf_expr.buf.trim())?;
- buf.dedent()?;
- buf.writeln(")?;")?;
- Ok(size_hint)
- }
- fn visit_lit(&mut self, lws: &'a str, val: &'a str, rws: &'a str) {
- assert!(self.next_ws.is_none());
- if !lws.is_empty() {
- match self.skip_ws {
- WhitespaceHandling::Suppress => {
- self.skip_ws = WhitespaceHandling::Preserve;
- }
- _ if val.is_empty() => {
- assert!(rws.is_empty());
- self.next_ws = Some(lws);
- }
- WhitespaceHandling::Preserve => self.buf_writable.push(Writable::Lit(lws)),
- WhitespaceHandling::Minimize => {
- self.buf_writable
- .push(Writable::Lit(match lws.contains('\n') {
- true => "\n",
- false => " ",
- }))
- }
- }
- }
- if !val.is_empty() {
- self.buf_writable.push(Writable::Lit(val));
- }
- if !rws.is_empty() {
- self.next_ws = Some(rws);
- }
- }
- fn write_comment(&mut self, ws: Ws) {
- self.handle_ws(ws);
- }
- /* Visitor methods for expression types */
- fn visit_expr_root(&mut self, expr: &Expr<'_>) -> Result<String, CompileError> {
- let mut buf = Buffer::new(0);
- self.visit_expr(&mut buf, expr)?;
- Ok(buf.buf)
- }
- fn visit_expr(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- expr: &Expr<'_>,
- ) -> Result<DisplayWrap, CompileError> {
- Ok(match *expr {
- Expr::BoolLit(s) => self.visit_bool_lit(buf, s),
- Expr::NumLit(s) => self.visit_num_lit(buf, s),
- Expr::StrLit(s) => self.visit_str_lit(buf, s),
- Expr::CharLit(s) => self.visit_char_lit(buf, s),
- Expr::Var(s) => self.visit_var(buf, s),
- Expr::Path(ref path) => self.visit_path(buf, path),
- Expr::Array(ref elements) => self.visit_array(buf, elements)?,
- Expr::Attr(ref obj, name) => self.visit_attr(buf, obj, name)?,
- Expr::Index(ref obj, ref key) => self.visit_index(buf, obj, key)?,
- Expr::Filter(name, ref args) => self.visit_filter(buf, name, args)?,
- Expr::Unary(op, ref inner) => self.visit_unary(buf, op, inner)?,
- Expr::BinOp(op, ref left, ref right) => self.visit_binop(buf, op, left, right)?,
- Expr::Range(op, ref left, ref right) => self.visit_range(buf, op, left, right)?,
- Expr::Group(ref inner) => self.visit_group(buf, inner)?,
- Expr::Call(ref obj, ref args) => self.visit_call(buf, obj, args)?,
- Expr::RustMacro(name, args) => self.visit_rust_macro(buf, name, args),
- Expr::Try(ref expr) => self.visit_try(buf, expr.as_ref())?,
- Expr::Tuple(ref exprs) => self.visit_tuple(buf, exprs)?,
- })
- }
- fn visit_try(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- expr: &Expr<'_>,
- ) -> Result<DisplayWrap, CompileError> {
- buf.write("::core::result::Result::map_err(");
- self.visit_expr(buf, expr)?;
- buf.write(", |err| ::askama::shared::Error::Custom(::core::convert::Into::into(err)))?");
- Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped)
- }
- fn visit_rust_macro(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer, name: &str, args: &str) -> DisplayWrap {
- buf.write(name);
- buf.write("!(");
- buf.write(args);
- buf.write(")");
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- #[cfg(not(feature = "markdown"))]
- fn _visit_markdown_filter(
- &mut self,
- _buf: &mut Buffer,
- _args: &[Expr<'_>],
- ) -> Result<DisplayWrap, CompileError> {
- Err("the `markdown` filter requires the `markdown` feature to be enabled".into())
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "markdown")]
- fn _visit_markdown_filter(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- args: &[Expr<'_>],
- ) -> Result<DisplayWrap, CompileError> {
- let (md, options) = match args {
- [md] => (md, None),
- [md, options] => (md, Some(options)),
- _ => return Err("markdown filter expects no more than one option argument".into()),
- };
- buf.write(&format!(
- "::askama::filters::markdown({}, ",
- self.input.escaper
- ));
- self.visit_expr(buf, md)?;
- match options {
- Some(options) => {
- buf.write(", ::core::option::Option::Some(");
- self.visit_expr(buf, options)?;
- buf.write(")");
- }
- None => buf.write(", ::core::option::Option::None"),
- }
- buf.write(")?");
- Ok(DisplayWrap::Wrapped)
- }
- fn visit_filter(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- mut name: &str,
- args: &[Expr<'_>],
- ) -> Result<DisplayWrap, CompileError> {
- if matches!(name, "escape" | "e") {
- self._visit_escape_filter(buf, args)?;
- return Ok(DisplayWrap::Wrapped);
- } else if name == "format" {
- self._visit_format_filter(buf, args)?;
- return Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped);
- } else if name == "fmt" {
- self._visit_fmt_filter(buf, args)?;
- return Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped);
- } else if name == "join" {
- self._visit_join_filter(buf, args)?;
- return Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped);
- } else if name == "markdown" {
- return self._visit_markdown_filter(buf, args);
- }
- if name == "tojson" {
- name = "json";
- }
- #[cfg(not(feature = "json"))]
- if name == "json" {
- return Err("the `json` filter requires the `serde-json` feature to be enabled".into());
- }
- #[cfg(not(feature = "yaml"))]
- if name == "yaml" {
- return Err("the `yaml` filter requires the `serde-yaml` feature to be enabled".into());
- }
- const FILTERS: [&str; 2] = ["safe", "yaml"];
- if FILTERS.contains(&name) {
- buf.write(&format!(
- "::askama::filters::{}({}, ",
- name, self.input.escaper
- ));
- } else if filters::BUILT_IN_FILTERS.contains(&name) {
- buf.write(&format!("::askama::filters::{}(", name));
- } else {
- buf.write(&format!("filters::{}(", name));
- }
- self._visit_args(buf, args)?;
- buf.write(")?");
- Ok(match FILTERS.contains(&name) {
- true => DisplayWrap::Wrapped,
- false => DisplayWrap::Unwrapped,
- })
- }
- fn _visit_escape_filter(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- args: &[Expr<'_>],
- ) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- if args.len() > 2 {
- return Err("only two arguments allowed to escape filter".into());
- }
- let opt_escaper = match args.get(1) {
- Some(Expr::StrLit(name)) => Some(*name),
- Some(_) => return Err("invalid escaper type for escape filter".into()),
- None => None,
- };
- let escaper = match opt_escaper {
- Some(name) => self
- .input
- .config
- .escapers
- .iter()
- .find_map(|(escapers, escaper)| escapers.contains(name).then(|| escaper))
- .ok_or_else(|| CompileError::from("invalid escaper for escape filter"))?,
- None => self.input.escaper,
- };
- buf.write("::askama::filters::escape(");
- buf.write(escaper);
- buf.write(", ");
- self._visit_args(buf, &args[..1])?;
- buf.write(")?");
- Ok(())
- }
- fn _visit_format_filter(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- args: &[Expr<'_>],
- ) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- buf.write("format!(");
- if let Some(Expr::StrLit(v)) = args.first() {
- self.visit_str_lit(buf, v);
- if args.len() > 1 {
- buf.write(", ");
- }
- } else {
- return Err("invalid expression type for format filter".into());
- }
- self._visit_args(buf, &args[1..])?;
- buf.write(")");
- Ok(())
- }
- fn _visit_fmt_filter(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- args: &[Expr<'_>],
- ) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- buf.write("format!(");
- if let Some(Expr::StrLit(v)) = args.get(1) {
- self.visit_str_lit(buf, v);
- buf.write(", ");
- } else {
- return Err("invalid expression type for fmt filter".into());
- }
- self._visit_args(buf, &args[0..1])?;
- if args.len() > 2 {
- return Err("only two arguments allowed to fmt filter".into());
- }
- buf.write(")");
- Ok(())
- }
- // Force type coercion on first argument to `join` filter (see #39).
- fn _visit_join_filter(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- args: &[Expr<'_>],
- ) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- buf.write("::askama::filters::join((&");
- for (i, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() {
- if i > 0 {
- buf.write(", &");
- }
- self.visit_expr(buf, arg)?;
- if i == 0 {
- buf.write(").into_iter()");
- }
- }
- buf.write(")?");
- Ok(())
- }
- fn _visit_args(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer, args: &[Expr<'_>]) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- if args.is_empty() {
- return Ok(());
- }
- for (i, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() {
- if i > 0 {
- buf.write(", ");
- }
- let borrow = !arg.is_copyable();
- if borrow {
- buf.write("&(");
- }
- match arg {
- Expr::Call(left, _) if !matches!(left.as_ref(), Expr::Path(_)) => {
- buf.writeln("{")?;
- self.visit_expr(buf, arg)?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- }
- _ => {
- self.visit_expr(buf, arg)?;
- }
- }
- if borrow {
- buf.write(")");
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn visit_attr(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- obj: &Expr<'_>,
- attr: &str,
- ) -> Result<DisplayWrap, CompileError> {
- if let Expr::Var(name) = *obj {
- if name == "loop" {
- if attr == "index" {
- buf.write("(_loop_item.index + 1)");
- return Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped);
- } else if attr == "index0" {
- buf.write("_loop_item.index");
- return Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped);
- } else if attr == "first" {
- buf.write("_loop_item.first");
- return Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped);
- } else if attr == "last" {
- buf.write("_loop_item.last");
- return Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped);
- } else {
- return Err("unknown loop variable".into());
- }
- }
- }
- self.visit_expr(buf, obj)?;
- buf.write(&format!(".{}", normalize_identifier(attr)));
- Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped)
- }
- fn visit_index(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- obj: &Expr<'_>,
- key: &Expr<'_>,
- ) -> Result<DisplayWrap, CompileError> {
- buf.write("&");
- self.visit_expr(buf, obj)?;
- buf.write("[");
- self.visit_expr(buf, key)?;
- buf.write("]");
- Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped)
- }
- fn visit_call(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- left: &Expr<'_>,
- args: &[Expr<'_>],
- ) -> Result<DisplayWrap, CompileError> {
- match left {
- Expr::Attr(left, method) if **left == Expr::Var("loop") => match *method {
- "cycle" => match args {
- [arg] => {
- if matches!(arg, Expr::Array(arr) if arr.is_empty()) {
- return Err("loop.cycle(…) cannot use an empty array".into());
- }
- buf.write("({");
- buf.write("let _cycle = &(");
- self.visit_expr(buf, arg)?;
- buf.writeln(");")?;
- buf.writeln("let _len = _cycle.len();")?;
- buf.writeln("if _len == 0 {")?;
- buf.writeln("return ::core::result::Result::Err(::askama::Error::Fmt(::core::fmt::Error));")?;
- buf.writeln("}")?;
- buf.writeln("_cycle[_loop_item.index % _len]")?;
- buf.writeln("})")?;
- }
- _ => return Err("loop.cycle(…) expects exactly one argument".into()),
- },
- s => return Err(format!("unknown loop method: {:?}", s).into()),
- },
- left => {
- match left {
- Expr::Var(name) => match self.locals.resolve(name) {
- Some(resolved) => buf.write(&resolved),
- None => buf.write(&format!("(&self.{})", normalize_identifier(name))),
- },
- left => {
- self.visit_expr(buf, left)?;
- }
- }
- buf.write("(");
- self._visit_args(buf, args)?;
- buf.write(")");
- }
- }
- Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped)
- }
- fn visit_unary(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- op: &str,
- inner: &Expr<'_>,
- ) -> Result<DisplayWrap, CompileError> {
- buf.write(op);
- self.visit_expr(buf, inner)?;
- Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped)
- }
- fn visit_range(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- op: &str,
- left: &Option<Box<Expr<'_>>>,
- right: &Option<Box<Expr<'_>>>,
- ) -> Result<DisplayWrap, CompileError> {
- if let Some(left) = left {
- self.visit_expr(buf, left)?;
- }
- buf.write(op);
- if let Some(right) = right {
- self.visit_expr(buf, right)?;
- }
- Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped)
- }
- fn visit_binop(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- op: &str,
- left: &Expr<'_>,
- right: &Expr<'_>,
- ) -> Result<DisplayWrap, CompileError> {
- self.visit_expr(buf, left)?;
- buf.write(&format!(" {} ", op));
- self.visit_expr(buf, right)?;
- Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped)
- }
- fn visit_group(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- inner: &Expr<'_>,
- ) -> Result<DisplayWrap, CompileError> {
- buf.write("(");
- self.visit_expr(buf, inner)?;
- buf.write(")");
- Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped)
- }
- fn visit_tuple(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- exprs: &[Expr<'_>],
- ) -> Result<DisplayWrap, CompileError> {
- buf.write("(");
- for (index, expr) in exprs.iter().enumerate() {
- if index > 0 {
- buf.write(" ");
- }
- self.visit_expr(buf, expr)?;
- buf.write(",");
- }
- buf.write(")");
- Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped)
- }
- fn visit_array(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- elements: &[Expr<'_>],
- ) -> Result<DisplayWrap, CompileError> {
- buf.write("[");
- for (i, el) in elements.iter().enumerate() {
- if i > 0 {
- buf.write(", ");
- }
- self.visit_expr(buf, el)?;
- }
- buf.write("]");
- Ok(DisplayWrap::Unwrapped)
- }
- fn visit_path(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer, path: &[&str]) -> DisplayWrap {
- for (i, part) in path.iter().enumerate() {
- if i > 0 {
- buf.write("::");
- }
- buf.write(part);
- }
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- fn visit_var(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer, s: &str) -> DisplayWrap {
- if s == "self" {
- buf.write(s);
- return DisplayWrap::Unwrapped;
- }
- buf.write(normalize_identifier(&self.locals.resolve_or_self(s)));
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- fn visit_bool_lit(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer, s: &str) -> DisplayWrap {
- buf.write(s);
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- fn visit_str_lit(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer, s: &str) -> DisplayWrap {
- buf.write(&format!("\"{}\"", s));
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- fn visit_char_lit(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer, s: &str) -> DisplayWrap {
- buf.write(&format!("'{}'", s));
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- fn visit_num_lit(&mut self, buf: &mut Buffer, s: &str) -> DisplayWrap {
- buf.write(s);
- DisplayWrap::Unwrapped
- }
- fn visit_target(
- &mut self,
- buf: &mut Buffer,
- initialized: bool,
- first_level: bool,
- target: &Target<'a>,
- ) {
- match target {
- Target::Name("_") => {
- buf.write("_");
- }
- Target::Name(name) => {
- let name = normalize_identifier(name);
- match initialized {
- true => self.locals.insert(name, LocalMeta::initialized()),
- false => self.locals.insert_with_default(name),
- }
- buf.write(name);
- }
- Target::Tuple(path, targets) => {
- buf.write(&path.join("::"));
- buf.write("(");
- for target in targets {
- self.visit_target(buf, initialized, false, target);
- buf.write(",");
- }
- buf.write(")");
- }
- Target::Struct(path, targets) => {
- buf.write(&path.join("::"));
- buf.write(" { ");
- for (name, target) in targets {
- buf.write(normalize_identifier(name));
- buf.write(": ");
- self.visit_target(buf, initialized, false, target);
- buf.write(",");
- }
- buf.write(" }");
- }
- Target::Path(path) => {
- self.visit_path(buf, path);
- }
- Target::StrLit(s) => {
- if first_level {
- buf.write("&");
- }
- self.visit_str_lit(buf, s);
- }
- Target::NumLit(s) => {
- if first_level {
- buf.write("&");
- }
- self.visit_num_lit(buf, s);
- }
- Target::CharLit(s) => {
- if first_level {
- buf.write("&");
- }
- self.visit_char_lit(buf, s);
- }
- Target::BoolLit(s) => {
- if first_level {
- buf.write("&");
- }
- buf.write(s);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Helper methods for dealing with whitespace nodes */
- // Combines `flush_ws()` and `prepare_ws()` to handle both trailing whitespace from the
- // preceding literal and leading whitespace from the succeeding literal.
- fn handle_ws(&mut self, ws: Ws) {
- self.flush_ws(ws);
- self.prepare_ws(ws);
- }
- fn should_trim_ws(&self, ws: Option<Whitespace>) -> WhitespaceHandling {
- match ws {
- Some(Whitespace::Suppress) => WhitespaceHandling::Suppress,
- Some(Whitespace::Preserve) => WhitespaceHandling::Preserve,
- Some(Whitespace::Minimize) => WhitespaceHandling::Minimize,
- None => self.whitespace,
- }
- }
- // If the previous literal left some trailing whitespace in `next_ws` and the
- // prefix whitespace suppressor from the given argument, flush that whitespace.
- // In either case, `next_ws` is reset to `None` (no trailing whitespace).
- fn flush_ws(&mut self, ws: Ws) {
- if self.next_ws.is_none() {
- return;
- }
- // If `whitespace` is set to `suppress`, we keep the whitespace characters only if there is
- // a `+` character.
- match self.should_trim_ws(ws.0) {
- WhitespaceHandling::Preserve => {
- let val = self.next_ws.unwrap();
- if !val.is_empty() {
- self.buf_writable.push(Writable::Lit(val));
- }
- }
- WhitespaceHandling::Minimize => {
- let val = self.next_ws.unwrap();
- if !val.is_empty() {
- self.buf_writable
- .push(Writable::Lit(match val.contains('\n') {
- true => "\n",
- false => " ",
- }));
- }
- }
- WhitespaceHandling::Suppress => {}
- }
- self.next_ws = None;
- }
- // Sets `skip_ws` to match the suffix whitespace suppressor from the given
- // argument, to determine whether to suppress leading whitespace from the
- // next literal.
- fn prepare_ws(&mut self, ws: Ws) {
- self.skip_ws = self.should_trim_ws(ws.1);
- }
-struct Buffer {
- // The buffer to generate the code into
- buf: String,
- // The current level of indentation (in spaces)
- indent: u8,
- // Whether the output buffer is currently at the start of a line
- start: bool,
-impl Buffer {
- fn new(indent: u8) -> Self {
- Self {
- buf: String::new(),
- indent,
- start: true,
- }
- }
- fn writeln(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- if s == "}" {
- self.dedent()?;
- }
- if !s.is_empty() {
- self.write(s);
- }
- self.buf.push('\n');
- if s.ends_with('{') {
- self.indent();
- }
- self.start = true;
- Ok(())
- }
- fn write(&mut self, s: &str) {
- if self.start {
- for _ in 0..(self.indent * 4) {
- self.buf.push(' ');
- }
- self.start = false;
- }
- self.buf.push_str(s);
- }
- fn indent(&mut self) {
- self.indent += 1;
- }
- fn dedent(&mut self) -> Result<(), CompileError> {
- if self.indent == 0 {
- return Err("dedent() called while indentation == 0".into());
- }
- self.indent -= 1;
- Ok(())
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Default)]
-struct LocalMeta {
- refs: Option<String>,
- initialized: bool,
-impl LocalMeta {
- fn initialized() -> Self {
- Self {
- refs: None,
- initialized: true,
- }
- }
- fn with_ref(refs: String) -> Self {
- Self {
- refs: Some(refs),
- initialized: true,
- }
- }
-// type SetChain<'a, T> = MapChain<'a, T, ()>;
-struct MapChain<'a, K, V>
- K: cmp::Eq + hash::Hash,
- parent: Option<&'a MapChain<'a, K, V>>,
- scopes: Vec<HashMap<K, V>>,
-impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> MapChain<'a, K, V>
- K: cmp::Eq + hash::Hash,
- fn new() -> MapChain<'a, K, V> {
- MapChain {
- parent: None,
- scopes: vec![HashMap::new()],
- }
- }
- fn with_parent<'p>(parent: &'p MapChain<'_, K, V>) -> MapChain<'p, K, V> {
- MapChain {
- parent: Some(parent),
- scopes: vec![HashMap::new()],
- }
- }
- /// Iterates the scopes in reverse and returns `Some(LocalMeta)`
- /// from the first scope where `key` exists.
- fn get(&self, key: &K) -> Option<&V> {
- let scopes = self.scopes.iter().rev();
- scopes
- .filter_map(|set| set.get(key))
- .next()
- .or_else(|| self.parent.and_then(|set| set.get(key)))
- }
- fn is_current_empty(&self) -> bool {
- self.scopes.last().unwrap().is_empty()
- }
- fn insert(&mut self, key: K, val: V) {
- self.scopes.last_mut().unwrap().insert(key, val);
- // Note that if `insert` returns `Some` then it implies
- // an identifier is reused. For e.g. `{% macro f(a, a) %}`
- // and `{% let (a, a) = ... %}` then this results in a
- // generated template, which when compiled fails with the
- // compile error "identifier `a` used more than once".
- }
- fn insert_with_default(&mut self, key: K)
- where
- V: Default,
- {
- self.insert(key, V::default());
- }
- fn push(&mut self) {
- self.scopes.push(HashMap::new());
- }
- fn pop(&mut self) {
- self.scopes.pop().unwrap();
- assert!(!self.scopes.is_empty());
- }
-impl MapChain<'_, &str, LocalMeta> {
- fn resolve(&self, name: &str) -> Option<String> {
- let name = normalize_identifier(name);
- self.get(&name).map(|meta| match &meta.refs {
- Some(expr) => expr.clone(),
- None => name.to_string(),
- })
- }
- fn resolve_or_self(&self, name: &str) -> String {
- let name = normalize_identifier(name);
- self.resolve(name)
- .unwrap_or_else(|| format!("self.{}", name))
- }
-fn median(sizes: &mut [usize]) -> usize {
- sizes.sort_unstable();
- if sizes.len() % 2 == 1 {
- sizes[sizes.len() / 2]
- } else {
- (sizes[sizes.len() / 2 - 1] + sizes[sizes.len() / 2]) / 2
- }
-#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
-enum AstLevel {
- Top,
- Block,
- Nested,
-impl Copy for AstLevel {}
-enum DisplayWrap {
- Wrapped,
- Unwrapped,
-impl Copy for DisplayWrap {}
-enum Writable<'a> {
- Lit(&'a str),
- Expr(&'a Expr<'a>),
-// Identifiers to be replaced with raw identifiers, so as to avoid
-// collisions between template syntax and Rust's syntax. In particular
-// [Rust keywords](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/keywords.html)
-// should be replaced, since they're not reserved words in Askama
-// syntax but have a high probability of causing problems in the
-// generated code.
-// This list excludes the Rust keywords *self*, *Self*, and *super*
-// because they are not allowed to be raw identifiers, and *loop*
-// because it's used something like a keyword in the template
-// language.
-static USE_RAW: [(&str, &str); 47] = [
- ("as", "r#as"),
- ("break", "r#break"),
- ("const", "r#const"),
- ("continue", "r#continue"),
- ("crate", "r#crate"),
- ("else", "r#else"),
- ("enum", "r#enum"),
- ("extern", "r#extern"),
- ("false", "r#false"),
- ("fn", "r#fn"),
- ("for", "r#for"),
- ("if", "r#if"),
- ("impl", "r#impl"),
- ("in", "r#in"),
- ("let", "r#let"),
- ("match", "r#match"),
- ("mod", "r#mod"),
- ("move", "r#move"),
- ("mut", "r#mut"),
- ("pub", "r#pub"),
- ("ref", "r#ref"),
- ("return", "r#return"),
- ("static", "r#static"),
- ("struct", "r#struct"),
- ("trait", "r#trait"),
- ("true", "r#true"),
- ("type", "r#type"),
- ("unsafe", "r#unsafe"),
- ("use", "r#use"),
- ("where", "r#where"),
- ("while", "r#while"),
- ("async", "r#async"),
- ("await", "r#await"),
- ("dyn", "r#dyn"),
- ("abstract", "r#abstract"),
- ("become", "r#become"),
- ("box", "r#box"),
- ("do", "r#do"),
- ("final", "r#final"),
- ("macro", "r#macro"),
- ("override", "r#override"),
- ("priv", "r#priv"),
- ("typeof", "r#typeof"),
- ("unsized", "r#unsized"),
- ("virtual", "r#virtual"),
- ("yield", "r#yield"),
- ("try", "r#try"),
-fn normalize_identifier(ident: &str) -> &str {
- if let Some(word) = USE_RAW.iter().find(|x| x.0 == ident) {
- word.1
- } else {
- ident
- }
diff --git a/askama_shared/src/heritage.rs b/askama_shared/src/heritage.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 52c14a2..0000000
--- a/askama_shared/src/heritage.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
-use crate::config::Config;
-use crate::parser::{Expr, Loop, Macro, Node};
-use crate::CompileError;
-pub(crate) struct Heritage<'a> {
- pub(crate) root: &'a Context<'a>,
- pub(crate) blocks: BlockAncestry<'a>,
-impl Heritage<'_> {
- pub(crate) fn new<'n, S: std::hash::BuildHasher>(
- mut ctx: &'n Context<'n>,
- contexts: &'n HashMap<&'n Path, Context<'n>, S>,
- ) -> Heritage<'n> {
- let mut blocks: BlockAncestry<'n> = ctx
- .blocks
- .iter()
- .map(|(name, def)| (*name, vec![(ctx, *def)]))
- .collect();
- while let Some(ref path) = ctx.extends {
- ctx = &contexts[path.as_path()];
- for (name, def) in &ctx.blocks {
- blocks.entry(name).or_insert_with(Vec::new).push((ctx, def));
- }
- }
- Heritage { root: ctx, blocks }
- }
-type BlockAncestry<'a> = HashMap<&'a str, Vec<(&'a Context<'a>, &'a Node<'a>)>>;
-pub(crate) struct Context<'a> {
- pub(crate) nodes: &'a [Node<'a>],
- pub(crate) extends: Option<PathBuf>,
- pub(crate) blocks: HashMap<&'a str, &'a Node<'a>>,
- pub(crate) macros: HashMap<&'a str, &'a Macro<'a>>,
- pub(crate) imports: HashMap<&'a str, PathBuf>,
-impl Context<'_> {
- pub(crate) fn new<'n>(
- config: &Config<'_>,
- path: &Path,
- nodes: &'n [Node<'n>],
- ) -> Result<Context<'n>, CompileError> {
- let mut extends = None;
- let mut blocks = Vec::new();
- let mut macros = HashMap::new();
- let mut imports = HashMap::new();
- let mut nested = vec![nodes];
- let mut top = true;
- while let Some(nodes) = nested.pop() {
- for n in nodes {
- match n {
- Node::Extends(Expr::StrLit(extends_path)) if top => match extends {
- Some(_) => return Err("multiple extend blocks found".into()),
- None => {
- extends = Some(config.find_template(extends_path, Some(path))?);
- }
- },
- Node::Macro(name, m) if top => {
- macros.insert(*name, m);
- }
- Node::Import(_, import_path, scope) if top => {
- let path = config.find_template(import_path, Some(path))?;
- imports.insert(*scope, path);
- }
- Node::Extends(_) | Node::Macro(_, _) | Node::Import(_, _, _) if !top => {
- return Err(
- "extends, macro or import blocks not allowed below top level".into(),
- );
- }
- def @ Node::BlockDef(_, _, _, _) => {
- blocks.push(def);
- if let Node::BlockDef(_, _, nodes, _) = def {
- nested.push(nodes);
- }
- }
- Node::Cond(branches, _) => {
- for (_, _, nodes) in branches {
- nested.push(nodes);
- }
- }
- Node::Loop(Loop {
- body, else_block, ..
- }) => {
- nested.push(body);
- nested.push(else_block);
- }
- Node::Match(_, _, arms, _) => {
- for (_, _, arm) in arms {
- nested.push(arm);
- }
- }
- _ => {}
- }
- }
- top = false;
- }
- let blocks: HashMap<_, _> = blocks
- .iter()
- .map(|def| {
- if let Node::BlockDef(_, name, _, _) = def {
- (*name, *def)
- } else {
- unreachable!()
- }
- })
- .collect();
- Ok(Context {
- nodes,
- extends,
- blocks,
- macros,
- imports,
- })
- }
diff --git a/askama_shared/src/input.rs b/askama_shared/src/input.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f367fd..0000000
--- a/askama_shared/src/input.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-use crate::config::{Config, Syntax};
-use crate::generator::TemplateArgs;
-use crate::CompileError;
-use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
-use std::str::FromStr;
-use mime::Mime;
-pub(crate) struct TemplateInput<'a> {
- pub(crate) ast: &'a syn::DeriveInput,
- pub(crate) config: &'a Config<'a>,
- pub(crate) syntax: &'a Syntax<'a>,
- pub(crate) source: Source,
- pub(crate) print: Print,
- pub(crate) escaper: &'a str,
- pub(crate) ext: Option<String>,
- pub(crate) mime_type: String,
- pub(crate) parent: Option<&'a syn::Type>,
- pub(crate) path: PathBuf,
-impl TemplateInput<'_> {
- /// Extract the template metadata from the `DeriveInput` structure. This
- /// mostly recovers the data for the `TemplateInput` fields from the
- /// `template()` attribute list fields; it also finds the of the `_parent`
- /// field, if any.
- pub(crate) fn new<'n>(
- ast: &'n syn::DeriveInput,
- config: &'n Config<'_>,
- args: TemplateArgs,
- ) -> Result<TemplateInput<'n>, CompileError> {
- let TemplateArgs {
- source,
- print,
- escaping,
- ext,
- syntax,
- ..
- } = args;
- // Validate the `source` and `ext` value together, since they are
- // related. In case `source` was used instead of `path`, the value
- // of `ext` is merged into a synthetic `path` value here.
- let source = source.expect("template path or source not found in attributes");
- let path = match (&source, &ext) {
- (&Source::Path(ref path), _) => config.find_template(path, None)?,
- (&Source::Source(_), Some(ext)) => PathBuf::from(format!("{}.{}", ast.ident, ext)),
- (&Source::Source(_), None) => {
- return Err("must include 'ext' attribute when using 'source' attribute".into())
- }
- };
- // Check to see if a `_parent` field was defined on the context
- // struct, and store the type for it for use in the code generator.
- let parent = match ast.data {
- syn::Data::Struct(syn::DataStruct {
- fields: syn::Fields::Named(ref fields),
- ..
- }) => fields
- .named
- .iter()
- .find(|f| f.ident.as_ref().filter(|name| *name == "_parent").is_some())
- .map(|f| &f.ty),
- _ => None,
- };
- if parent.is_some() {
- eprint!(
- " --> in struct {}\n = use of deprecated field '_parent'\n",
- ast.ident
- );
- }
- // Validate syntax
- let syntax = syntax.map_or_else(
- || Ok(config.syntaxes.get(config.default_syntax).unwrap()),
- |s| {
- config
- .syntaxes
- .get(&s)
- .ok_or_else(|| CompileError::from(format!("attribute syntax {} not exist", s)))
- },
- )?;
- // Match extension against defined output formats
- let escaping = escaping.unwrap_or_else(|| {
- path.extension()
- .map(|s| s.to_str().unwrap())
- .unwrap_or("")
- .to_string()
- });
- let mut escaper = None;
- for (extensions, path) in &config.escapers {
- if extensions.contains(&escaping) {
- escaper = Some(path);
- break;
- }
- }
- let escaper = escaper.ok_or_else(|| {
- CompileError::from(format!("no escaper defined for extension '{}'", escaping))
- })?;
- let mime_type =
- extension_to_mime_type(ext_default_to_path(ext.as_deref(), &path).unwrap_or("txt"))
- .to_string();
- Ok(TemplateInput {
- ast,
- config,
- syntax,
- source,
- print,
- escaper,
- ext,
- mime_type,
- parent,
- path,
- })
- }
- #[inline]
- pub(crate) fn extension(&self) -> Option<&str> {
- ext_default_to_path(self.ext.as_deref(), &self.path)
- }
-fn ext_default_to_path<'a>(ext: Option<&'a str>, path: &'a Path) -> Option<&'a str> {
- ext.or_else(|| extension(path))
-fn extension(path: &Path) -> Option<&str> {
- let ext = path.extension().map(|s| s.to_str().unwrap())?;
- const JINJA_EXTENSIONS: [&str; 3] = ["j2", "jinja", "jinja2"];
- if JINJA_EXTENSIONS.contains(&ext) {
- Path::new(path.file_stem().unwrap())
- .extension()
- .map(|s| s.to_str().unwrap())
- .or(Some(ext))
- } else {
- Some(ext)
- }
-pub(crate) enum Source {
- Path(String),
- Source(String),
-pub(crate) enum Print {
- All,
- Ast,
- Code,
- None,
-impl FromStr for Print {
- type Err = CompileError;
- fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Print, Self::Err> {
- use self::Print::*;
- Ok(match s {
- "all" => All,
- "ast" => Ast,
- "code" => Code,
- "none" => None,
- v => return Err(format!("invalid value for print option: {}", v,).into()),
- })
- }
-impl Default for Print {
- fn default() -> Self {
- Self::None
- }
-pub fn extension_to_mime_type(ext: &str) -> Mime {
- let basic_type = mime_guess::from_ext(ext).first_or_octet_stream();
- for (simple, utf_8) in &TEXT_TYPES {
- if &basic_type == simple {
- return utf_8.clone();
- }
- }
- basic_type
-const TEXT_TYPES: [(Mime, Mime); 6] = [
- (mime::TEXT_PLAIN, mime::TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8),
- (mime::TEXT_HTML, mime::TEXT_HTML_UTF_8),
- (mime::TEXT_CSS, mime::TEXT_CSS_UTF_8),
- (mime::TEXT_CSV, mime::TEXT_CSV_UTF_8),
- (
- ),
- (
- ),
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
- #[test]
- fn test_ext() {
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo-bar.txt")), Some("txt"));
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo-bar.html")), Some("html"));
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo-bar.unknown")), Some("unknown"));
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo/bar/baz.txt")), Some("txt"));
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo/bar/baz.html")), Some("html"));
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo/bar/baz.unknown")), Some("unknown"));
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_double_ext() {
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo-bar.html.txt")), Some("txt"));
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo-bar.txt.html")), Some("html"));
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo-bar.txt.unknown")), Some("unknown"));
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo/bar/baz.html.txt")), Some("txt"));
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo/bar/baz.txt.html")), Some("html"));
- assert_eq!(
- extension(Path::new("foo/bar/baz.txt.unknown")),
- Some("unknown")
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_skip_jinja_ext() {
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo-bar.html.j2")), Some("html"));
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo-bar.html.jinja")), Some("html"));
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo-bar.html.jinja2")), Some("html"));
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo/bar/baz.txt.j2")), Some("txt"));
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo/bar/baz.txt.jinja")), Some("txt"));
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo/bar/baz.txt.jinja2")), Some("txt"));
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_only_jinja_ext() {
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo-bar.j2")), Some("j2"));
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo-bar.jinja")), Some("jinja"));
- assert_eq!(extension(Path::new("foo-bar.jinja2")), Some("jinja2"));
- }
diff --git a/askama_shared/src/lib.rs b/askama_shared/src/lib.rs
index a3ee4c1..cb26406 100644
--- a/askama_shared/src/lib.rs
+++ b/askama_shared/src/lib.rs
@@ -3,23 +3,14 @@
-use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::fmt;
-pub use crate::generator::derive_template;
-pub use crate::input::extension_to_mime_type;
pub use askama_escape::MarkupDisplay;
-use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
-mod config;
mod error;
pub use crate::error::{Error, Result};
pub mod filters;
-mod generator;
pub mod helpers;
-mod heritage;
-mod input;
-mod parser;
/// Main `Template` trait; implementations are generally derived
@@ -107,48 +98,6 @@ impl fmt::Display for dyn DynTemplate {
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-struct CompileError {
- msg: Cow<'static, str>,
- span: Span,
-impl CompileError {
- fn new<S: Into<Cow<'static, str>>>(s: S, span: Span) -> Self {
- Self {
- msg: s.into(),
- span,
- }
- }
- fn into_compile_error(self) -> TokenStream {
- syn::Error::new(self.span, self.msg).to_compile_error()
- }
-impl std::error::Error for CompileError {}
-impl fmt::Display for CompileError {
- #[inline]
- fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
- fmt.write_str(&self.msg)
- }
-impl From<&'static str> for CompileError {
- #[inline]
- fn from(s: &'static str) -> Self {
- Self::new(s, Span::call_site())
- }
-impl From<String> for CompileError {
- #[inline]
- fn from(s: String) -> Self {
- Self::new(s, Span::call_site())
- }
mod tests {
diff --git a/askama_shared/src/parser.rs b/askama_shared/src/parser.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index efcad73..0000000
--- a/askama_shared/src/parser.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1885 +0,0 @@
-use std::cell::Cell;
-use std::str;
-use nom::branch::alt;
-use nom::bytes::complete::{escaped, is_not, tag, take_till, take_until};
-use nom::character::complete::{anychar, char, digit1};
-use nom::combinator::{complete, consumed, cut, eof, map, not, opt, peek, recognize, value};
-use nom::error::{Error, ErrorKind};
-use nom::multi::{fold_many0, many0, many1, separated_list0, separated_list1};
-use nom::sequence::{delimited, pair, preceded, terminated, tuple};
-use nom::{self, error_position, AsChar, IResult, InputTakeAtPosition};
-use crate::config::Syntax;
-use crate::CompileError;
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
-pub(crate) enum Node<'a> {
- Lit(&'a str, &'a str, &'a str),
- Comment(Ws),
- Expr(Ws, Expr<'a>),
- Call(Ws, Option<&'a str>, &'a str, Vec<Expr<'a>>),
- LetDecl(Ws, Target<'a>),
- Let(Ws, Target<'a>, Expr<'a>),
- Cond(Vec<Cond<'a>>, Ws),
- Match(Ws, Expr<'a>, Vec<When<'a>>, Ws),
- Loop(Loop<'a>),
- Extends(Expr<'a>),
- BlockDef(Ws, &'a str, Vec<Node<'a>>, Ws),
- Include(Ws, &'a str),
- Import(Ws, &'a str, &'a str),
- Macro(&'a str, Macro<'a>),
- Raw(Ws, &'a str, &'a str, &'a str, Ws),
- Break(Ws),
- Continue(Ws),
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
-pub(crate) struct Loop<'a> {
- pub(crate) ws1: Ws,
- pub(crate) var: Target<'a>,
- pub(crate) iter: Expr<'a>,
- pub(crate) cond: Option<Expr<'a>>,
- pub(crate) body: Vec<Node<'a>>,
- pub(crate) ws2: Ws,
- pub(crate) else_block: Vec<Node<'a>>,
- pub(crate) ws3: Ws,
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
-pub(crate) enum Expr<'a> {
- BoolLit(&'a str),
- NumLit(&'a str),
- StrLit(&'a str),
- CharLit(&'a str),
- Var(&'a str),
- Path(Vec<&'a str>),
- Array(Vec<Expr<'a>>),
- Attr(Box<Expr<'a>>, &'a str),
- Index(Box<Expr<'a>>, Box<Expr<'a>>),
- Filter(&'a str, Vec<Expr<'a>>),
- Unary(&'a str, Box<Expr<'a>>),
- BinOp(&'a str, Box<Expr<'a>>, Box<Expr<'a>>),
- Range(&'a str, Option<Box<Expr<'a>>>, Option<Box<Expr<'a>>>),
- Group(Box<Expr<'a>>),
- Tuple(Vec<Expr<'a>>),
- Call(Box<Expr<'a>>, Vec<Expr<'a>>),
- RustMacro(&'a str, &'a str),
- Try(Box<Expr<'a>>),
-impl Expr<'_> {
- /// Returns `true` if enough assumptions can be made,
- /// to determine that `self` is copyable.
- pub(crate) fn is_copyable(&self) -> bool {
- self.is_copyable_within_op(false)
- }
- fn is_copyable_within_op(&self, within_op: bool) -> bool {
- use Expr::*;
- match self {
- BoolLit(_) | NumLit(_) | StrLit(_) | CharLit(_) => true,
- Unary(.., expr) => expr.is_copyable_within_op(true),
- BinOp(_, lhs, rhs) => {
- lhs.is_copyable_within_op(true) && rhs.is_copyable_within_op(true)
- }
- Range(..) => true,
- // The result of a call likely doesn't need to be borrowed,
- // as in that case the call is more likely to return a
- // reference in the first place then.
- Call(..) | Path(..) => true,
- // If the `expr` is within a `Unary` or `BinOp` then
- // an assumption can be made that the operand is copy.
- // If not, then the value is moved and adding `.clone()`
- // will solve that issue. However, if the operand is
- // implicitly borrowed, then it's likely not even possible
- // to get the template to compile.
- _ => within_op && self.is_attr_self(),
- }
- }
- /// Returns `true` if this is an `Attr` where the `obj` is `"self"`.
- pub(crate) fn is_attr_self(&self) -> bool {
- match self {
- Expr::Attr(obj, _) if matches!(obj.as_ref(), Expr::Var("self")) => true,
- Expr::Attr(obj, _) if matches!(obj.as_ref(), Expr::Attr(..)) => obj.is_attr_self(),
- _ => false,
- }
- }
-pub(crate) type When<'a> = (Ws, Target<'a>, Vec<Node<'a>>);
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
-pub(crate) struct Macro<'a> {
- pub(crate) ws1: Ws,
- pub(crate) args: Vec<&'a str>,
- pub(crate) nodes: Vec<Node<'a>>,
- pub(crate) ws2: Ws,
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
-pub(crate) enum Target<'a> {
- Name(&'a str),
- Tuple(Vec<&'a str>, Vec<Target<'a>>),
- Struct(Vec<&'a str>, Vec<(&'a str, Target<'a>)>),
- NumLit(&'a str),
- StrLit(&'a str),
- CharLit(&'a str),
- BoolLit(&'a str),
- Path(Vec<&'a str>),
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
-pub(crate) enum Whitespace {
- Preserve,
- Suppress,
- Minimize,
-impl From<char> for Whitespace {
- fn from(c: char) -> Self {
- match c {
- '+' => Self::Preserve,
- '-' => Self::Suppress,
- '~' => Self::Minimize,
- _ => panic!("unsupported `Whitespace` conversion"),
- }
- }
-/// First field is "minus/plus sign was used on the left part of the item".
-/// Second field is "minus/plus sign was used on the right part of the item".
-#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
-pub(crate) struct Ws(pub(crate) Option<Whitespace>, pub(crate) Option<Whitespace>);
-pub(crate) type Cond<'a> = (Ws, Option<CondTest<'a>>, Vec<Node<'a>>);
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
-pub(crate) struct CondTest<'a> {
- pub(crate) target: Option<Target<'a>>,
- pub(crate) expr: Expr<'a>,
-fn is_ws(c: char) -> bool {
- matches!(c, ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n')
-fn not_ws(c: char) -> bool {
- !is_ws(c)
-fn ws<'a, O>(
- inner: impl FnMut(&'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, O>,
-) -> impl FnMut(&'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, O> {
- delimited(take_till(not_ws), inner, take_till(not_ws))
-fn split_ws_parts(s: &str) -> Node<'_> {
- let trimmed_start = s.trim_start_matches(is_ws);
- let len_start = s.len() - trimmed_start.len();
- let trimmed = trimmed_start.trim_end_matches(is_ws);
- Node::Lit(&s[..len_start], trimmed, &trimmed_start[trimmed.len()..])
-/// Skips input until `end` was found, but does not consume it.
-/// Returns tuple that would be returned when parsing `end`.
-fn skip_till<'a, O>(
- end: impl FnMut(&'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, O>,
-) -> impl FnMut(&'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, (&'a str, O)> {
- enum Next<O> {
- IsEnd(O),
- NotEnd(char),
- }
- let mut next = alt((map(end, Next::IsEnd), map(anychar, Next::NotEnd)));
- move |start: &'a str| {
- let mut i = start;
- loop {
- let (j, is_end) = next(i)?;
- match is_end {
- Next::IsEnd(lookahead) => return Ok((i, (j, lookahead))),
- Next::NotEnd(_) => i = j,
- }
- }
- }
-struct State<'a> {
- syntax: &'a Syntax<'a>,
- loop_depth: Cell<usize>,
-fn take_content<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, Node<'a>> {
- let p_start = alt((
- tag(s.syntax.block_start),
- tag(s.syntax.comment_start),
- tag(s.syntax.expr_start),
- ));
- let (i, _) = not(eof)(i)?;
- let (i, content) = opt(recognize(skip_till(p_start)))(i)?;
- let (i, content) = match content {
- Some("") => {
- // {block,comment,expr}_start follows immediately.
- return Err(nom::Err::Error(error_position!(i, ErrorKind::TakeUntil)));
- }
- Some(content) => (i, content),
- None => ("", i), // there is no {block,comment,expr}_start: take everything
- };
- Ok((i, split_ws_parts(content)))
-fn identifier(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
- recognize(pair(identifier_start, opt(identifier_tail)))(input)
-fn identifier_start(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
- s.split_at_position1_complete(
- |c| !(c.is_alpha() || c == '_' || c >= '\u{0080}'),
- nom::error::ErrorKind::Alpha,
- )
-fn identifier_tail(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
- s.split_at_position1_complete(
- |c| !(c.is_alphanum() || c == '_' || c >= '\u{0080}'),
- nom::error::ErrorKind::Alpha,
- )
-fn bool_lit(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
- alt((tag("false"), tag("true")))(i)
-fn expr_bool_lit(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Expr<'_>> {
- map(bool_lit, Expr::BoolLit)(i)
-fn variant_bool_lit(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Target<'_>> {
- map(bool_lit, Target::BoolLit)(i)
-fn num_lit(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
- recognize(pair(digit1, opt(pair(char('.'), digit1))))(i)
-fn expr_num_lit(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Expr<'_>> {
- map(num_lit, Expr::NumLit)(i)
-fn expr_array_lit(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Expr<'_>> {
- delimited(
- ws(char('[')),
- map(separated_list1(ws(char(',')), expr_any), Expr::Array),
- ws(char(']')),
- )(i)
-fn variant_num_lit(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Target<'_>> {
- map(num_lit, Target::NumLit)(i)
-fn str_lit(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
- let (i, s) = delimited(
- char('"'),
- opt(escaped(is_not("\\\""), '\\', anychar)),
- char('"'),
- )(i)?;
- Ok((i, s.unwrap_or_default()))
-fn expr_str_lit(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Expr<'_>> {
- map(str_lit, Expr::StrLit)(i)
-fn variant_str_lit(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Target<'_>> {
- map(str_lit, Target::StrLit)(i)
-fn char_lit(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
- let (i, s) = delimited(
- char('\''),
- opt(escaped(is_not("\\\'"), '\\', anychar)),
- char('\''),
- )(i)?;
- Ok((i, s.unwrap_or_default()))
-fn expr_char_lit(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Expr<'_>> {
- map(char_lit, Expr::CharLit)(i)
-fn variant_char_lit(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Target<'_>> {
- map(char_lit, Target::CharLit)(i)
-fn expr_var(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Expr<'_>> {
- map(identifier, Expr::Var)(i)
-fn path(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<&str>> {
- let root = opt(value("", ws(tag("::"))));
- let tail = separated_list1(ws(tag("::")), identifier);
- match tuple((root, identifier, ws(tag("::")), tail))(i) {
- Ok((i, (root, start, _, rest))) => {
- let mut path = Vec::new();
- path.extend(root);
- path.push(start);
- path.extend(rest);
- Ok((i, path))
- }
- Err(err) => {
- if let Ok((i, name)) = identifier(i) {
- // The returned identifier can be assumed to be path if:
- // - Contains both a lowercase and uppercase character, i.e. a type name like `None`
- // - Doesn't contain any lowercase characters, i.e. it's a constant
- // In short, if it contains any uppercase characters it's a path.
- if name.contains(char::is_uppercase) {
- return Ok((i, vec![name]));
- }
- }
- // If `identifier()` fails then just return the original error
- Err(err)
- }
- }
-fn expr_path(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Expr<'_>> {
- let (i, path) = path(i)?;
- Ok((i, Expr::Path(path)))
-fn named_target(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, (&str, Target<'_>)> {
- let (i, (src, target)) = pair(identifier, opt(preceded(ws(char(':')), target)))(i)?;
- Ok((i, (src, target.unwrap_or(Target::Name(src)))))
-fn variant_lit(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Target<'_>> {
- alt((
- variant_str_lit,
- variant_char_lit,
- variant_num_lit,
- variant_bool_lit,
- ))(i)
-fn target(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Target<'_>> {
- let mut opt_opening_paren = map(opt(ws(char('('))), |o| o.is_some());
- let mut opt_closing_paren = map(opt(ws(char(')'))), |o| o.is_some());
- let mut opt_opening_brace = map(opt(ws(char('{'))), |o| o.is_some());
- let (i, lit) = opt(variant_lit)(i)?;
- if let Some(lit) = lit {
- return Ok((i, lit));
- }
- // match tuples and unused parentheses
- let (i, target_is_tuple) = opt_opening_paren(i)?;
- if target_is_tuple {
- let (i, is_empty_tuple) = opt_closing_paren(i)?;
- if is_empty_tuple {
- return Ok((i, Target::Tuple(Vec::new(), Vec::new())));
- }
- let (i, first_target) = target(i)?;
- let (i, is_unused_paren) = opt_closing_paren(i)?;
- if is_unused_paren {
- return Ok((i, first_target));
- }
- let mut targets = vec![first_target];
- let (i, _) = cut(tuple((
- fold_many0(
- preceded(ws(char(',')), target),
- || (),
- |_, target| {
- targets.push(target);
- },
- ),
- opt(ws(char(','))),
- ws(cut(char(')'))),
- )))(i)?;
- return Ok((i, Target::Tuple(Vec::new(), targets)));
- }
- // match structs
- let (i, path) = opt(path)(i)?;
- if let Some(path) = path {
- let i_before_matching_with = i;
- let (i, _) = opt(ws(tag("with")))(i)?;
- let (i, is_unnamed_struct) = opt_opening_paren(i)?;
- if is_unnamed_struct {
- let (i, targets) = alt((
- map(char(')'), |_| Vec::new()),
- terminated(
- cut(separated_list1(ws(char(',')), target)),
- pair(opt(ws(char(','))), ws(cut(char(')')))),
- ),
- ))(i)?;
- return Ok((i, Target::Tuple(path, targets)));
- }
- let (i, is_named_struct) = opt_opening_brace(i)?;
- if is_named_struct {
- let (i, targets) = alt((
- map(char('}'), |_| Vec::new()),
- terminated(
- cut(separated_list1(ws(char(',')), named_target)),
- pair(opt(ws(char(','))), ws(cut(char('}')))),
- ),
- ))(i)?;
- return Ok((i, Target::Struct(path, targets)));
- }
- return Ok((i_before_matching_with, Target::Path(path)));
- }
- // neither literal nor struct nor path
- map(identifier, Target::Name)(i)
-fn arguments(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<Expr<'_>>> {
- delimited(
- ws(char('(')),
- separated_list0(char(','), ws(expr_any)),
- ws(char(')')),
- )(i)
-fn macro_arguments(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
- delimited(char('('), recognize(nested_parenthesis), char(')'))(i)
-fn nested_parenthesis(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, ()> {
- let mut nested = 0;
- let mut last = 0;
- let mut in_str = false;
- let mut escaped = false;
- for (i, b) in i.chars().enumerate() {
- if !(b == '(' || b == ')') || !in_str {
- match b {
- '(' => nested += 1,
- ')' => {
- if nested == 0 {
- last = i;
- break;
- }
- nested -= 1;
- }
- '"' => {
- if in_str {
- if !escaped {
- in_str = false;
- }
- } else {
- in_str = true;
- }
- }
- '\\' => {
- escaped = !escaped;
- }
- _ => (),
- }
- }
- if escaped && b != '\\' {
- escaped = false;
- }
- }
- if nested == 0 {
- Ok((&i[last..], ()))
- } else {
- Err(nom::Err::Error(error_position!(
- i,
- ErrorKind::SeparatedNonEmptyList
- )))
- }
-fn parameters(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<&str>> {
- delimited(
- ws(char('(')),
- separated_list0(char(','), ws(identifier)),
- ws(char(')')),
- )(i)
-fn expr_group(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Expr<'_>> {
- let (i, expr) = preceded(ws(char('(')), opt(expr_any))(i)?;
- let expr = match expr {
- Some(expr) => expr,
- None => {
- let (i, _) = char(')')(i)?;
- return Ok((i, Expr::Tuple(vec![])));
- }
- };
- let (i, comma) = ws(opt(peek(char(','))))(i)?;
- if comma.is_none() {
- let (i, _) = char(')')(i)?;
- return Ok((i, Expr::Group(Box::new(expr))));
- }
- let mut exprs = vec![expr];
- let (i, _) = fold_many0(
- preceded(char(','), ws(expr_any)),
- || (),
- |_, expr| {
- exprs.push(expr);
- },
- )(i)?;
- let (i, _) = pair(ws(opt(char(','))), char(')'))(i)?;
- Ok((i, Expr::Tuple(exprs)))
-fn expr_single(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Expr<'_>> {
- alt((
- expr_bool_lit,
- expr_num_lit,
- expr_str_lit,
- expr_char_lit,
- expr_path,
- expr_rust_macro,
- expr_array_lit,
- expr_var,
- expr_group,
- ))(i)
-enum Suffix<'a> {
- Attr(&'a str),
- Index(Expr<'a>),
- Call(Vec<Expr<'a>>),
- Try,
-fn expr_attr(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Suffix<'_>> {
- map(
- preceded(
- ws(pair(char('.'), not(char('.')))),
- cut(alt((num_lit, identifier))),
- ),
- Suffix::Attr,
- )(i)
-fn expr_index(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Suffix<'_>> {
- map(
- preceded(ws(char('[')), cut(terminated(expr_any, ws(char(']'))))),
- Suffix::Index,
- )(i)
-fn expr_call(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Suffix<'_>> {
- map(arguments, Suffix::Call)(i)
-fn expr_try(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Suffix<'_>> {
- map(preceded(take_till(not_ws), char('?')), |_| Suffix::Try)(i)
-fn filter(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, (&str, Option<Vec<Expr<'_>>>)> {
- let (i, (_, fname, args)) = tuple((char('|'), ws(identifier), opt(arguments)))(i)?;
- Ok((i, (fname, args)))
-fn expr_filtered(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Expr<'_>> {
- let (i, (obj, filters)) = tuple((expr_prefix, many0(filter)))(i)?;
- let mut res = obj;
- for (fname, args) in filters {
- res = Expr::Filter(fname, {
- let mut args = match args {
- Some(inner) => inner,
- None => Vec::new(),
- };
- args.insert(0, res);
- args
- });
- }
- Ok((i, res))
-fn expr_prefix(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Expr<'_>> {
- let (i, (ops, mut expr)) = pair(many0(ws(alt((tag("!"), tag("-"))))), expr_suffix)(i)?;
- for op in ops.iter().rev() {
- expr = Expr::Unary(op, Box::new(expr));
- }
- Ok((i, expr))
-fn expr_suffix(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Expr<'_>> {
- let (mut i, mut expr) = expr_single(i)?;
- loop {
- let (j, suffix) = opt(alt((expr_attr, expr_index, expr_call, expr_try)))(i)?;
- i = j;
- match suffix {
- Some(Suffix::Attr(attr)) => expr = Expr::Attr(expr.into(), attr),
- Some(Suffix::Index(index)) => expr = Expr::Index(expr.into(), index.into()),
- Some(Suffix::Call(args)) => expr = Expr::Call(expr.into(), args),
- Some(Suffix::Try) => expr = Expr::Try(expr.into()),
- None => break,
- }
- }
- Ok((i, expr))
-fn expr_rust_macro(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Expr<'_>> {
- let (i, (mname, _, args)) = tuple((identifier, char('!'), macro_arguments))(i)?;
- Ok((i, Expr::RustMacro(mname, args)))
-macro_rules! expr_prec_layer {
- ( $name:ident, $inner:ident, $op:expr ) => {
- fn $name(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Expr<'_>> {
- let (i, left) = $inner(i)?;
- let (i, right) = many0(pair(
- ws(tag($op)),
- $inner,
- ))(i)?;
- Ok((
- i,
- right.into_iter().fold(left, |left, (op, right)| {
- Expr::BinOp(op, Box::new(left), Box::new(right))
- }),
- ))
- }
- };
- ( $name:ident, $inner:ident, $( $op:expr ),+ ) => {
- fn $name(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Expr<'_>> {
- let (i, left) = $inner(i)?;
- let (i, right) = many0(pair(
- ws(alt(($( tag($op) ),+,))),
- $inner,
- ))(i)?;
- Ok((
- i,
- right.into_iter().fold(left, |left, (op, right)| {
- Expr::BinOp(op, Box::new(left), Box::new(right))
- }),
- ))
- }
- }
-expr_prec_layer!(expr_muldivmod, expr_filtered, "*", "/", "%");
-expr_prec_layer!(expr_addsub, expr_muldivmod, "+", "-");
-expr_prec_layer!(expr_shifts, expr_addsub, ">>", "<<");
-expr_prec_layer!(expr_band, expr_shifts, "&");
-expr_prec_layer!(expr_bxor, expr_band, "^");
-expr_prec_layer!(expr_bor, expr_bxor, "|");
-expr_prec_layer!(expr_compare, expr_bor, "==", "!=", ">=", ">", "<=", "<");
-expr_prec_layer!(expr_and, expr_compare, "&&");
-expr_prec_layer!(expr_or, expr_and, "||");
-fn expr_handle_ws(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Whitespace> {
- alt((char('-'), char('+'), char('~')))(i).map(|(s, r)| (s, Whitespace::from(r)))
-fn expr_any(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Expr<'_>> {
- let range_right = |i| pair(ws(alt((tag("..="), tag("..")))), opt(expr_or))(i);
- alt((
- map(range_right, |(op, right)| {
- Expr::Range(op, None, right.map(Box::new))
- }),
- map(
- pair(expr_or, opt(range_right)),
- |(left, right)| match right {
- Some((op, right)) => Expr::Range(op, Some(Box::new(left)), right.map(Box::new)),
- None => left,
- },
- ),
- ))(i)
-fn expr_node<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, Node<'a>> {
- let mut p = tuple((
- |i| tag_expr_start(i, s),
- cut(tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(expr_any),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- |i| tag_expr_end(i, s),
- ))),
- ));
- let (i, (_, (pws, expr, nws, _))) = p(i)?;
- Ok((i, Node::Expr(Ws(pws, nws), expr)))
-fn block_call(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node<'_>> {
- let mut p = tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("call")),
- cut(tuple((
- opt(tuple((ws(identifier), ws(tag("::"))))),
- ws(identifier),
- ws(arguments),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ))),
- ));
- let (i, (pws, _, (scope, name, args, nws))) = p(i)?;
- let scope = scope.map(|(scope, _)| scope);
- Ok((i, Node::Call(Ws(pws, nws), scope, name, args)))
-fn cond_if(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, CondTest<'_>> {
- let mut p = preceded(
- ws(tag("if")),
- cut(tuple((
- opt(delimited(
- ws(alt((tag("let"), tag("set")))),
- ws(target),
- ws(char('=')),
- )),
- ws(expr_any),
- ))),
- );
- let (i, (target, expr)) = p(i)?;
- Ok((i, CondTest { target, expr }))
-fn cond_block<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, Cond<'a>> {
- let mut p = tuple((
- |i| tag_block_start(i, s),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("else")),
- cut(tuple((
- opt(cond_if),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- |i| tag_block_end(i, s),
- cut(|i| parse_template(i, s)),
- ))),
- ));
- let (i, (_, pws, _, (cond, nws, _, block))) = p(i)?;
- Ok((i, (Ws(pws, nws), cond, block)))
-fn block_if<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, Node<'a>> {
- let mut p = tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- cond_if,
- cut(tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- |i| tag_block_end(i, s),
- cut(tuple((
- |i| parse_template(i, s),
- many0(|i| cond_block(i, s)),
- cut(tuple((
- |i| tag_block_start(i, s),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("endif")),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ))),
- ))),
- ))),
- ));
- let (i, (pws1, cond, (nws1, _, (block, elifs, (_, pws2, _, nws2))))) = p(i)?;
- let mut res = vec![(Ws(pws1, nws1), Some(cond), block)];
- res.extend(elifs);
- Ok((i, Node::Cond(res, Ws(pws2, nws2))))
-fn match_else_block<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, When<'a>> {
- let mut p = tuple((
- |i| tag_block_start(i, s),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("else")),
- cut(tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- |i| tag_block_end(i, s),
- cut(|i| parse_template(i, s)),
- ))),
- ));
- let (i, (_, pws, _, (nws, _, block))) = p(i)?;
- Ok((i, (Ws(pws, nws), Target::Name("_"), block)))
-fn when_block<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, When<'a>> {
- let mut p = tuple((
- |i| tag_block_start(i, s),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("when")),
- cut(tuple((
- ws(target),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- |i| tag_block_end(i, s),
- cut(|i| parse_template(i, s)),
- ))),
- ));
- let (i, (_, pws, _, (target, nws, _, block))) = p(i)?;
- Ok((i, (Ws(pws, nws), target, block)))
-fn block_match<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, Node<'a>> {
- let mut p = tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("match")),
- cut(tuple((
- ws(expr_any),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- |i| tag_block_end(i, s),
- cut(tuple((
- ws(many0(ws(value((), |i| block_comment(i, s))))),
- many1(|i| when_block(i, s)),
- cut(tuple((
- opt(|i| match_else_block(i, s)),
- cut(tuple((
- ws(|i| tag_block_start(i, s)),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("endmatch")),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ))),
- ))),
- ))),
- ))),
- ));
- let (i, (pws1, _, (expr, nws1, _, (_, arms, (else_arm, (_, pws2, _, nws2)))))) = p(i)?;
- let mut arms = arms;
- if let Some(arm) = else_arm {
- arms.push(arm);
- }
- Ok((i, Node::Match(Ws(pws1, nws1), expr, arms, Ws(pws2, nws2))))
-fn block_let(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node<'_>> {
- let mut p = tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(alt((tag("let"), tag("set")))),
- cut(tuple((
- ws(target),
- opt(tuple((ws(char('=')), ws(expr_any)))),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ))),
- ));
- let (i, (pws, _, (var, val, nws))) = p(i)?;
- Ok((
- i,
- if let Some((_, val)) = val {
- Node::Let(Ws(pws, nws), var, val)
- } else {
- Node::LetDecl(Ws(pws, nws), var)
- },
- ))
-fn parse_loop_content<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, Vec<Node<'a>>> {
- s.loop_depth.set(s.loop_depth.get() + 1);
- let result = parse_template(i, s);
- s.loop_depth.set(s.loop_depth.get() - 1);
- result
-fn block_for<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, Node<'a>> {
- let if_cond = preceded(ws(tag("if")), cut(ws(expr_any)));
- let else_block = |i| {
- let mut p = preceded(
- ws(tag("else")),
- cut(tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- delimited(
- |i| tag_block_end(i, s),
- |i| parse_template(i, s),
- |i| tag_block_start(i, s),
- ),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ))),
- );
- let (i, (pws, nodes, nws)) = p(i)?;
- Ok((i, (pws, nodes, nws)))
- };
- let mut p = tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("for")),
- cut(tuple((
- ws(target),
- ws(tag("in")),
- cut(tuple((
- ws(expr_any),
- opt(if_cond),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- |i| tag_block_end(i, s),
- cut(tuple((
- |i| parse_loop_content(i, s),
- cut(tuple((
- |i| tag_block_start(i, s),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- opt(else_block),
- ws(tag("endfor")),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ))),
- ))),
- ))),
- ))),
- ));
- let (i, (pws1, _, (var, _, (iter, cond, nws1, _, (body, (_, pws2, else_block, _, nws2)))))) =
- p(i)?;
- let (nws3, else_block, pws3) = else_block.unwrap_or_default();
- Ok((
- i,
- Node::Loop(Loop {
- ws1: Ws(pws1, nws1),
- var,
- iter,
- cond,
- body,
- ws2: Ws(pws2, nws3),
- else_block,
- ws3: Ws(pws3, nws2),
- }),
- ))
-fn block_extends(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node<'_>> {
- let (i, (_, name)) = tuple((ws(tag("extends")), ws(expr_str_lit)))(i)?;
- Ok((i, Node::Extends(name)))
-fn block_block<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, Node<'a>> {
- let mut start = tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("block")),
- cut(tuple((ws(identifier), opt(expr_handle_ws), |i| {
- tag_block_end(i, s)
- }))),
- ));
- let (i, (pws1, _, (name, nws1, _))) = start(i)?;
- let mut end = cut(tuple((
- |i| parse_template(i, s),
- cut(tuple((
- |i| tag_block_start(i, s),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("endblock")),
- cut(tuple((opt(ws(tag(name))), opt(expr_handle_ws)))),
- ))),
- )));
- let (i, (contents, (_, pws2, _, (_, nws2)))) = end(i)?;
- Ok((
- i,
- Node::BlockDef(Ws(pws1, nws1), name, contents, Ws(pws2, nws2)),
- ))
-fn block_include(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node<'_>> {
- let mut p = tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("include")),
- cut(pair(ws(str_lit), opt(expr_handle_ws))),
- ));
- let (i, (pws, _, (name, nws))) = p(i)?;
- Ok((i, Node::Include(Ws(pws, nws), name)))
-fn block_import(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node<'_>> {
- let mut p = tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("import")),
- cut(tuple((
- ws(str_lit),
- ws(tag("as")),
- cut(pair(ws(identifier), opt(expr_handle_ws))),
- ))),
- ));
- let (i, (pws, _, (name, _, (scope, nws)))) = p(i)?;
- Ok((i, Node::Import(Ws(pws, nws), name, scope)))
-fn block_macro<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, Node<'a>> {
- let mut start = tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("macro")),
- cut(tuple((
- ws(identifier),
- ws(parameters),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- |i| tag_block_end(i, s),
- ))),
- ));
- let (i, (pws1, _, (name, params, nws1, _))) = start(i)?;
- let mut end = cut(tuple((
- |i| parse_template(i, s),
- cut(tuple((
- |i| tag_block_start(i, s),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("endmacro")),
- cut(tuple((opt(ws(tag(name))), opt(expr_handle_ws)))),
- ))),
- )));
- let (i, (contents, (_, pws2, _, (_, nws2)))) = end(i)?;
- assert_ne!(name, "super", "invalid macro name 'super'");
- Ok((
- i,
- Node::Macro(
- name,
- Macro {
- ws1: Ws(pws1, nws1),
- args: params,
- nodes: contents,
- ws2: Ws(pws2, nws2),
- },
- ),
- ))
-fn block_raw<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, Node<'a>> {
- let endraw = tuple((
- |i| tag_block_start(i, s),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("endraw")),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- peek(|i| tag_block_end(i, s)),
- ));
- let mut p = tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("raw")),
- cut(tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- |i| tag_block_end(i, s),
- consumed(skip_till(endraw)),
- ))),
- ));
- let (_, (pws1, _, (nws1, _, (contents, (i, (_, pws2, _, nws2, _)))))) = p(i)?;
- let (lws, val, rws) = match split_ws_parts(contents) {
- Node::Lit(lws, val, rws) => (lws, val, rws),
- _ => unreachable!(),
- };
- let ws1 = Ws(pws1, nws1);
- let ws2 = Ws(pws2, nws2);
- Ok((i, Node::Raw(ws1, lws, val, rws, ws2)))
-fn break_statement<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, Node<'a>> {
- let mut p = tuple((opt(expr_handle_ws), ws(tag("break")), opt(expr_handle_ws)));
- let (j, (pws, _, nws)) = p(i)?;
- if s.loop_depth.get() == 0 {
- return Err(nom::Err::Failure(error_position!(i, ErrorKind::Tag)));
- }
- Ok((j, Node::Break(Ws(pws, nws))))
-fn continue_statement<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, Node<'a>> {
- let mut p = tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ws(tag("continue")),
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- ));
- let (j, (pws, _, nws)) = p(i)?;
- if s.loop_depth.get() == 0 {
- return Err(nom::Err::Failure(error_position!(i, ErrorKind::Tag)));
- }
- Ok((j, Node::Continue(Ws(pws, nws))))
-fn block_node<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, Node<'a>> {
- let mut p = tuple((
- |i| tag_block_start(i, s),
- alt((
- block_call,
- block_let,
- |i| block_if(i, s),
- |i| block_for(i, s),
- |i| block_match(i, s),
- block_extends,
- block_include,
- block_import,
- |i| block_block(i, s),
- |i| block_macro(i, s),
- |i| block_raw(i, s),
- |i| break_statement(i, s),
- |i| continue_statement(i, s),
- )),
- cut(|i| tag_block_end(i, s)),
- ));
- let (i, (_, contents, _)) = p(i)?;
- Ok((i, contents))
-fn block_comment_body<'a>(mut i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str> {
- let mut level = 0;
- loop {
- let (end, tail) = take_until(s.syntax.comment_end)(i)?;
- match take_until::<_, _, Error<_>>(s.syntax.comment_start)(i) {
- Ok((start, _)) if start.as_ptr() < end.as_ptr() => {
- level += 1;
- i = &start[2..];
- }
- _ if level > 0 => {
- level -= 1;
- i = &end[2..];
- }
- _ => return Ok((end, tail)),
- }
- }
-fn block_comment<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, Node<'a>> {
- let mut p = tuple((
- |i| tag_comment_start(i, s),
- cut(tuple((
- opt(expr_handle_ws),
- |i| block_comment_body(i, s),
- |i| tag_comment_end(i, s),
- ))),
- ));
- let (i, (_, (pws, tail, _))) = p(i)?;
- let nws = if tail.ends_with('-') {
- Some(Whitespace::Suppress)
- } else if tail.ends_with('+') {
- Some(Whitespace::Preserve)
- } else if tail.ends_with('~') {
- Some(Whitespace::Minimize)
- } else {
- None
- };
- Ok((i, Node::Comment(Ws(pws, nws))))
-fn parse_template<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, Vec<Node<'a>>> {
- many0(alt((
- complete(|i| take_content(i, s)),
- complete(|i| block_comment(i, s)),
- complete(|i| expr_node(i, s)),
- complete(|i| block_node(i, s)),
- )))(i)
-fn tag_block_start<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str> {
- tag(s.syntax.block_start)(i)
-fn tag_block_end<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str> {
- tag(s.syntax.block_end)(i)
-fn tag_comment_start<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str> {
- tag(s.syntax.comment_start)(i)
-fn tag_comment_end<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str> {
- tag(s.syntax.comment_end)(i)
-fn tag_expr_start<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str> {
- tag(s.syntax.expr_start)(i)
-fn tag_expr_end<'a>(i: &'a str, s: &State<'_>) -> IResult<&'a str, &'a str> {
- tag(s.syntax.expr_end)(i)
-pub(crate) fn parse<'a>(
- src: &'a str,
- syntax: &'a Syntax<'a>,
-) -> Result<Vec<Node<'a>>, CompileError> {
- let state = State {
- syntax,
- loop_depth: Cell::new(0),
- };
- match parse_template(src, &state) {
- Ok((left, res)) => {
- if !left.is_empty() {
- Err(format!("unable to parse template:\n\n{:?}", left).into())
- } else {
- Ok(res)
- }
- }
- Err(nom::Err::Error(err)) | Err(nom::Err::Failure(err)) => {
- let nom::error::Error { input, .. } = err;
- let offset = src.len() - input.len();
- let (source_before, source_after) = src.split_at(offset);
- let source_after = match source_after.char_indices().enumerate().take(41).last() {
- Some((40, (i, _))) => format!("{:?}...", &source_after[..i]),
- _ => format!("{:?}", source_after),
- };
- let (row, last_line) = source_before.lines().enumerate().last().unwrap();
- let column = last_line.chars().count();
- let msg = format!(
- "problems parsing template source at row {}, column {} near:\n{}",
- row + 1,
- column,
- source_after,
- );
- Err(msg.into())
- }
- Err(nom::Err::Incomplete(_)) => Err("parsing incomplete".into()),
- }
-mod tests {
- use super::{Expr, Node, Whitespace, Ws};
- use crate::config::Syntax;
- fn check_ws_split(s: &str, res: &(&str, &str, &str)) {
- match super::split_ws_parts(s) {
- Node::Lit(lws, s, rws) => {
- assert_eq!(lws, res.0);
- assert_eq!(s, res.1);
- assert_eq!(rws, res.2);
- }
- _ => {
- panic!("fail");
- }
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_ws_splitter() {
- check_ws_split("", &("", "", ""));
- check_ws_split("a", &("", "a", ""));
- check_ws_split("\ta", &("\t", "a", ""));
- check_ws_split("b\n", &("", "b", "\n"));
- check_ws_split(" \t\r\n", &(" \t\r\n", "", ""));
- }
- #[test]
- #[should_panic]
- fn test_invalid_block() {
- super::parse("{% extend \"blah\" %}", &Syntax::default()).unwrap();
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_parse_filter() {
- use Expr::*;
- let syntax = Syntax::default();
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ strvar|e }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Filter("e", vec![Var("strvar")]),)],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ 2|abs }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Filter("abs", vec![NumLit("2")]),)],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ -2|abs }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Filter("abs", vec![Unary("-", NumLit("2").into())]),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (1 - 2)|abs }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Filter(
- "abs",
- vec![Group(
- BinOp("-", NumLit("1").into(), NumLit("2").into()).into()
- )]
- ),
- )],
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_parse_numbers() {
- let syntax = Syntax::default();
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ 2 }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Expr::NumLit("2"),)],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ 2.5 }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Expr::NumLit("2.5"),)],
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_parse_var() {
- let s = Syntax::default();
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ foo }}", &s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Expr::Var("foo"))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ foo_bar }}", &s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Expr::Var("foo_bar"))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ none }}", &s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Expr::Var("none"))],
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_parse_const() {
- let s = Syntax::default();
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ FOO }}", &s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Expr::Path(vec!["FOO"]))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ FOO_BAR }}", &s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Expr::Path(vec!["FOO_BAR"]))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ NONE }}", &s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Expr::Path(vec!["NONE"]))],
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_parse_path() {
- let s = Syntax::default();
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ None }}", &s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Expr::Path(vec!["None"]))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ Some(123) }}", &s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Expr::Call(
- Box::new(Expr::Path(vec!["Some"])),
- vec![Expr::NumLit("123")]
- ),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ Ok(123) }}", &s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Expr::Call(Box::new(Expr::Path(vec!["Ok"])), vec![Expr::NumLit("123")]),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ Err(123) }}", &s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Expr::Call(Box::new(Expr::Path(vec!["Err"])), vec![Expr::NumLit("123")]),
- )],
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_parse_var_call() {
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ function(\"123\", 3) }}", &Syntax::default()).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Expr::Call(
- Box::new(Expr::Var("function")),
- vec![Expr::StrLit("123"), Expr::NumLit("3")]
- ),
- )],
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_parse_path_call() {
- let s = Syntax::default();
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ Option::None }}", &s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Expr::Path(vec!["Option", "None"])
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ Option::Some(123) }}", &s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Expr::Call(
- Box::new(Expr::Path(vec!["Option", "Some"])),
- vec![Expr::NumLit("123")],
- ),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ self::function(\"123\", 3) }}", &s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Expr::Call(
- Box::new(Expr::Path(vec!["self", "function"])),
- vec![Expr::StrLit("123"), Expr::NumLit("3")],
- ),
- )],
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_parse_root_path() {
- let syntax = Syntax::default();
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ std::string::String::new() }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Expr::Call(
- Box::new(Expr::Path(vec!["std", "string", "String", "new"])),
- vec![]
- ),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ ::std::string::String::new() }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Expr::Call(
- Box::new(Expr::Path(vec!["", "std", "string", "String", "new"])),
- vec![]
- ),
- )],
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn change_delimiters_parse_filter() {
- let syntax = Syntax {
- expr_start: "{=",
- expr_end: "=}",
- ..Syntax::default()
- };
- super::parse("{= strvar|e =}", &syntax).unwrap();
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_precedence() {
- use Expr::*;
- let syntax = Syntax::default();
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ a + b == c }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- BinOp(
- "==",
- BinOp("+", Var("a").into(), Var("b").into()).into(),
- Var("c").into(),
- )
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ a + b * c - d / e }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- BinOp(
- "-",
- BinOp(
- "+",
- Var("a").into(),
- BinOp("*", Var("b").into(), Var("c").into()).into(),
- )
- .into(),
- BinOp("/", Var("d").into(), Var("e").into()).into(),
- )
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ a * (b + c) / -d }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- BinOp(
- "/",
- BinOp(
- "*",
- Var("a").into(),
- Group(BinOp("+", Var("b").into(), Var("c").into()).into()).into()
- )
- .into(),
- Unary("-", Var("d").into()).into()
- )
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ a || b && c || d && e }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- BinOp(
- "||",
- BinOp(
- "||",
- Var("a").into(),
- BinOp("&&", Var("b").into(), Var("c").into()).into(),
- )
- .into(),
- BinOp("&&", Var("d").into(), Var("e").into()).into(),
- )
- )],
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_associativity() {
- use Expr::*;
- let syntax = Syntax::default();
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ a + b + c }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- BinOp(
- "+",
- BinOp("+", Var("a").into(), Var("b").into()).into(),
- Var("c").into()
- )
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ a * b * c }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- BinOp(
- "*",
- BinOp("*", Var("a").into(), Var("b").into()).into(),
- Var("c").into()
- )
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ a && b && c }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- BinOp(
- "&&",
- BinOp("&&", Var("a").into(), Var("b").into()).into(),
- Var("c").into()
- )
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ a + b - c + d }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- BinOp(
- "+",
- BinOp(
- "-",
- BinOp("+", Var("a").into(), Var("b").into()).into(),
- Var("c").into()
- )
- .into(),
- Var("d").into()
- )
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ a == b != c > d > e == f }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- BinOp(
- "==",
- BinOp(
- ">",
- BinOp(
- ">",
- BinOp(
- "!=",
- BinOp("==", Var("a").into(), Var("b").into()).into(),
- Var("c").into()
- )
- .into(),
- Var("d").into()
- )
- .into(),
- Var("e").into()
- )
- .into(),
- Var("f").into()
- )
- )],
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_odd_calls() {
- use Expr::*;
- let syntax = Syntax::default();
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ a[b](c) }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Call(
- Box::new(Index(Box::new(Var("a")), Box::new(Var("b")))),
- vec![Var("c")],
- ),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (a + b)(c) }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Call(
- Box::new(Group(Box::new(BinOp(
- "+",
- Box::new(Var("a")),
- Box::new(Var("b"))
- )))),
- vec![Var("c")],
- ),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ a + b(c) }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- BinOp(
- "+",
- Box::new(Var("a")),
- Box::new(Call(Box::new(Var("b")), vec![Var("c")])),
- ),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (-a)(b) }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Call(
- Box::new(Group(Box::new(Unary("-", Box::new(Var("a")))))),
- vec![Var("b")],
- ),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ -a(b) }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Unary("-", Box::new(Call(Box::new(Var("a")), vec![Var("b")])),),
- )],
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_parse_comments() {
- let s = &Syntax::default();
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{##}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(None, None))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{#- #}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(Some(Whitespace::Suppress), None))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{# -#}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(None, Some(Whitespace::Suppress)))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{#--#}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(
- Some(Whitespace::Suppress),
- Some(Whitespace::Suppress)
- ))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{#- foo\n bar -#}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(
- Some(Whitespace::Suppress),
- Some(Whitespace::Suppress)
- ))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{#- foo\n {#- bar\n -#} baz -#}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(
- Some(Whitespace::Suppress),
- Some(Whitespace::Suppress)
- ))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{#+ #}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(Some(Whitespace::Preserve), None))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{# +#}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(None, Some(Whitespace::Preserve)))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{#++#}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(
- Some(Whitespace::Preserve),
- Some(Whitespace::Preserve)
- ))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{#+ foo\n bar +#}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(
- Some(Whitespace::Preserve),
- Some(Whitespace::Preserve)
- ))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{#+ foo\n {#+ bar\n +#} baz -+#}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(
- Some(Whitespace::Preserve),
- Some(Whitespace::Preserve)
- ))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{#~ #}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(Some(Whitespace::Minimize), None))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{# ~#}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(None, Some(Whitespace::Minimize)))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{#~~#}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(
- Some(Whitespace::Minimize),
- Some(Whitespace::Minimize)
- ))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{#~ foo\n bar ~#}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(
- Some(Whitespace::Minimize),
- Some(Whitespace::Minimize)
- ))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{#~ foo\n {#~ bar\n ~#} baz -~#}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(
- Some(Whitespace::Minimize),
- Some(Whitespace::Minimize)
- ))],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{# foo {# bar #} {# {# baz #} qux #} #}", s).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Comment(Ws(None, None))],
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_parse_tuple() {
- use super::Expr::*;
- let syntax = Syntax::default();
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ () }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Tuple(vec![]),)],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (1) }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Group(Box::new(NumLit("1"))),)],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (1,) }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Tuple(vec![NumLit("1")]),)],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (1, ) }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Tuple(vec![NumLit("1")]),)],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (1 ,) }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Tuple(vec![NumLit("1")]),)],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (1 , ) }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(Ws(None, None), Tuple(vec![NumLit("1")]),)],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (1, 2) }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Tuple(vec![NumLit("1"), NumLit("2")]),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (1, 2,) }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Tuple(vec![NumLit("1"), NumLit("2")]),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (1, 2, 3) }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Tuple(vec![NumLit("1"), NumLit("2"), NumLit("3")]),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ ()|abs }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Filter("abs", vec![Tuple(vec![])]),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ () | abs }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- BinOp("|", Box::new(Tuple(vec![])), Box::new(Var("abs"))),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (1)|abs }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Filter("abs", vec![Group(Box::new(NumLit("1")))]),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (1) | abs }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- BinOp(
- "|",
- Box::new(Group(Box::new(NumLit("1")))),
- Box::new(Var("abs"))
- ),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (1,)|abs }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Filter("abs", vec![Tuple(vec![NumLit("1")])]),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (1,) | abs }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- BinOp(
- "|",
- Box::new(Tuple(vec![NumLit("1")])),
- Box::new(Var("abs"))
- ),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (1, 2)|abs }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- Filter("abs", vec![Tuple(vec![NumLit("1"), NumLit("2")])]),
- )],
- );
- assert_eq!(
- super::parse("{{ (1, 2) | abs }}", &syntax).unwrap(),
- vec![Node::Expr(
- Ws(None, None),
- BinOp(
- "|",
- Box::new(Tuple(vec![NumLit("1"), NumLit("2")])),
- Box::new(Var("abs"))
- ),
- )],
- );
- }
diff --git a/askama_shared/templates/a.html b/askama_shared/templates/a.html
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index 257cc56..0000000
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index 5716ca5..0000000
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index 5716ca5..0000000
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index 7601807..0000000
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index fa11a6a..0000000
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